This is not a stretch or conspiracy. The libs are now in receipt of Trump election material from where I ask? And what do they do with it? Why yes, try to shower Trump with Russia election interference. Here we go again. Jump right on the train mainstream media.
Then comes the so strange Harris nomination and cover. Traumatic event, uhmm {covid}. Isolation {covid}. Indoctrination {no explanation needed} And finally the reward { a new day, a brighter more feeling, more equitable and inclusive future. {the Harris election}
Imagine all this without a single policy question on how she would correct one single thing she helped screw up the last 4 years.
Maybe this is why after the first debate in a national poll Trumps was ahead. In the same national poll after a disastrous second debate Trump was ahead. And once again in Sept the same poll Trump remains ahead. The main stream media has done its best with examples of near 100% coverage of Harris with over 90% negative coverage of Trump and yet these polls have remained nearly the same for months.
and now this anyone care to explain this odd occurrence knowing full well Harris's upbringing and the way our media has never once cared to vet her past????? Will not hold my breath
Maybe this is why after the first debate in a national poll Trumps was ahead. In the same national poll after a disastrous second debate Trump was ahead. And once again in Sept the same poll Trump remains ahead.
1. Trump was ahead of Biden before the 1st debate. The debate exposed Biden's catastrophic cognitive losses and Biden was history, while Trump increased his lead.
2. When Harris replaced Biden, she quickly SURGED AHEAD OF TRUMP. Trump was never ahead again in most polls but it was close before the 2nd debate.
3. After Trump caused himself to lose the 2nd debate, Harris extended her lead in almost every poll. It's still seems close in some polls.
4. Believe whatever you want
The latest NBC News national poll shows Harris leading Trump 49%-44%, within the margin of error, while Trump holds advantages on the economy, inflation and the border.
The Harris campaign is pretending that they represent CHANGE.
In other words, elect me and I'll do things different than I did the last 4 years............but what we did the last 4 years was really good.
If Americans want change, they shouldn't vote for the same person in the White House the past 4 years following the same agenda's!
It's either broken and needs some fixing, which is best done by somebody other than those that broke it....... or it was good for America and she should stand on that to promise more of the same.
Harris wants us to believe it was good for America AND she's going to change it make it much better.
If her ideas are great to make it better, what prevented the Biden/Harris administration FROM IMPLEMENTING THOSE IDEAS DURING THE LAST 4 YEARS? WHY ARE THEY JUST IDEAS AND NOT CURRENT POLICIES??
seriously? NBC news? Really? Yes probably where Stryuck. Page, Commey, and those 51 "national security experts" et al are now employed. Great non biased company
Thanks, mcfarm!
In other words, you won't believe anything that doesn't show what you want to be true or isn't a far right source telling you what you want to hear/read?
What are the sources that you trust, please mcfarm so that we can discuss the topic related to what those sources say, using their data, that includes me fact checking them.
Just so you'll know, some of the lib sources appear to be actually distorting it in favor of Trump to help inspire D voters to come out like they did in 2020 and not stay at home like they did in 2016 because they thought it was in the bag.
I'm thinking that when people are betting money and have skin in the game, its a better indicator than what they might say in a poll. However, I've not tracked this site for accuracy on predicting previous election results.
The clock is ticking:
When Trump loses, which seems very likely there are 3 main sources to blame for his loss. ranked in the order of significance.
1. Donald Trump and his mouth. He has said, literally thousands of audacious things this year. Saying, let’s say a handful of delusional things might not disqualify a person from being president if the other 98% of the time they speak in terms of solid principles that can be applied to our country’s agenda to move us in a positive future direction. With Trump over the last 8 years, his advancing mental illness is causing more delusional and less solid principles …..and you can see and hear it getting worse and worse and worse with time.
2. MAGA fell for his increasingly delusional speech because he tells them what they want to hear so they will cheer mindlessly for him to give him positive reinforcement for his advancing mental illness. Despite his president disqualifying speech, in fact because of it they nominated the only person that can’t beat Harris. He could only have beat Biden, who was even MORE unqualified.
3. This one is a distant 3rd. The MSM for taking 1 side and elevating Harris. On their blatantly yellow journalism, exploiting Trumps constantly disqualifying statements…..they have an extreme bias but they wouldn’t have enough ammo to defeat Trump if his mouth wasn’t the gift that keeps on giving to them.
They would be using the exact same strategy for any other R running against Harris but completely lacking of the massive ammo that Trump gives them with his constant, incredibly delusional statements that define him. Every other R choice representing the party right now would be crushing Harris.
I‘m an objective, independent NOT favoring either side but instead analyzing both sides based purely on authentic facts/principles and truth. The assessment above is based on that.
The toughest thing for people to do when they lose is often to acknowledge what THEY DID WRONG in causing the loss.
The 2020 election tells us that the R party has an especially serious problem with this in politics.
That being the case, here in 2024, they continue to put almost all the blame for this train wreck on #3 above, instead of admitting the truth…..that’s it’s mostly #1 and #2.
Sadly, this means not understanding the dynamic and being able to learn from it to apply in the future.
What do I mean about learning?
MAGA, which originally had a positive impact in the minds of the majority of people, 8 years ago, now for the majority defines every extreme right position In a negative way to NON MAGA people.
In the future, I would strongly advise discarding that term because it now turns off most of the people voting in general elections.
MAGA, immediately makes people think of Donald Trump.
The future R party, if they have any hope to do well, other than in red states or locals is to distance themselves from anything to do with Trump and get rid of the tarnished MAGA LABEL.
or maybe this explanation is much more logical MM. How about the term maga and its simple definition ?make America Great Again just plain offends todays libs. The old Dem party that thought of country first is long gone and the dems have drifted so far left they are not recognizable. Just take the border or abortion as examples. You think the far right is out of step" Really" If the dems would just even admit that a fetus of 8 weeks feels pain has internals organs and want to smash the brain out of such precious life they more than likely win a majority of the time. Hell even 15 weeks they would win but no stinking way for todays libs on such topics. Kill those babies at any week and all the time they chant. Boarder, same damn thing...wide open boarders, no barriers, no policy just craziness so the dems can just blame them selves for leaving rather than blaming such a simple goal of making America great.
You would almost think the dems are wanting to destroy what remains of America...sarcasm intended.
By the way Trump is now even or ahead in most of the swing states so please give it a rest on how far behind he is, relax the cheering that he is behind, and how something so simple as Make America Great is causing angst.
Thanks, mcfarm!
Believe what you want.
I'm just providing provable facts, completely independent of what I would like to happen. In fact, very often, I look for reasons for why I'm wrong at least as much as the other way.
Forbes is a conservative source that I would think you'd believe.
If I got it right of the 15 polls they mentioned Harris is up in 14 polls(by mostly small margins) Trump is up in 0 polls and they are tied in 1 poll.
Of course Trump will clearly LOSE the popular vote but can still win the election, like he did in 2016 if he carries most of the swing states.
I'll look at polls that just cover that, next.
On MAGA, the average NON MAGA person, when viewing MAGA, thinks of Donald Trump that came up with the slogan. Most non MAGA people detest Donald Trump.
They think of the fake 2020 election steal and refusal to acknowledge the truth of their loss which defined MAGA people.
They often associate the COVID disinformation hogwash with MAGA.
They think of the January 6, 2021 Insurrection that Donald Trump incited with almost all MAGA Rs at that protest/riot.
Suit yourself if you think that's a good brand to win general elections.
I'm telling you with 100% certainty that it is not and its having a negative impact on NON MAGA members of your own party that want to distance themselves from the perceived MAGA mentality.
I'm not claiming this IS true below but the strong perception of it is very true. Perception is everything. As always, regardless of whether we disagree on this or even if we disagreed on everything(we are in agreement on many things) you have a right to your opinions and we can still be great friends no matter what.
Findings from this large, nationally representative survey demonstrate that, as defined, MAGA Republicans are more likely than others to endorse political violence and differ significantly from other Republicans on many measures. Concern about the potential for political violence among MAGA Republicans appears to be justified, but it is noteworthy that they were not more willing than others to engage in violence themselves. Further research on factors associated with willingness to commit political violence is urgently needed to support effective prevention measures.
you are correct the report on maga violence was crap, slanted and undocumented BS. It is more propaganda. The truth is and always will be any thinking human who wants America to be great stands away from violence, bigotry, prejudice all the while groups like black lives matter get support from today's progressives. Congrats to the media and the left for passing more false narratives. And for the fools on the left who believe this crap I have some advice. Wise up and grow up.
ran across this quote. Wow this the perfect description on what the new radical progressives have done the once mostly normal democratic party