Political Correctness can be confusing...
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Started by GunterK - Aug. 23, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Not too long ago, people around the world were complaining about racism (“Apartheid”) in South Africa…. Meaning a minority of white people running the country, and not being very nice to the indigenous people of the land.

I remember many famous musicians and entertainers in the US protesting the racism in this far-away land.

Eventually, Mandela was released from prison and became the leader of the land, and all was well.

However, after Mandela’s death, the new leader of South Africa started a new era. Similar to Mugabe in Zimbabwe, he started confiscating the large farms and homes of the white farmers. (in Zimbabwe,this resulted in wide-spread famine, and later a currency collapse). 

However, unlike Mugabe in Zimbabwe, South Africa’s president Ramaphosa is going further…. in S. Africa white farmers are being killed. Some spokes-people of S Africa say, "this has nothing to do with race….farmers are getting killed because they live in rural areas". They forget to mention that Ramaphosa repeatedly has chanted, during is speeches, “kill the boer” (they call all white people “Boer”)…. In other words. he is advocating genocide.

So…. I am trying to get this straight….

A few years ago, it was fashionable for celebrities to bemoan ‘racism” in S. Africa. And today, while Pres Ramaphosa practices extreme racism, going in the other direction, and even suggesting genocide, Pres Trump is not allowed to even talk about it, as he did yesterday??? Just talking about it, labels Trump as a racist and white supremacist????

What twisted mind makes up this kind of stuff?


a quick primer in history, in case you missed the class...

(quoting from memory). S Africa was first colonized by the Dutch... mostly farmers. They established large farms and formed some kind of S African republic. One of their famous presidents was Paul Kruger (Kruger park is named after him).... a man born in S. Africa to Dutch parents. When gold was found, the English wanted this land and started the so-called Boer Wars. (they called all Dutch people in S Africa "Boers", which is the Dutch word for "farmer"). The English won the war, and that's why they speak English in S Africa. Nowadays, the black people there apparently call all white people "boers"...it's probably a derogatory term, similar to white people in the US being called "honkeys" or "crackers"

Forgive me, if some of my details on S Africa's history are incorrect.

By cliff-e - Aug. 23, 2018, 9:32 p.m.
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Don the Con just drew another "issue" out of his convenient "Drawer of Diversions"... he could care less about it.

By GunterK - Aug. 23, 2018, 9:54 p.m.
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Cliff, I think you are missing the point....

it is quite possible that Trump really doesn't care much about what goes on in S Africa. But that's not the point

my point is that in the US we can talk about racism for hours, as long as it refers to racism being displayed by white people against other races.

But when the cards are turned, and racism is coming from S African black people against S African white people, a person cannot even simply mention it, as Trump did, without being called a white supremacist.

If you believe this is how it should be, then the Thought Police has done a number on ou

By cliff-e - Aug. 24, 2018, 7:33 a.m.
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Trump seeks to stir and divide yet another country. His soon to be investigated Trump Organization must have few or no business interests there. It's all about Don the Con.


By mojo - Aug. 24, 2018, 10:10 a.m.
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Gunter- it's a well documented fact & simply common knowledge that Trump IS a racist. So are people supposed to just ignore the facts & not talk about it, just because he's president, or what?

By GunterK - Aug. 24, 2018, 10:30 a.m.
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you wrote "...Trump seeks to stir and divide yet another country..."

Isn't that what the CIA usually does? Yeah, can't let him meddle in their business.


when the president of S Africa says he wants to kill all white people in his country, does this not remind you of Germany in 1940?  Should not the UN be involved in this matter?

"divide a country"???? I can't think of an even more "divided" situation. We are talking about genocide here.

and the only thing Pres Trump said was that he wants more info on this situation. Has the hatred for the current president blinded so many people that they have to call him a white supremacist for making such a simple statement?

By GunterK - Aug. 24, 2018, 12:52 p.m.
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Hi mojo, your reply is quite valid. 

Geeez, here I am again, making a pro-Trump post, even though I am not a Trumptard.

Yes, I heard many of the comments Trump made, I read many of the tweets he made, and they do sound “racist” in many instances. Yet, I wonder. 

It is obvious, he has an uncontrollable mouth. He says a lot of thoughtless and offensive things. Mocking McCain’s military record was awful, IMHO. Arguing with unimportant people is not “presidential”. He speaks without thinking carefully about what he wants to say.

When he talked about Mexico sending rapists across the border, this sure sounded racist. Yet, he added that immigrants from Mexico are quite welcome, as long as they go through the regular channels. And he does hire such people in his businesses. 

Would he really hire Omarosa into his staff (not in a lowly position, but as an equal, well-paid staff member), if he was a white supremacist? I don’t think so.

To make it clear…. I am totally against racism. People in different parts of the world have different physical appearance. Yet, when babies are born, they are all equal. As they grow up, they learn to live in a specific environment, and this environment teaches them what to consider normal. Very often they then believe that their society is better than the others, even though this may not be so…. And there you have it…. racism. The people in Mexico believe they are superior to the people in Costa Rica, and the people in Costa Rica are insulted if you call them “Mexican”. The English used to call the indigenous people of all of their colonies “savages”. And don’t the people of the US consider their country to be “exceptional”?

Racism, in such form, is everywhere. When it becomes dangerous is when people get killed because of it. What did the Jews do in Hitler’s Germany? The Jews were upstanding members of society, they excelled in commerce and the arts. Why them?Why did the Hutus kill 2 mill Tutsis in Rwanda? And let’s not forget that the US government paid people a bounty for killing an Indian and bringing in his scalp as proof, some 150 years ago.

In today’s age, we could hope that the UN could help to avoid genocide. But then, as Trump said, the UN is worthless. Maybe he is right.

Sorry ‘bout this lengthy post. It’s difficult to talk about it in 5 sentences.

By joj - Aug. 24, 2018, 6:14 p.m.
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I'm ok with calling a non white person a racist.  The leader of South Africa is a racist!  Pure and simple.  Period.

However, I'd like some data please to put this all in context.  I've heard (not confirmed) that the number of farmers killed has declined in each of the last 3 years with the current year having killed 53.  Certainly unjust.  But I think raising the obvious point that Trump is trying to change the subject is self evident.  I haven't notice Trump talking about any of the much, much, MUCH more egregious human rights violations going on throughout the world.  So here we are talking about South Africa for a couple of news cycles.  zzzzzzz......  

I think the fact that Trump spoke out because he saw a news piece on Fox News shows what a clown he his.  HE'S WATCHING TV to get his ideas!!!  Really?  Look at the shiny object everyone.

By GunterK - Aug. 25, 2018, 1:45 p.m.
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joj, you  asked for more info....

here it is:

while the killing of white farmers has been going on for a long time, apparently, the land grab is just starting now.

However, the Pres of S Africa has stated (from other links) that he plans to kill all white people in S Africa, "but not now".

In the meantime, should they have a white-farmers-lives-matter movement? 

sorry, that's not funny
