The Day All Hell Breaks Loose
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Started by mojo - Feb. 4, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

There is a day coming, and it's not too far off, when the Grand Jury investigating the Russian conspiracy hands down multiple indictments. They will include people very, very close to Trump. Donald Jr., Jerrod Kushner, members of his cabinet, some unknown names connected with Cambridge Analytical, Hope Hicks, maybe Spicer, lower level personnel and ancillary actors on the periphery of either the campaign or the administration. But the biggest news of all, on that day, will be the unindicted co-conspirator, President* Donald J. Trump. Mueller (and team) will lay out a multiple page evidence evaluation on Trump, just as he was an indicted person, and then conclude, that for his position as a sitting President*, he is named as an unindicted co-conspirator. If the time line continues to follow Watergate's, expect that to happen between March and June of this year.

Nixon was publicly announced as an unindicted co-conspirator on June 6, 1974, but the action was handed down and sealed in March of that year. Nixon was forced to resign in August.

If you think things are crazy now, just wait for that day.

By mcfarm - Feb. 4, 2018, 9:42 a.m.
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all this straight from to be fact...just do not pay attention to all the unnamed sources, the maybes, the could happens, the expected to announced etc etc...just morning the 1 brain celled idiot on mbc asked the question "where are all the repubs", "risking the integrity of the FBI", etc.. Never once accurred to poor brain dead Willie that the facts are in the memp