signs of mini ice age
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Started by mcfarm - March 11, 2019, 6:21 p.m.

been waiting on something like this and of course the "warmers" response

By metmike - March 11, 2019, 8:57 p.m.
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Thanks mcfarm,

We are a long way before this evidence pans out into something that actually shows up in the form of global temperatures cooling.

It's possible this is part of why the warming has slowed down so much since the 1990's and has been  less than busted global climate model predictions which take into account, a big fat zero when it comes to natural cycles or the sun. 

We can't separate the warming from the greenhouse effect vs natural warming, so we also can't separate any natural cooling from it being from models using the wrong equations to represent exaggerated affects of greenhouse gas warming. 

This article is not some sudden,  smoking gun reality because the reality just appears to be........... a slow, gradual fact of the models and predictions being too extreme and in some cases wrong, year after year after year. 

There are hundreds of other articles that suggest similar things and most are just speculative. 

The observations and data are what we should use. Those are irrefutable facts. One of them, from the article is the graph below. Note the grand solar maximum last century with the peak in sunspot activity. Could this have contributed to the warming? Probably.

The oceans take decades to warm up and cool off and store more than 1,000 times more heat than the atmosphere. 

This means that, potentially, extra heat that went in last century is still coming out now but is potentially running out as the natural cycle turns colder..........very slowly.

But this is just a theory too. The main way to confirm it would be for sunspots to stay extremely low for a decade+.

If we stop warming, it's confirmed. I doubt that we will cool but if that happens its really bad news for life.

If the warming which the models have been over predicting for 2 decades, suddenly returns, then it busts any correlation from sunspots. 
