13 responses | 0 likes
Started by metmike - June 7, 2019, 12:51 a.m.

I had to delete one of your posts completely from being clearly offensive to some people and combined 3 others into  one with a few minor edits on my part to keep them acceptable and because 2 of the posts were really of the same thing.

Chill out dude.  You're one of biggest positive contributors and I enjoy most of your enthusiastic posts, especailly on trading but thought smoking weed caused a person to get mellow (-:

Re: SS
By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 12:55 a.m.
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,,, seeking truth.... in my mind is very peaceful...

  === They Used To Call It The News....   N-orth E-ast W-est S-outh .... n-e-w-s ... TRUTH....

p.S. supposed to be synonymous

Re: SS
By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 12:56 a.m.
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NO ???

Re: Re: SS
By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 12:58 a.m.
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.... carry on my wayward son .... there will be peace when we are done .... lay your weAARY HEAD TO REST ....

Re: Re: Re: SS
By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 12:59 a.m.
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By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 1:25 a.m.
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BUYING JULY CORN AT     5=16      

By silverspiker - June 7, 2019, 1:32 a.m.
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By mcfarm - June 7, 2019, 6:43 a.m.
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when I saw the SS I immediately thought of D-day and Hitler and all the brave young men who went and saved the world. Even though it is not even taught in our school systems any more, hell, what is? So sa to think we have lost most of the remaining vets and our school age children do not even know what when, where or how the damn war was fought. For example I am a WW II crazy and just this year found out if our troops encountered any SS they were killed , right there, right then, no questions, no comments. The SS were the worst of the worst and our troops , God bless them all, knew what they were dealing with what to do with them. Hard, cold lessons our milennails of today would never , ever understand 

By mcfarmer - June 7, 2019, 7:54 a.m.
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“For example I am a WW II crazy and just this year found out if our troops encountered any SS they were killed , right there, right then, no questions, no comments.”

Odd how history gets twisted:


From the article:

“ One American unit issued orders: "No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoners but will be shot on sight." “

My father was second in command at an allied POW camp. Many times he told of party members being held separately and questioned vigorously. He never mentioned having  SS but I imagine they would have been treated similarly.

By mcfarm - June 7, 2019, 8:12 a.m.
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guess I do not what you are implying but it sounds as you are either trying to impune the character of our brave troops or mine. Neither of which is called for. My information came directly from survivors of that great battle. If you think  some wekipedia article is more accurate than an eye witness  you are more lost than I suspected. The link failed here. Whatever decisions those soldiers made were most difficult and none of us cold ever go bck in time and rationalize what they saw and what they had to do. This video will leave no doubt and tears in any feeling humans eyes

By carlberky - June 7, 2019, 8:19 a.m.
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1944 – World War II: Battle of Normandy: At Ardenne Abbey, members of the SS Division Hitlerjugend massacre 23 Canadian prisoners of war.

By mcfarmer - June 7, 2019, 9:25 a.m.
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“guess I do not what you are implying but it sounds as you are either trying to impune the character of our brave troops or mine. Neither of which is called for.”

I assure you I have no reason or desire to do either. Just trying to point out where the idea might have come from.

 Interesting side note. When our son was in seventh grade he subscribed to one of those “word of the day” things. One of the best things he did.

Odd you couldn’t read the article but it showed up enough for you to know it was Wikipedia. Maybe I’m doing the linking wrong ?

By mcfarm - June 7, 2019, 11:07 a.m.
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where this idea came from?  again, it came from those brave men, period, You do not need to suppose or guess or read some crap on the internet or  try to find some link to mock a damn documentary  with those 90 to 95 year olds  sobbing at the graves at Normandy

By mcfarmer - June 7, 2019, 2:27 p.m.
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“where this idea came from?  again, it came from those brave men, period, You do not need to suppose or guess or read some crap on the internet or  try to find some link to mock a damn documentary  with those 90 to 95 year olds  sobbing at the graves at Normandy”

Ok, that is as good of last words as any, says it all really.