Historic comparison.... Rome, 64 A.D. vs USA 2019
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Started by GunterK - June 12, 2019, 7:22 p.m.

small snippets of history.....

Rome 64 A.D...... a great portion of the city of Rome burns to the ground, while Emperor Nero plays his fiddle.

USA 2019..... for all practical purposes, the Southern border of the US is in collapse. Over a million illegal invaders are being apprehended annually, a totally unknown number successfully completes their illegal entry... armed militias cross the borders at night, and no one stops them....over 500 illegals from Ebola infested African countries have been apprehended and are being dispersed across the US without medical exam...

and while all this happens, Congress focuses on impeachment and re-opening an already failed "Russia investigation"

The us has troops in some 160+ countries..... why is nobody protecting the US? Is there anyone here (or should I say "in Washington") who cares about the US and its People?

By metmike - June 12, 2019, 8:15 p.m.
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It's insane!


I think the technology has changed peoples brains and the way they think. 

We are living in a world manufactured on social media and MSM and those entities define what they/we think.  Critical thinking and contemplative thinking and analytical thinking which used to allow people to figure stuff out, has been replaced with zillions of posts and articles and messages and editorials and reports and news written in biased fashion, intended to convince people to think like the authors of the messages. 

That would be great if people were able to discern what was authentic and what was not. And if people because of cognitive bias, didn't all  go to sites that have the same belief system that they do to reinforce all the misconceptions even stronger.

It's like a massive brainwash of the biggest cults in the history of the human race. And its not just one side. There are 2 sides and almost by definition, if you belong to one cult, everything your religion believes in must be the complete opposite of whatever the other cult believes in. 

There are truths of course. Those have not changed but if one side is on the side of truth in one realm, the other must be against it.

The climate crisis is my favorite example. We are having a climate optimum for life with the beneficial warming and increase in CO2..............by all objective scientific standards in history...... until just over 25 years ago.

Climate science was hijacked. Extreme events that have happened many times before are now all caused by climate change because thats what the gatekeepers of the wisdom tell us.  The climate crisis will end life as we know it(on this massively greening up planet) but somehow, all the bad life forms, ticks, fleas, roaches, rats, bacteria, weeds..........will universally thrive, while the good life forms will all wither away and die FROM THE EXACT SAME CONDITIONS. 

As an atmospheric scientist, I don't have to get my information from the gate keepers, so I see the fraud. The climate accord would have almost zero effect on the climate.

A similar thing is happening with our southern border. The MSM and one party, with the captured brains of their cult, are describing whats going on down there as if its peachy keen. Walls are immoral. That's not who we are. Trump has committed treasonous crimes and holding him accountable is much more important. In fact, it's imperative that we not build a wall or stop illegal immigration because Trump wants that and he's evil. If Trump is for something, we must be against it.