Scary creatures October 7, 2019
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Started by metmike - Oct. 7, 2019, 12:22 a.m.

Basking Sharks

  • Latin name: Cetorhinus maximus
  • Scary feature: Massive size and huge mouth
  • Range: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
  • Size: Length: 20 to 26 feet (6 to 8 m)
  • Diet: Zooplankton, small fish and invertebrates

Leisurely moving along the surface, this bus-sized shark appears to be basking in the warm water, but what it’s really doing is filter-feeding.

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It coasts along with its 3-foot mouths open, taking in small fish and plankton that get trapped the shark’s gills that are lined with 3-inch grill rakers.

By metmike - Oct. 7, 2019, 12:25 a.m.
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Basking Sharks

  • Latin name: Cetorhinus maximus
  • Scary feature: Massive size and huge mouth
  • Range: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
  • Size: Length: 20 to 26 feet (6 to 8 m)
  • Diet: Zooplankton, small fish and invertebrates

It coasts along with its 3-foot mouths open, taking in small fish and plankton that get trapped the shark’s gills that are lined with 3-inch grill rakers.

The basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) is the second-largest living shark, after the whale shark, and one of three plankton-eating shark species, along with the whale shark and megamouth shark. Adults typically reach 6–8 m (20–26 ft) in length. They are usually greyish-brown, with mottled skin. The caudal fin has a strong lateral keel and a crescent shape.

The basking shark is a cosmopolitan  migratory species, found in all the world's temperate oceans. A slow-moving filter feeder, its common name derives from its habit of feeding at the surface, appearing to be basking in the warmer water there. It has anatomical adaptations for filter-feeding, such as a greatly enlarged mouth and highly developed gill rakers. Its snout is conical and the gill slits extend around the top and bottom of its head. The gill rakers, dark and bristle-like, are used to catch plankton as water filters through the mouth and over the gills. The teeth are numerous and very small, and often number 100 per row. The teeth have a single conical cusp, are curved backwards, and are the same on both the upper and lower jaws. This species has the smallest weight-for-weight brain size of any shark, reflecting its relatively passive lifestyle.[