Russian scientiests discuss the Wuhan lab and its work
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Started by GunterK - April 23, 2020, 11:30 p.m.

probably a more honest source of opinion than the WHO

"....In China, scientists at the Wuhan Laboratory have been actively involved in the development of various coronavirus variants for over ten years," he said. "Moreover, they did this, supposedly not with the aim of creating pathogenic variants, but to study their pathogenicity."

"...'There are several inserts, that is, substitutions of the natural sequence of the genome, which gave it special properties.

'It is interesting that the Chinese and Americans who worked with them published all their works in the open (scientific) press.

'I even wonder why this background comes to people very slowly."

By metmike - April 23, 2020, 11:52 p.m.
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Thanks Gunter!

By GunterK - April 24, 2020, 12:11 a.m.
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this bit of information blends in with what we recently learned....

...that US scientists (under Dr Fauci) had been doing experiments with this virus, until 2015, when they were told to stop by the Obama administration. The Wuhan lab was then given $3.27 million to continue this research.