and yet even more "irregularities" in the election
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Started by GunterK - Nov. 8, 2020, 12:24 a.m.

It may be a bit too late now....

But, in Michigan it was disclosed that in one counting station their counting software experienced a "glitch" that turned 6000 Trump ballots into Biden Ballots.

As a software developer I have a hard time imagining a "glitch" that would do that.

So, take 6000 from Biden and add 6000 to Trump, and it changes the outcome in Michigan by 12,000 (in one county!)

And.... this same software was also used in 47 other stations in Michigan !!!.

a possible (or should I say "likely") 47 times 12,000 = a significant difference.

Was the same software used in other states?

If so, there may have been a "landslide victory" for Trump, and we never knew it

by the time you read this, this movie will probably be gone

By TimNew - Nov. 8, 2020, 6:49 a.m.
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Counting is a very basic function in any programming language. I've been trained in 6 or 7.

If this condition exists



If this condition exists



I can't imagine how you could get that wrong,  even in your freshman year.