Man made mass exceeds all living biomass!
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Started by metmike - Dec. 11, 2020, 11:36 a.m.

This is sort of an eye opener. This is not about climate change. We are having a climate optimum, not a climate crisis/emergency.

However, we are still consuming stratospheric amounts of natural resources to build things and make things. There are over 6 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans.    We are using massive amount of chemicals, pesticides/herbicides, fertilizers. There is still massive agricultural runoff and dead zones in lakes/oceans from it. We are draining many underground aquifers for humans/crops. This is bad.

The climate part is all bs and a distraction from the actual bad things.

The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean: April 2019

Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass

"Humanity has become a dominant force in shaping the face of Earth1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. An emerging question is how the overall material output of human activities compares to the overall natural biomass. Here we quantify the human-made mass, referred to as ‘anthropogenic mass’, and compare it to the overall living biomass on Earth, which currently equals approximately 1.1 teratonnes10,11. We find that Earth is exactly at the crossover point; in the year 2020 (± 6), the anthropogenic mass, which has recently doubled roughly every 20 years, will surpass all global living biomass. On average, for each person on the globe, anthropogenic mass equal to more than his or her bodyweight is produced every week. This quantification of the human enterprise gives a mass-based quantitative and symbolic characterization of the human-induced epoch of the Anthropocene."

metmike: It looks like this article is pay walled so I will fill in information about it below.

By metmike - Dec. 11, 2020, 12:09 p.m.
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Anthropocene: human-made materials now weigh as much as all living biomass, say scientists

  / 2 days ago December 9, 2020

"Now, the team has delved into the statistics of industrial production and mass flows of all kinds, and reconstructed the growth, from the beginning of the 20th century, of what they call “anthropogenic mass”. This is all the things we build – houses, cars, roads, aeroplanes and myriad other things. The pattern they found was strikingly different. The stuff we build totted up to something like 35 billion tonnes in the year 1900, rising to be roughly double that by the middle of the 20th century. Then, that burst of prosperity after the second world war, termed the Great Acceleration, and our stuff increased several-fold to a little over half a trillion tonnes by the end of the century. In the past 20 years it has doubled again, to be equivalent to, this year, the mass of all living things. In coming years, the living world will be far outweighed – threefold by 2040, they say, if current trends hold."

metmike: Keep in mind that this is happening, while the planet massively greens up, almost entirely from the benefits of increasing CO2 and also the benefits of the best climate and weather for life on this planet in over 1,000 years.

So what does this tell us?

How can the planet be greening up if we are killing it?  

80% of the biomass on the planet is from plants. If the planet is greening up, then clearly the biomass is increasing. The increase in CO2 and benefits from climate change are increasing the biomass of the planet. This is a GOOD thing.

The truth is actually we are doing damage to the planet but none of it is from climate change. In fact, increasing CO2 and climate change was the best gift we ever gave to the planet. We rescued life from near CO2 starvation. CO2 is a beneficial gas, the building block of all life. This is the indisputable authentic science and why the planet is clearly responding by greening up...............telling us that it wants MORE CO2 not less. The optimal level of CO2 for most life is double the current level of 413 ppm. The old climate had less than 300 parts per million. Life would love to have something around 900 ppm. Not my opinion, this is what thousands of growing experiments have shown. All animals eat plants or something that ate plants.

The optimal temperature is probably a couple of degrees C warmer than this. What happens every Winter/for 6 months in the high/mid latitudes? Plants die or go dormant. Animals migrate/hibernate or stay and face extreme adversity until blessed warmth and food return in the Spring. Cold is still the biggest killer of life on earth.

At the same time, all the other stuff we are doing to the planet is wrecking it.

How ironic. The one good thing that we are doing to help the it more of the CO2 it needs to flourish and is causing a booming what we are being told is destroying the planet. And the things that we are actually doing to destroy the planet............get a free pass, so that all the money and resources and attention/headlines and governmental actions and taxes can totally focus on the non problem..........CO2 from burning fossil fuels.

How can this possibly make any sense? We are being told that up is down and down is up. Why would people trying to save the planet do this to us?

Because they know there is no climate crisis and that's not what they are trying to save the planet from. Besides a redistribution of wealth and global socialism, one of their objectives is for sustainable development...........and to reduce the over consumption of natural resources(by the rich countries)......but they can't come out and be honest about it because people in country's like the US will not cut back on excessive consumption  because we are using up too many natural resources...........that would never sell. However, if they are told they are killing the planet from a fake climate crisis..........and changing is needed to save the planet from the climate emergency........that marketing scheme/ruse will trick them into supporting their (political) agenda. 

I explain it more here: