Biden's Green Deal
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Started by wglassfo - Feb. 27, 2021, 10:12 a.m.

I have tried to research Biden's green Deal and find it impossible to have any luck finding a coherent policy

During the campaign Biden agreed to zero carbon emissions by 2030 or 2035. I can't be sure what yr but it was obvious he wanted Bernie voters and also AOC to support his plan, but then he said he had his own Green Deal. Well I can't find a coherent Green Deal that belongs to Biden. After the Texas fiasco things have suddenly become even more difficult to source for information.

Now that he has been elected the date seems to be pushed back to an indefinite target

Biden is big on agriculture using the soil as a carbon sink. Any commercial producer that farms for a living can not see how his plan will work, but we wait for more details

Biden has stated other  policy  but the target is always yrs after he will be out of office re: the 2030 or 2035 target dates and some actually are 2050

My question

It seems to me that Biden has made policy that is well past his term in office and a lot can change after his term

Do people in general really take this zero emissions crap seriously, or is this a political game that we, as the great unwashed don't think will be possible and by and large ignore zero emissions as pie in the sky impossibilities. Or do many agree with zero emissions and think it is not only possible by necessary

I haven't bothered to try and tell you why I think zero emissions is impossible before finding out where you stand on the issue. This forum may have listened to MM too much and have no opinion of your own

Would zero emissions give us clean water, air and better food, all essential to a healthy life. Perhaps the carbon issue is not the only thing in life that leads to a healthy life, which zero emissions may have some merit

 Perhaps zero emissions has some  trade offs with some good things, that would benefit our lives. Is the amount of carbon the only thing, why zero emissions is bad. Maybe there is some thing good and that is why as in all things, there are good and bad, but the good may be more important such as clean water, air etc.  by eliminating coal generation that pollutes our air and water and using more wind power and solar. Put the wind mills in the desert where freezing temps don't happen. That area isn't much good for any thing else. Have you ever travelled Death Valley???

What you think??

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2021, 11:45 a.m.
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Wonderful thoughtful points Wayne!

"This forum may have listened to MM too much and have no opinion of your own"

Could be Wayne, but I just present authentic science about the REAL world backed with facts and truth that you won't get anywhere else.

Another secret about fossil fuels: Haber Bosch process-fertilizers feeding the planet using natural gas-doubling food production/crop yields. September 2019

Green New Deal-corn ethanol: Good bye corn ethanol, Hello $2 corn prices again....$5 soybeans/supply gluts/ August 2019

NEW:  Optimal CO2 for life more than double current level. See the proof with thousands of studies. Showing Scientific American.....and mainstream science sold to us........ to be wrong about plants and the affects from Climate Change. December 2020

The CO2 is causing a climate crisis crowd has won though. They are in the process of applying their political agenda right now. CO2 is a beneficial gas in all realms of science......biology, agronomy, plant science, climate................but in politics its been defined as pollution and in politics is where the battle to take political actions, has been happening, using a completely fake climate crisis(during the current climate optimum for life) to do it.

If I'm wrong. Tell me what it is that I have wrong and I'll quickly adjust it.

You can expect the carbon taxes that California and Canada already have to be imposed everywhere in the US during the Biden administration. This will increase with time. This applies to consumers at the gas pumps and with heating and cooling bills too. Sources of CO2 WILL with 100% certainty start paying huge penalties within 2 years probably. Power plants, for instance will likely start paying something like $30/ton. Coal companies will have to pay similar rates, so that the coal gets taxed 3 times.........when it's mined, then when it's burned and then when it's used by the consumer. Whether they call it a tax or carbon "pricing" doesn't matter. The cost of fossil fuels will go higher and we will all pay the price and government will reap the massive benefits.

This is just one element of the political agenda of CO2.

After they impose all these regulations and taxes, you watch what will happen. The truths that I have been telling you about CO2 will start coming out. 

We will hear that the global temperature is not going up as fast as climate models predicted. We will hear that the planet is greening up and droughts are not as bad.

Sea levels are only going up just over an inch/decade.

Hip Hip Hooray! Our actions to stop the climate crisis are working! We saved the planet, thanks to all the taxes and penalties on fossil fuels. 

Once they have been imposed........they will be there forever! They must stay there or the climate crisis will come back.

Fossil fuels will NOT go way, unless we invent something better than solar and wind. They will just get really expensive. 

The Climate Accord allows China, that has CO2 emissions that are double the US to emit CO2 with impunity and actually GET money from the green climate fund.

CO2 is well mixed in the global atmosphere. How is it that the US has to cut emissions AND  pay China and other countries like India, that can emit as much CO2 as they want and them call it "climate reparations" because we supposedly wrecked China' s climate with our past CO2 emissions?

If CO2 is killing the planet.............the planet does not give molecules of CO2 from China a free pass but dies from molecules of CO2 coming from the US. 

It's called wealth redistribution.

It's part of Agenda 2030 with the United Nations. The climate accord is part of objective #13.   

There are actually, mostly good things about Agenda 2030. One that is related to this, is that it does force us to reduce our overconsumption of natural resources.

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2021, 11:48 a.m.
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Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Keep in mind Wayne, I'm an environmentalist:

The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean: April 2019

By wglassfo - Feb. 27, 2021, 5:41 p.m.
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Now I know the policy is to tax fossil fuel out of existence. But what will replace fossil fuel.

I know I said  death valley would be a good place for solar etc, but the cost would be tremendous. Estimates range from 30-100 trillion to generate alternative fuel. Then you have the problem of constant supply. Elon Musk has said we don't have the tech to build storage batteries to keep the lights on 24/7

So that means some sort of backup facility. Now I may be weak in the brain, but seems to me that means some sort of fossil fuel, be it NG, coal, oil or nuclear.  I think the policy is no nuclear. Maybe Japan scared the nuclear folks

2.00 corn??

If USDA is correct, we could be using our farm land as a carbon sink with big dollars paid to land owners as off set credits for those who need the credits. I wonder if there is a reason why Bill Gates owns so much farm land

I agree with the giant transfer of wealth to other countries with the Paris Accord. Maybe if the public gets a taste of the cost of carbon credits, the transfer of wealth etc. then the willingness to pay  all this money to foreign countries and the cost of carbon credits gets added to your electric bill, the desire to save the planet may come up against those who think the price is too much

Oh well, if we get paid for carbon credits for our farm land, who am I to complain. Plus who needs ethanol when the supply of food is greatly reduced due to different farming practices such as organic, then we will be paid rather well for what we do grow in a world with a limited supply of food.

Frankly I don't see how any of this will work other than higher prices for everybody. Are people willing to pay any amount to save the planet. I think there will be a day or reckoning re: the cost of everything to save the planet

You know 30-100 trillion isn't a small amount even by todays standards of stimulus. 

Does anybody think Biden's Green plan has any merit worthy of some thought

There are a lot of people gearing up for the day when we drive EV's but has anybody thought this out,??

I will ask just one simple question

Where will all this electric power come from to power all these EV's at a reasonable cost that does not cause the consumer to balk at the price, for the required energy, that may not be available when you want it to run your air conditioner. Do you open the windows at night and sit in the darkness??

By metmike - Feb. 28, 2021, 2:20 a.m.
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                Global warming causes everything            

                            6 responses |        

                Started by metmike - Feb. 16, 2021, 1:06 a.m.