Green new deal has cost another1000 jobs
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Started by cutworm - May 4, 2021, 6:17 p.m.

On Friday, U.S. Steel said after months of tug-of-war with the Allegheny County Health Department, it is canceling the $1.5 billion upgrade and idling three batteries at Clairton Coke Works by 2023.

“Well, that's what this investment was about," said Robinson. "This $1.5 billion was about making steel in a more environmentally friendly way. But the current environment right now is so hostile to manufacturing, manufacturers know making things in America is not a viable option. Especially not now, and especially not into the future, where they're going to see a return on their investment.”

Manufacturers may have to relocate to places where there are no unions or outside the country. This makes hollow Biden’s promise to protect union jobs and bring back manufacturing — and it will be doubly hollow if he looks the other way when things like this happen.

In the face of most Democrats' opposition, US Steel cancels a billion-dollar investment (

By metmike - May 4, 2021, 7:17 p.m.
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Exactly right cutworm!!

Not only that, the amount of taxes on these industries will be going higher but within the next year or so, the government, probably thru the EPA will start imposing strict/costly penalties on any  CO2 emissions because of the fake climate crisis.

This will penalize industry that mines/produces the CO2 emitting products, like oil, ng and coal companies and also those that actually emit it power plants or cement/concrete companies. Of course consumers of those products will also pay with higher prices passed along but also pay their own direct penalties like a carbon tax on gasoline. It's coming with 100% certainty. Yeah, now we get to see a bit of what the fake climate crisis was really about all this time. 

China will not only have no increase in taxes and no penalties on CO2 emissions, they will ADDING MORE CO2 burning coal plants than the US even has currently.

China's orinal  commitment in the climate accord is to consider stopping this increase in CO2 in  the year 2030. By that time, Bidens Green New Deal will have obliterated the US economy for something that will do ZERO for the climate as global CO2(well mixed in the global atmosphere) continues to surge higher. 

China already emits double the CO2 as the US does.

The Biden plan is the exact recipe to maximize the damage to the US economy and energy industry.....even as China does the complete opposite and becomes the dominant economic super power. 

These  green jobs and benefits are mostly a fairy tale....akin to the busted computer simulations of the atmosphere going out 100 years......that have been wrong for 30 years.................but just won't go away because they are purely POLITICAL tools and have nothing to do with authentic science.

The damage that WILL occur is based on dynamics and relationships that define the REAL world.

This side continues to just manufacture and say things about the economy, energy and climate that are not true(often, the 100% opposite of truth) but can be used to sell their political agenda. Repeat the lies often enough and people believe it must be the truth.

No need for proof or for us to use some critical thinking to figure out how it will all somehow work out, despite all the contradicting facts. 

We must completely trust these people!

After all, they are trying to save the planet for us and we must cooperate or the planet will be lost.

Who could be against saving the planet, most people will ask?

Why would somebody that only wants to save the planet lie to us?

How about.....................they are pretending to save the planet so that's exactly how you will think about them, so that when they scare the crap out of you  with a fake climate crisis and have all these wonderful plans to save it..........then you will trust them and do exactly like they tell you/us.

We here that only they know how to control the climate and weather for the next 100 years. Never mind that they've been really wrong the past 30 years about much of it, often in the complete opposite direction.

By the time this becomes painfully obvious to most will be much too late.