USA face to face with Putin
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Started by wglassfo - June 17, 2021, 2:50 p.m.

I have now watched two presidents meet face to face with Putin

Admittedly this is only the 1st for Biden

But a pattern seems to emerge

Media accounts tell us how bad Putin is and I imagine he must have done some thing to deserve the sanctions

But both Presidents will not say that Putin is bad or has expectations of nation building etc

He projects an image of defending Russia but not wanting to expand on their territory

The media goes into, sort of a a hock mode, if the USA president will not bad mouth Putin

You saw it at the end of the presser with CNN. Biden will not say any thing bad about Putin.

When Trump did the same, the media portrayed this as Trump being "Putin's stooge" etc

Now I am not here to defend Putin and say he is perfect in our eyes. But we could have a much worse Russian leader

It seems the media wants us to believe Putin is evil and the reason for almost everything bad that has happened to us

Well From what I see, Putin may not be perfect, but  for Russia he is doing his job

If the media would stop stirring the pot I think we could find a lot to agree about with Russia

The cold war is history and we, plus the media  need to remember that fact.

 We need to move on and build on common ground

By metmike - June 17, 2021, 3:12 p.m.
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Thanks Wayne!

Previous thread related to this:

                Biden vs Putin            

                            Started by metmike - June 14, 2021, 7:33 p.m.