when vaccines stop working
2 responses | 0 likes
Started by bear - Oct. 30, 2021, 2:15 p.m.


i have not taken the time to try to independently verify this info,  but the idea is basic and simple.

any person in agriculture can tell you.... at come point a bug can evolve, and become resistant to the chemical that is supposed to stop the bug.  

even if i get a flu shot,... the flu bug will mutate, and researchers may need to create a completely different flu vaccine next year.  

By bear - Oct. 30, 2021, 2:16 p.m.
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same principle with treating my bees for parasites... i do not use the same treatment year after year.  i switch it up, and do something different on a regular basis,  so the parasites are less likely to become resistant.  

By metmike - Oct. 30, 2021, 8:01 p.m.
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Thanks bear,

Just another example of cherry picking that one side constantly does to find outlier data which represents a tiny fraction of the big picture and in fact, contradicts it  which is the entire purpose(otherwise, you would have many hundreds of examples like this and the composite stats would also show this............but they show the complete opposite).

The best way to crush the virus is to have the most people possible vaccinated.........like with every other disease in history that we beat.

Nobody beat a disease by NOT getting vaccinated.

Getting vaccinated does NOT increase mutations.

The more people who are infected, the more opportunities the virus has to mutate.

I can repeat the science on this and show the data until I'm blue in the face but other than Gunter, 1 time, finally admitting  1 thing......that the vaccines don't alter your DNA(after months of insisting it does) it's been futile but posts like this require a response and since I usually have the latest data handy..........strange that fact checking seems to be a lost art for some anti COVID vaxxers and anti mandate people..........but that's why cherry picking has so much power with this group because fact checking would totally identify cherry picking as such.  

So the usual response by some to showing facts and science is just a motivator for them to do even  more cherry picking that supposedly  disproves the indisputable authentic science and data because in this realm, the exceptions define the science, not the rule. 

We don't know everything but after 4 billions shots, we know a great deal. And random variations, like with everything like this WILL always happen. 

If I flipped a coin 4,000,000,000 times the end result will be pretty close to 50% heads and 50% tails.

However, along the way, there will be tons of random variations that feature streaks of heads and tails.

 In addition to the 4 billion COVID shots, you will have a dozen unique circumstances that play a role. That might include, timing of an up/down cycle/surge, mask wearing, time of year/weather, location/country/county/city, personal behavior of people in that location, population density, ages of people, whether school was in session, what restrictions were in place or not............etc. 

Research debunks myth that COVID vaccination promotes mutations


