Strange Omicron data in Europe
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Started by GunterK - Jan. 14, 2022, 6:18 p.m.

A few days ago, the internet in Europe lit up, when the RKI in Germany released it’s weekly Covid data.  (the Robert Koch Institute is an official German government agency, similar to our CDC)

According to the twtter post that caused all the commotion, the RKI reported that out of 4206 Omicron cases, 4020 (95.58%) were fully vaccinated (with more than ¼ being triple vaxxed), and  only 186 (4.42%) were unvaccinated.

Needless to say, this shocking news was shared all over the internet. This looks like the omicron is seeking out mostly vaxxed people

I realize, most of you who get their news from our MSM don’t know about this issue…. however, some of you do explore other sites, and you may have read about this.   For those who have, I would like to update this issue for you. 

According to the link below, the RKI has now corrected the number of unvaxxed persons of this report from 186 to 1097.

I went to the corrected, official RKI report (it is written in German) and it now shows indeed 4020 fully vaccinated people infected by Omicron (in this lot), and 1097 unvaccinated people infected.   Quite a change from the previous data!!

However, I am wondering….

Germany has 74.2% of its people with at least one shot,  It has 71.2% of its people with 2 shots, and  39% triple vaxxed.    25.8% are unvaxxed people.

In other words…. approximately 3 times as many people are vaccinated than unvaccinated.

Yet, when the Omicron arrives, 3 times (almost 4 times) as many fully vaxxed people get infected.

When the ratio of vaxxed people vs unvaxxed people is 3:1,  and the ratio of Omicron infected people is also spread out in a ration of 3:1 among vaxxed and unvaxxed ipeople, does this not point out that the vaxx  has a zero efficacy, as far as protection from an Omicron infection is concerned?

Fortunately, the Omicron is known to be a variant with mild symptoms

By mcfarm - Jan. 14, 2022, 7:35 p.m.
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so again man tries to say he has a solution and has none. Our best hope and what I think happens is we have reached or will reach peak omicron, it starts its inevitable slide down, the libs rush to every available microphone and shout se what we did..,,, we conquered omicron, And then have the gall to accuse others of misinformation

By TimNew - Jan. 15, 2022, 7:20 a.m.
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The simple fact is..  Eventually,  all of us will have had covid.  Nothing we can do will change that. 

By metmike - Jan. 15, 2022, 12:01 p.m.
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The weak Omicron will bail us out of the vaccination dilemma in 2022.

Sadly, over 100,000 people refusing to get vaccinated in 2021 that died from Delta can't be brought back to life.

   90,000 US COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented             

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 9, 2022, 4:23 p.m.