Volcano Watch
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Started by metmike - June 9, 2022, 12:15 a.m.

Volcano Watch: Over 9000 earthquakes and ground uplift were detected at Mt Thorbjorn, Iceland in the past month, with more Volcanoes now on alert

Another volcano in Iceland is on an increased alert after an earthquake swarm and ground movement. In addition, the available data shows that magma is accumulating under the volcano, steadily increasing the risk of an eruption in the near future.


The island experiences constant earthquake activity because it sits on the boundary between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates. This boundary is also known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR).

As the plates move away from each other, they effectively tear the island apart. Iceland is the only place where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises above the ocean surface.

The image below shows the spreading tectonic plates and where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge passes through Iceland. It enters the southwest on the Reykjanes Peninsula, going to the east and turning north. Red triangles show the main central volcanoes.


But the tectonic plates spread apart down across the entire Atlantic Ocean. So why is this location so unique, producing a large volcanic island over the millions of years?

The answer is a vertical plume of hot molten rock from the mantle, also called a hotspot or a Mantle plume. Extensive studies have proved that it lies beneath Iceland. Therefore, it is more commonly called the Icelandic plume. The image below is a graphical presentation of the rising mantle plume beneath Iceland.



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