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Started by 12345 - July 13, 2023, 11:22 a.m.


Global sea level has risen 6.7 inches (170 mm) over the past 100 years — and the rate of rise has doubled since the 20th century. Part one of a three-part series designed to help you understand your flood risk.

The modern era of human-caused climate change — the Anthropocene — has also been called the Pyrocene because we’ve entered an age of fire, characterized by large wildfires of increasing size, intensity, and duration. But we propose another term for the modern era: the Aquacene, a time of rapidly increasing flooding from sea level rise and heavier precipitation events, because of human-caused climate change, which will drive millions of people from their homes and fundamentally alter society.

By metmike - July 13, 2023, 1:10 p.m.
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Your article:

How fast are the seas rising?

Global sea level has risen 6.7 inches (170 mm) over the past 100 years — and the rate of rise has doubled since the 20th century. Part one of a three-part series designed to help you understand your flood risk. 


Jeff MastersbyJeff Masters

Many climate scientists are like him. They are convinced that global climate models representing all the physical laws of the atmosphere using mathematical equations that we were taught in college are better than they really are. 

I've lived in the observational, real world and give that the most weighting as well as the dozen+ OTHER elements that CO2 impacts..........as it greens up the planet and massively increases world food production/crop yields.

The climate models are doubling the actual warming. That is not my opinion. Here's the scientific proof.

So why don't scientists like Jeff adjust their views based on this?

Scientists, especially some of the smartest ones have cognitive bias and often don't practice the scientific method(fact checking yourself to try to prove yourself wrong FIRST before you know that you might be right instead of searching for reasons to be right like everybody does)

                36 of 36 climate models too warm            

                            Started by metmike - Oct. 21, 2022, 11:35 p.m.            


Profound:  Smoking Guns!!  Proof with accurate 2 decade long measurement of the actual amount of radiative forcing caused by CO2 of 1 irrefutable reason for WHY global climate models continue to be too warm. Climate emergency is really about social justice and brainwashing people. Even MORE confirmation that climate models overstate atmospheric warming. Models clearly too warm yet incredibly programmed to get even HOTTER! August 2020 https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/57636/



 “The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report predicted 0.5080.102 Wm−2RF resulting from this CO2 increase, 42% more forcing than actually observed. The lack of quantitative long-term global OLR studies may be permitting inaccu-racies to persist in general circulation model forecasts of the effects of rising CO2 or other greenhouse gasses.”


But the earth HAS warmed 1 deg. C and the atmosphere can hold 7% MORE moisture, along with that increase in sea level you mentioned, which is superimposed on the atmosphere(more in the coldest places of the N. Hemisphere)

When a city hits 110 degrees, maybe 2 degrees of it came from climate change.

When a city has 15 inches of rain, maybe 1 inch came from climate change.

It really boils down to this, once again(Cliff Mass can be counted on as an elite source for using objective, authentic science)


The Golden Rule

 Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDEN RULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES. Here it is:

The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.

Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability.