Mitch McConnell Fall
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Started by metmike - July 27, 2023, 11:44 p.m.

Now it's a republican that should have retired and is showing why his  struggling is impacting job performance. its the turn of the Ds who defend Biden as being qualified now and to do the job for an additional 4 attack McConnell.

This is like the great grandpa that has several little fender benders but refuses to turn in his car keys.

 Acknowledge father time has taken a toll on their body and mind. The  family needs to do an intervention to keep somebody from getting killed

It's one of the toughest things for any elderly person to do, especially with endeavors that have brought tremendous value to their entire lives.

Things that define them. That give them independence or power/recognition. 

Sadly, for McConnell, especially after this incident his wonderful legacy will be eroding the longer he remains. Any new incidents (which seem likely) will be horrible embarrassments. Every time he speaks, many people will notice how old and fragile he is instead of hearing his messages. They will compare his delivery to what it used to be. 

His messages will carry less weight. 

Like when Joe Biden greatly struggles reading a teleprompter. We often notice the struggle more than the message.

Biden once had a wonderful legacy and should have retired after being perceived as a successful VP. 

It's being extremely obliterated now.

At least McConnell has a long history  of honesty, ethical standards and doing the right thing for the American people.  He deserves to be remembered fondly and very respectfully for this, long  after he's gone. 

Mitch should retire at the end of this term or sooner to preserve that to the max!

Unlike the current, most corrupt president in history being exposed from issues entirely separate than him not turning in his car keys.

With Biden, while continuing to display behavior indicating that he's too old, it's MUCH more than that. The longer he stays, he's not just getting older.

The longer he stays,  the bigger the mountain of evidence grows showing his corruption.

Biden is continuing to obliterate his legacy.

McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say

By mcfarm - July 28, 2023, 10:25 a.m.
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right, hell of a way to run a government with China trying every angle available to take advantage. We now have Biden, Feinstein, Mc Connell all heavy wts in the jobs with way too much power to match their current health situation. Why can't old politicians just retire gracefully when they reach a reasonable age, what ever that is. Did you all get to see an aide actually tell Feinstein on how to voter at a hearing yesterday. Wow, if that does not instill confidence what does?

By metmike - July 28, 2023, 11:17 a.m.
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Here ya go, mcfarm. Agree that it's pretty bad.

Feinstein gets confused in Senate Appropriations hearing and has to be prodded to vote

By mcfarm - July 28, 2023, 12:53 p.m.
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yes its really bad and sad. Seems anyone with any grace at all would know when its time. Not these power hungry fools. Seems if they even saw a video of them selves there would be enough embarrassment to cause them to go home immediately. Just think of the risk they are exposing America to. Have yet to  notice any repercussions or consequences for Feinstein having a Chinese agent on her staff, what a driver or some such craziness. I have visions of long ago days when our representatives were farmers and teachers and craftsman of all sorts and served a couple months and went home to their real jobs. Wow, how much better we would be to go back