About MarketForum

MarketForum is a message board for futures and options traders, as well as equity traders.  The Forum was launched in January 1999 by Alex McCallum and INO.com, and has been operated independently since September 2003. Access to MarketForum is free of charge.

MarketForum is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and welcomes everyone who has an interest in talking about, or learning about, the futures, options and equities markets. MarketForum has two separate forums to accomodate discusion of trade-related and non-trade-related (NTR) topics. You can find the NTR Forum by hitting "NTR" under Forum Category List........or by scrolling down below the Trading Forum while on the "Home" page.

If you intend to post messages on MarketForum, we suggest that you take a quick look at the Forum Guide for helpful user information and the Forum's rules.

MarketForum is now owned by Meteorologist Mike Maguire

Inquries about MarketForum should be addressed to the Moderator.

The current Moderator, metmike(Mike Maguire) has been an operational meteorologist since 1982 and trading commodities influenced by the weather since 1992. From 1982-1993, he was chief meteorologist for WEHT in Evansville Indiana. During the past 20 years, he has become an authority on climate science: https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/27864/


Mike lives with his wonderful wife, Debbie in Evansville Indiana. He has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. He has been the chess coach for Scott Elementary, Oakhill Elementary, McCuthchanville Elementary, North Junior High and North High School since 1997. Coaching 5,000+  K-12 students during that time as well as running the biggest chess tournament in the southern half of Indiana each year. He's a member of the board of directors for Scholastic Chess of Indiana.

Mike has also spent much volunteer time with Easter Seals, Santa Clothes Club, The Rescue Mission, Youth soccer, basketball and baseball(coach, commissioner and treasurer) and taught religious education for 15 years. Also a practicing environmentalist and member of Operation City Beautiful, then Keep Evansville Beautiful.

Meet Mike and his Dad, Frank Maguire here:




This is what Mike did previous to trading commodities:



1. Trading Forum: Provide reliable information on any/all markets with an open discussion and contributions from other traders/posters.  This includes general educational information to help readers understand the dynamics of particular markets. Also, provide specific, constantly updated fundamental and price information in real time that explain and help predict price/market reactions. Especially in commodities that use the weather/forecast for price determination. Give daily and seasonal weather updates that include covering hurricanes, freezes, droughts, floods, intense heat/cold. All patterns that impact particular markets, like the grains/soybeans in the planting growing season(major supply side determinant). Natural gas, year round(residential demand for heating and cooling) . Also markets like cotton, OJ, coffee and heating oil.
2. Outside of the forum: Develop the minds and character of our youth thru the game of chess. At MarketForum's NTR section: Enlighten all ages about the current climate optimum, featuring the best weather and climate in the last 1,000 years(and massive benefits of increasing CO2) using data and authentic science to battle the misinformation about the completely fake climate crisis.....AND OTHER MAJOR DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGNS.  Encourage expression of RESPECTFUL thoughts from those that disagree and receive them with an open mind/heart, hoping to learn from others. Stress and demonstrate love and tolerance, while showing the damaging affects of hatred to peoples lives. Reveal the truth...........expose lies, especially in the political realm(of both sides), which sadly includes most climate science today, while always practicing the scientific method. Post regular positive suggestions that contribute to making lives and  the world a better place.
Share information about different cultures and celebrate diversity,  while learning about our brothers and sisters from different places, different political parties and different backgrounds WITH OPEN, LOVING MINDS!



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Fill the information out on that page and remember your password. An email will be sent to you that you must respond to in order to verify your email address.   After that, go back to the Log-in page and put in your username and password. 

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