The election denier is promoting a device he says can help secure elections.
"This is more peddling of his lies about election equipment," Norden said regarding the device. "And I think the most important thing to know about voting machines in the United States is that virtually all of them have a paper record of every vote."
"Mike Lindell has gotten away with lying a lot about elections, but it's not without consequences and not without harms to individuals who work in elections -- and more broadly to the functioning of our democratic system," Norden said
This sounds mean but he deserves it. At home, watching Fox news, when Lindell comes on, I refer to him as the "Retarded Charlatan"
Mainly because of how idiotic his manufactured videos/documentaries were that claimed to be showing how millions of votes were changed by nefarious entities using the internet WHEN NONE OF THE MACHINES HAD THE CAPABILITY to be hooked up to the internet.
This is just more of that complete nonsense.
Mike Lindell......a complete nut job!
14 responses |
Started by metmike - Aug. 6, 2021, 7:41 p.m.
Snake Oil Salesman Mike Lindell
Started by metmike - May 13, 2021, 12:16 a.m.
mikelindells election tape
11 responses |
Started by mcfarm - Feb. 6, 2021, 8:58 a.m.