Dec $ Double top at 106ish?????
I noticed the high on Odt. 3 was just before the attacks on Israel.
I have 107 for the December DX For that double potential double top.
We‘re at an interesting place close to 105 support. ….which held!
Failing here would confirm your double top.
producers would prefer that because the stronger dollar is making our grain exports more expensive.
Old thread discussing the DX:
US Dollar DX
5 responses |
Started by metmike - July 27, 2020, 10:39 a.m.
The $ is weaker this am at 103.46.
Next support 102.75 ish
Thanks cutworm!
I know that producers follow the $ closely because it impacts the price of the products we export.
The lower the dollar, the cheaper it is for foreign customers and the more we sell(more competitive we are on the global sphere) and the less we have left and the higher the price here gets and the more producers can potentially sell their crop for.
With half a dozen other, sometimes more important items going on at the same time.