Thanks much, cutworm,
First person that I heard actually blame all the deaths in Gaza at the hands of Israel being the fault of Hamas.
He thinks that the pro Palestinians marches should not be allowed. According to him its an intolerable provocation by people that support Palestine.
Wow, especially for somebody that claims to be for free speech. I guess only free speech that HE agrees with.
Not surprising considering his blatantly biased mindset.
Here's a review of his book:
Popular conservative writer Douglas Murray is open about his ethnic chauvinism, and while he claims to offer common sense and reason, his work is riddled with errors and overflows with bigotry.
But while Murray may not say anything particularly original, he is a skilled presenter of right-wing arguments, and is disturbingly effective at presenting extreme positions as “common sense” opposition to “madness.” He is also gifted at presenting xenophobic and ethnochauvinistic views in a tone of powdery aloofness which makes them appear acceptable.
Murray is not a rigorous thinker.
Before he treats Middle Eastern refugees’ desire to enter the West as a sign of Western superiority, Murray might want to reflect on the fact that U.S. wars in the region since 9/11 have displaced 37 million people, the largest mass displacement of human beings since World War II. These displaced people have, as Brown University’s Costs of War project explains, “fled air strikes, bombings, artillery fire, drone attacks, gun battles, and rape. People have fled the destruction of their homes, neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, jobs, and local food and water sources. They have escaped forced evictions, death threats, and large-scale ethnic cleansing set off by the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in particular.” (These were wars that Murray was an aggressively vocal supporter of in his early work.)
Wow! This guy is a racist! His responses in this interview(AND PREVIOUS HISTORY) make that crystal clear.
I love listening to people like this to understand where racists are coming from......then showing all views like this here cutworm, so we can expose people like Murray. Thanks!
He represents the views of millions of others, so it's good to expose him.
The rightwing journalist and commentator cites Enoch Powell and wants to protect white Christian Europe from ‘outsiders’
Ethnic chauvinism is the state of mind of a person who considers his or her. people or nation to be of superior worth compared to other peoples.
What is the closest meaning of xenophobia?
Meaning of xenophobia in English
extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, their customs, their religions, etc.
Both of these definitions describe Hammas and what Douglas talks about the people of Gaza. He said told about the girl being raped killed and the body being paraded through the streets. The reaction of the "innocent people of Gaza." The Glee with which they did these types of atrocities.
Do the people of a country have a responsibility for what their leaders do?
What about his accusation that Great Brition houses the leaders of Hammas?
Please enlighten me which offensive responses were racist? I can see that what he says is offensive to your view, but I don't see the racism. Just give me a few in this interview.
"Wow! This guy is a big racist! His dozens of offensive responses in this interview make that crystal clear."
It seems the attack is on the person instead of the argument.
"He thinks that the pro Palestinians marches should not be allowed. According to him its an intolerable provocation by people that support Palestine." mike
What about the marches....? "In my own view it shouldn't go on, not that it should be banned, but because it is a grotest insult to the ....
OK, I meant dozens of statements in his book, including in this interview.
I mentioned 2 of them cutworm.
"First person that I heard actually blame all the deaths in Gaza at the hands of Israel being the fault of Hamas."
"He thinks that the pro Palestinians marches should not be allowed. According to him its an intolerable provocation by people that support Palestine
Wow, especially for somebody that claims to be for free speech. I guess only free speech that HE agrees with"
He claims "we've been tolerating these people for years"
He claims that these are pro Hamas rallys. Not true.
He insisted that everybody at the rally's are "chanting from the river to the sea" Not true
He claims that Hamas living in the UK are the masterminds behind these protests. Seriously? We're to believe that Hamas has covert sects in major cities around the world that are all organizing these protests and its not really legit outrage by honest people observing human rights violations and the United Nations must have been infiltrated by Hamas too with the daily calling out of the war atrocities by Israel.
Not 1 mention of the fact that 10,000 are dead 25,000 injured, no food, no water, no fuel, no medicine based entirely on Israel. Hamas clearly is not the ones that wouldn't let the supply trucks in.
Or the legit REAL reason for why all these people and millions of others around the world are protesting.
He claims that its safer in Israel than in London because of these people.
He claims that we all have it wrong. There are no peaceful people in Palestine that want a 2 state solution. Ordinary Gazan's want to destroy Israel not a peaceful solution according to him. Not true
He says that collective punishment (considered a war crime) is justified because people in Gaza elected Hamas, so they need to be held accountable and this is what they get.
His response to Piers on the victims being half children is that Gaza claims injustices by Israel and if that was really the case, how are they experiencing a population boom? Wow! That response blew me away!
I understand the horrible atrocity on Oct. 7 and him repeatedly bringing it up (which is good)but not once discussing atrocities to 2 million people thats 10 times worse by Israel.
He clearly hates Palestinians/people from Gaza with a passion and couldn't utter 1 iota of sympathy even for the children in Gaza. His response, when Piers pointed out the innocent children being harmed in Gaza, that "they are having a population boom" deserves to be nominated for a hate/racist Hall of Fame quote.
You asked for examples and I picked a ton of them out for you.
Read the entire review of his book if you want more.
All I can do is provide the indisputable facts. Believe what you want like everybody else.
There's no question that people have already decided what they want to believe on this from the get go and will interpret all new information to back up what they want to believe. And its impossible for them to see the other side in most cases.
That's just the world we live in and no hard feelings on any disagreements here.
I've seen and embraced one side entirely for 60 years. Including just a month ago:
52 responses |
Started by metmike - Oct. 7, 2023, 2:23 a.m
Since then, with hours of learning/research along with observing Israel's war atrocities in real time, I'm reporting the other very legit side which only mcfarmer wants to see here........along with the vast majority in the world that are comprised of MOSTLY honest people, not pro Hamas/Iran death to Israel believers.
However, these actions by Israel greatly increased the ones that want death to Israel by a much larger number than the number of Hamas that Israel takes out.
The vast, vast majority of people who are outraged by atrocities by both sides just follow ethical principles and don't hate Israel, like me and like the United Nations that recognize how wrong this has been.
When somebody hates other people because of their nationality like this guy obviously does, it’s impossible to feel empathy for the hated people.
Not even 1 iota of empathy for the children in Gaza, for Pete’s sake!
Tons and tons of empathy for the Jews through out the 30 minute interview so we know he’s capable of feeling it……just not for the people in Gaza that he hates!
I am going to share what I consider a profound extremely high confidence revelation about why the conservative Christians in this country have unwavering vigorous support for Israel, no matter what Israel does. Almost no exceptions and to the point that defies logic.
I wouldn't have discovered it without my own self reflection of how it was that I was one of those people with that mindset for 60+ years.
Starting from the time that I was in first grade, going to Catholic school, I was taught that the Israelite's were God's chosen people and the Jews today are their ancestors.
This was indoctrinated into me for 12 years of daily religion classes. Finding out about the Holocaust was shocking and it still causes emotions in me today when I read stories about it because I always considered Hitler to be possessed by the devil trying to wipe out God's chosen people.
As an adult teaching religious education to Catholic high school students, I taught this.
Other Christian faiths all follow the Old Testament and also believe that the Israelites were God's chosen people. It's part of our religion. I've talked to several that believe that personally about today's Jews.
There has been news in the Middle East with regards to conflicts between the Arabs and Jews since I was growing up. Not having any first hand experiences or family living in the Middle East, the news that hit my ears was from my pro Israel sources. I was 100% tuned out of Arab or Palestinian sources because my assumption was they were just another evil group, not that different than Hitler that wanted to wipe out God's chosen people.
Every situation and every event had an assumption superimposed on it in my Christian indoctrinated mind.
Today's Jews are the ancestors of God's chosen people and groups that want to hurt or destroy them are doing the work of the devil.
On Oct. 7, my observation of the horrific atrocity committed by Hamas in Israel confirmed that once again. The same evil vs God's chosen people battle that's been going on for centuries.
However, for the first time in my life, mostly because of being a moderator following global events closely that I had never done, I spent dozens of hours independently researching and understanding the past/history from an objective viewpoint(not just my biased pro Israel, Christian propaganda sources) and watching this situation unfold in real time.
It was a stunning awakening to the truth that felt enriching from the reward of a fervent dedication to using an open mind to learn things that contradict what I think that I know by applying the scientific method but at the same time a horrible, saddening realization that "God's chosen people" were perpetrators of horrible evil on their world and I'd just been in denial in the past because of the same Christian indoctrination that fellow Christians have imposed because of our belief system.
At first, I only realized the subject impact on myself. Now, it's become crystal clear that this same subconscious (and conscience) indoctrinazation is what drives all the narratives in the Christian world when it comes to anything related to Israel.
You can see that all day long on Fox news. Never placing any blame on any actions by Israel. The constant narrative is that this is Israel defending itself and people like me are pro Hamas/Iran and hate Israel or want to destroy Israel.
I can clearly see my previous mindset being repeated over and over with the same false rhetoric that I assumed was the truth because it confirmed what I was taught to believe and what I wanted to believe.
Since it took an extremely objective person 60 years to finally see this after dozens of hours of reflecfing for authentic discernment, it's completely understandible that others, less motivated and less open minded will never discover this objective truth.
When it's part of the religious's based on FAITH. Faith is the belief in things that can't be proven or DISproven in the believers mind.
We don't have "faith" in gravity or "faith" in photosynthesis because they are proven laws via scientific data.
Our belief in God is a faith that cannot be proven. OUr religions provide principles/tenets that define those FAITHS.
In all the Faiths that follow the Old Testament which is every Christian faith, today;s Jews, the descendants of the ancient Israelites are God's chosen people.
Many to most of the same sources that profess this, also teach that Islam is a false religion. I have read 100+ articles that claim this and some with a detailed critique of the Koran for being an evil religion.
Every one of those sources were Christian based, selling Christianity as the TRUE religion. Most Christians believe their religion is the TRUE religion just be definition. If you didn't think that, then you could practice different religions on different days of the week. You are a Christian for a reason and that includes having faith in what your Christian bible tells you to believe..........which is that today's Jews are the ancestors of God's chosen people which bestows a unique, unwavering support that is blind to anything in the real world that contradicts that.