Black people are not responsible for the human disease of racism. Antisemitism is a gentile's problem.
These are diseases. And throughout history, as they rise, bad things happen.
Antisemitism has been around for thousands of years.
Asking the question "Why is Antisemitism rising now?" is to suggest that the Jew is responsible for the age-old human disease. Islamaphobia is also rising now. Resist that dark side of our human nature.
Being against Israel's policies does not make someone an antisemite. But antisemites love to hate Israel.
Asking the question "Why is Antisemitism rising now?" is to suggest that the Jew is responsible for the age-old human disease.
Thanks much, joj!
We both strongly oppose Antisemitism or any form of hate crimes!
However, the current massive uptick in Antisemitism is mostly related to the actions of Israel.
As I mentioned, YOU feel these actions are justified, so when others don't, it must be a function of their hatred for Jews when they act out based on their outrage right now over what Israel is doing to Gaza.
There were people, that 2 months ago had no strong feeling for Israel, one way or the other and have formed their entire opinion based on Israel obliterating Gaza. Showing no mercy to 2+ million people that did nothing wrong.
Observing this happen, day after day, relentlessly to completely helpless people with images and stories constantly bringing it to our eyes and brains and hearts with EMPATHY FOR OTHERS EXPERIENCING A HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, intentionally imposed by their suppressor, Israel.
This has been the most damaging thing to Israel's credibility in its history by an extremely wide margin. You want to believe that these were all closet Jew haters that are using it to come out. I would make the strong case, based on every metric measuring the response, that many of the people in these protests are protesting for the first time and with more emotion and focused specifically on what's happening in Gaza. Many of the hate crimes are being committed by people that never committed a hate crime before.
As I've mentioned numerous times, I've always been fond of and supportive of Israel(descendants of God's chosen people, I was indoctrinated to believe) and Jewish people(who are blessed with enormous ability and work ethic).
This was my base state of mind going into the war.
On the war, I completely DISagree with what Israel is doing (though I understand the human emotion of revenge, hatred and racism against Muslims thats inspiring Israel to do it).
If not for my base state and understanding of human behavior and commitment to NOT hate, my view of the situation in Gaza would cause me to hate Israel.
You are missing the 1 to 1 correlation between this dynamic and the events in Gaza.
This is NOT indoctrinated hate. It's hate based on observing what Israel is doing and is part of the consequences that have resulted in a global outcry, condemning Israel for these horrible, unjustified war crimes and humanitarian crisis.
I'm glad that you are expressing this here. Your view lines up with millions of others, including people that watch Fox news that are all being told what you believe while every iota of the world's majority, calling out Israel is being censored on Fox.
People getting a blatantly distorted interpretation of the events from biased sources will of course, form opinions based on having no clue what the rest of the world sees with open eyes.
By metmike - Nov. 13, 2023, 9:30 a.m.
Israel is the only country capable of turning this around in the long run.
Palestinians hate Israel and much of that is indoctrinated after decades of suppression and hatred aimed at them from Israel.
It's obviously a 2 way street but Israel, by a wide margin is the much more powerful country with the stronger economy and means to do things which the Arab countries can't.
Regardless of how much blame YOU or I think that Israel should get in this dysfunctional exists.
The only way to make it better is for Israel, to take substantive actions to LIFT UP Palestinians instead of being their enemy and doing things to further suppress them, which just provides more reason for Palestine to hate Israel.
Yeah, I know its impossible but that's what would do it.
Bombing them into oblivion and subjecting 2 million innocent people to the worst humanitarian crisis in decades is the exact OPPOSITE of lifting them up.
It's the recipe for massively increasing hatred for Israel at the fastest rate possible.
Any people or country that hates another one this much will never reverse their mindset.
It's ironic that you bring up racism and completely ignore the elephant in the room.
Israels actions to suppress Palestinians for decades and what the are doing to Gaza is the quintessential example of racism being used to maximize the harm to 2 million people the racists hate.
You can call it Israel defending itself from Hamas if you want.
However, it’s absolutely racism by every authentic standard and the world sees it.
What happens when racists, like Israel rear their ugly heads like this?
Others that line up with their racist views will jump in and attacks Muslims.
However, the vast majority of the world is NOT racist and can see racism in other people. This is happening around the world with outrage at Israel. Unfortunately, it causes hatred of the racists and in this case that has ramped up antisemitism.
It has also caused hate attacks on Muslims.
However, it’s not as bad as the outrage vented toward Israel because Israel was the horrible victim on 1 wicked day, Oct. 7.
Every single day since then, Gaza has been the victim at the hands of Israel’s horrible war crimes.
You're the one that brought this up.
I'm just chiming in with objective, authentic truths.
A Threshold Crossed
Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution
6 Sep 2023
Netanyahu’s call to deport Eritreans shows Israel’s racism is global
International law bars Israel from pushing Eritreans out. But that, as Palestinians know well, has not stopped it before.
March 06, 2023
The 7 Most Racist Israeli Laws
Accusing those that are suddenly acting out against Israel for the first time in their lives in reaction to what Israel is doing because of Israel's racism is the pot calling the kettle black!
People that have my views above, are being mischaraterized as pro Hamas/Iran and against Israel because they won't honestly, objectively reconcile their views with the real world.
Again, I want more than anything for Israel to exist in peace and for the wonderful people of this nationality to be loved and respected, similar to the way that I feel.
I‘m saddened that Israel has blundered itself into this self inflicted crisis from arrogance and lack of empathy for people they suppress.
With each decision making it even worse.
What Hamas did was an horrific, barbaric crime that I condemn in the strongest terms possible
However, pretending that the blatant racist history of Israel against Palestine didn’t exist before that and the current racist actions against Gaza by Israel are justified is denial, especially in the face of blaming the reactions on racism against Israel.
But I get it. You’re Jewish and have family living in Israel.
My views, included believing Jews are the ancestors of Gods chosen people most of my life.
I have completely discarded that indoctrination in my brain and look objectively as possible now.
Previous threads:
22 responses |
Started by joj - Nov. 11, 2023, 7:54 a.m.
29 responses |
Started by 12345 - Oct. 29, 2023, 4:32 a.m.
Gaza humanitarian crisis
56 responses |
Started by metmike - Oct. 21, 2023, 2:47 p.m.
54 responses |
Started by metmike - Oct. 7, 2023, 2:23 a.m
Hospitals in north Gaza stop functioning as humanitarian crisis deepens
Gaza health ministry says a mass grave has been dug outside al-Shifa hospital as calls grow for Israel to exercise restraint
If only Jewish people behaved properly then there would be no antisemitism in the world. (I'll get right on it)
Same with black people. If they were model citizens then racism would disappear completely.
One can ask this simple question.
Have Israel's actions SAVED more lives or COST more lives.
With that answer being clear, then we must ask, to Israel, how many Palestinians lives are worth the life of 1 Jew?
We enjoy our luxurious life here in America watching tv or our computer monitor with a subconscious view that we (and the people of Israel) have lives that are worth MANY times the value of these destitute people in Gaza because they had nothing to begin with.
Killing people with nothing is no big loss. They were just surviving.
Killing people that are important to rich countries is a massive loss. They are members in society that we assign value too because they've acquired things that we consider to be important, including connections and contributions that WE place value on.
However, to YOU, 1 of the 8 billion people on this planet, regardless of how poor or rich you are, the loss is the exact same if your child dies or father/mother.
These people in Gaza may be pieces of doo doo to the developed world in Israel and the U.S. but every death has profound meaning to their loved ones. They suffer as much as we do because of it.
Many of those killed are decomposing bodies that have to be buried in mass graves ASAP because of the smell and emergency/crisis.
I understand completely what happened on Oct. 7 and am very outraged. There will be great suffering for years by the families impacted.
Does imposing 100 times the suffering on innocent people for revenge bring them back?
It's a rock solid indicator of the value which Israel assigns to the lives of people in Palestine/Gaza.
On a positive note, we should all use this to appreciate our amazingly great fortune at being born here. If it shelters us from being able to feel empathy for people we can't connect too because they are just images on a screen and not valued human beings and we prefer the ignorant bliss and go to places that tell us what we want to hear/read.........lucky for us, being born here still allows us to have the same material and other luxuries, even if we lack empathy for people different than us.
Maybe not having solid, objective ethical standards but those are becoming less important than what political side you're on in today's world anyway.
and for you two well educated men to jump right over what is going on every day on America's college campuses is a crime. Daily our liberal profs and adm are feeding our young people lies and propaganda the likes of which this country has never seen. And the kids are eating it up, daily. Check how these marches {more like riots} are organized and all with one common goal, to vilify Israel. Then comes the press to further the lies and hatred. Then comes the wackos in government all hired by the Biden adm. Quite the scene really. Quite the shameful scene for America. Little rich white girls tearing down pictures of Jewish hostages, spitting on people, chanting shameful things they repeat with glee, wow are will not so proud as to send our youth to these internment camps called colleges
You are correct to point out the shortcomings of the liberal youth on college campuses. By the way, It will split the Democratic party in 2024.
I recall when Assad was slaughtering 500,000 Syrians including tens of thousands of Palestinians.
The entire world was silent. The hypocrisy is glaring.
"If only Jewish people behaved properly then there would be no antisemitism in the world. (I'll get right on it)
Same with black people. If they were model citizens then racism would disappear completely."
Sorry I missed this earlier, joj. I'm really busy for much of the time the next 5 months with chess coaching and we're doing sign up with 300+ kids and I'm running an extra tournament in January this year.
Behaving properly in this case means NOT killing 12,000+ and injuring 25,000+ innocent people that you hate. It means NOT starving 2+ million innocent people(half being children-so even if you want to claim they hate you, doing this to their children is diabolical) NOT depriving them of water, NOT depriving them of fuel, electricity and medical care. NOT obliterating their homes/shelters. NOT bombing the heck out of them for 5 straight weeks. NOT violating the basic standards using the Statute of International Criminal Court and the Geneva Convention
Not completely ignoring the pleas of the United Nations and World Health Organization. Not setting a record for killing the most United Nations humanitarian aid workers in just 1 months time(100+).
joj, is that what you consider proper behavior?
Do you think that if black people did this in America to get retribution for slavery, they wouldn't all be in prison before they could get past 1st base?
The reason that Israel isn't suffering consequences for their blatant war crimes is that they are judge, jury and executioner. I just listed all of them above crystal clearly but I realize why you guys can't see it. I had your view my entire life too. Again, I understand your tunnel vision believing only things you want to believe and are told to believe(all the propaganda in the US and Israel-where a the vast majority of the worlds Jews live).
If not for using the Scientific Method that compels the scientist to look at reasons that they might be wrong and the other side might be right............I might be partially oblivious to the truth too.
However, this is egregious X10 and the worst ever by Israel, so it seems hard to imagine none of it getting thru, considering that I have extremely well developed propaganda detecting skills.
Go outside the US and Israel and the propaganda. Don't you think their opposite reaction is odd.
If you didn't know me, you would attribute my position to being pro Hamas/Iran and antisemitism because that's what the US propaganda teaches, especially on Fox.
I've loved Israel and Jewish people my entire life and still do!!!!
That's exactly what bothers me the most!!
If one of my sons that I loved dearly was out killing people indiscriminately for 5 straight weeks to get revenge on a person that killed his son, would I not weep for the consequences coming to him for violating basic laws in society while understanding his pain and loss?
The biggest difference is that Israel has ALL THE POWER and can commit diabolical war crimes and impose collective punishment to create a massive humanitarian crisis of epic proportions on 2 million people and get away without suffering consequences legally.
But the huge increase in antisemitism around the world from people outraged is a good indicator that some people, (some acting wrongly with hate crimes) don't want them to get away with it. Most are doing peaceful rallies.
They're not only upset with Israels atrocities but also people that support Israel and people of the same nationality of those committing the horrible war crimes..........which is wrong for them.
But they are not all pro Hamas as the propaganda teaches. Most of them are just people like you and me that are capable of feeling empathy for the innocent 2+ million people in Gaza.
Observing Israel's diabolical collective punishment to get revenge, using 2+ million innocent people, half of them children, many not old enough to even understand what's going on is the biggest public relations disaster in history X10 for Israel.
The world cannot UNsee or UNknow what it just witnessed. Even if its stopped today(which would stop the damage) . It's too late for that. .........but it can keep getting worse.
You guys can keep pretending it's something different if you want. There certainly are tons of information sources in OUR country to get your reinforcement of the pro Israel propaganda. I watch them too.
I recall when Assad was slaughtering 500,000 Syrians including tens of thousands of Palestinians.
The entire world was silent. The hypocrisy is glaring.
So your position is to use an example of an even worse atrocity to justify this one?
Claiming that an Arab(country) committed that one and now, this really bad one, because it's Israel, the world is picking on them by holding them accountable to basic, well accepted standards of behavior?
BTW, the accepted number for how many Assad killed was more like 306,000 but regardless, it has nothing to do with applying ethical/moral codes which should be done independently based on the circumstances of each situation.
Otherwise, people would have a solid defense for committing serious crimes by demonstrating that somebody else committed a worse crime.
I realize that it appears to be impossible for you guys to see any of this and nothing that I type here will make a difference but not correcting with the truth is negligence on my part regarding my mission statement here
as well as allowing for echo chamber type thinking to go unchallenged and MarketForum is an ANTI echo chamber.
Regardless, it should make no difference in our relationships and I still consider you friends.
Since you guys are responding to the same topic on 2 different threads, these were my other responses:
“nothing that I type here will make a difference“
I know just how you feel.
Furthermore, your responses indicate to me that you missed the point of the thread which was the title.
Good luck on your chess mission.
Thanks much joj!
I wish that I could just tell people what they want to hear/read, which is what most people are looking for.
Telling people what they want to hear can sometimes be a good thing in personal relationships, if you want them to feel good at specific times.
Complimenting your wife's appearance or intelligence is always a good idea to help strengthen the relationship. It can help lift up a depressed person that needs an emotional boost.
However, outside of circumstances like that, using the authentic truth most of the time, not only leads to more personal growth but it especially gives people hearing/reading it an opportunity to grow.........should they be interested in growing. Sadly, most people are not(they want their belief system reinforced more than anything). Ignorance is bliss and growth is painful.
As mentioned many times, I've learned more here the past 5 years than I learned the previous 25 years. Much of it is related to knowing that if I share it, the learning can be multiplied 10 to even 100+ times or however many people read a post or thread.
The mentality of sharing authentic truths with others is extremely appealing. I often copy posts here on Facebook and Twitter(X)..........for the sole reason of generously sharing and multiplying the learning which took place from hours of research that other people don't have the time or motivation or educational/training or OBJECTIVELY to do.
Telling people what they want to read/hear when it hides the truth results in depriving them of an opportunity to grow from learning something new. It can make them dumber not smarter.
Telling people what they want to read/hear is sometimes done by charlatans to intentionally use or control them, like our politicians and media frequently do. Or sell them things which is the job of sales people.
Telling people things that we know and they should know based on authentic and generously sharing is different than arguing or debating. With arguing/debating, the objective is entirely selfish because it focuses on us and our ego. We want to be right much more than we want them to learn.
Generously and respectfully sharing, especially new things learned on the other hand is meant to benefit other people. Like a teacher and their pupils. No arguing/debating going on in the classroom.
In the classroom setting, the frame of mind coming in is optimal. People come there with an objective of learning new things. Their minds are open and like sponges trying to soak up new information from a source that knows things that they don't.
Sadly, the frame of mind on social media and political places because of human cognitive bias and confirmation bias, is to seek out echo chambers that repeat what we think that we know. To resist embracing new ideas that contradict what we think that we know because of habit or ego or subjectivity or political party or nationality.
COVID vax DISinformation was/is another of many examples like the current Gaza/Palestine/Israel DISinformation/propaganda campaign that people want to believe in.
That one never stops rearing it's ugly head because the far right sources will never stop their DISinformation, like they are now doing with the war in Gaza by covering up Israel's horrific war crimes.
By metmike - Nov. 17, 2023, 7:17 a.m.
But my mission here to help enlighten people with the authentic truth, provide learning opportunities, especially those busting mainstream propaganda , busting propaganda lies and DISinformation will cease WHEN MarketForum is gone or metmike is gone.
"Black people are not responsible for the human disease of racism"
I total disagree with that statement. Some blacks are racist. Evil is not confined to any one race.
You are correct. Racism being a condition that only impacts people suppressed by white people is absurd and an attempt to justify a thought process that allows for believing what one wants to believe.
Usually, the justification is that white people always have more power, so they can't be the victims of racism, which is not true but here's a source that calls racism against white people SOMETHING ELSE, to pretend it doesn't meet THEIR standard.
I will certainly agree that the VAST, VAST majority of racism in this country. like 99.9% featured horrible abuses of the civil rights of black people in the past but many things are different here in 2023.
I can tell you about dozens of situations growing up in Detroit where being white in an almost all black neighborhood was risky for your physical well being.
Maybe some people don't call that racism but there were miles of neighborhoods like that and it was the rule, not the exception the entire time that I grew up.
In fact, the news would regularly tell white people to NOT use the entrances to get on several freeways because white people stopped at a traffic light would have their cars vandalized and several were assaulted physically, one was killed that I remember by gangs of blacks looking for white victims. But I acknowledge this to NOT be systemic racism.
There are many examples of "reverse discrimination" in society against whites but a case can be made that whites have too much power and for it to be not systemic enough to be considered racism.
But let's not mess around and get to the reason this was brought up and address it.
What about what the Jewish people are doing to the Palestinians?
This absolutely meets the standards of racism, since that's what brought this up.........LET'S GO THERE right now.
A Threshold Crossed
Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution
For the past 54 years, Israeli authorities have facilitated the transfer of Jewish Israelis to the OPT and granted them a superior status under the law as compared to Palestinians living in the same territory when it comes to civil rights, access to land, and freedom to move, build, and confer residency rights to close relatives. While Palestinians have a limited degree of self-rule in parts of the OPT, Israel retains primary control over borders, airspace, the movement of people and goods, security, and the registry of the entire population, which in turn dictates such matters as legal status and eligibility to receive identity cards.
A number of Israeli officials have stated clearly their intent to maintain this control in perpetuity and backed it up through their actions, including continued settlement expansion over the course of the decades-long “peace process.” Unilateral annexation of additional parts of the West Bank, which the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to carry out, would formalize the reality of systematic Israeli domination and oppression that has long prevailed without changing the reality that the entire West Bank is occupied territory under the international law of occupation, including East Jerusalem, which Israel unilaterally annexed in 1967.
International criminal law has developed two crimes against humanity for situations of systematic discrimination and repression: apartheid and persecution. Crimes against humanity stand among the most odious crimes in international law.
This meets the standards of racism by everybody's definition. That is, everyone that wants to be honest and acknowledge it. No question that the 2+ million people in Gaza right now are being treated MUCH worse than the blacks were in the US South during the worst days of lynching.
Israel has all the power and is using it because of the nationality difference between them and the Palestinians that they hate in order to impose systemic oppression and horrific conditions. As racist as it gets and what they are doing now has brought it to the attention of the entire world.
The reaction by so many to this current blatant racism by Israel has been to ramp up antisemitism around the planet. This is despicable and unacceptable and NEVER justified. Especially since these hate crimes are against 100% innocent Jewish people that are playing no role in what's happening in the Middle East. Even if they were,. it would be wrong.
The horrific incident on Oct. 7 should always be very stronglycondemned as well as the mentality of diabolical Hamas..........but that can never justify collective punishment and unimaginable violations of human rights day after day, imposed on millions of innocent people, mostly women and children.
On antisemitism, hates crimes and related items here at home. People have a right to their opinion without being attacked. People are born with a race and nationality and each human life should have the same value as another human life. However, we know that to not even be close to the truth in how we act, because a person like the Prime Minister of Israel's life is worth much more than regular citizens.
However, it's wrong to value the life of a person in Israel or Jewish to be 10+ times the value of the life of a person living in Palestine or that isn't Jewish. One could make a case that its much more than that based on the actions of Israel imposing daily, widespread EXTREME human rights violations on 2 million innocent Gazans and arrogantly justifying it with reasoning that reeks of racism.
The reaction to the Oct. 7 attacks has provided Israel with the justification, claiming absurdly, that this is just Israel defending itself so that Israel can commit horrific war crimes with impunity.
That's the thing many people are legitimately protesting over! Israel’s treatment of Palestinians
what shocks me most, here on November 17, 2023 Is how ignorant that I was about the history my entire life because of indoctrination.
Its a great lesson, showing that you can teach an old dog lots of new tricks……when the old dog wants to learn!
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise
To me, this study is the example of scientists that already decided what the answer was before they even got the money for their research.
At the University of Michigan, I got some scholarship and grant money and much of it was based on the fact that Dad had 5 more kids after me to raise, along with his income and some other things he filled out that put me in a category with almost all black people at UM.
Honestly, I had no idea this was going on until someone who did, suggested I take advantage of this status by getting free tutoring that was only offered to minorities. UM had a single digit % of blacks but in this tutoring program for black engineering students(Atmospheric and Oceanic science was in the Engineering school) out of dozens of others I saw, including the tutors, I was the only other white person. I was used to being in situations like that in Detroit so it wasn't that odd, except those were all very low income situations that don't exist at a major college..............except for a special program for blacks that whites weren't supposed to be part of(as I was eventually told).
It opened my eyes to this to affirmative action.
Many of these black students got in with lower qualifications than whites with the same credentials. That program was designed to provide special assistance to help ONLY those black students.
Some call this reverse discrimination and even racism. Personally, I have actually been ok with whatever you want to call it because I was blessed with tremendous talents and benefits that included being white and being born in this country that most in the world don't have and was raised to take actions to SHARE THAT with those less fortunate. If that means giving up some of the white piece of the pie to less qualified be it because that's called Generously SHARING something you have more of to help lift up those with less of it.
Getting back to Israel. This is why I've been insisting the only solution that will work in the long run is for Israel to stop abusing the human rights of Palestinians with their hatred and blatant racism and instead, create a sort of Affirmative action situation like we did in the United States to LIFT UP BLACKS, only do it for Palestinians and make it clear that this is Israel's decision because it wants to LIFT UP PALESTINIANS.
There is a 100% chance that effective messaging of this strategy would gradually turn mortal enemies into people that no longer have a reason to hate Israel. What they are have been doing and what they are doing now is the polar opposite and by no coincidence, hatred for Jews around the world is spiking to a record high. This is WRONG but the only way to fight that, is by stopping the root cause for it.
After a month of thinking about this, I am convinced this is the only way for Israel to have a peaceful existence in the future, which is what we should all want. And to give others a reason to NOT hate them.
Back to the real world. This solution is impossible with the current mentality of Israel.
It's becoming more and more clear that we can't trust any statements coming out of Israel as they completely contradict realities on the ground, verified by authentic facts. Like them claiming they are trying to minimize civilian causalities when actions show the polar opposite..........extreme, collective punishment and intentionally imposing a horrific humanitarian crisis on 2 million(mostly women and children) innocent people under the guise of this being Israel defending itself.
The leaflet propaganda stuff requires people to turn off their critical thinking. There is no safe place and if there was, Hamas would be the ones benefiting by the leaflets the most. They tell us on one hand that they can't have a cease fire because it would allow Hamas time to hide, while they pretend that leaflets will only be read by innocent people, who have some sort of shelters that Hamas doesn't. It's the 100%, polar opposite and this is a blatant lie and war propaganda.
If Hamas has an extensive underground tunnel system, the warning leaflets would be giving them notice to use it for shelter while the rest of the 2+ million innocent people have had their homes, shelters and safe places bombed into oblivion.
That's why almost all the dead people are innocent, more than half women and children and almost none of them is Hamas.
This is the most pathetic thing I've witnessed in my lifetime and its especially sad when sources like Fox news censor every iota of the truth and only tell us this is Israel defending itself because of the October 7 horrible atrocity.
Dozens of people remain under the rubble after attacks on two residential areas in Khan Younis.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have moved to the southern Gaza Strip after Israel ordered them to evacuate the northern region, claiming it would be “safer” amid Israeli forces’ ground offensive there.
Two-thirds of them are now homeless.
In recent weeks, Israeli bombardments have also intensified in the south.
Sadly, more and more this supports the accusations of those calling this genocide:
21 responses |
Started by joj - Nov. 5, 2023, 6:16 a.m.
Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.[1][2]
The Political Instability Task Force estimated that 43 genocides occurred between 1956 and 2016, resulting in about 50 million deaths.[3] The UNHCR estimated that a further 50 million had been displaced by such episodes of violence up to 2008.[3] Genocide, especially large-scale genocide, is widely considered to signify the epitome of human evil.[4] As a label, it is contentious because it is moralizing,[5] and has been used as a type of moral category since the late 1990s.[6]
pretty simple MM. How do you accuse Israel of genocide when they warned the citizens for days and weeks the attacks are coming and they are attacking Hamas. More and more this reminds of all of the mess created by the Germans in WW II. The civilians cowered {mostly} and the Germans hide amongst them in France, Germany, Poland elsewhere. If they were to defeated, which they obviously had to be, then those places had to attacked. And you call that genocide too?
"pretty simple MM. How do you accuse Israel of genocide when they warned the citizens for days and weeks the attacks are coming"
How would that work in a court of law, defending a serial killer?
"You're honor, despite my client taking away the deceased's food, water, shelter and medical care, he warned them for days and weeks that he was likely going to kill he should be found not guilty since they knew what was coming"
If Israel gave them a safe place to go that Hamas didn't have, that would make sense but it was the opposite. Israel obliterated many of the places that innocent people were living and sheltering in for much of their lives. They are HOMELESS. Now, Israel is obliterating S. Gaza. There is no refuge for these poor innocent people.
It's Hamas that has all the hiding places to seek refuge NOT the innocent people that have nowhere to go.
When these so called "warnings" with leaflets/pamphlets were dropped, did they state on them "If you are Hamas, don't read this because its only for innocent people of Gaza to read"
Right, and after reading it..........they were warned before being bombarded from the air and deprived of food, water, fuel and medical supplies on the ground.
This isn't even debatable, man.
I am just stating stone cold facts that are being censored at many sources in the US and Israel.
You guys keeping thinking of this as a debate with an objective of proving that you're right.
No, its one group not having the facts. Mostly because they are being censored by their sources but also from denial and twisted interpretations.
If it rained 3 inches on one of your farms mcfarm and your rain gauge measured it and the NWS measured it and the radar images showed it was widespread............ Would it be a debate if your neighbor insisted it didn't rain?
As the facts change, I'll just keep reporting them. You all have free will to believe what you want.