It started Tues 11/7, I though it was allergies. I woke up wed morning,killer sore throat,bad dry cough,sounded like the croup when we were kids. I had a dry cough and sore throat on Thurs. Thurs evening into friday I had a 101.9 fever. I tested friday and it was negative. The cough went away by sat,but my throat was still sore. i tested sat afternoon,it was positive. I went to urgent Care to get a better test,That test came back positive from the lab.
Every night this week I woke up with real bad night sweats but no fever. I feel tired but all the cold and flu symptoms have left. Yesterday morning I had vertigo,the cause was dehydration. I drank lots of water and that resolved in a few hours.
I haven't been sick since the winter of 2019.
I work in a hospital part time,my opinion is get the booster! I've had all the shots and booster to date,cant get my next booster for 12 weeks!
Thanks much, Mike!
Glad to read that you're getting better. Great advice on the vaccination shot.
5 responses |
Started by mikempt - Nov. 14, 2023, 9:40 a.m.
Do what you feel is right with good medical advice Mike but please don't ever forget 97% of the scientists believe what is released by who is funding them. Fauci tops the list. You are not dealing with covid 19 at this point. Are you healthy? Do you have some other issues with your health. Your body is amazing at fighting off danger. And always remember Biden and those deep in the money were all quoted as saying "if you get the shot you will not get covid" Maybe a bigger lie than "if you want to keep your Doctor you can keep your doctor"
"And always remember Biden and those deep in the money were all quoted as saying "if you get the shot you will not get covid"
Your far right sources completely made that up, mcfarm and all the rest of the COVID VAX DISinformation that ended up killing over 100,000 Rs that didn't need to die.
12 responses |
Started by 12345 - Nov. 2, 2022, 12:53 p.m.
COVID vaxx DISinformation/information compilation
Started by metmike - July 23, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
90,000 US COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented
Started by metmike - Jan. 9, 2022, 4:23 p.m.
Rural/Republican states hit hardest by COVID
Started by metmike - Aug. 9, 2021, 7:40 p.m.
Biden shines-incredible story!
Started by metmike - June 2, 2022, 6:52 p.m.
I know it's a complete waste of time for most people who only want to go to places that manufacture realities that they want to believe in but enlightening minds is the main reason that I'm here.
And providing opportunities for others to learn and grow THAT WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE.
MCFARM ~ " Your body is amazing at fighting off danger. "
Thanks, Jean!
I stumbled across this guy on the internet earlier this week and found him to be a person that has tons of wonderful stuff to share with the world.
Including messages to make the world a better place!
The last few days, I've had that image at the bottom etched in my brain and thought about it dozens of times.........because the guy on the left is me!
This guy has the best short clip, fascinating/entertaining video's on the internet.
AS in Nursing | Entrepreneur| Keen Visionary | A Devoted Husband | Love 4 All, Hatred 4 None | Never 2 late 2 be wise | Patience & Persistence.
This say a lot . so MY sources made that up? Well who is this guy declaring exactly what I thought he said. And in fact there are others in the Biden as well as local health officials right here in Indiana wh claimed the same. Many videos of those people just running there mouth with what you love to display as misinformation or bad sources. They said it. They will live with it until the internet takes it all down and claims all the adm was lily white innocent in this covid mess
Thanks much, mcfarm!
I stand corrected on that item and greatly appreciate that too, mcfarm because I didn't know he said that. Biden did actually say that with his gaffe on July 21, 2021.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden offered an absolute guarantee Wednesday that people who get their COVID-19 vaccines are completely protected from infection, sickness and death from the coronavirus. The reality is not that cut and dried.
BIDEN, asked about vaccinated people who get infected: “It may be possible, I know of none where they’re hospitalized, in ICU and or have passed away so at a minimum I can say even if they did contract it, which I’m sorry they did, it’s such a tiny percentage and it’s not life threatening.” — remarks to reporters after the event.
THE FACTS: Once again, too far. That is evident from the CDC’s finding that 5,492 vaccinated people who tested positive for coronavirus were hospitalized or died as of July 12. That’s not “none.” But he is correct that it is a small percentage of the more than 159 million fully vaccinated Americans.
So Biden definitely said something about the COVID vaxx that wasn't true that day. Did that represent his actual position? A month later tells us no.
Does Biden say gaffe's? Is the Pope Catholic?
Has Trump ever embellished in an interview? How many stars are there in the sky?
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And fourth, I want to emphasize that the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19. I know there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation. But the world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is very low.
In fact, based on available data from the summer, only one of out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day.
This was all true. If you read the rest of this briefing, you'll note the part of his policy that REALLY enraged the Rs.
The path ahead, even with the Delta variant, is not nearly as bad as last winter. But what makes it incredibly more frustrating is that we have the tools to combat COVID-19, and a distinct minority of Americans –supported by a distinct minority of elected officials — are keeping us from turning the corner. These pandemic politics, as I refer to, are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die.
We cannot allow these actions to stand in the way of protecting the large majority of Americans who have done their part and want to get back to life as normal.
As your President, I’m announcing tonight a new plan to require more Americans to be vaccinated, to combat those blocking public health.
My plan also increases testing, protects our economy, and will make our kids safer in schools. It consists of six broad areas of action and many specific measures in each that — and each of those actions that you can read more about at
But we need to do more. This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you — the people you work with, the people you care about, the people you love.
My job as President is to protect all Americans.
So, tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.
The underlined, last paragraph is what set the Rs off. This policy did likely save many thousands of lives though.
With regard to Trump making incorrect statements:
How are you and your brother doing?
Thanks for asking, Mike. I’m fine. I had up to 101.8 fever for the max (very early). I had fever that went to 100+ when not brought down by Tylenol for ~60 hours. But since then, no Tylenol. I had lots of sneezing and mainly dry coughing (that lead to abdominal muscle pain for a day or so) for a few days, but the sneezing stopped and the frequent dry cough then became just an infrequent wet cough. I had a little bit of a weird taste in my saliva but nothing like what I had the first COVID. My appetite was only barely suppressed, unlike the prior time, and that was only when fever was over 100. The last time, it was worst days 5-12. This time it was about gone by day 5 other than a few lingering wet coughs that I still have. Regardless, I still tested + on Saturday. My 02 sat never got below mid to upper 90s and was usually upper 90s. The first time it often got “down” to mid 90s.
Regarding bro: has lingering chest congestion/wet cough amongst his chronic conditions. They’re supposed to be watching that to make sure it doesn’t turn into pneumonia. Despite that, his O2 sat has remained very good for him (mid 90s).
Thanks Larry,
I was getting worried when we didn't hear back.
You guys have had a rough time but your O2 staying that high is always a great sign that its not taking a turn for the worst and seriously degrading your respiratory function which is when it becomes especially life threatening.
You mentioned "they" on your bro. Is he in the hospital?
Maybe I missed that.
NH. Unfortunately can’t come home at least for now due to chronic condition. But I’m there almost every evening/night for hours. And he has someone there most weekday daytimes. Care in NHs nothing like hospital due to very high patients to nurse/CNA ratio. Due to I assume higher pay and standards, nurses and CNAs generally nicer in hospital. Much more hit and miss in NH. A few of the NH CNAs literally hate me/think of me as a pest because I’m there so much/more than just about any family member for anyone. You can tell because they intentionally won’t even look at me, won’t say hi back, they sigh heavily etc. One had it out with me last night in his room and I temporarily lost my composure (raised my voice for the first time ever as a reaction as a result of what I felt was disrespect) because I don’t like being treated like a bad guy just for being there so much. If it weren’t for me being a very active advocate, I’d have my doubts that my bro would still be alive.
Thanks, Larry,
Sorry to read about the confrontation.
The nurse is probably used to completely controlling the treatments and conditions and not used to somebody like you so engaged in the care and medically informed.
Not just his advocate but his care giver.
On a related note with doctors in general.
I'm extremely informed and will type out a description and summary of my medical conditions for doctors with the treatments and meds that I need and ask for their opinion.
I have a couple of docs that love me to pieces for doing this. Doing tests are the best way to learn things about a patients condition that even the patient doesn't know.
However, a doctor is often only as good at ordering tests and figuring out the best treatment as the patient is at describing whats wrong/what the symptoms are.
You understand your brothers condition and symptoms and what's NORMAL for him which is the best way to accurately judge the disparity between that and ABnormal now.
Some ARROGANT medical people feel threatened by this.
A pulmonologist of my wife's got a 2 page description of her conditions and symptoms from me, along with my theory and I insisted that she needed a CPAP machine. After reading it, he told her "tell your husband to NEVER write a letter like this to a doctor ever again" Then he scolded her for it.
That started a 2 month battle with him over whether she has sleep apnea or not.
After the sleep study showed she has severe sleep apnea (because of the extreme anatomical anomaly with her small lungs being compressed when she lays down) that I insisted on, I went to the visit with her and he admitted to being wrong.......then he kicked her out from being his patient because he claimed "The patients husband continuously harasses my nurses"
If I hadn't "harassed" them she might be dead. Harassment in this case meant me, very calmly correcting their path and refusing to accept him stating there's nothing wrong.
For sure she would never have received the CPAP machine she desperately needed and has used every night the past 5 years.
Of course the new doctor, I assume got the notes of the old doctor and thought I ws an interfering control freak but I never made a peep. No need for that. She got the CPAP machine already and that’s the only thing that mattered.
She saw his nurse practitioner 1 time and she agreed 100% with my theory.
So, I'm proud of you for asserting yourself to get your bro the best treatment because YOU know him and his baseline body/condition better than anybody!
ive Had some great doctors and just as many with horrible critical thinking skills that are programmed to think inside boxes based on cognitive bias from what they think they know,.
instead of letting unusual observations take them into a new, learning experience from a patient with a unique condition they don’t completely understand.
They have X amount of time to spend on each patient, then it’s on to the next one. The patient is paying to get answers and not the truth if it’s “I don’t know or I don’t understand this”
So they offer the best treatment they do know, which is sometimes, more of a guess and sell that As the solution.
Fortunately, they are pretty good at ordering and using tests to diagnose.e
Are you recovered now, Mike?
Hey Mike,
It was a CNA rather than a nurse and it involved repositioning him due to chronic back pain. I was giving her a tip based on what my bro had asked me to do just 5 minutes before, which was to pull out the foam wedge from his rt side due to pain. He told her to put the wedge right back there but I said that he was confused and thus recommended she should still put the wedge on the left side since they almost always switch to the opposite side since that’s normally best for both comfort and to minimize/help pressure sores. CNAs in general know that and have told me that repeatedly. When I said that this CNA, who I already knew hated me for weeks before, got mad at me. She was so ready to let it out. She doesn’t normally treat my bro well either as she’s always rushing and criticizing him for wanting her to be more careful/slow down. She’s always saying she has to see other patients, which is often not true because it is at night. Most of the time, she’s sitting in her chair. But today he was the “good guy”, which itself was good in a way. But in this case, she was happy to do what he asked only because it was going against my recommendation. With the help of another CNA, she put it back on rt side and told me they do what patients request, not family. I said he was confused and she insisted he wasn’t. I told them he’d end up needing them to switch it soon, which is what happened. The other CNA said “already?” Lol
Thanks for elaborating!
Obviously not as impactful as getting a CPAP machine(-:
It stinks that you're stuck with a person like that.
If this CNA has hated you for weeks, with you and your brother both sick and stressed and requiring much more work from the CNA's, I guess its the recipe for the regular tension to blow up over a trivial issue.
I'm glad that you both appear to be recovering. Your brother has been blessed with a human angel, the way that you've committed your life to caring for him.
I greatly admire you for being there for him like this.
Thanks, Mike. Now has to go back to hosp. :(
Oh no!
What a crummy way to spend Thanksgiving.
It's too late for that now but I'm wondering why your brother didn't take Paxlovid?
Biden shines-incredible story!
29 responses |
Started by metmike - June 2, 2022, 6:52 p.m.