The green countries are all Arabs. (400 million Muslim Arabs, zero Jews)
The little spec of blue is Israel with 7 million Jews and 2 million Arabs.
The Arabs (Palestinians) living in Israel are the only Arabs in the ME with the right to vote. They are represented in the Israeli Knesset (congress) as well as the Judiciary. In fact, the judge who presided over the trial of Netanyahu where he was found guilty of corruption was a Palestinian.
The people who lead the Palestinians (Hamas) are not interested in better lives for their people or their political freedom. (though the Western mindset is stuck on that). They want a Jihad for Allah. The same is true from Iran.
It is a mistake to push Israel into a corner. Unlike the 6 million Jews who went like lambs to slaughter in WWII while the world did nothing, these Israeli Jews mean to fight for their survival. If they are to go down this time, they will take down a lot with them.
"I'd rather be hated and alive than pitied and dead". - Golda Meir
Thanks, joj!
"I'd rather be hated and alive than pitied and dead". - Golda Meir
I have an even better one:
"Don't do things that cause billions of people to hate you and you will have more peace and live longer"
I am not cursed with a "Western" or American mentality or Republicans mind, Democrats mind, privileged or white man's mind.
I benefit from and experience many of environmental elements that CAUSE that mentality in many people but you must not be actually reading any of my posts to think that's how my mind works and what my analysis of pages and pages of indisputable facts/evidence shows is the rock solid truth.
Objective, independent thinking can come from anybody, anywhere when seeking the truth and valuing the lives of human beings around the world.
MLK had his great cause but he was a black man from the South, so you could say that he had alot of skin in the game.
Jimmy Carter, however could have settled for the mindset that a powerful person from the West, like him gets from that existence. But he STEPPED OUTSIDE OF THAT and saw the value of ALL human beings and humanity, independent of biased mindsets.
It's impossible when people decide what they want to be their truth, then intentionally go to their echo chamber sources that spin everything to tell it that way.
But YOU come here to this ANTI echo chamber. So even if we disagree on this topic, you are NOT a closed minded person on many things.
And you appreciate that differences in opinions, even sensitive ones like this, don't have to wreck a solid friendship between 2 intelligent adults that greatly respect each other.
I should probably try to repeat that often and the fact that I will always admire the accomplishments and inspiration of Jewish people and this situation brings tremendous sorrow to me.
The sorrow is over much more than for the people suffering in Gaza.
It's exactly because of what we agree strongly on. Israel deserves to have an existence on their tiny island in the Middle East.
You are convinced that these actions are needed to exist.
I'm convinced of the complete opposite based on history, the principles of basic human behavior/psychology , the crystal clear global reaction and critical thinking.
All of those factors for attempting to obtain informed discernment are independent of Western thinking.
Let me try another approach. I have a childhood friend who became a born-again Christian many years ago. He tried to save my soul to no avail but we are still friends. When I asked him who he was voting for in 2024 he said Trump. I said that might bring an end to our republic since Trump wants to be a dictator. He replied that he was more interested in bringing on the Kingdom of Heaven. Well, what can I say to convince a person who believes in the mythology of his faith?
Similarly, how does one reason with the mythology that killing Jews will please Allah?
Of course, I recognize the humanity of the Palestinians. I would prefer that Israel not have overreacted and caused so much suffering. But I think it is naive (at this point anyway) that love will overwhelm them.
Allahu akbar!!
Thanks, joj,
Since you brought up religion.
Over reaction to describe war atrocities of this magnitude would be like describing the story in Genesis of Noah’s flood from 40 days and 40 nights of rain as “too much rain”.
The principle of love your neighbor which was described best in Luke’s Gospel with the parable of The Good Samaritan has a corollary which applies to what happens when you hate, persecute and suppress your neighbor as the upright Jews did to the lowly Samaritans.
They hate you Back.
Its an indisputable principle defining a trait of humanity.
This growing hate between the 2 groups didn’t suddenly emerge overnight. You know the history.
During that long history, Israel has clearly been the much stronger country by virtue of their more advanced technology and powerful military.
They have blatantly abused and exploited that to suppress and persecute the Palestinians for decades. They have been the ones with the upper hand every step of the way and the only ones with enough power to set the terms of the relationship.
Instead of making the terms agreeable and respectful, they abused their power and applied racism and offensive ethnic superiority To suppress the Palestinians they hate.
It doesn’t take a psychiatrist to know how the group being suppressed will react, with what the United Nations has described of Gaza as “an open air prison” with more human rights violations charges by the UN against Israel than the number for the rest of the world combined during recent decades.
Israel is quadrupling down on their completely predictable failed policy to live in peace.with the Arab world.
As I stated originally, this is no longer fixable Because Israel will never be able to kill everybody that they caused to hate them by their actions.
The strategy now, is greatly accelerating the rate of intense hate generation for Israel by at least an order of magnitude.
Governmemts with objective, clear thinking judgment don’t commit horrific human rights violations against people based on hatred, revenge and racism in a world that you accurately depicted with your map at the top.
The world cannot UNsee or UNknow what just happened in Gaza. And absurdly, it’s being 100% justified by Israel That lies about everything.
As if obliterating half of the family dwellings with massive bombs(the complete opposite of smaller, precision bombs) isnt collective punishment. Or cutting off food, water, fuel, electricity, medical supplies and causing the majority of 2 million innocent people, more than half children to suffer like this isn’t a horrific war atrocity.
99% of those people are not Hamas.
More deaths to media covering the story in Gaza, over 50 and humanitarian workers, over 100 than any event in the history of the world for such a short period.
This is just an over reaction By Israel?
Outside of the blatantly distorted pro Israel propaganda view, the stone cold facts based on the verified, on the ground video and accurately reported numbers from credible sources tell a completely different story.
You call this Israel defending itself as the only way to survive being surrounded by people that hate them.
In what world are These facts not a recipe for really bad things to come when people outraged to the point of seeking justice for these war crimes plot to punish Israel since they’ve defiantly continuEd to ignore the pleas of the United Nations, World Heath Organization and most of the non captured/propagandized brains.
Now, There is nothing that can fix what they broke, in fact smashed To pieces.
Using the same strategy to break more things and even worse than before , INSTEAD OF working on a strategy that starts to build back what they smashed will just keep making it worse.
Love is an unreasonable expectation In this realm but it defines the principle, which has the hate corollary.
Stopping the catastrophically failed strategy and completely counter productive actions based on the current intense hatred is very doable if there were people running Israel right now that wanted to do that.
There's no sign of that.
They are completely committed to a continuation of this, while manufacturing fake realities because they are blinded by rage, revenge and racism.
After an extended period of decades with hate decreasing and love increasing in our world, the last decade+ has reversed and has been accelerating in the opposite direction In some realms.
think you are right about the division MM. There is much data to follow that division right to the Obama election. Rarely has there been a bigger divider. Now look at current day and consider the WH resident is a complete puppet for Obama, Rice etc, Is it any wonder the division has grown, hell they approaching 12 years in office, with many experts saying if Trump runs they are assured 16 years.
MM, I disagree with your characterization. Your description is a gross exaggeration in my opinion.
“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.”
“In the end, when it’s over, all that matters is what you’ve done.”
“Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”
“I consider not what Parmenio should receive, but what Alexander should give.”
“When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back.”
“My treasure lies in my friends .”
Extremely powerful Israel may be showing off its might with how easy it is to obliterate the lowly and defenseless innocent people(mostly women and children) of Gaza.
There was never any doubt who would win this confrontation.
But the rest of the horrified world isn't showering accolades or admiring Israel for demonstrating their profound power in this diabolical manner.
They are emphatically condemning them for abusing it to intentionally hurt innocent people.
The last 2 months have etched things about Israel into the minds of people around the world, that they are unable to forget.
And it greatly saddens me to know and share it here because I loved Israel for 60 years and still admire the wonderful Jewish people for their great accomplishments, work ethic and tenacity to maximize their tremendous God given abilities.
Clearly their biggest flaw as a country, is lack of respect and empathy for other human beings and allowing revenge, rage and hatred to alter their good judgment.
I chatted with my Israeli brother on the phone today.
I asked him some pointed questions. He is a liberal Israeli who understands that the only chance for peace is through a negotiated political settlement. Although he concedes that is extremely remote at this point. And for now, he, and 90% of Israelis, believe Hamas has to go.
I asked about Israel cutting off food and water. He replied that Israel is powerless to stop water and food from entering the Egyptian/Gaza border. But Egypt does not allow it. Now aid is flowing in from the Israeli side.
He also recounted a video he witnessed that was taken on October 7th (before any bombing) of women hostages being raped in public multiple times in front of cheering Palestinians. Then, they were mutilated alive in front of the same cheering crowds. "Innocent," you say? Get honest, please. I'm not suggesting they are less than human. They are all TOO human. However, it doesn't bode well for the future.
And Israel is really attempting a hopeless mission. Eradicating Hamas? Then what? As Colin Powell once said: "You broke it, you bought it."
Perhaps you can tell me how it is that 250,000 children were slaughtered in Yemen and NO ONE in the world protested. It rarely even gets an article in the NY Times. Assad intentionally targets civilians and murders 700,000 including upwards of 50,000 Palestinians and zero protests. Israel fights back after dropping leaflets and the world is up in arms about the Israeli brutality. Can you explain that to me? Please? I want to understand.
And stop with the lie that Israel is targeting civilians. Stop with the lie about this being genocide. If Israel wanted to commit genocide it would be done already.
Thanks, joj!
It's pointless to have a discussion with somebody that mischaracterize s and twists all facts like a pretzel to justify what they want to believe.
However, I will post again, the same responses as before with the reason for me to do that.
"Innocent," you say? Get honest, please.
Innocent is exactly right, joj. Half the victims are CHILDREN, many are women and 99% are NOT Hamas.
Perhaps you can tell me how it is that 250,000 children were slaughtered in Yemen and NO ONE in the world protested.
You've used that one before here and my response is the same. Because you can pick out an even worse war crime is not a defense for committing your own war crime.
The Israel is getting picked on because it's Israel and not because of the actual heinous war crimes doesn't work. I actually gave Israel MORE THAN the benefit of the doubt for 60 years and for the first week after Oct. 7th. Read my posts. That's exactly what I did.
Israel had always been on a pedestal for me and always right, no matter what (similar to the current position of one side here)
Then, the facts, data, evidence and truth overwhelmed everything else and I had no choice (if being honest) but to shift my opinion on this for the first time in 60 years in order for it to line up with all the objective truths.
And stop with the lie that Israel is targeting civilians. Stop with the lie about this being genocide. If Israel wanted to commit genocide it would be done already.
Again, I only show the facts. I rejected the term Genocide for 2 weeks because my 60 years of indoctrinated mind couldn't wrap itself around that possibility.
If there was a shred of doubt about this, the fact below eliminates that and proves 100% that what Israel is doing is NOT precision targeting to strike Hamas and minimize harm to innocent people. It's the complete opposite. Maximizing harm to civilians.
Israel fights back after dropping leaflets and the world is up in arms about the Israeli brutality. Can you explain that to me? Please? I want to understand.
I covered the dropping leaflet propaganda nonsense several times here. That one defies people's ability to use common sense.
If you really wanted to understand, you wouldn't completely ignore the rock solid facts, data and evidence that I've provided in many dozens of posts. You've decided what you want to believe and interpret everything so it lines up with that.
I asked about Israel cutting off food and water. He replied that Israel is powerless to stop water and food from entering the Egyptian/Gaza border. But Egypt does not allow it. Now aid is flowing in from the Israeli side.
I covered this at least 2 dozen times and there are many hundreds of articles from legit sources documenting and confirming that it WAS ISRAEL blocking the aid and fuel. This is another rock solid PROVEN indisputably fact.
I've used only solid sources that have been agreed on by the majority of reliable, objective, independent sources to base every single statement on in these posts.
I don't want this to be true, in fact I wish badly that it wasn't true.
Your latest source, is based on what your brother living in Israel told you. Words. One person from the actual country committing the atrocities.
You don't show authentic data or evidence to support your position because there isn't any. If there was, why in 7 weeks would you have failed to show any of it?
And all of this irrefutable, objective proof from independent sources above has been posted numerous times here by me and there's a thousand times more articles and links that show the exact same thing.
What this shows is not anything new. People will usually decide what they want to believe, especially on politics and that determines who, what and where their sources come from.
Only places that tell them what they want to your brother for instance.
You think that we are having a debate and you are trying to win it.
That's NOT what's happening.
In my posts, I don't try to prove I'm right about anything. I would just as much be wrong and learn something and CHANGE my view(which I did already with regards to Israel, based on authentic evidence)/
What I am doing is generously sharing objective, independent information about topics that I learn about when researching and analyzing with a great deal of contemplative discernment. Regardless of the topic or what side of the political spectrum.
Fact checking, busting propaganda, conspiracy theories, DISinformation and fake news based entirely on authentic, indisputable evidence.
In a conversation like this, I know from the get go that YOU will never change 1 iota, just like mcfarm will never change on his far right views.
That's not the objective for me. Besides sharing the authentic evidence, a conversation like this illustrates to others, the tenacity of people to justify completely unjustifiable positions by twisting the facts with WORDS, despite the complete absence of them having anything to negate the objective truths.
People define THEIR truth as something they want to believe and never actually fact check or apply critical thinking to any of the information they use to justify whatever it is they want to believe.
In a conversation like this, the other side with extremely strong, unwavering views will not learn anything.
However, people reading that are not completely tied to a never changing view might have this message resonate with their objective minds.
Not that I'm right about anything but that people will NEVER change, no matter the evidence that proves them wrong.
Again, show me authentic evidence and I will adjust my position every time to dial that into my understanding. and try to immediately pass that on to others.
Did a group of Palestinians invade Israel and kill 1000-2000 Israelis? Answer: Yes
Did Palestinians die at the hands of the Israelis as retribution from this invasion? Answer: Yes
Did a group of Germans invade other countries in 1939? Answer: Yes
Did Germans die at the hands of the Allies as retribution for these invasions? Answer: Yes
Similar occurrences, similar results. Nothing can be done about it. History is written by the victors of war. And the casualties of war are the truth, and the deaths of innocent people.
Even though you are permanently banned, vandy, I'll let you in because you are disagreeing with me and not doing it with a personal attack on somebody.
Be forewarned, 1 personal attack on somebody and you're toast.
Nice comparison.......except you left out all the details that are exactly relevant and define the case in Gaza as DIFFERENT than WW-2.
It's the DIFFERENT CONDITIONS under which they died in Gaza compared to WW2, which I have posted until my fingers are turning blue.
Like with joj, comparing this war with worst things in the past for different reasons is a cop out to justify these blatant war atrocities, specifically targeting the 99% NON Hamas people.
Regardless, I see your point and will post a link about it for you:
Here's the biggest problem with this mentality.
When we were defeating the Germans in WW2, we were taking them out FOREVER and then it was game over.
In this case, as joj showed, Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries and 2 billion Muslims in the world. 100 for every Jew.
Creating a permanent humanitarian crisis in Gaza(open air prison) the last 2 decades, that led up to this and now the war, will inspire 10 X whatever Hamas is taken out.
When we killed off Germans, we didn't do it in a fashion that enraged the world and inspired 10X the number of Germans to fight down the road which this is causing.
And this is especially bad news for the United States for those of you that don't fully comprehend the blowback from an event like this.
Our BRAVE SOLDIERS gave up their lives in WW2 to save the world. It's a major slap in the face and it's offensively DISRESPECTFUL TO THEM to use that and make a pathetic comparison to what Israel has been doing to Gaza to their ultimate, unselfish act in WW2 to save the world.
What Israel has been doing is the 100% polar opposite of saving the world. They are igniting WW3!!! They are dragging the US into a war because of their own miserably failed policies. More BRAVE, DEDICATED and PATRIOTIC US soldiers will end up dead.
Only this time, it will be from political ideologies and the complete incompetence of a key ally, Israel to properly manage and use good judgement with their regional disputes.
It's almost a certainty that numerous to potentially thousands of brave U.S. soldiers will die because of our alliance with Israel and the inevitable escalation which Israel is causing by continuing their massive, cowardly war crimes against innocent women and children. They are expecting our gallant, courageous and heroic soldiers to come save their rear ends because of the alliance.
Our corrupt politicians and media that pretend to revere the military are completely disingenuous. If their feelings were authentic, they wouldn't use our military as pawns to accomplish their self serving agenda's!!!
Avoiding wars and working towards peace, when that's an option is the most respectful thing that you can do for our military AND THEIR FAMILIES! Every brave soldier dying for a cause has a big family. Wives, children, parents........etc. When they die, it should be for a well defined reason. Not to serve the interest of cowardly, diabolical politicians using our soldiers to appeal to their base to get votes or as a pay back for the legal bribes........lobby money from the Military-Industrial complex or Jewish coalition.
“The cycle of radicalization cannot be thwarted by operations like the one Israel is carrying out, which only makes the cycle deeper, wider and uglier,” one expert said.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the "butcher of Gaza" on Wednesday. On the same day, Ankara dispatched another military aircraft to the Palestinian semi-enclave, carrying around 8.8 tons of medicines and medical supplies, according to a report by "Daily Sabah".
During a Wednesday meeting with a parliamentary group from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Erdogan didn't mince words about Prime Minister Netanyahu, dubbing him the "butcher of Gaza".
In his speech, President Erdogan expressed concern and criticism over the actions of the Netanyahu administration. He believes that these actions not only diminishes hopes for turning the current humanitarian pause into a long-lasting truce, but also exacerbates anti-Semitism and threatens the lives of Jews worldwide.
Nonsense, manufactured propaganda interpretations that depict Israel as not really committing the heinous war crimes for captured minds that want to believe that have left that group not being able to understand the global reaction with outrage vented against Israel and Jews.
Again, anti-Semitism is NEVER acceptable, no matter what the situation.
this is the exact WRONG way to hold Israel accountable for their widespread, enormous violations of humanitarian and civilized standards.
However, Even if you think Israel has the right to do this to 2+ million innocent people, mostly women and children, pretending that other people are out of line for being outraged by it is pure denial and an inability to see outside of a tunnel vision, fairy tale depiction.
The exact one that Fox News sells all night long, every night about Israel.
Lindsey Graham was on again last night raging about how we need to bomb Iran in order to save Israel and people like me hate Israel and support terrorism.
And maximize the amount of aid/money sent to Israel so they can do more bombing/killing, starving, water depriving rural king evansville eastof women and children in Gaza to "defend itself".
One big difference between most of them with empathy for suffering, innocent human beings, with a view that differs to Graham's is that they didn't take millions of dollars from Iran and Hamas (like his dirty, lobby bribes from the Military Industrial complex and Jewish Coalition)
Just a reminder. I want Israel to survive and have peace more than anything. This is not despite my opinion. My opinion is based on them changing their tactics so that the outcome will have the best chance of occurring.
The views from the president of Turkey., above are not isolated but instead, are shared by many world leaders and billions of people in the world.
It's impossible for Israel to continue this strategy with so much of the world emphatically screaming out against them doing it without them suffering huge, increasing consequences that escalate with time.
And to the completely innocent and blameless wonderful Jewish people around the world that have become targets over this.
This guarantees much more, self inflicted damage than any other path.
There's already a no going back from type damage to Israel's credibility because open eyes and minds witnessed what they did the last 2 months. Sadly, this will haunt them and greatly inspire new attacks for years to come from minds that hated them before the attacks on Gaza!
Not maybe but with 100% certainty.
Israel has 2 choices:
1. Keep making it worse
2. Stop making it worse
The making it better part will never happen with the current leadership in Israel.
It will take years of doing the opposite of what years of this mentality did to get us to where we are. It is possible, however but will take a miracle intervention, completely different mentality and years.
Muslims and Jews hate each other far too much for this to have a greater than 1% chance of working, being realistic. So the choice is mainly, do we want it to be worse or better, not fixed?
Jimmy Carter helped pull off a minor miracle in the late 70's but we don't have any guys like him around in today's age that are in leadership positions.
The renewed violence enters a second day with Gaza’s health authorities reporting almost 200 dead due to Israeli attacks.
The United Nations said the fighting would worsen the extreme humanitarian emergency in Gaza.
“Hell on Earth has returned to Gaza,” said Jens Laerke, spokesperson for the UN humanitarian office in Geneva.
“Today, in a matter of hours, scores were reportedly killed and injured. Families were told to evacuate, again. Hopes were dashed,” said UN aid chief Martin Griffiths, adding that children, women and men of Gaza had “nowhere safe to go and very little to survive on”.
What they must want you to think:
What the truth is but not stated:
While I disagree with a couple of things in this article they make rock solid points about BLOWBACK. This mentality is what will take us into an increasingly escalating confrontation in the Middle East. This is NOT an opinion. I wish this were not true. The history here and psychology/mentality of human beings makes it an absolute certainty. Israels current actions are the exact recipe for it as long as this continues.
While Israel could win this immediate battle with Hamas, it will not be able to permanently defeat the Palestinians.
Israel has also blockaded all food, fuel, water, and electricity entering Gaza. In combination, these actions have created an enormous humanitarian crisis.
If the history of the Gaza Strip is not carefully studied, Hamas’ recent attacks on Israel and Israel’s devastating response will lead to a downward spiral of much worse destruction.
Even though this history is fully available, the mainstream media avoids it. Nevertheless, this history is essential to understand the enormous blowback Israel experienced from its previous decision to support Hamas. It also explains the blowback to come as Israel turns 1,000,000 Gazan Palestinians into homeless refugees. Even if the Israeli military allows those it forced from northern to southern Gaza to return to their destroyed neighborhoods, their homes will no longer exist. This is why some analysts write that another Nakbah (mass expulsion) has begun.
What forms will the blowback from the current Israeli attacks on Gaza take? The New York Times foreign policy columnist, Tom Friedman, offered this guess:
“If Israel goes into Gaza now, it will blow up the Abraham Accords, further destabilize two of America’s most important allies (Egypt and Jordan) and make normalization with Saudi Arabia impossible — huge strategic setbacks. It will also enable Hamas to really fire up the West Bank and get a shepherd’s war going there between Jewish settlers and Palestinians.”
Other blowback scenarios are easy to imagine, and I present a few guesses below. We only know, however, that there is no military solution to this conflict, even if Israel kills tens of thousands of Palestinians and levels large Gaza neighborhoods in the next several weeks.
Added this:
By metmike - Nov. 29, 2023, 1:35 a.m.
Our BRAVE SOLDIERS gave up their lives in WW2 to save the world. It's a major slap in the face and it's offensively DISRESPECTFUL TO THEM to use that and make a pathetic comparison to what Israel has been doing to Gaza to their ultimate, unselfish act in WW2 to save the world.
What Israel has been doing is the 100% polar opposite of saving the world. They are igniting WW3!!! They are dragging the US into a war because of their own miserably failed policies. More BRAVE, DEDICATED and PATRIOTIC US soldiers will end up dead.
Only this time, it will be from political ideologies and the complete incompetence of a key ally, Israel to properly manage and use good judgement with their regional disputes.
It's almost a certainty that numerous to potentially thousands of brave U.S. soldiers will die because of our alliance with Israel and the inevitable escalation which Israel is causing by continuing their massive, cowardly war crimes against innocent women and children. They are expecting our gallant, courageous and heroic soldiers to come save their rear ends because of the alliance.
Our corrupt politicians and media that pretend to revere the military are completely disingenuous. If their feelings were authentic, they wouldn't use our military as pawns to accomplish their self serving agenda's!!!
Avoiding wars and working towards peace, when that's an option is the most respectful thing that you can do for our military AND THEIR FAMILIES! Every brave soldier dying for a cause has a big family. Wives, children, parents........etc. When they die, it should be for a well defined reason. Not to serve the interest of cowardly, diabolical politicians using our soldiers to appeal to their base to get votes or as a pay back for the legal bribes........lobby money from the Military-Industrial complex or Jewish coalition.
Happy Veterans Day
Israel, with their cowardly bombing of women and children using their enormously superior technology has outraged the world.
This is going to negatively impact far more than the millions of Palestinians they dehumanize and tens of thousands they kill like they are just flies, pests that need to be eliminated. Sadly, a large number of Americans will likely end up on the dead list.
It's insane, that many of the same people who are so blinded by the propaganda and lies from Israel and have unwavering support for them..........want to blame anyone and everyone......except Israel for what Israel is responsible for causing right now.
The massacre, which human rights groups say amounts to ethniccleansing, has resulted in at least 15,500 Palestinians killed since Oct. 7 — the majority of whom are women and children.
The violence in the region has become the deadliest conflict for journalists since the Committee to Protect Journalists started gathering data three decades ago.
Since 11 October, the Gaza Strip has been under an electricity blackout, after the Israeli authorities cut off the electricity supply, and fuel reserves for Gaza’s sole power plant depleted.
Israel is being depicted as the victims here with propaganda.
Here are some eye opening authentic statistics.
Who are the victims really?
These are just deaths below and almost all of them are innocent people, mostly women and children. 2 million people in Gaza right now, went from living in an open air prison for years to now, greatly struggling to survive without even the bare essentials needed for that.
Only intense hatred and lack of respecting humanity could motivate a country to do this to 1+ million children. Sadly, this experience will best serve as the greatest motivating force in history for the next generation of Muslims to devote their lives towards holding Israel accountable for these horrific humanitarian atrocities.
Are the people that actually know that this is happening, and have empathy for fellow human beings going to just look the other way?
And since this is directed at Palestinians/Muslims BECAUSE of their ethnicity, why would people that know this expect 2 Billion, with a B other Muslims and people against Israel's STATE SPONSORED hate crimes not expect a strong REaction?
You talk about hatred a lot. Which is a good thing. But who could help but notice you always skip right over the guy you currently hate, Trump, when talking the mess in the ME or war in general. Seems your memory can give details {or research} of most every President and their history with war and the mess but you seem to skip right over Trump and his history. Which no matter how you hate him his history with both is far better than most. Far better.
thanks, mcfarm,
Very glad that you brought this up!
Just to give you a history of my relationship with Trump.
I voted for him in 2016 and spent 2+ years with 100+ posts defending him During the corrupt Mueller investigation/Witch hunt.
Special Counsel Durham Testifies
Started by metmike - June 21, 2023, 11:24 a.m.
urham's final report.........Muellers corrupt investigation
Then I defended him during the entire impeachment sham.
witnesses at the impeachment trial
38 responses | 0 likes
Started by GunterK - Jan. 22, 2020, 8:19 p.m.
Impeachment Witnesses
Started by wglassfo - Jan. 26, 2020, 10:32 p.m.
bolton testimony
5 responses |
Started by mcfarm - Jan. 29, 2020, 4:06 p.m.
This, while acknowledging my major concern over his personality disorder and many other issues being balanced with his wonderful for America agenda and advising another poster here to try to not hate him.
After Trump clearly lost the most secure presidential election in history in 2020 and tried to hatch diabolical plots to overturn the election and totally inspired the insurrection by blatantly lying to the country about every element of the election (poisoning the minds of tens of millions of Rs against the most important part of our democracy*elections*) his actions betrayed my support and every Americans support as well as violated his oath to the Constitution…..I not only stopped supporting him, I made it my mission to expose him using hundreds of posts with authentic facts and evidence.
However, when the absurd, decades old rape trial from the zero credibility nut case took place, I defended him using critical thinking and authentic evidence/facts.
Trump rape case
9 responses |
Started by metmike - May 3, 2023, 9:33 p.m.
When the Trump hating prosecutor going after him for ludicrous charges in a civil court with a biased judge because they could never make this stick anywhere else, I vigorously defended Trump against unjustified use of governmental power to target him out of hate.
Trump civil fraud trial-nonsense
14 responses |
Started by metmike - Nov. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.
Let me remind you, that hate causes people to interpret situations with bias, so that the person they hate is always wrong and the wished for outcome is always bad for them.
Does the evidence that I just presented show that I hate Donald Trump?
Hate(and love)
You only remember and object to many negative points that I make about Trump because they disagree with what you want to believe about Trump and mischaracterize that as being hate to discredit them in your mind, while never providing an iota of authentic evidence to counter the proof that I show regarding his diabolical, treasonous behavior after losing the election…
Rhetorical, false narrative, far right nonsense, repeated from your far right sources......YES, authentic evidence…NO.
This, while failing to dial in the many hundreds of posts featuring me defending Trump.
But its good for you to bring this up, mcfarm.
Cognitive bias:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: desantis/newsome debate
By metmike - Dec. 2, 2023, 10:07 a.m.
I'll just use this post to repeat the most relevant part of the thread at the above link with hopes that it will resonate with readers that have the ability to think objectively:
1. We learn MUCH, MUCH MORE when discovering things that WE DIDN'T KNOW and CORRECTING things that we thought we knew based on flawed thinking in a political ideology.
2. We learn very little by having things that we think that we know repeated over and over to reassure us that we are right about everything.
The path with #2 is the easy road. The path with #1 is much tougher and often psychologically painful but always the most rewarding because it ALWAYS results in the most growth for us as human beings.
mcfarm, people that come here to try to prove they are right about topics they are hopelessly biased on using one sided political nonsense to justify not using objective critical thinking, while being blind to anything that contradicts it always want to have arguments here and other places to defend positions that they have already decided will always be right, no matter what.
Anything Donald Trump for instance. Always interpreted one way, despite the Mt. Everest amount of evidence showing the other side(which gets ignored).
I'm not here to have arguments. This post, again is NOT part of an argument or debate for me.
I'm here to show objective truths with no political bias, then analyze why people from both sides completely reject the clearly proven, with all the facts, authentic truths because THEIR truth is defined by manufactured realities.
You show authentic evidence of me getting something wrong in a post and in the very next post/response, I will change or adjust my position IMMEDIATELY.
You will note posting has dried up here.
People don't like being fact checked or being shown authentic truths that bust what they want to believe.
They go to places, echo chambers that tell them what they want to believe and call that "The Truth"
Jews are suddenly tuning into the hated Fox news because they want to believe in THIS brand of their manufactured reality for the sole reason of it lining up with what they want to believe.
If I were a psychiatrist doing a scientific study on this echo chamber phenomena.
People tuning into the source that tells them what they want to believe phenomena, I couldn't have created a better design than the one that we just witnessed with Jewish people, many of whom have hated Fox for years.
They're suddenly tuning it to hear lies about the current situation in Gaza. To get news that is completely censoring all the extreme humanitarian violations and war atrocities of Israel, targeting Gaza.
To hear all day long about the laughable nonsense/rhetoric/propaganda that this is supposedly Israel defending contrast to ALL the authentic proof of that being a blatant lie.
And your current spin on this mcfarm is "If only Trump were president, none of this would be happening"
Whether that is true or not (it might be) IF Trump were president, it would mean we should no longer have democratic elections that rely on votes at the ballet box to determine the outcome. We should just let the person who has the most power take control and use diabolical schemes to overturn elections.
We should just let delusional, mentally ill, charismatic, psychopaths telling people on one side of the political spectrum what they want to hear with completely manufactured the country.
We might actually put that to the test in November 2024.
Though, once again democracy will prevail at the ballot box because that's one thing that Trump cannot do is change the outcome of elections. NEVER!
He can bamboozle enough people to legally get elected in 2024 and odds are decent for that to happen but he will have to beat Gavin Newsom FAIR AND SQUARE in the election to do it.
Joe Biden running in 2024 is complete nonsense being perpetrated on the country to make people think that he must be competent and not too old now, if he can run the country for another 4 years. Even D voters are not buying that scam. Gavin will be the guy, 96% chance!
I could well be wrong. Been wrong many times. But just because you defended him when the big gov tried to screw him does not mean you skipped him when I said you did. You talk about Carter and others whenever war or the ME comes up but honestly do not recall much ever mentioning Trump.....who once again I say did very good job on wars in general and the ME in particular. Hell he did so well the crazies took notice around the world and we did not even hear much from them. :N korea, china, Iran,etc. You might even mention Trump and war in the long list you just posted but I have no time to go thru a list that does not address the topic.
Thanks, mcfarm!
I just deleted over half the links and several paragraphs on the last post. It was extremely excessive even for me!
Whether you know it or not reading a post of yours on Trump is identical to listening to some crazy on msnbc. You think call him names strengthens your case? You think all the hyperbole about the election helps. What did Trump do after the election? Oh, he left the WH and government. There was none of what you and the left try to describe. Yes he challenged. Do you even know how many challenges to the presidential election have occurred just since Bush v Gore. Nothing unusual about unless you were Trump. Damn talk about an echo chamber, I think you must visit an anti Trump echo chamber somewhere daily. Trump is living rent free inside your brain and you really need to get over it. I do not defend Trump because of his wonderful ethics {they are not} I defend him because even he deserves a fair hearing and he has been screwed out of that time and time again. Have you ever taken a close at the crazy lib judge in charge of the NY trial who has already declared Trump guilty? And this nut Smith who has jumped the creek on law and the constitution more times and to a larger degree than Dillinger ever thought about.
Different topic but same reason. A crazy lib jumping the creek in public when we have video that convicts him from the very day before. TN Senator Blackburn is trying to get Epstein flightlogs and passenger list. She requests such at a Senate hearing on live TV. Chairman Durbin first lies to a reporter and says he has never heard such a request then call out the Senator from Mo and wants her to go on record and admit she never requested such documents. Durbin is the typical crazed lib who number 1 should go and number should go now.
Entire thing is really creepy. Why on earth would Durbin go to such ends to hide the list? What is he hiding and who is he protecting? Wouldn't a senator want to find and prosecute child rapists? Seems like he would, of course it depends to him just who all is implicated. he is the bastard lying to the American people from his senate seat. Now this maybe something ripe for an INVESTIGATION.......NOT WHAT VALUE tRUMP AND HIS LOANS THAT WERE PAID IN FULL WITH INTEREST ON HIS BUILDINGS
Thanks, mcfarm!
I've already proven everything you stated to be exactly wrong dozens of times.
I'll repeat again, that I'm not here to get into endless and pointless arguments with people that go to echo chambers to hear manufactured realities and false narratives, conspiracy theories and interpretations of the world that line up with their political ideology.
I share the objective truths based on authentic, PROVEN data/evidence, completely independent of political affiliation.
Then, I analyze people who completely reject this and why they do it.
mcfarm, that would be YOU in this thread.
I just got done PROVING to you the numerous times that I went to bat to vigorously support Trump with hundreds of posts defending him (when the facts showed he deserved it).
What was your response?
To behave exactly as that same post explained that people with captured brains behave when they have been hypnotized by their charlatan political and media sources who all tell people what they want to hear/read for self serving interests.
You've decided that I am a Trump hater with TDS that interprets everything against Donald Trump because I hate him. Even when I conclusively prove that to NOT be the case, your mind is unable to comprehend and accept that because, your minds definition tells you that's impossible, so your mind rejects all authentic evidence, including the definitive truths which contradict what your mind's truth is.
In this case, we can definitively point to Donald Trump, who is a cult leader as the main source.
You claim that using terms like "cult leader" is name calling. NO, I am using verbiage that best defines the traits and personalities of the people I do analysis on as an objective scientist.
Same with my analysis of your behavior, mcfarm. I consider you my good friend and respect you as a human being. I am NOT your adversary. If you don't want to benefit from objective analysis, that's totally on you. If you, instead want try to have endless arguments to prove you are right.........that's on you.
What you are doing is the same things millions of others are doing. On Trump, on Israel, on the Ukraine war, on the fake climate are targets/victims that are succumbing to the powerful, convincing sounding gate keepers/charlatans in politics and the media that repeat propaganda, DISinformation and false rhetoric over and over that appeals to people because it lines up with what they want to believe or what they want people to believe.
The more extreme a person's political ideology or belief, the less likely any of what I state makes sense.
However, we have a number of readers that are NOT as extreme as you and these messages will make sense/resonate with them.
1. We learn MUCH, MUCH MORE when discovering things that WE DIDN'T KNOW and CORRECTING things that we thought we knew based on flawed thinking in a political ideology. This requires having an open mind!
2. We learn very little by having things that we think that we know repeated over and over to reassure us that we are right about everything.
The path with #2 is the easy road. The path with #1 is much tougher and often psychologically painful but always the most rewarding because it ALWAYS results in the most growth for us as human beings.
Let me stress to you, again.
I'm not your adversary. I'm you're friend.
number 1 the people {and a large number are not civilized people} in Gaza live in an open air prison? Do they not for the most part make their own beds? Yes they do and vote for Humus to run things there. 15500 dead civilians? Where did that number come from originally? Pretty sure it was Humus, and you mention sources daily.
Thanks, mcfarm!
As I've stated, we're not having a debate over the facts. Those have been irrefutably proven beyond a doubt.
I'm generously sharing those authentic facts/the truth for readers that are interested in knowing that and analyzing the mindsets of people that refuse to accept the truth because it doesn't line up with what they want to be THEIR MANUFACTURED REALITY.
Almost always related to their political ideology and the extreme sources that victimize them and steal their intelligence for the self serving interest of the source(politicians and media).
I can do my best to help them with objective truths but only an open mind, using their freedom to choose and critical thinking can use that.
On to the analysis again.
"a large number (living in Gaza)are not civilized people"
Bingo! This is exactly the dehumanization of these people that Fox and others are teaching you and that Israel embraces and uses to justify their mentality of DEHUMANIZING Palestinians and people of Gaza, so that the diabolical atrocities and war crimes really are not that they would be if these were actually civilized people.
We should note that over half of these "not civilized people" are children which apparently in your book are also deserving of collective food, no water, no electricity/power, no medical supplies or hospitals, no schooling/education and massive killing/injuries in additional to the impossible to imagine emotional trauma that 2+ million innocent people are experiencing being trapped in this environment.
"Do they not for the most part make their own beds? Yes they do and vote for Humus to run things there."
Applying that same mentality, would mean that after Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election with his diabolical schemes and caused the Insurrection, based on the Mt. Everest sized mountain of authentic evidence.......I guess that everybody that voted for Trump should be held accountable. And their underage children and grandchildren too.
But wait, OUR children are the children of CIVILIZED people. They need to be treated like human beings And with respect!
"15500 dead civilians? Where did that number come from originally? Pretty sure it was Humus, and you mention sources daily."
mcfarm, again this is not a debate. The crystal clear authentic facts and evidence based on credible sources and actual observations are well established and have been shown numerous times here and elsewhere.
Israel is killing hundreds of innocent people, majority children for every 1 person that belongs to Hamas. You only go to sources that completely censor that And that completely explains why you are so uninformed on this rock solid fact. You go there because they are like this, so its intentional ”ignorance is bliss”.
I watch Fox too. So far this week, while I watched Fox in the evening, they have mentioned the horrific atrocities being committed by Israel on the human beings in Gaze exactly ZERO times. Instead, they go on and on and on about what happened on Oct 7. Beheaded babies. Raping women. How evil Hamas is and they need to be destroyed.
I agree that Hamas is evil and needs to be destroyed.
But what about the 100 times WORSE atrocities by Israel in response to this? The 99% of people from Gaza that are NOT Hamas, over 50% being children. NOT EVEN 1 WORD!
That's where Fox viewers get this from. A source that is 100% censoring and black out any news regarding the humanitarian crisis for more than 2+ innocent people, over half that are children.
Anybody can win a war if they have 100 times more military might and they're fighting against mostly unarmed women and children. This is one of the most despicable, cowardly acts that I can remember in my life time. ..........based on the authentic facts and real observations being censored on Fox and other propaganda sources.
And people like me with empathy for other human beings are being mischaracterized as antisemitic or pro Hamas in order to try to discredit our caring for human beings.
I'll repeat for the 23rd time here, that I've been extremely pro Israel my entire life and want most, for Israel is to live in peace.
I have always admired and greatly respect Jewish people. I strongly condemn all antisemitism and hate crimes based on a persons nationality, religion or other differences between people.
I'm especially condemning the massive hate crimes being perpetrated by the state of Israel on Gaza right now, based on their justifying it with a mentality of ethnic superiority that dehumanizes Palestinians exactly as you just communicated, mcfarm.
glad you have seen the number 15500 bantered about but not what I asked. I want to know where it was originally published and then thrown all over the internet. Look we were under Britain's rule for decades. We lived in horrible conditions under rule of a monarchs who lived like kings and queens,,,,, and they were awful to new settlers here. Yes including killing, raping pillaging so we do know plenty about what the press says is happening in Gaza. We don't have to imagine, we lived it. But then we took a chance with all we had, every asset including our lives. Seems like a good model to me. But certainly did not vote for a terrorist organization to run the show. Out of the billions spent there just how many get thru to the needy? V how many are stolen to make or buy weapons of every sort.
"I want to know where it was originally published and then thrown all over the internet."
The evidence that the reported death toll is legit has been widely reported here and elsewhere numerous times in numerous ways with CONFIRMATION using numerous supporting lines of evidence and critical thinking.
I understand why you question it. YOU WATCH FOX. They never mention 1 iota about it. It's blacked out completely.
For the umpteenth time, I'll repeat some of that here.
You commented directly after the post above with this exact stuff about hatred. Did you not comprehend the data.
Answer: No because your brain is trained to only believe things that line up with what you want to believe and what Fox tells you to believe.
November 21, 2023
Israel-Hamas war: More than 200 Palestinian healthcare workers killed in Gaza | WION Fineprint
To date, 104 UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) staff have been killed
Mapping destruction from space shows about half of northern Gaza's buildings are damaged, researchers say
WHO doctor : 'If the bombs don't kill you, the diseases will'
ABC News' Linsey Davis spoke with a WHO doctor on the worsening conditions in Gaza hospitals.
The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry says at least 14,128 people have been killed in Gaza amid Israel's retaliatory campaign and effort to root out Hamas. More than 33,000 have been injured, the ministry says, with almost 1.5 million people displaced, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
Viewers of Fox news have no idea that any of this stuff is going on. They've completely blacked it out/censored it.
All they talk about is Oct. 7 and how evil Hamas is and how great Israel is and that Israel is completely justified in doing whatever it needs to do to eliminate evil Hamas.
All those links above are just REPEATS, copied from posts that I made previously here! They will likely be rejected (again) and forgotten by people that have brains with truths defined by Fox news, Israel and other sources that cause them to reject all of it as impossible by their brains understanding of their world............which is a manufactured reality.
The vast majority of the principles below apply to the Israel-Gaza war.
Fox viewers and others are having their intelligence stolen with war propaganda by intentionally dishonest reporting used to effectively capture their brains!
The exact same thing has been used to sell snake oil news about the Ukraine war,.
With the same brainwashing tactics used with the insurrection Jan. 6, the corrupt Mueller Witch Hunt, the fake climate crisis, COVID vaccinations and many more realms.
What makes it work so extremely well is that people have sources they will trust because those sources tell them the news the way they like to read/hear it. Because of that, they don't fact check ANYTHING from that source. They don't use critical thinking. They just believe everything from their "go to" sources and don't believe anything that contradicts it.
Those sources, like Fox can report the most insane, complete nonsense like the Ray Epps conspiracy theory(supposedly the FBI intentionally caused the insurrection to frame President Trump and Ray Epps was a plant). That laughable theory and that Nancy Pelosi called off the National Guard(which Trump ordered) because she wanted the insurrection are still being repeated on Fox to the current day despite the Mt. Everest amount of evidence that proves all that to be complete hogwash.
The basic principles of warpropaganda
The basic principles of warpropaganda(Principes élémentaires de propagande de guerre) is a monograph by Anne Morelli published in 2001. It has not been translated into English. The subtitle recommends its "usability in case of cold, hot or lukewarm war" (Utilisables en cas de guerre froide, chaude ou tiède).
The ten "commandments" of propaganda which Anne Morelli elaborates in this work are, above all, an analytical framework for pedagogical purposes and for media analysis. Morelli does not want to take sides or defend "dictators", but show the regularity of use of the ten principles in the media and in society:
At least its a small start!
Peace, dignity and equality
on a healthy planet
The latest protest comes a day after the UK abstained from voting on a UNSC resolution demanding ceasefire, which the US vetoed.
Artists and activists stage pro-Palestinian protest in front of Art Basel Miami Beach
Read more at:
Thousands join Pro-Palestine protest march through London following US ceasefire veto
As the Israel-Hamas war enters its third month, pro-Palestine groups gathered in Ottawa for the ninth straight weekend to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.
According to a recent research, most rallies in solidarity with Israel were concentrated in the first week that followed the Hamas terror attack on October 7, whereas actions in solidarity with Gaza, which have drawn significantly larger crowds, continue to spread across the country
Protesters rallied against the Jewish National Fund’s Global Conference for Israel, which has been taking place in Denver since Thursday. ““As a Jew, I feel it’s paramount that we show up in solidarity with Palestinians and that there is no way that safety for me means violence for another,” said Allie Cannington, one of the protesters.
In some European countries, public support for Palestine and the Palestinian cause was criminalized, with countries such as France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Hungary restricting pro-Palestinian political speech.[12] Germany banned fundraising, the displaying of the Palestinian flag and the wearing of the keffiyeh.[13] The conflict also sparked large protests at Israeli and U.S. embassies around the world
The vast majority of people in the world know the difference between RIGHT and WRONG on this issue! Even those living in the US that refuse to believe the stratospheric-ally absurd interpretations featuring Israel as the victim in Gaza, even as they continue to obliterate 2+ million innocent people, mostly women and children.
Assessing statistics for the two regional rivals at the heart of the Middle East dispute over nuclear arms.
Updated November 27, 2023
Iran and Nuclear Weapons Production
Just to repeat: My greatest wish is for Israel to continue to exist.
I admire Jewish people but not on this issue. The current government in Israel is leading based on hate, revenge and an ethnic superiority mentality which they exploit to dehumanize Palestinians, while arrogantly portraying themselves as infallible using delusionally biased interpretations of the dynamics.
All these protestors are not Jew haters as falsely depicted, although this current event is rapidly increasing the hate for Israel/Jews.
The basis for the massive protesting is mainly focused on EMPATHY for the human beings living in Gaza/Palestine.
All evening on Fox, every pro Palestinian protest was called a pro Hamas, anti Israel protest.
They all hate Israel and many take part in antisemitism.
Oct 7 mentioned half a dozen times but not a word about atrocities by Israel that are 100 times as bad.
By Emma Farge
It's insane that the US has been OPPOSING many actions to help these poor people in Gaza because its politically unpopular with the pro Israel coalition in our country.........and instead they send funding and bombs TO ISRAEL.
This is diabolical and WRONG by every definition, regardless of your party affiliation, nationality or religion.
The collective punishment to 2+ million people in Gaza is absolutely intentional. Not just accidental or the casualty of war but one of the main objectives of Israel with absolute certainty, despite their blatant lying about it. Every shred of legit evidence based on verified facts, using our eyes and reliable sources, proves it indisputably. The only thing contradicting it is the propaganda and lies.........WORDS!
“His determination to stay in power no matter the cost is a clear and present danger to Israel.”
“He needs to resign…yesterday!” the former diplomat added.
This corrupt, loose cannon is destroying all credibility and the future for Israel! And the brainwashing "Israel is infallible forever" propaganda(in the U.S. and Israel-where most Jews reside) will support him into the gates of hell!
Blame him for the massive escalation in antisemitism. Antisemitism is always wrong, regardless of the circumstances but the circumstances can make it better or worse. He's making it MUCH worse.
A more responsible, honest leader, not motivated by hate, rage, revenge and ethnic superiority would have made better judgments for Israel's future.
Israel's future is what concerns me most...........after that of the people in Gaza.
“Half of Gaza is now starving” – Day 65
“half of Gaza is now starving’:, he also said 350,000 people have infections, including 115,000 with severe respiratory infections. Many people lack warm clothes, blankets and protection from the cold rain.
Barghouti said many are suffering from stomach ailments because there is little clean water and not enough fuel to use to boil it, risking outbreaks of dysentery, typhoid and cholera. “To add insult to injury, we have 46,000 injured people who cannot be treated properly because most of the hospitals are not functioning,” he said
There can be no doubt. This IS Genocide!!!
Widespread death to innocent people, that includes many from starvation, dehydration, exposure to cold and diseases/severe illness with no treatment.
From major illnesses and injuries with no medical supplies or hospitals to treat them.
What a horrible way to die with impossible to imagine physical and emotional suffering at the hands of Israel that is clearly targeting innocent people by intentionally causing the situation above.
99% of these people are NOT Hamas, mostly innocent women and children.
“The U.S. has stood between humanity and peace and security.” The White House did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment.
The US response?
The ONLY country to veto the cease fire resolution and also, plan to send another 10+ billion to Israel to support them.
The numbers below are in BILLIONS!
How much aid has the US sent to Gaza?
Power said USAID would provide an additional $21 million in aid for Palestinians in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, boosting the $100 million in assistance already pledged by President Biden in October.
So Biden is sending 100 times MORE money to Israel to help them obliterate Gaza, while blocking what the vast majority of many billions of people in the world end to Israel's genocide against the innocent people of Gaza!
In the last 2 months, Israel and the United States have become hated enemies to a number of people that is 10+ times the the total number that exist in Hamas..........possibly as much as 100 times.
If Hamas has 25,000 max, 100 times that is 2.5 million.
Compared to the 2 billion Muslims in the world and even more than that who are horrified and outraged at what Israel is doing and the US is helping them to do. ........2.5 million is only .1% of that number of outraged people. 1 out of 1,000.
So this is a very reasonable assumption.
For every member of Hamas that Israel kills, 100 more will be training and dedicated to their cause.
For such a smart country, Israel is doing what is clearly the dumbest thing in history and just given their enemies the biggest recruiting tool X 100 in history.
Absent some massive intervention(and complete reversal of the current mentality in Israel-and the U.S.) which elevates Palestinians back into human beings instead of ethnically inferior, dehumanized, hated racism.......... Israel's future is bleak.
It's greatly saddens me to know and share this but the numbers above and actions by Israel dug their own grave.
And the United States will be the main target for terrorist acts for many years to come.
The organized planning of this is greatly ramped up right now. Not maybe but IS.
There is no UNseeing what has just happened or forgetting it. Israel's war crimes and atrocities against (Gazan/Palestinian) humanity is burned deeply into the minds of countless people in the world capable of empathy and not being impacted by the intelligence stealing, US and Israel's ludicrous propaganda.
I mourn for Israel because it can't win a war when they just multiplied their enemies X 100, no matter what the current technological advantages are.
I fear for the United States. We will survive but, just as dumb was not appreciating that doing exactly the WRONG thing will have consequences.
The vast majority of the world knows the difference between RIGHT and WRONG.
Unfortunately, this is a large scale, state/country(s)sponsored example of what hate (and politics) causes people to do..........choosing WRONG over RIGHT.
Hate(and love)
BTW, as of last night, Fox News continues to completely censor/black out ALL the atrocities of the last 2+ months and tell viewers that what Israel is doing is 100% justified.
It would be like, during the Great Mississippi River flooding in the Summer of 1993, a news reporting entity telling people that were not actually living in areas impacted, that it hasn't rained all year.
Don't believe the flooding video or observations or the NWS or the rest of the never rained there. There's actually a drought, not a flood.
The US just blocked the UN peace proposal/cease fire for the 3rd time just a few days ago. And is sending 10+ billion to support Israel's GENOCIDE and horrific atrocities in Gaza. The US using these words completely contradicts their actions. They are fake posturing with bs verbiage to offset massive outrage over their support for the atrocities in Gaza.
For every country supporting Israel, 15 are against them and the United States!
The entire world is outraged at Israel AND the United States!!!
It's been that way for well over a month and getting much worse!
Some of the biggest bombs used to obliterate dwellings of innocent people came from the United States!
Netanyahu's spokesperson says Israel is defining 'gold standard of urban warfare' in Gaza
94% of the world's countries/people just voted the complete opposite and see this, instead of "gold" more like what comes out of the rear end of humans as a toxic waste product that needs to be eliminated, NOT arrogantly flaunt using absurd propaganda.
Up until 2 months ago, my own long lived (60 years worth) indoctrination always assumed that it was only the Arab side doing ALL the indoctrinating.
One good but sad element to this is my own awakening and enlightenment using the truth for the first time.
It’s not shocking to see Israeli children celebrate the Gaza genocide
Israel has long been indoctrinating its children to believe Palestinians are less than human, and thus not worthy of empathy or compassion.
There is myriad evidence of Israel’s brainwashing of its citizens to erase the humanity of Palestinians spanning many decades.
Israeli scholar Adir Cohen, for example, analysed for his book titled “An Ugly Face in the Mirror – National Stereotypes in Hebrew Children’s Literature” some 1700 Hebrew-language children’s books published in Israel between 1967 and 1985, and found that a whopping 520 of them contained humiliating, negative descriptions of the Palestinians.
He revealed that 66 percent of these 520 books refer to Arabs as violent; 52 percent as evil; 37 percent as liars; 31 percent as greedy; 28 percent as two-faced and 27 percent as traitors.
Such persistent negative descriptions dehumanised Palestinians in the eyes of generations of Israelis, established them as dangerous “others”, and paved the way for children to celebrate their genocide in a video produced by the state broadcaster in 2023.
Towering Palestinian academic and literary critic, Edward Said, also elaborated on the issue in his 1979 book The Question of Palestine, noting that Israeli children’s literature “is made up of valiant Jews who always end up by killing low, treacherous Arabs, with names like Mastoul (crazy), Bandura (tomato), or Bukra (tomorrow). As a writer for Haaretz said on September 20, 1974, “children’s books ‘deal with our topic: the Arab who murders Jews out of pleasure, and the pure Jewish boy who defeats ‘the coward swine!’”