“Look, we certainly share the concerns that so many others have … about the humanitarian situation in Gaza,” Kirby said last week from a rostrum at the White House flanked by the Stars and Stripes. “Tell me, name me, one more nation, any other nation, that is doing as much as the United States to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of Gaza. You can’t. You just can’t.”
I should let that astonishing paragraph stand as Kirby’s sorry epitaph since it demonstrates how prepared the Biden administration and its smug surrogates are to disfigure reality to promote a revolting lie.
But Kirby’s deplorable admonition requires a reply. Decency demands it.
Much of Gaza and 18,600 Palestinians – the bulk of them children and women – have been erased and buried in mass graves with the help of America’s lethal largesse.
Thousands more have been maimed, traumatised or remain entombed beneath the pancake-like rubble – the shattered remnants of once-vibrant homes, businesses, schools, mosques and hospitals.
Bit by inevitable bit, the occupied West Bank is also being invaded and erased. Hundreds of Palestinians have been arrested or worse, summarily executed, for being Palestinian or expressing solidarity with their besieged brothers and sisters in Gaza.
Millions of Palestinians have had to make forced marches in a futile quest for refuge from Israel’s incessant attacks. Denied food, water and fuel, countless Palestinians are starving. Disease and sickness are spreading in makeshift, mud-soaked refugee camps where flimsy tents dot the apocalyptic landscape.
Young and old Palestinian men have been rounded up like cattle, blindfolded, stripped near-naked and ordered to kneel in streets or barren fields. The sinister aim: to humiliate and degrade.
All of it – every cruel, inhumane and ruthless ounce of it – is being perpetrated with the explicit approval and consent of Biden and complicit company.
Kirby’s revisionism cannot obscure the plain facts that the rest of us can see. Nor can it mask Biden’s cynical strategy to circumvent a largely prostrate Congress in order to continue to feed Israel with weapons and ammunition to kill and maim Palestinians wherever it wants to, for as long as it wants to, by whatever means it wants to.
The nauseating corollary of Kirby’s rebuke is that Palestinians have been, in effect, ungrateful in the face of America’s phantom efforts to “alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of Gaza”.
Rather than condemning America’s collusion with a genocidal campaign, Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and beyond should instead be thankful for America’s benevolence.
America is a friend, not a foe.
This is, of course, the definition of double-speak that performative hacks like Kirby are trained and expected to peddle. War is peace. Harm is healing. Bombs are bouquets.
Still, Kirby, the human weathervane, will do as he is told.
Speaking recently at a political fundraiser, Biden complained that Israel’s retributive pursuit of Hamas may have gone too far by killing too many Palestinians, too quickly and, as a result, was draining “support” among the international community.
“They’re [Israel] starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place,” Biden said.
Then, remarkably, Biden suggested that a mild form of regime change ought to be in the offing in Israel.
“This is the most conservative government in Israel’s history,” the president said. “He [Netanyahu] has to change this government. This government in Israel is making it very difficult.”
Biden’s calculated volte-face is motivated by parochial, not principled, considerations and interests.
Having incensed and alienated crucial domestic constituencies that he needs to remain commander-in-chief next November, Biden is now trying to distance himself from a reactionary Israeli cabinet that he has enabled rhetorically, diplomatically and militarily.
Kirby will spin like a Ferris wheel to square that hypocritical circle.
He will fail.
The grotesque damage that the US has done to Palestinians yesterday, today and tomorrow cannot be undone by malleable “messaging”.
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Geography of the ME
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Started by joj - Nov. 27, 2023, 7:10 p.m.
Christian Palestinians in the US are muting their holiday celebrations as they mourn the ongoing suffering in Gaza.
“As you can see ... we don’t have shelter,” one mom told an NBC News crew.
Maybe a few of you already know that the majority of deaths in the Civil War were NOT from gunshot wounds or from battles. It was from NOT having sanitation/clean water to drink!
How disease killed the Civil War soldiers, even more than the guns
Israel is ABSOLUTELY, INTENTIONALLY doing this to the 2+ million people of Gaza, 99% that aren't Hamas and the majority are children and women. Depriving them of sanitation and fresh water.
The soldiers that died during the Civil War were tragic losses of life but they were men (and older boys) in the army, knowing that dying was part of the high risk in being a soldier.
Most of the 2+ million people in Gaza are not soldiers. 99% are NOT Hamas. Most of them are children and women. They are not battling or fighting Israel or putting up resistance of any kind. They are not hiding Hamas. How could they? They are mostly homeless with no place to go themselves!
There is more to it than just Israel dropping massive bombs on multi family dwellings that are NOT Hamas hiding places.
That's why we KNOW that this is GENOCIDE, by almost every objective/legit definition!
The Ten Stages of Genocide
By Dr. Gregory H. Stanton[1]
10. Denial – The perpetrators or later generations deny the existence of any crime.
8. You have to understand what caused genocide to happen. Or it will happen again.
6. What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands.
4. We can make a difference. We can save lives. We can stop the genocide.
1. You will be judged in years to come by how you responded to genocide on your watch.
This is very expected based on what Israel is intentionally doing to cause it. Same impact as what the soldiers in the Civil War were subjected to.
Only in 2023, we know what germs are, where they come from and what causes them to spread.
In the 1860s, they were oblivious to this reality.
In 2023, we completely understand how this spreads disease and that's being used to obliterate the health and lives of people in Gaza!