Did people who bought their electric vehicle know this would happen?
Did people who had fires realize the risk?
Do people who buy them appreciate that the electricity they charge them with came from burning fossil fuels?
That going all electric will increase demand on the power grid by 40% making it extremely unstable, especially since part of the plan is to eliminate stabilizing coal and natural gas that are ALWAYS reliable.
To replace fossil fuels would require covering massive areas of the US with wind monstrosities and solar farms. They lie and tell us just small areas and that it will create massive jobs and the cost is small.
The cost is around 420 Trillion or 20 times the GDP.
The worst part is an indisputable fact that sometimes the wind doesn't blow and sun doesn't shine, especially in Winter in the north. It doesn't matter if your entire state is covered in fake green energy gadgets to capture the sun and wind then. You will have no power at those times.
Heat waves feature no wind. Wind turbines shut down during high wind events. Cold waves feature no sun. There is no grid scale battery storage.
The entities that actually make a living projecting the future of energy know dang well that this is a fraud.
At least they have finally started come to the realization that nuclear energy is the way to go for clean electricity!
Energy transition is a hoax
31 responses
Started by metmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
China has a monopoly on the rare earth metals
Nuclear Power-Hallelujah-Amen!
Started by metmike - Dec. 3, 2023, 5:13 a.m.
None of this would exist if it were purely based on practicality, efficiency and cost.
Not only does this NOT save the planet.........it WRECKS the planet and has ZERO impact on climate, with Asia building more NEW coal fired power plants than we have left to shut down. CO2 is well mixed in the global atmosphere.
And the increase in CO2 is greening up the planet by 25% and increasing global food production by 25% because of the REAL SCIENCE........the LAW of photosynthesis.
The optimal level for most life is 900 parts per million. We're at 420 ppm.
Cold still kills 10+ times more people than heat on this planet.
Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat
The yearly range for average temperatures in a place like Evansville, IN from coldest to hottest time of year is 20 degrees for lows in January to 90 degrees for highs in July. That's a 70 degree temperature range EVERY SINGLE YEAR that life is accustomed to. When you dial in the natural variation of weather, it goes from near 0 degrees to 100 degrees EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
But we are told that life can't adjust to an increase in temperatures of +2 degrees in 100 years?
What the heck, it adjusts to a 100 degree temperature swing every year now!
In fact, the optimal temperature for the planet IS 2 degrees warmer than this! Similar to the temperatures during the Holocene Climate OPTIMUM in the higher latitudes(with LESS Arctic sea ice), between 9,000 and 5,000 years ago. We are having a climate optimum, not a climate crisis.
They hijacked climate science and even rewrote climate history to create the greatest scientific hoax in history.
Everything that I just stated sounds insane because peoples brains have been flooded with junk science, disinformation, fake green concepts and promises that defy the laws of energy/physics, economics and the environment.
Sensationalized, made up reasons for extreme weather that has always happened. Telling us that it's the hottest in 100,000 years.
The biggest gift that humans have ever given to the planet is the increase in beneficial CO2.
We were at dangerously LOW levels of atmospheric CO2 before the Industrial revolution pulled fossil fuels(from previous carbon life forms that consumed it and got buried/sequestered underground after they died).
Take away that increase in CO2 from 290 ppm to 420 ppm and 1 billion humans would starve to death within 3 years. That's the 100% authentic science because food production would plunge 25%.
However, reading that rock solid fact doesn't compute because our brains have been flooded with junk science that defines what everybody now thinks that they know.....causing them to only be able to recognize and accept information that lines up with what they think that they know.
A beneficial gas, the building block for all of life, currently at half the optimal level..........we are instead brainwashed to believe.......is now a toxic pollutant killing the planet.........as the increase in CO2 massively greens up the planet and most life begs for MORE!
Death by GREENING!
35 responses
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.