Doomsday clock
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Started by metmike - Jan. 23, 2024, 12:11 p.m.

Wars and climate crisis cause Doomsday Clock to remain at 90 seconds to midnight in 2024

The threat of global apocalypse has not cooled off in the past 12 months, scientists warn

The Doomsday Clock statement said: "Ominous trends continue to point the world toward global catastrophe. The war in Ukraine and the widespread and growing reliance on nuclear weapons increase the risk of nuclear escalation.

"China, Russia, and the United States are all spending huge sums to expand or modernise their nuclear arsenals, adding to the ever-present danger of nuclear war through mistake or miscalculation.



"In 2023, Earth experienced its hottest year on record, and massive floods, wildfires, and other climate-related disasters affected millions of people around the world.


True that we warmed the planet by 1 deg. C in 100 years, increased rains by 7%(from the atmosphere holding more  moisture).
However, Life in the mid/high latitudes is subjected to an annual variation that's usually 50+ times that EVERY YEAR. We are supposed to believe it can't adapt to a minuscule, almost entirely beneficial  and hard to notice warming in 100 years?  

Cold still kills 10 times more people than heat and 200+ times more life than heat.

The vast, VAST majority of life considers these changes to be BENEFICIAL. We are having a climate optimum by every authentic scientific definition. The climate CRISIS is a made up political scenario.

Turning back the CO2 clock 100 years and dropping atmospheric CO2 from the current 420 ppm to the dangerously low 290 ppm would cause starvation of over 1 billion people in 3 years with food prices 5 to 10 times higher. 

The optimal level of CO2 for most life is DOUBLE the current level.

  Death by GREENING!

35 responses

Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.

We are seriously WRECKING the planet with the fake green solutions, especially wind and batteries.

By metmike - Jan. 23, 2024, 12:21 p.m.
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If these people were using HONEST climate science and biology/agronomy they would be setting the clock BACKWARDS because of the current, scientific and biological climate OPTIMUM thats greening up the planet from beneficially increasing CO2(mans greatest gift to the planet in history, by a wide margin!) that's helping almost all life to do better. 

CO2 is the building block for all life. We are still only half the optimal level  of CO2 and most life would still prefer it a bit warmer than this. 

Repeating the lies about a climate crisis a million times just proves this:

Thomas Sowell Interview , "Social Justice Fallacies"            

                            Started by cutworm - Dec. 18, 2023, 6:19 p.m.  

“Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.”

By metmike - Jan. 29, 2024, 3:38 p.m.
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Steven Koonin on The Limitations of Climate Change Models

We're having a climate OPTIMUM not a CRISIS!

By metmike - Feb. 3, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
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Black People Know We are Voting For Our Climate Lives


Almost every single authentic fact shows the polar opposite of what this lady claims about the fake climate crisis from increasing CO2 and poor people.

The increase in CO2, by itself is increasing world food production on this greening planet from its role in photosynthesis (proven by EVERY legit study) by an average of 26%. The beneficial climate OPTIMUM from longer growing seasons is adding even MORE.

Eliminating all that beneficial CO2 from fossil fuels the past century (going from 290 parts/million to the current 420 ppm) would cause 1 billion people to starve in less than 3 years, mostly poor people as most food prices would at least triple. The only way to reduce demand back down to supply would be to kill off (poor) humans that couldn't afford to eat.

Additionally, increasing CO2 makes plants more water efficient because they don't transpire as much when they don't need to open their stomata as much to get CO2.

In addition, cheap, reliable and abundant fossil fuels are the reason humanity has been gifted with most technology. They're the lifeblood of almost every developed countries economy.

 The quickest way for a poor undeveloped country to become a richer, developed country is to maximize the use of fossil fuels.

Extreme weather/climate targets black and brown people?

There aren't enough PEOPLE in the world actually being hurt, even if every single one of them was black for that to be anywhere close to being true. This graph below is an accurate, statistically verified assessment.

Life without petroleum based products: 6,000 products made with petroleum.  Killing Coal. Fossil fuels and fertilizer. Biden praises high gasoline prices. 


The increase in beneficial CO2, the building block of life has rescued the planet from dangerously low levels. It's still only 50% of the optimal level for most life on this greening planet. Increasing CO2 has been the biggest gift from humans to planet earth by an extraordinarily wide margin.

If you want to wreck the planet with anti science, anti environmental fake green energy schemes that enrich wealthy people and their crony capitalism and crush poor people that rely on cheap energy exactly what this misinformed lady suggests.

Is metmike paid by big oil or a denier of science?

Actually, I'm an atmospheric scientist AND practicing environmentalist!

The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean-landfills/trash-over consumption of natural resources-REAL pollution in the air/soil/water-WIND TURBINES (metmike is a PRACTICING environmentalist): April 2019

Almost all the sources of the fake climate crisis bs/rhetoric have carbon footprints numerous times greater than me and are completely FAKE, DISINGENUOUS ANTI environmentalists with self enriching or political agenda's.

I don't doubt that this lady is sincere. She's just a product of mass brainwashing of 100s of millions of people.

They hijacked the field of  climate science and replaced it with climate politics.....even rewrote climate history to wipe out the Medieval WARM period, 1000 years ago that was this warm. They ignore the Holocene climate OPTIMUM from 9,000 to 5,500 years ago that was WARMER than this in the high latitudes with LESS Arctic ice.