Astronomically bad science!
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Started by metmike - March 14, 2024, 12:45 a.m.

Every 2.4 Million Years, Mars Does Something Unexpected to Our Ocean's Depths


This article and press release covered by many dozens of outlets gives people the impression of 100 times more confidence than the reality.........which is that this is EXTREMELY speculative and more of a wild theory.

Honestly, I don't believe it!

Here's why.

The gravitational impact of Mars on the earth is pretty negligible for impacting our weather/climate or oceans.

The gravitational impact of the moon on earth for instance is 100,000,000 times greater. We know about the impact of the moon on oceans with tides for instance.

Venus has a gravitational impact on earth that is  1,000 times greater than Mars.

Jupiter is 100 times greater.

Mercury and Saturn are 10 times greater

They are telling us that there was something significant going on over 2 million ago in the deep oceans(miles below the surface where the pressure is hundreds of times greater than the surface and any change caused by gravity coming from Mars is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE TO DETECT NOW).

A very tiny change in the orbit of Mars 2 million years ago is an infinitely tiny force  change on OUR SURFACE! .000000001 the force of the moons gravity on our planet at the surface! Then with the pressure being 100+ atmospheres in the deep oceans.

Sorry, it doesn't even come close to passing the smell/common sense test!

What happened is that scientists playing with thousands of equations in models were able to get them to show this.

Here's  also what happened. In recent decades, scientists with massive increases in computing power and improved model equations have upgraded orbital solutions.

The first long term direct numerical integration of a realistic model of the Solar System, together with the precession and obliquity equations was performed in 1991.  

Following the improvement of computer technology, long-term integrations of realistic models of the Solar System have improved (Varadi et al. 2003; Laskar et al. 2004), but the main limitation remains the exponential divergence of nearby orbits resulting from the chaotic motion of the Solar System.

Scientists are constantly motivated to show their work has discovered something new. That's how they get funded. That's how they get recognized.

This looks totally like scientists manipulating data and equations to show something new that is complete nonsense.

The physics of the gravitational impact from Mars on our climate/atmosphere/oceans can't even be distinguished today, let alone the deep oceans today.

It defies logic to claim that they discovered a small change in that extremely  minuscule force left a recognizable signature in the deep oceans from over 2 millions ago.

They could have found something in the deep oceans that suggests an event or cycle of paleo-climate significance that happened that long ago.

Then, them tweaking their improved precision models of the planetary orbital dynamics showed or created  a cycle that is also similar in time related to  Mars but not the other planets (with most of them having much greater gravitational impacts......and even THEY couldn't have caused this either).

One could make a case for the moon to have the potential.

But the force of gravity from Mars is not just too weak.. its 100,000,000+ times too weak! This is really bad junk/corrupt science.

What they are completely lacking is the explanation for the physical process that could have caused this........because it doesn't exist. Anybody that understands the physical laws of meteorology, climate, oceanography and their relationship to gravity from other bodies in our solar system knows this is a complete joke.

The Gravitational Pull of the Planets  

All the planets exert a gravitational pull on Earth, but except for the sun and moon, the magnitude of this pull is basically negligible. This is due to the vast distances between the Earth and the other planets. The gravitational force varies inversely with the square of the distance between bodies but directly only with the first power of mass, so distance is more important.  

The moon is small, but it's the closest body to Earth, so its gravitation is strongest. If you express the tidal forces, of all other planets in terms of the moon's force, the results are as follows:


  • Moon: 1

  • Sun: 0.4

  • Venus: 6 × 10-5

  • Jupiter: 3 × 10-6
  • Mercury: 4 × 10-7
  • Saturn: 2 × 10-7
  • Mars: 5 × 10-8
  • Uranus: 3 × 10-9
  • Neptune: 8 × 10-10

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