I looked at what happens to other speakers or people in positions of power in Congress with regards to money flowing into their organization.
The lobbyists and donations flock to them with massive money gushing into their campaign coffers with expectations that it will impact policies/legislation that benefits the donors.
Nancy Pelosi:

Mitch McConnell:

Hakeem Jeffries:

Kevin McCarthy:
Mike Johnson:

Nancy Pelosi and especially Mitch McConnell had some huge jumps in 2020 but those included a full cycle.
Outside of McConnell(that's probably still 2nd) and considering that we are only 3 months into 2024, Mike Johnson has the biggest % increase in such a brief period of any politician in the data base that I could find.
So the money gushing into Mike Johnson's organizations that's intended to influence him has done so at a record/unprecedented pace of increase since he became speaker.
With regards to his shocking change on Ukraine aid. Do we believe that he is above all the politics of his colleagues and all this NEW money that his office is taking in is not having an impact on his decisions(like it does other politicians THAT TAKE THE MONEY).
And that the same prayers that he uses daily, suddenly transformed his position on this?
Or do we believe the numbers, statistics and behavior patterns of politicians and our common sense?
The bill passed so that another 61 billion can continue the Ukraine war for another X number of months.....until it runs out.
It's seen as a huge bipartisan victory for the ones that wanted this.
It's the Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex celebrating the most. That's where we get our propaganda news from and read all about how great this is. And of course Zelensky and some others that want the war to continue.
But Ukrainians STILL WANT PEACE with Russia the most. They still want negotiations for peace because then, UKRAINIANS DON'T DIE for the right to fight the war, until............there aren't enough Ukrainians left to fight!!
Then the war ends unless NATO troops come in. If NATO troops come in, our worst nightmare becomes a reality.
And it could have been stopped every day the past 2+ years but instead, we just paid a massive installment down to ensure that IT WON'T STOP the rest of this year until.........who knows?
NATO doesn't know when the war will end. Biden doesn't have a clue about when the war will end or how it will end. Zelensky doesn't know. Putin wants to negotiate but he doesn't know.
So lets just keep doing the same disastrous things and...........see what happens )-:

I can tell you what will happen:
1. The exact same thing that's been happening for the past 2+ years........except with a much smaller Ukrainian army.
2. Unless NATO sends troops and even MORE weapons. If NATO does this because they refuse to give up on making Ukraine another NATO country..... It's at that point, that Putin is at risk of attacking NATO countries.
All this so that NATO can add Ukraine to their list of countries surrounding Russia.
And we are told that it's Russia that will be coming for NATO countries and Europe and Ukraine is only the beginning so we must stop Putin here and now. This is completely made up. A lie/propaganda. Putin told us what he wanted and that has NEVER changed.
Should Ukraine have the right to join NATO if it wants?
Of course IT SHOULD but is the right to join NATO's corrupt, Russia provoking, war desiring organization worth it to have your country and people obliterated FOR NATO?
Of course not, that's why the Ukrainians have ALWAYS WANTED PEACE.
NATO/BIDEN (and their Ukrainian puppet that travels around the West to sell their war that betrayed Ukraine and got his people killed for personal fame and glory) are the ones that have always wanted this war.
Ukraine wants peace. Instead, the all powerful United States just forced OUR war on them into 2025 by fleecing Americans out of another $61 billion, while stealing our intelligence with outrageous lies and propaganda.
And with galactic absurdity, half the country is actually celebrating that we just did this and its an especially sweet victory because it was done in bipartisan fashion.
Folks, The main reasons that it was bipartisan is:
1. It's our money and yet we've been brainwashed to give it up without protesting or holding the ones stealing it accountable.
2. The elites making the decision benefit ON BOTH SIDES OF THE POLITICAL AISLE!
3. Insane lies and propaganda for over 2 years now from the media and our government have brainwashed us to actually think that killing off Ukraines army is a good thing for their families and obliterating their country is what they would rather have than peace because they want to belong to NATO.
4. And this is a FAKE fight for democracy. You will note that Putin's demands 2+ years ago would have had 0 impact on their democracy. Ironically, it's Zelensky, NOT Putin that cancelled democratic elections in Ukraine (which were supposed to be held last month) so that he can remain in office.
5. Money totaling close to 200 billion gushing into Ukraine, one of the most corrupt countries in the world in less than 3 years. Gee, I wonder if that will increase NOT decrease corruption )-: Of course it has.
6. BTW, that's the other thing Ukraine has wanted most, after peace with Russia and the platform that Zelensky ran on to get elected in 2019(peace with Russia and stopping corruption). But Zelensky works for NATO NOT Ukraine. Almost all the non governmental people in Ukraine are worse to much worse off than they were when Zelensky was elected. And we just ensured that it will continue to get worse until the $61 billion runs out.