Thanks, Jean!
What haven't I stated about this nonsense 10 times already (-:
Re: Re: Re: Re: UAH March-global temperature
By metmike - April 22, 2024, 5:08 p.m.
However, a climate EMERGENCY gives Biden new powers!
April 18, 2024
It looks like the number above for Biden is wrong because he's declared several National Emergencies. Also the number of emergencies from other presidents above is off too.
The total National Emergencies has been 82, not 62.
40 have expired and 42 remain in effect.
Here they are. Most of them are things that none of us knew about. Trump used it to build his wall that was never finished.
Imagine how many MILLIONS of illegal immigrants that would not have entered the past 3 years if the wall had been completed?
A national emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions not normally permitted. The 1976 National Emergencies Act implemented various legal requirements regarding emergencies declared by the President of the United States.[1][2]
As of March 2024, 82 emergencies have been declared;[3] 40 have expired and another 42 are currently in effect, each having been renewed annually by the president.
Here are some authentic facts/data/evidence/science about the current climate OPTIMUM for most life.
That's what makes calling this a climate crisis/emergency on this greening planet so farcical and dishonest!
Optimal CO2 for life more than double current level
Started by metmike - Dec. 15, 2020, 8:03 p.m.
Re: Re: Re: Optimal amount of CO2 for life more than double
By metmike - April 25, 2024, 9:09 a.m.
Greatest climate crisis in history 1876-1878. 50 million died, 3% of the global population.
A huge part of the reason was that the CO2 levels had dropped dangerously low and plants were CO2 starved!!!!
CO2 is a beneficial gas. CO2 emissions from fossil fuels have rescued the planet from near CO2 starvation, going from 290 ppm to the current much better but still low 426 ppm.
Additionally, this was at the end of a period of GLOBAL COOLING and what is referred to as "The Little Ice Age". Global cooling is the REAL threat to life on this planet.
Originally the phrase was used to refer to Earth’s most recent 4,000-year period of mountain-glacier expansion and retreat. Today some scientists use it to distinguish only the period 1500–1850, when mountain glaciers expanded to their greatest extent, but the phrase is more commonly applied to the broader period 1300–1850. The Little Ice Age followed the Medieval Warming Period (roughly 900–1300 ce) and preceded the present period of warming that began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Even today, many times more people die from cold than from heat but global warming is making it much better NOT worse.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Optimal amount of CO2 for life more than double
By metmike - April 25, 2024, 9:36 a.m.
In 2024, the planet is experiencing a climate OPTIMUM based on all authentic science (biology, agronomy, meteorology, zoology)
We're experiencing the best weather/climate in the last 1,000 years, since the last time that it was this warm(during the Medieval Warm Period).
With the additional, beneficial CO2, planet earth is experiencing the best conditions for life since humans have existed though still not as warm as the Holocene Climate OPTIMUM(in the high latitudes), just over 5,000 years ago.
The Holocene Climate Optimum (HCO) was a warm period in the first half of the Holoceneepoch, that occurred in the interval roughly 9,500 to 5,500 years BP,[1] with a thermal maximum around 8000 years BP. It has also been known by many other names, such as Altithermal, Climatic Optimum, Holocene Megathermal, Holocene Optimum, Holocene Thermal Maximum, Hypsithermal, and Mid-Holocene Warm Period.
Temperatures during the HCO were higher than in the present by around 6 °C in Svalbard, near the North Pole.[10]
Of 140 sites across the western Arctic, there is clear evidence for conditions that were warmer than now at 120 sites. At 16 sites for which quantitative estimates have been obtained, local temperatures were on average 1.6±0.8 °C higher during the optimum than now. Northwestern North America reached peak warmth first, from 11,000 to 9,000 years ago, but the Laurentide Ice Sheet still chilled eastern Canada. Northeastern North America experienced peak warming 4,000 years later. Along the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska, there are indications of summer temperatures 2–3 °C warmer than now.[11] Research indicates that the Arctic had less sea ice than now.[12] The Greenland Ice Sheet thinned, particularly at its margins
By metmike - April 25, 2024, 8:38 a.m.
Thanks, Jean!
From the article:
"The rule also would force future electric plants fueled by coal or gas to control up to 90% of their carbon pollution."
The world has gone insane with stealing our intelligence and replacing it with retarded information. Redefining authentic science with new retarded definitions for political agenda's and crony capitalism, corrupt science funding, misinformed but often sincere environmentalism and dishonest, sensationalizing, ratings seeking media.
Let me try to fix that:
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is NOT carbon(C). Just like H2O is not Hydrogen.
2. CO2 is a beneficial gas. C is a solid.
3. A beneficial gas is NOT pollution!
4. The optimal level of CO2 in the atmosphere is 900 parts per million. Currently, we are at 420 ppm, just under half of the optimal level.
Ironically, all their solutions to "fix" the fake climate crisis.........are WRECKING the planet!
Started by 12345 - March 25, 2024, 5:13 p.m.
Windturbines killing whales too 36 responses | Started by metmike - Jan. 13, 2023, 10:07 p.m. |
40 responses |
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.
Declaring a climate "emergency" during a scientific climate OPTIMUM for life because of an increase of beneficial CO2 and beneficial warming for most life is about as scientifically fraudulent as it gets.
It is true, however that we've superimposed around 2 deg. F of warming on the mid latitudes over the last 100 years. This does mean heat waves in the Summer in some places will be 2 deg. F hotter.
The atmosphere holds 7% more moisture so heavy rain events have increased( global drought has NOT increased).
Sea levels are increasing at just over 1 inch/decade(a foot in the last century).
And some hurricanes can strengthen much more rapidly...while violent tornadoes have decreased because of the less extreme meridional temperature gradient.
Is that an emergency?
If we went back to the climate of 100 years ago, which they want us to think was the perfect climate before humans burning fossil fuels changed it, that would cause 1 billion people to die of starvation within 3 years because crop production would drop 26% just from the lower CO2.
Take out the benefits from warming and take out the fossil fuel produced synthetic fertilizer feeding over half the planet and several billion people would die of starvation.
Only the very wealthy could afford to eat with food prices likely 20+ times higher than now.
Another secret about fossil fuels: Haber Bosch process-fertilizers feeding the planet using natural gas-doubling food production/crop yields. September 2019
The wonderful climate optimum in 2024 is treating most life to the best weather/climate and CO2 conditions since humans evolved. Not despite humans but because of humans!
40 responses |
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.
Declaring a climate "emergency" during a scientific climate OPTIMUM for life because of an increase of beneficial CO2 and beneficial warming for most life is about as scientifically fraudulent as it gets.
It is true, however that we've superimposed around 2 deg. F of warming on the mid latitudes over the last 100 years. This does mean heat waves in the Summer in some places will be 2 deg. F hotter.
The atmosphere holds 7% more moisture so heavy rain events have increased( global drought has NOT increased).
Sea levels are increasing at just over 1 inch/decade(a foot in the last century).
And some hurricanes can strengthen much more rapidly...while violent tornadoes have decreased because of the less extreme meridional temperature gradient.
Is that an emergency?
If we went back to the climate of 100 years ago, which they want us to think was the perfect climate before humans burning fossil fuels changed it, that would cause 1 billion people to die of starvation within 3 years because crop production would drop 26% just from the lower CO2.
Take out the benefits from warming and take out the fossil fuel produced synthetic fertilizer feeding over half the planet and several billion people would die of starvation.
Only the very wealthy could afford to eat with food prices likely 20+ times higher than now.
Another secret about fossil fuels: Haber Bosch process-fertilizers feeding the planet using natural gas-doubling food production/crop yields. September 2019
Almost all the technology that we have, along with the life saving benefits because of it has come from fossil fuels:
This "net zero" fairy tale future is completely made up so that they can use the fake carbon pollution, fake climate crisis narratives to sell political agenda, crony capitalism, corrupt/junk science funding, misinformed but often sincere environmentalism and sensationalizing, ratings seeking activist media.
As a PRACTICING environmentalist, the most outrageous thing about this is the wasting of good money for bad things. In many cases, the completely counterproductive use of resources......many trillions aimed at a NON problem.
In some cases, like wind turbines, it creates a new and much worse problem!
Therealenvironmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean-landfills/trash-over consumption of natural resources-REAL pollution in the air/soil/water-WIND TURBINES (metmike is a PRACTICING environmentalist):
Ironically, in 2024 fossil fuels are SAVING millions of lives NOT taking them. Sustaining many billions of lives with food, not taking them.
Providing the life saving technological advancements.
The increase in CO2 from 290 ppm to the current 425+ppm and increase in global temperatures of almost 2 deg. F is actually helping to PROTECT us from events like that from happening again.
Going back more than a century to the climate and CO2 levels then, would result in at least 1 billion people on this planet dying from starvation within 3 years. Food production would plunge 26% just from the negative impact of 130 ppm less CO2.
For every +5 ppm of CO2, on average we see a 1% increase in plant growth and crop yields with that widely varying for each crop.
Taking away the synthetic fertilizer made with fossil fuels feeding over half the planet would likely starve close to 3 billion. Only the most wealthy could afford to eat with food prices going more than 20 times higher.
There no denying the 96% plunge in climate related deaths the past century........that is for people that want to look at the authentic science/data.
That’s why the disaster database’s own experts explicitly warn amateurs not to conclude that an increase in registered disasters equates to more disasters in reality. Reaching such a conclusion “would be incorrect” because the increase really just shows improvements in recording.
I have to get back to the REAL climate emergency that this planet had from 1876-1878.
3% of the global population died from famine/starvation. 50,000,000 died!
Today, that would equate to 240,000,000 people dying from a REAL climate emergency. The equivalent of more than 2/3rds of the population of the United States!
However, this was all part of NATURAL variability.
It really boils down to this, once again(Cliff Mass can be counted on as an elite source for using objective, authentic science)
The GoldenRule
Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDENRULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES. Here it is:
The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.
Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability.
This is one of the risks this planet had when CO2 levels were dangerously low after centuries of global cooling.
These pictures are shocking and moving more than any worded description of what this particular climate emergency caused in the 1870's BEFORE we BENEFICIALLY CHANGED THE CLIMATE!!!!!
As mentioned on the previous page, this was from natural variability but the rock solid fact is that the lower the CO2 and lower the global temperature is the MORE EVENTS LIKE THIS WILL HAPPEN.
I've now spent some time studying this event and am convinced that the biggest factor that caused the record EXTREME severity of the FAMINE was the dangerously LOW CO2 levels.
Natural variation was what caused the weather/climate event. LOW CO2 caused the impact on that natural weather/climate to be WORSE. On top of that those same conditions greatly amplified the damage to crops which are protected with higher CO2 levels. This is based on the authentic science using physical laws that I'll show right now.
The exact same natural weather patterns today would NOT have the same disastrous impact on these same regions, thanks to the much higher, entirely beneficial and protective CO2.
Here an attempt to describe the events from a meteorological standpoint 150 years later. Keep in mind that there were only a small fraction of accurate weather instruments measuring the weather outside of the United States in the 1870's.
So there's a lot of extrapolating and guesswork, including climate model simulations which are NOT observations and NOT reliable but the best guesses that we can make. They make this claim:
From 1875 to 1878, concurrent multiyear droughts in Asia, Brazil, and Africa, referred to as the Great Drought, caused widespread crop failures, catalyzing the so-called Global Famine, which had fatalities exceeding 50 million people and long-lasting societal consequences. Observations, paleoclimate reconstructions, and climate model simulations are used 1) to demonstrate the severity and characterize the evolution of drought across different regions, and 2) to investigate the underlying mechanisms driving its multiyear persistence. Severe or record-setting droughts occurred on continents in both hemispheres and in multiple seasons, with the “Monsoon Asia” region being the hardest hit, experiencing the single most intense and the second most expansive drought in the last 800 years.
The severe and widespread 1876–78 drought in multiple grain-producing regions of the world was induced by natural SST variability. Therefore, such a global-scale event might happen again. With the projected intensification of El Niño–induced hydroclimate anomalies due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations and global warming (Seager et al. 2012; Cai et al. 2014), such widespread droughts could become even more severe.
I disagree 100% that the same thing could become even more severe because of rising greenhouse gas concentrations and global warming.
It's the lack of following authentic science that causes them to be wrong and why our experts in climate science that provide mainstream climate information and interpretations like this that are operating in ignorance with greatly flawed assumptions and projections which completely miss key factors.
Here's a graph of atmospheric CO2 going back 220+ years.
Since 1959, the readings have been accurately measured at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii Observatory. Prior to that, they came from ice cores with trapped CO2(not quite as accurate).
CO2 is well mixed in the global atmosphere. So the CO2 level in India in the 1870's was almost the same as the CO2 level in the United States that same year.
The amount of atmospheric CO2 in 1878 was likely around 290 parts per million.
Here, in 2024, the atmospheric CO2 is approaching its seasonal high at almost 425 ppm based on the last monthly value, March and will probably get to 426 or more before it starts dropping until around November.
* Thanks to Jean, I have an update using this DAILY link. CO2 is currently at 428.59 and likely to peak at 429 ppm or so before dropping for 6 months. Also, this is 4 ppm higher than 1 year ago so the short term increase has ACCELERATED higher(ironically after years of being told that we need to achieve NET ZERO by 2050 and all the extreme measures being taken-of course China and India are massively increasing CO2 based on authentic science and energy principles and we can't stop them)
For convenience sake, let's say the CO2 level is 425 ppm in 2024.
This means that the CO2 has increased by 135 ppm since the year 1878. This is the key metric that we want to focus on and everybody should be able to agree on this number because we have good data measuring the changes.
Here's a more precise graph below that shows the yearly swings that coincide with the Northern Hemisphere's growing season. Every year, after the long cold Winter and vegetation being dormant or not seeded/planted yet, the rate of CO2 increasing accelerates with the peak usually in late Spring (May?). At that point, plants in the middle/high latitudes come back to life and gobble up CO2 faster than emissions and it drops for around 6 months.
On average the increase in the Winter/early Spring is around 2 ppm greater than the drop in Summer/Fall. So up 6 ppm, followed by a drop of 4 ppm, for instance. Or +X+2, the first 6 months, then -X the 2nd 6 months each year. It can vary from year to year but we've added almost 70 ppm in 34 years.
We should all be able to agree that humans burning fossil fuels are what caused most of this.
This page is still just educational background information.
Hopefully, with universal agreement that our atmosphere has added around 135 ppm of CO2 since 1878 we can proceed by applying agronomy/plant science to have an extremely good idea of what the response was by plants, when there was 135 ppm LESS CO2 in the atmosphere during the 1870's.
Hopefully, EVERYBODY should agree on this indisputable law
Photosynthesis takes short wave radiation energy and heat out of the atmosphere and converts it to chemical energy that gets stored in plants.
Animals can consume plants and burn that chemical energy via metabolic activities.
Millions of years ago, the earth and its oceans were covered with massive amounts of plants and had a much higher CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Those plants consumed solar energy their entire lives, then died and were buried far below the surface With their stored chemical energy and carbon sequestered underground. Over time that material decomposed and became concentrated with huge deposits having collected as a liquid/crude oil, solid/coal and gas, natural gas/methane.
Today we retrieve these ancient decomposed fossils and burn the stored chemical energy from the sun. This releases the beneficial gas, CO2 (the building block of life) back into the atmosphere, where it came from while converting the stored chemical energy into other forms of energy like electrical energy at power plants.
That released CO2 can then be gobbled up by plants, once again In tandem with them consuming solar radiation in photosynthesis again. Like before this gets converted to chemical energy which is stored in the plants.
Its like the circle of life….except using plants, CO2 and solar energy.
Here is data from many thousands of experiments at this site (with the most comprehensive data bank in the world) for almost every plant testing them at various levels of CO2 enrichment, holding other factor the same......only increasing the CO2.
Follow the instructions to access all of it.
When we look at the increase in crop yields in the real world. we have all sorts of changing variables that are helping to boost yields........better fertilizers(from fossil fuels) better hybrids and so:
The experiments at the first link keep all other variables the same AND ONLY CHANGE THE CO2.
Around a decade ago, I did a study with dozens of plants and came up with roughly an extremely conservative 1% increase in growth for every +5ppm increase in CO2. There are wide variations, depending on the plant and whether they use the C3 or C4 pathways to fixate CO2.
If somebody thinks they have a better study, send it to me but in this discussion we will use +1% for every +5 ppm in CO2, even though the actual rate 100 years ago was very likely GREATER than that. That means the +135 ppm in CO2 since 1878 is causing a +27% increase in plant growth.
We have massive additional confirmation of this in the NON CROP world. Natural vegetation/trees are only responding to the CO2 and weather/climate.
Global models that take photosynthesis strongly into account have a completely DIFFERENT projection the next 75 years Compared to flawed global climate models not dialing in photosynthesis.
Global Green Up Slows Warming
Instead of killing the planet, like we are constantly told will happen if CO2 emissions are not cut to near 0, the photosynthesis model is still GREENING the planet big time from 2081-2100, consistent with the last 150 years and the indisputable law of photosynthesis and the benefits with modest global warming.
Their rate of increase is similar to my conservative +1% for every 5 ppm. Lets say they expect CO2 to increase at 2 ppm/year for 75 years and be at around 575 ppm in 2100. Then they increase plant growth by 20% from an increase in CO2 of 150 ppm, which is around +1% for every + 7 ppm....but the increase in additional gains SLOWS DOWN as CO2 increases Following the law of diminishing returns And photosynthetic curves as shown previously.
"The paper’s authors reviewed more than 250 published articles that have used satellite data, modeling, and field observations, to understand the causes and consequences of global greening. Among the key results, the authors noted that on a global scale greening can be attributed to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Rising levels of carbon dioxide increase the rate of photosynthesis and growth in plants."
metmike: Why isn't this paper, based on 250 published articles .......getting much mainstream news coverage?
Now, lets learn a bit more and APPLY IT.
Greenhouses know more about growing plants than anybody. Here's a wonderful recent authentic plant science discussion from a greenhouse, chosen because Graphs and charts are pictures worth a thousand words.
This article was written by Oklahoma State University to educate greenhouse growers about CO2 enrichment on plants. The objective is completely independent of their opinion on climate change which is never mentioned or never implied.
Far too much mainstream research on this topic is married to an alarmist narrative and assumption that CO2 will lead to catastrophic global warming of the planet based on flawed global climate model simulations of the future atmosphere using mathematical equations that can’t accurately represent the impact of changes in factors like clouds and the massive greening of the planet from photosynthesis.
Several important things to note from this graph.
1. When CO2 gets just below 200 ppm, photosynthesis SHUTS DOWN. Look at the range above and think about where atmospheric CO2 was on this graph in the 1870's at just 290 ppm.on the far left!! If we had dropped just 100 ppm, (instead of increasing 135 ppm) none of us would be here. Our planet was in extreme CO2 starvation mode and at the steepest part of the curve where small changes have the biggest impact.
2. It's tough to line things up perfectly but let’s track along the path of the line from 290 ppm to 425 ppm. I get closer to a 70% change (80% to 150%) from 1870's to 2024. . Since this coincides to one of the steepest parts of the curve(low CO2) its actually a very reasonable value but lets just call it 60% to be safely conservative.
3. So the rate of increase in photosynthesis was probably more like +1% for every +3 ppm increase before the year 1900 and has slowed a bit in recent years to around +1% every +5 ppm and later this century will be more like +1% for every +7 ppm.
4. The rate of increase in growth starts flattening out with increasing CO2 and tops out at just over 1,000 ppm. I've been stating that 900 ppm is the optimal level to be conservative and it varies by plant. For wheat, numerous studies show it as just over 900 ppm.
This next graph is where we really learn something new that NEVER gets discussed but is extremely profound.
Temperature plays a big role in the rate of plant growth. Most biological processes increase with increasing temperature and this includes the rate of photosynthesis.
But the optimum temperature for maximum photosynthesis depends on the availability of CO2. The higher the amount of available CO2, the higher the optimum temperature requirement of crops (Figure 2). In a greenhouse supplemented with CO2, a dramatic increase in the growth of plants can be observed with increasing temperature. Supplemental CO2 increases the optimum temperature requirement of a crop. This increases production even at higher temperature, which is not possible at the ambient CO2 level.
Supplemental CO2 affects the physiology of plants through stomatal regulation. Elevated CO2 promotes the partial closure of stomatal cells and reduces stomatal conductance. Stomatal conductance refers to the rate of CO2 entering and exiting with water vapor from the stomatal cell of a leaf. Because of reduced stomatal conductance, transpiration (loss of water from leaf stomata in the form of water vapor) is minimized and results in an increased water use efficiency (WUE) (ratio of water used in plant metabolism to water lost through transpiration). Lower stomatal conductance, reduced transpiration, increased photosynthesis and an increase in WUE helps plants to perform more efficiently in water-stressed conditions. Supplemental CO2 reduces water demand and conserves water in water-scarce conditions.
1. The higher the CO2 level is in the atmosphere, the better that plants do with increasing temperatures compared to plants with lower CO2.
2. The higher the CO2 level is in the air, the better that plants do in drought Compared to a lower CO2.
There are numerous studies that show this same thing:
The potential of elevated CO2 ameliorating the effects of water deficit stress is evident from literature, which suggests that these two agents are brothers in arms protecting the plant from stress rather than partners in crime, specifically for water deficit when in isolation. The possible mechanisms by which this occurs will be discussed in this minireview. Interpreting the effects of short-term and long-term exposure of plants to elevated CO2 in the context of ameliorating the negative impacts of drought will show us the possible ways by which there can be effective adaption to crops in the changing climate scenario.
This study highlighted the interactive impacts of three important abiotic factors likely to coexist under natural settings (water, temperature, and CO2) on soybean plant productivity. The WS and eCO2 both reduced plant water uses by reducing canopy transpiration. However, a substantial increase in water use efficiency was primarily found under eCO2(elevated CO2) In contrast, the warmer temperature of this study (MHT) consistently increased water use and canopy evapotranspiration while decreasing the water use efficiency across CO2 and irrigation treatments. Results showed that canopy photosynthesis, biomass accumulation, and seed yield responded uniquely to the different combinations of treatments. The WS had the greatest impacts on plant productivity across CO2 and temperature regimes. However, when WS was applied in combination with eCO2, the decreases in traits such as canopy photosynthesis, biomass accumulation, and seed yield were lesser regardless of the temperature treatment. Remarkably, a positive impact of warmer than OT of this study (i.e., MHT) on these traits was also found but only at eCO2……elevated CO2. This study indicates that CO2 fertilization will benefit soybean productivity in a climatic condition with moderately warmer than optimum temperature with limited but consistent water availability.
The demand for water by the atmosphere is widely predicted to increase due to climate change (1). It is commonly inferred that this will cause droughts to become more widespread and severe (2). Many recent studies, however, ignore the impact of rising atmospheric CO2 on plant water use (3–11). Plants absorb CO2 through stomates in their leaves, and simultaneously lose water to the atmosphere by means of transpiration through the same pathway. Higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations allow plants to reduce water losses per unit of carbon gain (12), in part by reducing stomatal conductance when the gradient of CO2 between the atmosphere and the leaf interior increases. If leaf area stays the same, this physiological response has the potential to reduce water losses from the land surface, increase soil moisture, and reduce plant water stress (13)—the opposite effect of an increase in drought stress and aridity as predicted by many drought metrics (3, 14, 15). A plant-centric view may therefore suggest that ecosystem-level tradeoffs between water loss and photosynthesis under increasing CO2 are potentially large enough to reduce drought, despite the large projected increases in water demand from a warmer atmosphere.
Elevated CO2 and Water Stress in Plants
In a study with field experiments and process-based simulations [41], the researchers have shown that CO2 enrichment contributes to decreased water stress and also contributed to higher yields of maize under restricted water conditions. They showed from their studies that elevated CO2 decreases transpiration without any effect on soil moisture and at the same time it increases evaporation. Modelling has shown that water stress is reduced to an extent of 37 per cent under elevated CO2, a simulated increase in stomatal resistance being the reason for this.
We've been hearing/reading for 3 decades that climate change will cause extreme droughts that will impact food production based on flawed, speculative simulations of the climate/crops that have been completely wrong about massively increasing crop production and a greening planet.
Every year, its the same thing, as we are told its just a matter of time, as if the law of photosynthesis will be banned in the future.
In this current study, I only looked at what we know happened in the past, up until now. In this case from circa 1870s to 2024.
We can learn a heck of a lot by looking at the observations in the real world which should always get the most weighting to understand the real world. Even more than speculative climate model simulations. Here's what we knew already:
1. The CO2 has risen from ~290 ppm to ~425 ppm +135 ppm the last 150 years.
2. Its mostly from humans burning fossil fuels
Here's what we should have learned:
3. At 290 ppm, CO2 was dangerously low for life on earth. Plants were starving for CO2.
4. Crop yields were likely 60% lower in the 1870's just from the impact of less CO2.
5. In addition, higher CO2 levels cause plants to be much more drought tolerant/water efficient. It depends on the plants and though the effect is indisputable and LARGE, the amount is uncertain but one study gave us a figure of +37% during droughts which I'll use for convenience.
6. In addition, synthetic fertilizers from fossil fuels have increased crop yields by an additional 50%+ and those had not been invented in the 1870's. ..........but that's NOT climate, even though we will have synthetic fertilizers offsetting future adverse climate. So I don't count fertilizers.
7. The 1876-78 period was by far the worst global drought in recorded history. 3% of the global population died from famine because of the climate. At that time, CO2 was at a very deficient 290 ppm and the Little Ice Age had taken global temps down 2 deg. F from where they are today. This meant that growing seasons were 2 weeks shorter back then!
8. Adding 135 ppm of CO2 to the atmosphere in the 1870's by itself, would have added ~60% to the global food production, purely from the indisputable impact of photosynthesis.
9. In addition it likely would have added another ~35% from CO2s proven ability to make crops drought tolerant(increasing yields in water starved crops).
10. We don't know much about the temperatures during those growing seasons. Droughts often feature heat waves, however global temperatures were -2 deg. F vs today, so we can't dial in benefits from CO2 from its heat protection(that will clearly be a bonus in our warmer future). We can speculate that the growing seasons, being 2 weeks shorter from global cooling in the middle latitudes, might have had an impact. Though we won't dial that in because its speculative for that period. I gf
11. Adding it all up and we get close to a 100% increase in global food production by superimposing the 2024 climate on top the 1878 climate using authentic, proven plant science/agronomy and observations in the REAL world.
12. How many lives would have been saved by doubling the food supply during those 3 years of global famine because of the added beneficial CO2 and beneficial warming? Of course that's only a hypothetical question (the global population would have been much greater-demand higher leading up to that if mankind had been blessed with that much CO2 in the years prior to the famine) to make us appreciate the huge positive impacts of increasing CO2 that we're experiencing today but ARE COMPLETELY TAKEN FOR GRANTED. The same impact that will continue to the year 2100 as shown by photosynthesis models if CO2 continues to increase.
14. Based on the REAL world, not the theoretical world..........why wouldn't it continue at even higher levels of CO2???
Answer: There is no AUTHENTIC, scientific reason for it to NOT continue. And it clearly will.
How important is food production to humans and other creatures (all animals eat plants or something that ate plants?
Answer: Ask the world in the 1876-78 era or the Dust Bowl 1930's or other extreme droughts (that used to be WORSE on crops before climate change helped so much) what they think or poor countries or poor families or people harmed by food inflation from supply side dynamics?
Do you think that the climate crisis narratives telling us that we are killing the (greening up) planet gives enough weight to photosynthesis (which also helps cool the planet and sequester CO2)?
15. That was fun!!!!! Enjoy the shared enlightenment. Please provide comments/critiques.
16. Another element not discussed is that global cooling CAUSES lower CO2 levels. Most of the planets CO2 is dissolved in the oceans. There is an equilibrium between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the CO2 in the oceans. The warmer the sea water temperature, the more outgassing that takes place to maintain that equilibrium. Colder oceans will absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere. No doubt that during the Little Ice Age, cooler oceans meant that global CO2 levels were dropping a bit from this factor/oceanic uptake of CO2 and also from plants using it. However, plants around the world were not doing well when CO2 dropped below 300 ppm(which helped to conserve what was left).
Thanks much, Jean!
It's always good to be skeptical. In this case, there are several different categories of data.
1. Global CO2. Of all of them this is the most accurate. Since 1958/9 extremely accurate, direct instrumentation measurements. Prior to that indirect measurements using ice core data(bubbles of trapped air inside).
2. Statistics on global famine and deaths. I can't vouch for this one from a scientific standpoint but feel confident that regardless of whether the numbers were OVER counted or UNDER counted, the climate catastrophe of 1876-78 was the worst global climate disaster in recorded human history.........which goes back thousands of years. There were numerous reliable sources reporting this during those 3 years.
3. The meteorology during this period. This is what I feel is the most questionable when it comes to using things like sparse ocean temperature data in order to explain the GLOBAL pattern that caused this. Regardless of how precise the data is, they got the overall patterns right and it really doesn't change the points in my study.
*4. You helped me a great deal with this question and how it relates to #1, Jean. I was just using the accurate monthly CO2 level from March earlier. In order to help you out, I found a better source, updated daily that's even MORE accurate to the day, instead of the month.
I was using 425 ppm CO2 from March and noting its still rising ahead of the Spring peak. Well its already at 428.59 as of April 26, 2024. So the peak will be at least 429 before rapidly increasing photosynthesis in the Northern Hemisphere consumes it faster than the emissions during our, just starting growing season.
* Thanks to Jean, I have an update using this DAILY link. CO2 is currently at 428.59 and likely to peak at 429 ppm or so before dropping for 6 months. Also, this is 4 ppm higher than 1 year ago so the short term increase has ACCELERATED higher(ironically after years of being told that we need to achieve NET ZERO by 2050 and all the extreme measures being taken-of course China and India are massively increasing CO2 based on authentic science and energy principles and we can't stop them)
Here's another excellent point about the need for 0 emissions of CO2 being hogwash.
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
A Modest CO2 Reduction Scenario
Now, let’s assume a 1% per year cut in emissions (both fossil fuel burning and deforestation) in each year starting in 2024. That 1% per year cut is nowhere near the Net Zero goal of eliminating CO2 emissions by 2050 or 2060, which at this point seems delusional since humanity remains so dependent upon fossil fuels. The resulting future trajectory of atmospheric CO2 looks like this:
This shows that rather modest cuts in global CO2 emissions (33% by 2063) would cause CO2 concentrations to stabilize in about 40 years, with a peak CO2 value of 460 ppm. This is only 2/3 of the way to “2XCO2” (a doubling of estimated pre-Industrial CO2 levels).
As I demonstrated here:
Atmospheric CO2 levels during the Northern Hemisphere's growing seasons ALWAYS GOES DOWN, usually around 4 ppm because of photosynthesis. With the planet massively greening up, photosynthesis has INCREASED and is gobbling up more and more CO2 each year. Emissions are going up FASTER than this right now, however.
If we cut back to 0 emissions(impossible) the much greener planet and photosynthesis demand for CO2 would cause CO2 to CRASH much lower FAST.
This bs that CO2 stays in the atmosphere for 100 years is nonsense. Plants(and the ocean) are taking it out at an accelerating rate.
With NO human CO2 emissions(impossible but thats their stated goal), the level would quickly plunge to dangerously low levels again within a few decades.
Currently, if we are going up 6 ppm in the 6 months with only the Southern Hemisphere's and the tropics photosynthesis which might only be gobbling up 4 ppm (less than emissions), then down 4 ppm during our Summer because of photosynthesis, it suggests to me that humans are adding enough to increase CO2 in the absence of photosynthesis by 16 ppm(more last year) but photosynthesis is gobbling up around 12 ppm(3 ppm SH and 13 ppm NH?).
These are wild off the cuff guesses to make the point.
Take away human emissions and atmospheric CO2 levels suddenly today and initially the drop would be 16 ppm/year because of CO2 demand from plants that sequester it.
In short order, the greening planet impact WOULD BE REVERSED. This would reduce photosynthesis and the rate of CO2 decline would decrease too. However, even if that rate was 9 ppm/year for 2 decades, that would be a drop of 180 ppm. If we peaked around 460 ppm, that cause us to be down to 280 ppm again and mean plant starvation, like the world experienced 100+ years ago, struggling to grow enough food to supply less than 2 billion people with enough to eat.
Crop yields would plunge 60% just from the lower CO2 levels. All plants would experience much lower, stunted growth. Most crops would be less drought and heat resistant by over 30%.
Since the global population in 2080 will be closer to 10 billion, even with technological advancements, there would only be enough food to feed 5 billion people.
Again, this is based on the rock solid, indisputable law in science:
To say climate scientists are being ignored is an understatement. The planet is sliding past 1.5 degrees Celsius of heating. Heat waves and crop failures are intensifying, coral reefs are dying, and rainforests are passing tipping points. For half a century, scientists have issued increasingly urgent warnings to stop burning fossil fuels. But even as climate chaos unfolds as predicted, or even faster than predicted, fossil fuel profiteers are doubling down.
Carbon dioxide is still accumulating in the atmosphere at a roughly exponential rate, with 2022-2024 being the largest two-year increase on record. If world leaders and fossil fuel executives continue to recklessly increase fossil fuel production, human civilization will—at some point—collapse. Billions of lives, all of humanity's fondest hopes and dreams for the future, and most of life on Earth is at risk.
Climate scientists have testified before Congress, written thousands of papers and reports, and spoken in the bluntest language we know. We're now even getting arrested for civil disobedience in record numbers. But last year, fossil fuel corporations invested more than $500 billion to develop new reserves. And financing from banks was the key to this irresponsible growth.
The truth: Fossil fuel companies have rescued the planet from dangerously low levels of beneficial CO2 a century ago. We are having a climate optimum for most life on this greening planet with the best weather/climate in over 1,000 years(the last time that it was this warm during the Medieval Warm Period-that didn't have as much beneficial CO2).
"crop failures are intensifying" for instance is the opposite of the science and data backed truth. Easy to debunk this manure!
I can give you 100 pages more of this data to prove that WE ARE NOT KILLING THE PLANET and this person is using words to show they are a fake climate crisis activist/zealot, needlessly scaring people and vilifying sources with their junk science for their bogus agenda.
They claim that climate scientists are being ignored.
An atmospheric scientist for 42 years.
COLD is the biggest killer of life on this planet by an extremely wide margin.
1. That's not denying that these warmer temps have increased the amount of water vapor in the air by around 7% and heavy rain events have increased. Not by 700% or even 70% by more like 7%.
2. Warmer oceans are more favorable for stronger hurricanes, especially rapid strengthening when given optimal NATURAL atmospheric conditions, like we might have later this year in the Atlantic basin
3. Heat waves in most places can be 2 degrees F hotter if you super impose +2 deg. F of warming on the planet(but the coldest and driest places will see more than that). Conversely, the warming is greatest in the Winters. This reduces extreme cold.
4. The benefits from this warming to life compared to the negatives are MUCH greater. Fossil fuels are not only saving a billion+ lives from the extra food and technology, they are saving more lives from the CO2 and beneficial weather.
Not even close!
President at Copenhagen Consensus Center
Your risk of dying from climate-related disasters dropped 99% since 1920. This is because richer societies (thanks to fossil fuels-metmike) are much more resilient to disasters Read more in my peer-reviewed article:
Use this to get his article:
I highly recommend reading this peer reviewed study below for objective, authentic, comprehensive data on this topic that defines REAL science. It trumps all the junk science propaganda.
Welfare in the 21st century: Increasing development, reducing inequality, the impact of climate change, and the cost of climate policies
The MSN needs to stop repeating the nonsense in this article at the top!
It's true that man caused climate change causes heat waves in some places to be 3 degrees F hotter than they would have been 100 years ago.
But they cherry pick, then exaggerate that fact in articles like this and NEVER, EVER tell the other side.
Winters have warmed the most and COLD STILL KILLS 10 TIMES MORE PEOPLE THAN HEAT!
The last 30 years or weather/climate/CO2 have been the best for life on this planet since BEFORE the Medieval Warm Period 1,000 years ago that was this warm.
In the Midwest SUMMERS, climate change has REDUCED EXTREME HEAT for instance.......though thats an exception, thanks to photosynthesis and evapotranspiration/higher dew points/moisture.
Summer Climate Change in the Midwest and Great Plains due to Agricultural Development during the Twentieth Century
Death by GREENING!
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.
Climate change is set to cause a 4.7-fold surge in heat-related deaths by mid-century if government inaction on global warming continues, a report published Tuesday found.
Over 100 million more people experienced food insecurity in 2021 and human climate pollution was "directly to blame," said Macmillan,
Scroll down from the top of this link to see the proof that climate change causing food insecurity is nonsense:
CO2 is a beneficial gas greening up the planet and has INCREASED global food production by 26% the past century. The optimal level for most life is 900 parts per million. Currently we are just less than half that at 420 ppm.
The current climate optimum (not a crisis) is still cooler than the temperature that most life prefers on this planet and not nearly as warm as the Holocene Climate Optimum in the higher latitudes 6,000+ years ago.
The Holocene Climate Optimum (HCO) was a warm period in the first half of the Holoceneepoch, that occurred in the interval roughly 9,500 to 5,500 years BP,[1] with a thermal maximum around 8000 years BP.
The indisputable truth, backed by all the authentic science and data is the current climate OPTIMUM is SAVING MANY LIVES! Most life on this greening planet would prefer MORE OF IT!
Why Extreme Heat Is So Dangerous 1 MINUTE
June 20, 2024
On average, excessive heat claims more than 100 lives in the U.S. each year That’s more than any other weather hazard.
Hey Mike,
Not at all meaning to downplay the Mexican heat and its consequences, I agree 100% with you that cold has killed many more than heat has worldwide per studies/stats I’ve seen. (I first learned about this from you!) Therefore, that’s a hidden benefit of GW…drop in cold related deaths larger than increase in heat related deaths at least to this point worldwide. That doesn’t mean I’m saying that GW is a good thing overall. I know you feel it is a net benefit. The purpose of this post is not to debate that.
Of course some low latitude countries likely have had a net increase in deaths due to being at too low latitudes to have cold enough for cold related deaths in the first place. So, for them, GW has meant more deaths obviously and that shouldn’t be downplayed by any means. But I’m talking about the worldwide aggregate.
An interesting topic for discussion would be to determine how much warmer it has to get to start seeing a net increase in deaths worldwide from the combo of heat and cold. I suspect that is still a long ways off, especially with increased AC availability/usage to reduce heat related deaths although poor low latitude countries may never get widespread A.C. Here’s a paper about this:
“Our study also explored the temporal change in temperature-related mortality burden from 2000 to 2019. The global daily mean temperature increased by 0·26°C per decade during this time, paralleled with a large decrease in cold-related deaths and a moderate increase in heat-related deaths. The results indicate that global warming might slightly reduce the net temperature-related deaths, although, in the long run, climate change is expected to increase mortality burden. However, regional disparities exist, with the ratio of cold-related excess deaths decreasing in South-eastern Asia.”
Thanks, Larry!
One thing that makes ascertaining the cold/hot benefits/harm dynamic challenging is the fact that the coldest places, in the coldest times of year are warming up the most by a wide margin and the warmest places, especially the warmest and humid places in the warmest time of year are warming the slowest.
The rock solid physics behind this is that H2O is actually a much more powerful greenhouse gas. At several absorption bands, H2O is already absorbing a great deal of radiation.
If that band is NOT already saturated from H2O, then CO2 can add to the absorption band until its saturated.........then, it doesn't matter how much more H2O or CO2 you add. Like pouring water into a container thats already full. It can't hold any more water.
COLD air can't hold as much moisture/H2O as warm air, so the long wave radiation absorption bands in colder air are NOT saturated by H2O. This allows CO2 in colder places to ABSORB MORE AT THOSE BANDS. Those same bands in warm, humid air may be saturated from H2O or have little room left for absorption by CO2.
Interestingly, DRY places are also warming faster than HUMID places for the same reason. LESS H2O to absorb radiation and more opportunity for CO2 to do its warming thing.
The implications of this are profound and mostly positive.
It means the coldest air masses in the Winter are the ones warming up the most.
It also means that the hottest, most humid air masses in Summer are warming up the least.
With the real world warming by close to 3 deg. F the past 100 years from the added CO2 from humans, even I will state that heat waves in the Summer can be ~3 deg. F hotter than they would have been without human caused climate change but actually, that's TOO MUCH to attribute to the impact from CO2 from the principle I just described.
That 3 deg. F of warming is the AVERAGE on the planet which is MUCH greater in the coldest, driest places and MUCH less in the warmest, most humid places.
The tropics, being the warmest, most humid place on the planet would have the least impact.
So we assume that deaths will ramp up there because they're already at the threshold for being too hot/humid. The reality is that we have to dial DOWN the % impact on heat waves in the hottest/humid places and in places at higher latitudes, with less humidity, dial up the major heat waves.
this is not intended to downplay the impact as much as it is to explain the authentic science. This same impact, will contribute to melting more polar ice(refreezing in the Winter will be LESS because of LESS COLD).
Arctic Winters have WARMED more than any other place at any time of year for this reason. This also means that when Arctic blasts are transported south in our Winter, the source region for that air mass IS NOT AS COLD so the extreme cold is NOT AS extreme. Regardless of whether global warming causes blocking that potentially leads to Sudden Stratospheric Warming events or not.
Note on the maps below where the greatest warming is. Over large land masses that are dry(and especially cold in Winter) If I can find one for just Winter, you would see that the majority of this, already high latitude warming is in the WINTER.
Africa has experienced slightly more warming because it's a large dry location.
Note that all the oceans have experienced LESS warming. Of course it takes MUCH MORE heat to warm water but the air masses over oceans ARE HUMID so the absorption bands are closer to being saturated already by H2O, with less room for CO2 to have the same impact it does over dry regions.
And there's much more to this NOT related to CO2. Heat fatalities are concentrated in cities during the Summer for the following reason:
More than half of the global population and about 80% of the U.S. population lives in cities. Urban populations tend to experience higher average temperatures and more intense heat extremes than people in less developed areas.
This is because, in addition to the primary warming from carbon pollution, cities also experience an extra temperature boost due to the urban heat island effect.
During extreme heat events such as this summer’s relentless heat waves in the southern U.S., the urban heat island effect can worsen heat stress and related illness for millions, put vulnerable populations at risk, and lead to higher energy bills and strained power grids during spikes in cooling demand.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
“The urban heat island effect is a measurable increase in ambient urban air temperatures resulting primarily from the replacement of vegetation with buildings, roads, and other heat-absorbing infrastructure. The heat island effect can result in significant temperature differences between rural and urban areas.”
This source displays a blatant bias when it comes to climate change.
Wanna know how to tell?
Anybody that uses the term "carbon pollution" for carbon dioxide is either not a scientist or is a blatantly biased scientist playing politics.
Using that term, carbon pollution is scientifically, exactly like using the term hydrogen pollution to describe water vapor/H2O in the air.
We know that a water molecule is formed from 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Water/H2O is neither hydrogen or oxygen. It's a totally different compound/molecule, using atoms held together by covalent bonds. It's essential for all life on this planet.
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Exactly the same with CO2/carbon dioxide. It's formed from 2 atoms of oxygen and 1 atom of carbon. It is NOT oxygen and it certainly is not the solid, carbon. It's a totally different compound/molecule, with 1 C atom, covalently bonded with 2 O atoms. It's an essential GAS! At 426 parts per million, CO2 is less than 50% of the optimal level for most life(assuming that most animals eat plants or something that ate plants).
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Carbon is a SOLID! Many thousands of compounds have carbon atoms in them but they are NOT CARBON.
Carbon | |
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Allotropes | graphite, diamond and more (see Allotropes of carbon) |
Appearance |
We know exactly why people use the ANTI science term, carbon pollution for CO2.
When you hear a source using that term or read it, you can be certain that they are either scientifically ignorant on this topic or intentionally using it to try to trick people into believing that the beneficial gas, CO2 is actually a pollutant and is bad, like black carbon or solid carbon particulate matter in the air.
The period below captured most of last weeks heat wave:
NATO, on its 75th anniversary, has just published a strikingly fatuous Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment, which begins thus –
“Climate change is a defining challenge of our time, with a profound impact on Allied security. At the 2021 Summit in Brussels, NATO Heads of State and Government endorsed a Climate Change and Security Action Plan and agreed that NATO should become the leading organization when it comes to understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on security.”
Fortunately, threadbare clichés such as “defining challenge of our time” and “profound impact” are now so shop-worn that they serve only to indicate the feeble-minded inarticulacy of the goofs who cobbled together this jejune document.
Let us dispose some of the errors in this flatulent passage – errors on which the rest of the document is unsoundly predicated.
1. “Internationally recognized entities” do not do science. They do politics, and they have rent-seekers’ vested interests in pretending that warmer weather worldwide is what Sellar and Yeatman called “A Bad Thing” when it is proving to be A Good Thing.
2. “Speed and scale at which the climate crisis continues to unfold”: It is unfolding so rapidly that the world is indeed changing – but changing for the better.
CO2 fertilization has increased the net primary productivity of flora – the global total green biomass of trees and plants – by 15-30% in recent decades (Zhu and Piao 2017) –
No surprise, then, that the yields of all staple crops in response to a doubling of the life-giving plant food that is CO2 in the air (Idso 2013) will increase significantly –
The increase in cereal crop yields per acre has been particularly spectacular. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization, which is, after all, one of the “internationally recognized entities” that so impress NATO’s policy wonks, substantially concurs with Idso’s analysis –
The increase in cereal crop yields per acre has been particularly spectacular. Cereal crop yields have tripled in 60 years. Though much of this tripling arises from better agricultural methods, at the very least it can be said that our sins of emission have done no net harm to crop yields (OurWorldInData, based on UNFAO data) –
Thanks in part to more CO2 in the air and the consequent increase in crop yields, famines in the past half-century of increasing CO2 concentration have fallen (OurWorldInData 2023) to record lows. One would have thought that NATO would have provided balance by including facts such as these –
The most basic question, when assessing the risk of warmer weather, is whether the warmer weather is, in net terms, causing loss of life. Bjørn Lomborg takes a refreshingly hard-headed approach, in marked contrast to the self-serving, mannered panic of NATO’s bureaucracy. For some years, he has been analysing the databases of the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the Centre for Research into the Epidemiology of Disasters. Despite a quadrupling of global population in the past 100 years of “climate crisis”, annually-averaged climate-related deaths have fallen. They have not fallen by a little. They have fallen by 99% –
Good news such as this, however, has been meticulously excluded from NATO’s purported “assessment”, just as it has been sedulously excised from the news media from which, one suspects, NATO chiefly obtains its erroneous information on the climate question. What these facts show is that – so far, at any rate – global warming has proven to be A Good Thing.
To summarize: it is not climate change that threatens the West’s military capability: it is costly but useless climate-change mitigation policies, applied unilaterally by the West against itself and ignored in practice by just about all other nations, that are arguably the major cause of the continuing and now terminal decline in the military capability of NATO.
Yet the leadership of NATO, and the leaders of the States Parties to whom its High Command is answerable, are individually and collectively unaware of the extent to which hostile agents of influence in the West, working under the direction of the intelligence apparats of totalitarian nations that act increasingly in concert to complete the destruction of the economic and military hegemony of the hated West, are responsible for the relentless indoctrination and the ruthless silencing of free speech that have led so many to believe without doubting that global warming is a net threat, when on every legitimate measure it is not. It is a net benefit, of which other nations are taking full advantage while we destroy ourselves.
Vegas hit 120 beating all-time record high by 3!
Started by WxFollower - July 7, 2024, 8:28 p.m.
One of the things that these people continue to totally miss with the fake climate crisis and so called tipping points is that the earth's atmosphere and biosphere act with NEGATIVE FEEDBACK to reign in extremes and not as they claim........with accelerating positive feedbacks that take us to the land of extreme no return.
We are told that man's CO2 emissions will stay in the atmosphere for 100 years. This is absolutely WRONG.
We know with certainty that global atmospheric CO2 actually decreases during the Northern Hemisphere's growing season.
Re: National Climate Emergency??????????!!!!!!!!!!!
By metmike - April 26, 2024, 9:18 p.m.
That's because the massively greening of our planet is gobbling up more and more CO2 every year.
Although we have been putting more and more and more CO2 in every year, the rate of increase of CO2 is slowing down, while the consumption by plants on a greening earth is INCREASING every year. This is acting as NEGATIVE FEEDBACK.
This greening will continue for at least several decades, thus consuming more and more and more CO2. At some point soon, this increase in consumption by plants via the indisputable law of photosynthesis, will be equal to man's contribution and atmospheric CO2 will STOP GOING HIGHER.
If we only stop increasing CO2 emissions but don't cut back, the greening planet will eventually CONSUME the same amount going in and global CO2 WILL be reach an equilibrium point......stop going higher.
Again this is based on the indisputable law of photosynthesis.
If we ever got to the point of cutting back........where global emissions were LESS THAN the previous year, there would be a deficit between what plants need/uptake and what is being added. It's indisputable science that this means global CO2 levels WILL DECREASE!
A zero carbon future would be a catastrophic disaster for life on this planet because of this rock solid principle.
The huge increase in global plants, including crops that has been advancing for decades is now DEPENDENT ON THIS CO2. If we were to pull the CO2 rug out, the deficit between our emissions and the much greater plant needs would result in Atmospheric CO2 levels rapidly plunging.
Plants would become less prolific, crop yields/food production plunging at a time when they need to continue increasing to match the increasing needs of the growing global population.
The increase in food production from the contribution of added CO2 the last century is likely around 26%. Each +5 PPM(parts per million) = +1% in plant growth.
So +130 PPM = +26% on average for crop growth.
This is rock solid science.
40 responses |
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.
Climate science has been hijacked for a political agenda, crony capitalism, media sensationalism/activism/ratings and misinformed but sincere environmentalists.
Just a reminder, metmike is a practicing environmentalist(and objective/independent atmospheric scientist).
I explained the atmospheric physics for why the much lower ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY/DEW POINTS in the Winter are causing CO2 impact to be greater, here:
Re: Re: National Climate Emergency??????????!!!!!!!!!!!
By metmike - June 22, 2024, 9:41 a.m.
The science of climate change often is presented in complicated language that speaks of computer models and the theoretical inputs and outputs thereof and concludes that the globe is on the verge of “boiling.” Well, leave it to three physicists — steeped in calculus and such arcane matters as the behavior of molecules and the nuclear charge of atoms — to simplify the analysis and arrive at a much less alarming determination.
“Straightforward calculations … show that eliminating U.S. CO2 emissions by the year 2050 would avoid a temperature increase of 0.0084 degrees Celsius,” states a brief paper authored by Drs. Richard Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; William Happer, Princeton University; and William A. van Wijngaarden, York University, Toronto. On the Fahrenheit scale, the value of averted warming is 0.015 degrees.
In short, the amount of warming averted by eliminating CO2 emissions in the United States would be too small to measure. The paper bolsters the position of those who argue that a changing climate is the product of natural forces, that human-induced carbon dioxide emissions can have only a minuscule effect on global temperature, and that CO2 is a valuable plant food and not a pollutant.
Rather than using theoretical assumptions about various factors that are fed into computers, the paper’s calculation relies almost exclusively on “observable data” that are widely accepted and publicly available, says Dr. Happer.
“This is something anybody with a calculator can figure out,” said the scientist, who may be best known for his contribution to a laser-based technology for destroying incoming ballistic missiles as part of the so-called Star Wars program of the 1980s.
And now, for some brain dead journalism.
Don't they have editors that actually look at what's going out anymore?? They must be in the same fake climate crisis cult!!!
I would have thought this was an article from the satire news publication, "The Babylon Bee"
The fake climate crisis articles being treated as "news" by the MSM have become as extreme as the actual satire climate crisis articles poking fun of them!!!!!!!
In other words, the manufactured realities that the media, government and justice department use to manipulate us via propaganda and DISinformation are getting so extreme that it rivals what people know is science fiction and fairy tales or joking.
Here's another example, today of how they blame EVERYTHING on the fake climate crisis:
Re: Re: Re: Re: AEW in E ATL could be next TC
By metmike - Sept. 6, 2024, 8:24 p.m.
We have a presidential election coming up...........time to pull out the "Russia, Russia, Russia" fake news again to convince us that Russia IS DOING WHAT THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DOJ-more Russia election interference
Started by metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 9:20 p.m.
"The failure by our political class to deal with this completely solvable issue is staggering and shameful," wrote one journalist.
This is soooo dishonest and so ignorant! Cherry picking extremes from hurricanes, heat and rain every Summer and pretending that's the entire science.
That’s why the disaster database’s own experts explicitly warn amateurs not to conclude that an increase in registered disasters equates to more disasters in reality. Reaching such a conclusion “would be incorrect” because the increase really just shows improvements in recording.
I have to get back to the REAL climate emergency that this planet had from 1876-1878.
3% of the global population died from famine/starvation. 50,000,000 died!
Today, that would equate to 240,000,000 people dying from a REAL climate emergency. The equivalent of more than 2/3rds of the population of the United States!
It really boils down to this, once again(Cliff Mass can be counted on as an elite source for using objective, authentic science)
The GoldenRule
Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDENRULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES. Here it is:
The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.
Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability.
We should be giving Big Oil the Nobel Peace Prize every year for their wonderful gifts to humanity, not targeting them with complete scientific and political nonsense.
Re: Re: Re: Re: May 2024 global temperatures
By metmike - June 8, 2024, 10:23 a.m.