A different hypothesis on global warming
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Started by cutworm - June 1, 2024, 10:55 p.m.

Exothermic (Cyclic) Core Theory of Climate Change (theethicalskeptic.com)

I admit I haven't had time to read and study this yet but wanted you guys' input. Currently farming from sunrise to sunset and past.

By WxFollower - June 1, 2024, 11:39 p.m.
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Hey cutworm,

 Thanks for posting this. Holy moly!! I started reading and read where he said he believes in AGW and that he’s for mitigation to try to slow down or stop the warming. That makes him seem credible:

“I am a proponent of addressing anthropogenic global warming as a first priority for mankind. I first adopted the ‘Venus – runaway greenhouse effect’ paradigm (applied to Earth’s climate) after reading Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking work outlined in his book, The Cosmic Connection. Since that time, I’ve worked more extensively than most inside efforts targeting mitigation of volatile organic compounds, alkanes, methane, and carbon monoxide/dioxide contribution on the part of mankind.”


“I have shared in the grave concern over human contribution to the stark rise in global temperatures now obviously underway.”

The main problem with this paper for me is that it appears to be as long as “War and Peace! ;) So, I fully understand why you haven’t had time to read it!

 Do you by chance have a Cliff Notes of it? ;)

 I may run this link by the guys over at AmericanWx. Maybe I can’t get one if them to read the whole thing. ;) I estimate it is over 100 concentrated pages long excluding the footnotes!

 Mike, I nominate you to read it! Let us know what you think lol.

By metmike - June 2, 2024, 12:34 a.m.
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Thanks much cutworm and larry

Like you said, Larry this guy is a wind bag…..even more than me (-:

I read several pages and can see he’s got numerous things wrong.

He thinks the tundra in the northern hemisphere starts thawing in Feb.

He thinks we are headed for a 6th extinction on a greening planet.

He believes in runaway warming like on Venus with the facts on earth showing NEGATIVE feedbacks built into  the system.

more comments later.

By cutworm - June 2, 2024, 7:09 a.m.
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thanks for the inputs. I like to check out what others think to broaden my horizons, but I haven't read much of this and respect your input.

By metmike - June 2, 2024, 9:25 p.m.
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Jean will especially like this exchange on NUT zero!


Energy transition is a hoax            

                            31 responses |           

                Started bymetmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m.            


By metmike - June 7, 2024, 6:52 p.m.
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I’m going to try to finish the rest of this stuff, cutworm to see if there’s any good points.

this is extremely painful (-: 

so far,

this guy is so wrong on so many assumptions and facts!