Presidential debate 6-27-24
22 responses | 0 likes
Started by metmike - June 27, 2024, 12:37 p.m.

Any predictions?

I have some.

1. Biden will come prepared and have a maximum dose of his Alzheimer's stimulant drugs and do better than what the right expects. This will represent a Joe Biden performance that can only be repeated on rare events like this(The State of the Union Address), when he's ultra prepared and on meds, the type of which he can't take at this dose every day or there would be negative physical/health consequences, including building a tolerance to them.

2. Most of the Ds will claim that Biden won. Some will insist that his performance proves he's well qualified to be president again, despite his age and that its the Rs trying to trick people into believing that he has a major cognitive decline.

3. All the far right Rs will insist that Trump crushed Biden.......regardless of what happens.

4. All the far right Rs will insist that Trump got a raw deal from CNN being the moderator and thats why other people disagree with who won. 

5. With the highest confidence, Trump will brag about how he won. 

6. With lower confidence, Trump will TRY TO be a bully and be hateful. The mute button really is designed just for him because of his impossible to control belligerent, uncooperative and inflammatory (bully) personality.  The Rs will complain about the mute button and insist it was the reason that he was not allowed to express his wonderful ideas for a limitless amount of time. The reality is that the mute button could be Trumps best friend. He lost the previous debates, partly BECAUSE of what he says AFTER he is supposed to SHUT THE ---- UP!

What do you guys think?

By metmike - June 27, 2024, 12:48 p.m.
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‘We Don’t Trust Anybody In Front Of The Camera’: Mike Rowe Tears Into ‘Kabuki’ CNN Debate

By 12345 - June 27, 2024, 3:13 p.m.
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By metmike - June 27, 2024, 11:07 p.m.
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I missed over half of it but after Biden said his first sentence,  I was expecting him to clear his throat to get some mucus out that was messing up his voice.

When he didn't and that was the same hoarse voice that he used for the 2nd sentence.........I knew it was over for him.

There shouldn't be too many Ds claiming Biden was sharp tonight after that performance.

I've been saying for 3 years that Biden will pull out before November 2024.

This has got to be the final nail!!!

By 12345 - June 27, 2024, 11:32 p.m.
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By WxFollower - June 28, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
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 Despite Trump much of the time and often not answering the questions asked or quickly going off on irrelevant tangents and then bringing up his golf abilities of all things, an absolutely awful performance by Biden (though he improved some as the debate went on) made Trump look great in comparison and the easy winner.

 All I can say is that we’re living in amazing times, folks! The man whose most memorable line was arguably when he said he didn’t have sex with a porn star won the debate by a landslide. UN-BE-LIEVABLE.

By 12345 - June 29, 2024, 2:25 a.m.
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By 12345 - June 29, 2024, 3:14 p.m.
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By mcfarm - June 30, 2024, 5:58 p.m.
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wow, Larry, so Trump never answered Questions? He answered the imortant questions by just doing what most anyone would not even thought of. Agreeing to any all the crazy shit the libs demanded.. All of it every tid bit was for the advantage of Biden. You know it, we know it. Who else would of agreed and shown up? Trump among just few others. Now as to answering debate questions how about the elephant in the room. Biden has caused without doubt many of our biggest problems. Including inflation, illegals, drugs death, crime, international and national policy that has left us vulnerable because of his weakness. So one of the early questions like a slow pitch softball to Biden. What are you going to do about inflation and the boarder........CRICKESTS HE SAYS...... along with many groans, stutters, and stammers, 

By WxFollower - July 1, 2024, 8:19 a.m.
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Trump Throws Middle-Of-The-Night Fit After Nancy Pelosi Called Him Out On Live TV

Donald Trump posted a wild late night rant aimed at Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) after the former House speaker slammed his debate performance as a “manifesto of lies” during an MSNBC interview earlier in the day.

“As you may recall, I tore up his speech at a State of the Union because it was a total manifesto of lies,” she said on Sunday. “And that’s what we saw the other night, which must be rejected as well as his candidacy.”

She pointed to Trump’s false claim that he wanted to send troops to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but Pelosi, House speaker at the time, blocked him.

She said people were hurt and killed at the Capitol due to Trump’s inactions ― just as people were hurt and killed due to his mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a dangerous person and evil,” she told MSNBC’s Jen Psaki.

That apparently triggered Trump, who fired back on his Truth Social website at about 12:30 a.m. on Monday.

By metmike - July 1, 2024, 10:19 a.m.
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Thanks, Larry!

I busted the "Nancy Pelosi stopped Trump from having the National Guard protecting the Capital" COMPLETE NONSENSE numerous times here.

                US National Guard on Jan 6th            

                            Started by mcfarm - April 23, 2024, 6:21 p.m.    

 Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim                                      18 responses |              

                Started by cutworm - March 11, 2024, 2:47 p.m.    

Trump calls Jan. 6 riot ‘a beautiful day’ during CNN town hall

FACT CHECK: Trump’s claim Pelosi turned down his offer to send National Guard members on Jan. 6, 2021

By Associated Press

June 27, 2024

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “turned down” his offer to send “10,000 soldiers or National Guard” to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Pelosi does not direct the National Guard. Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and then-Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell called for military assistance, including from the National Guard.

The Capitol Police Board decides on whether to call National Guard troops to the Capitol. It is made up of the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol. The board decided not to call the guard ahead of the insurrection but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun, and the troops arrived several hours later.

There is no evidence that either Pelosi or McConnell directed the security officials not to call the guard beforehand.


TRUMP KNOWS THIS and is blatantly lying or else is so delusional that he can't remember and is replacing stone cold facts about how  things happened with imaginary, wishful thinking facts in his mind. 

By 12345 - July 1, 2024, 1:31 p.m.
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By mcfarm - July 1, 2024, 1:44 p.m.
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more "intelligence" Jean. Just out Clapper and Brennan both serve on a present day cia advisory board. These two are right at the top of targets who nearly have driven this country into the ditch and their punishment as per usual for big gov is a promotion. Sickening

By 12345 - July 1, 2024, 1:45 p.m.
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By metmike - July 1, 2024, 3:58 p.m.
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Thanks, jean,

you are correct!

fact checkers are sometimes wrong and will spin the meaning of facts or CHERRY PICK certain facts to support their biased opinion.

they do it all the time with the fake climate crisis AND COLLUDE WITH THE JUNK SCIENCE Narratives.

sometimes, the best fact checker is ourselves.

but we need complete objectivity, a massive data/evidence gathering capability and great critical thinking as well as some expertise in fields like climate science.

almost nobody is an expert on climate which is what made their hijacking climate science and rewriting climate history so productive……for crony capitalism, political/governmental agenda, misinformed environmentalism and dishonest, ratings seeking activism by the media……..all those entities colluding on a fake climate crisis hoax.

its true that a warmer planet has some negatives…..slightly hotter heat waves and heavier rain events. Hurricanes strengthening faster and sea levels rising just over an inch a decade.

But an honest, objective source also tells you that we rescued the planet from dangerously low CO2 levels that are still only 50% the optimal level for MOST LIFE.

And fossil fuels are feeding over half the planet.

and cold still kills 10 times more people than heat

and most life would presser it another 2 degrees warmer.

and most of the warming has occurred in the coldest places at the coldest time of year.

and fossil fuels are cheap, abundant, power packed and extremely reliable and THEY are the only real green energy massively greening up the planet.

and over 6,000 important products in our daily lives are made with or from fossil fuels.

the benefits are incredibly larger to the negatives.

but all we here about are the negatives.

By 12345 - July 1, 2024, 6:47 p.m.
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MIKE SAID: "almost nobody is an expert on climate which is what made their hijacking climate science and rewriting climate history so productive…"


By 12345 - July 1, 2024, 10:33 p.m.
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By 12345 - July 2, 2024, 6:30 a.m.
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By metmike - July 2, 2024, 9:08 p.m.
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There’s no way to restore the illusion that Biden is fit for the presidency


As Biden digs in, some top Democrats want him out of the race this week                                                                     

                CNN         —    

                Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.                   But as the president and his inner circle dig in following his disastrous debate performance last week, a growing number of Democratic leaders are saying they want him to step aside for the good of the party – and the country.    


This has been crystal clear to me since Biden was elected. In his first year,  I insisted that he would not make it thru the entire 4 years based on observations of his rapid cognitive and physical (walking decline). It could be more obvious then.

My question is.........why in the heck did it take years for this to become so obvious to others????

How can there be so many people pretending that Joe Biden is capable of doing the job that all Americans deserve performing his duties as president right now and the galactically insane assertion that somehow, he will be capable of being president for ANOTHER 4 years.

I can't think of a more embarrassing,  dishonest, delusional and discrediting moment for Ds in American history. This is fraud perpetrated on the American people! 

This would be like  grandpa having 2 dozen car accidents in the past 3 years but his family lies to the insurance company and lies to the drivers license bureau to try to  convince them to keep great grandpa on the road instead of DOING THE RIGHT THING AND TAKING AWAY HIS KEYS TO SAVE LIVES!

The insurance company and drivers license bureau ARE NOT DUMB AND DON'T PLAY FAVORITES OR POLITICS. They use authentic facts and tests to determine when a DANGEROUS elderly driver needs to have their license revoked. 

Unfortunately, Biden's handler's, party and family ARE PLAYING FAVORITES AND POLITICS and by my reckoning, appear to be dumb...........unless they do what I believe they will do.

Biden will withdraw and a younger D will run. The Ds will turn age lemons in to age lemonade as they completely flip the "too old to be president" narrative from their party to the R candidate, Donald Trump. The Ds will have a face of the future. That person, not running long enough to accumulate the NOT XXXX XXXX votes going to Trump that NOT Joe BIden gives Trump right now and enough for Trump to win.

Instead people will feel much more enthusiastic to see that person and vote for them as NOT Donald Trump, like they did in 2020.


                 President Biden says he will run again in 2024, NBC reports            

                            By metmike - April 13, 2023, 10:17 p.m.


                Re:  President Biden says he will run again in 2024, NBC reports           

                                                      By metmike - April 14, 2023, 3:13 a.m.   


                Re: Re:  President Biden says he will run again in 2024, NBC reports            

                           By metmike - April 14, 2023, 9 a.m.            



By metmike - July 2, 2024, 9:37 p.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: guess you could just as easy call it an insurrection            

                            By metmike - June 24, 2024, 11:29 a.m


Joe Biden hiding in his basement won in 2020 because Ds came out in record smashing numbers to vote for NOT Donald Trump.

But Americans know Joe Biden now. A president can't hide in his basement and 4 years of his progressive, frontal lobe deterioration has made what they tried to hide in 2020 SCARY AS HECK OBVIOUS IN 2024!!!!


So sorry, Joe. That won't work so well this time! There's a new guy running this time, thanks to everybody knowing who you are!

NOT Joe Biden!!!


If the Ds are smart, they will replace Biden with a person that can attract MANY MORE NOT Donald Trump votes, like Biden did in 2020 BEFORE we got to know him. 

And at the same time, convince millions of others that are NOT Joe Biden AND NOT Donald Trump to cast their vote for this new person running for president. As an added bonus, they can also have a solid, qualified person as VP on the ticket.  Waiting until the last minute before we have time to dislike the new candidates is perfect. That's what best generates NOT Donald Trump votes in 2024!

Anybody but Trump. Anybody but Biden this time!

And the winner is...................the person LEAST disliked...........NOT Donald Trump AND NOT Joe Biden!!

By metmike - July 3, 2024, 12:32 a.m.
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99% chance of Biden withdrawing! 

By WxFollower - July 3, 2024, 1:59 a.m.
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Hey Mike,

 Great call! You knew! But it is sad. :(

By metmike - July 4, 2024, 7:48 p.m.
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Biden is making it sadder for the Ds, every day that he insists that he can do the job for another 4 years. Americans, especially the D party deserve much more than this.

He's destroyed his once wonderful legacy. Everybody will remember this. 

You can't bamboozle Father Time. We all have eyes and ears. 

ABC News interview with Biden will now air as a ‘primetime special’ on Friday


ABC, like many MSM broadcasters have been Joe Biden cheerleaders much of the time.

What we saw last week, was the REAL Joe Biden...........and AFTER he spent 14 days resting and preparing for the Donald Trump debate.

What he didn't have was a list of the exact questions and he didn't know what Donald Trump would say, even though his handlers went thru every likely possibility numerous times.

With this ABC News interview he WILL LIKELY HAVE ALL THE QUESTIONS BEFOREHAND. And he will have all his answers prepared.

ABC is trying to resurrect Biden from his REAL Alzheimers collapse.

You can't bamboozle Father Time. You can't reverse the organic damage to his frontal cortex in order to bring the old Joe back.

You CAN change the environment to make him SEEM LIKE he's the old Joe.

So pathetic that they are resorting to this in order to bamboozle Americans and cheat Ds out of a legit candidate that can actually do the job for another 4 years, with the potential of 8 years with anybody else but Joe.