China/Taiwan/NATO July 2024
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Started by metmike - July 12, 2024, 11:01 a.m.

Japan warns of rising tension over China's military drills near Taiwan


With the weakest(frail) US president in history and complete chaos/nonsense defining our country headed into this presidential election, the timing couldn't be better for China to exploit this in Taiwan.

If China takes control of Taiwan, there's nothing the US can do about it and trying to stop it, once they move will NOT work and in fact, will introduce yet another war that only has negative consequences for everybody. China KNOWS THIS!

China's leader is pretty smart, unlike ours. If he takes Taiwan, it's because he KNOWS the rewards for China outweigh the harm.

This might just be a response to this week's anti China bs at the corrupt NATO meetings and complete bs in general to show NATO that China is in charge in the Pacific and they can go fly a kite with their nonsense/propaganda.


NATO's massive expansion to destroy Russia and attempts to escalate the lost war in Ukraine, while vilifying China for sabotaging their efforts to isolate Russia with China's STRENGTHENED partnership with Russia is turning China more and more into an adversary of NATO's. 

NATO is NOT a peaceful, defensive pact. They are corrupt and want to destroy Russia. They condemn country's that don't fall in line with NATO's agenda to do this, creating ENEMIES/ADVERSARIES. 

This is a retarded strategy from a so called pact designed to create peace.

China's growth, on its way to the #1 global economy before 2030, with India following in its footsteps the next 2 decades is inevitable. 

Common sense/critical thinking tells one that you should try to maintain a good relationship with countries that will soon have more power than you.  

Trying to force them to cater to dumb ars policies defining your corrupt agenda(that includes the fake climate crisis) THAT HURTS THEM, then vilifying them for being smart and ignoring your propaganda and ruinous policies is not the best way to have a strong, mutually respectful relationship.

The leader of China must think the West's ruinous path is based on a bunch of morons leading. 

By metmike - July 12, 2024, 5:28 p.m.
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China tells NATO not to create chaos in Asia and rejects label of ‘enabler’ of Russia’s Ukraine war

BEIJING (AP) — China accused NATO on Thursday of seeking security at the expense of others and told the alliance not to bring the same “chaos” to Asia, a reflection of its determination to oppose strengthening ties between NATO members and Asian nations such as Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

The statement by a Foreign Ministry spokesperson came a day after NATO labeled China a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“NATO hyping up China’s responsibility on the Ukraine issue is unreasonable and has sinister motives,” spokesperson Lin Jian said at a daily briefing. He maintained that China has a fair and objective stance on the Ukraine issue.

China has broken with the United States and its European allies over the war in Ukraine, refusing to condemn Russia’s invasion or even to refer to it as an act of aggression in deference to Moscow. Its trade with Russia has grown since the invasion, at least partially offsetting the impact of Western sanctions.

    NATO, in a statement issued at a summit in Washington, said China has become an enabler of the war through its “no-limits partnership” with Russia and its large-scale support for Russia’s defense industrial base.


Corrupt NATO wants to destroy Russia and NATO is upset that China won't help them do it!

Russia wants to stop NATO from surrounding Russia with its weapons and armies and prevent NATO from accomplishing its objective...........weakening and destroying Russia.

By metmike - July 12, 2024, 5:43 p.m.
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NATO allies are discussing reclaiming some Chinese-owned infrastructure in Europe

            The discussions reflect an increasing focus on China by the NATO alliance. The joint declaration released Wednesday by the 32 leaders, at the Washington 75th anniversary summit, strongly called out Beijing’s support for Moscow, in a move seen as a sign of progress by members eager to take a tougher stance against Beijing after such a reference was omitted in 2023.    

                “The deepening strategic partnership between Russia and the PRC and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut and reshape the rules-based international order,” the declaration states, “are a cause for profound concern.”    


No, NATO, the profound concern is the aggressive positions to destroy Russia and constant provoking as well as trying to dictate how the entire world is allowed to conduct business, which MUST CONFORM TO NATO's RULES.

Here's some absurd propaganda/lies by NATO for a good laugh:

Setting the record straight       

De-bunking Russian disinformation on NATO

NATO does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia. The Alliance will continue to respond to Russian threats and actions in a united and responsible way. We are significantly strengthening our deterrence and defence, supporting our partners, and enhancing our resilience. This includes calling out Russia's actions and countering disinformation


NATO is at war with Russia in Ukraine



NATO is not at war with Russia. We do not seek confrontation with  Russia.


By metmike - July 12, 2024, 5:57 p.m.
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                A 10 YEAR DEAL WITH UKRAINE????!!!!!!!            

                           By metmike - May 31, 2024, 4:52 p.m.                        

Blinken: NATO is 'stronger, bigger and better resourced'


You bet they are and that's entirely what this is about.

 NATO getting Ukraine. Hurting Russia and eventually defeating Russia(even though Ukraine already lost THIS war-they want to start another one directly with more NATO involvement).

I've been saying this for 2 years!!!!

                UKRAINE TO JOIN NATO????????  :)            

                            50 responses |              

                Started by 12345 - April 4, 2024, 3:57 p.m.    

                 UKRAINE TO JOIN NATO????????  :)            


                By metmike - April 6, 2024, 7:48 p.m.            




How each country became a NATO member


NATO has grown from the original 12 countries to the current 32 countries, with Russia standing its ground on letting NATO have Ukraine.........the entire reason for this war. 


                Re: Re:  War in Ukraine drags on 9-3-23                                       

                By metmike - Oct. 5, 2023, 5:02 p.m.            


Enlargement of NATO


More TRUTH about the US/NATO war using Ukrainians to fight it. List of links to the previous threads on the Ukraine war the past 2 years.


               Re: Re:  Who speaks the truth? NOT NATO!         

                      By metmike - March 27, 2024, 12:25 p.m.            


                Re: Re:  Eye rolling absurd            

                            By metmike - Feb. 27, 2023, 10:04 p.m.     

   Congress should be ashamed            

                           Started by metmike - April 22, 2024, 4:32 p.m.    




By metmike - July 12, 2024, 6:02 p.m.
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Historical context

Further information: Enlargement of NATO

The proposal not to expand NATO eastward, which was one of the ways Western countries took the initiative on the issue of German reunification and reducing the possibility of the Soviet Union's influence on this process,[12] was based on the provisions of the speech of German Foreign MinisterHans-Dietrich Genscher in Tutzing, announced on January 31, 1990.[13] In it, the minister, among other things, called on NATO to unequivocally state: "no matter what happens in the Warsaw Pact countries, there will be no expansion of NATO territory to the east, that is, closer to the borders of the Soviet Union."[16][17] Genscher's speech was prepared by him without coordination with German ChancellorHelmut Kohl, to whom he was a political competitor on the eve of the upcoming parliamentary elections and from whom he sought to "seize the laurels of the unifier of Germany",[18] at the same time, his proposals aroused interest among the leadership of Western countries, which began to consider the possibility of obtaining the consent of the USSR to the unification of Germany in exchange to limit the expansion of NATO.[12]On February 2, the Minister outlined his plan to US Secretary of State James Baker,[12] and on February 6 — to British Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd.[18] Genscher explained that the proposed restriction would be applicable to both the GDR and Eastern European countries.[12][18][19][20][21] 10 days after his speech in Tutzing, Genscher repeated his words in an interview with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze: "It is clear to us that membership in NATO creates difficult problems. However, one thing is clear to us: NATO will not expand to the east."[22] Two days later, Genscher repeats the statement at a press conference with Baker in Washington: "As I said, NATO has no intentions of expanding to the east."[22]

NATO added 16 new member states since the dissolution of the Soviet Union
metmike: And they are fighting Russia in order to add Ukraine (using Ukrainians and their NATO puppet traitor who sends their brave soldiers on suicide missions FOR NATO).
By mcfarm - July 12, 2024, 6:14 p.m.
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well that's odd. Very little of that lines up with what Biden was yapping last nite. Of course he thinks he is leading in the polls also. And we are more secure and have a better economy than ever. Bazzarro

By metmike - July 12, 2024, 6:41 p.m.
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Biden, Zelensky and NATO speak with fork tongues!

What they did to Ukrainians for NATO, especially Zelensky, who was elected on a promise of negotiating peace with Russia is criminal!

Instead, Zelensky has been elevated to a great hero by NATO so he can travel around to sell NATOs war after selling out his own people.

there’s nothing more despicable.

Look what he did to his people, man!

All he had to do was tell Putin that Ukraine would not join NATO.

Thats it, seriously!

But he gets his barking orders from NATO not Ukrainian  people that want peace with Russia NOT NATO.

He canceled elections so he can remain as a dictator, working for NATO NOT Ukraine.

what leader of any country would do this to his people and country??
of course Putin is evil and invaded to stop NATO from surrounding Russia but psychopath Zelensky could have prevented every bomb, every death ……….all of it by just representing what ukrainians voted him in for…….MAKE PEACE with Russia, NOT join NATO! 

Instead he betrayed every Ukrainian and pledged allegiance to NATO and their mission to destroy Russia.

By 12345 - July 12, 2024, 9:09 p.m.
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MIKE SAID: "He canceled elections so he can remain as a dictator, working for NATO NOT Ukraine.  what leader of any country would do this to his people and country??" WE ALL MAY FIND OUT, SOON 'NUFF.  JUST SAYIN'.

By metmike - July 13, 2024, 6:50 a.m.
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Thanks Jean,

Let's not buy into this speculative false narrative that Biden will refuse to step down if he loses the election in November.

Trump owns the franchise for behavior like that ala his attempt to overturn the very proven secure results of his loss  in 2020(that even today he insists were based on Biden stealing the election and his Insurrectionist were heros).

Although Biden is clinging to power here in July 2024, with a LEGAL justification (he was the one the Ds voted for to represent them in November) every single indication from him is that he will accept the results of the presidential election.

Rightwing claim of ‘0% chance’ of fair US election previews effort to undo 2024 result

                Re:  guess you could just as easy call it an insurrection            



                By metmike - July 1, 2024, 10:52 a.m.            

                            Re: Re: Presidential debate 6-27-24            

                            By metmike - July 1, 2024, 10:19 a.m.            

                latest from Steven Sund                                                   

                Started by mcfarm - Jan. 21, 2024, 6:42 p.m.   

Steven Sund Capitol police, Jan 6 was preventable                        

                17 responses |           

                Started by cutworm - Sept. 20, 2023, 11:39 p.m.


    ray epps                       

                Started by mcfarm - Jan. 15, 2024, 12:27 p.m.


                Re: Re: Re: TRUE UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS            

                By metmike - July 7, 2024, 10:40 a.m.            


what's a little revisionist history among friends? Libs are really pretty great at that tactic,

Thanks, mcfarm.

BOTH SIDES do this:

Timeline of the January 6 United States Capitol attack


No imaginary Ray Epps government conspiracy theory to frame President Trump. No Nancy Pelosi blocking Trump from calling in the National Guard nonsense.

Just a Donald Trump inspired riot at the end point of his 2 months of imposing diabolical schemes, abusing his power as president, violating his commitment to serve Americans and the Constitution in order to try to overturn the extremely proven secure results of the 2020 election that HE LOST by every single reasonable standard/test.


January 6 United States Capitol attack

Law enforcement and National Guard preparations

Main article: Law enforcement response to the January 6 United States Capitol attack § Preparations for January 6


metmike: While I  fear the Rs will claim the election was rigged again, I'm most concerned at the REACTION FOR 4 YEARS by the Ds to Trump winning via trying to stop him and his agenda, which was what the 2.5 year,  corrupt Mueller investigation was all about.

Biden may be a long gone loser with an obliterated legacy and Ds mad at him if he loses but the focus will be on obstructing Trump and his agenda.

By metmike - July 13, 2024, 7:04 a.m.
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NATO’s Jejune Climate Risk Assessment Ignores the Real Threats to The West

NATO, on its 75th anniversary, has just published a strikingly fatuous Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment, which begins thus –


“Climate change is a defining challenge of our time, with a profound impact on Allied security. At the 2021 Summit in Brussels, NATO Heads of State and Government endorsed a Climate Change and Security Action Plan and agreed that NATO should become the leading organization when it comes to understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on security.”


Fortunately, threadbare clichés such as “defining challenge of our time” and “profound impact” are now so shop-worn that they serve only to indicate the feeble-minded inarticulacy of the goofs who cobbled together this jejune document.

Let us dispose some of the errors in this flatulent passage – errors on which the rest of the document is unsoundly predicated.

 1. “Internationally recognized entities” do not do science. They do politics, and they have rent-seekers’ vested interests in pretending that warmer weather worldwide is what Sellar and Yeatman called “A Bad Thing” when it is proving to be A Good Thing.

2. “Speed and scale at which the climate crisis continues to unfold”: It is unfolding so rapidly that the world is indeed changing – but changing for the better.

 CO2 fertilization has increased the net primary productivity of flora – the global total green biomass of trees and plants – by 15-30% in recent decades (Zhu and Piao 2017) –



No surprise, then, that the yields of all staple crops in response to a doubling of the life-giving plant food that is CO2 in the air (Idso 2013) will increase significantly –



The increase in cereal crop yields per acre has been particularly spectacular. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization, which is, after all, one of the “internationally recognized entities” that so impress NATO’s policy wonks, substantially concurs with Idso’s analysis –



The increase in cereal crop yields per acre has been particularly spectacular. Cereal crop yields have tripled in 60 years. Though much of this tripling arises from better agricultural methods, at the very least it can be said that our sins of emission have done no net harm to crop yields (OurWorldInData, based on UNFAO data) –



Thanks in part to more CO2 in the air and the consequent increase in crop yields, famines in the past half-century of increasing CO2 concentration have fallen (OurWorldInData 2023) to record lows. One would have thought that NATO would have provided balance by including facts such as these –



The most basic question, when assessing the risk of warmer weather, is whether the warmer weather is, in net terms, causing loss of life. Bjørn Lomborg takes a refreshingly hard-headed approach, in marked contrast to the self-serving, mannered panic of NATO’s bureaucracy. For some years, he has been analysing the databases of the U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the Centre for Research into the Epidemiology of Disasters. Despite a quadrupling of global population in the past 100 years of “climate crisis”, annually-averaged climate-related deaths have fallen. They have not fallen by a little. They have fallen by 99% –



Good news such as this, however, has been meticulously excluded from NATO’s purported “assessment”, just as it has been sedulously excised from the news media from which, one suspects, NATO chiefly obtains its erroneous information on the climate question. What these facts show is that – so far, at any rate – global warming has proven to be A Good Thing.


  1. “2023 was the hottest year on record.” So what? Warmer weather saves lives, for it is cold that is the real killer, as paper after paper in The Lancet and other medico-scientific journals attests. Here is one example (Zhao, Guo, Ye at al. 2021) –

To summarize: it is not climate change that threatens the West’s military capability: it is costly but useless climate-change mitigation policies, applied unilaterally by the West against itself and ignored in practice by just about all other nations, that are arguably the major cause of the continuing and now terminal decline in the military capability of NATO.


Yet the leadership of NATO, and the leaders of the States Parties to whom its High Command is answerable, are individually and collectively unaware of the extent to which hostile agents of influence in the West, working under the direction of the intelligence apparats of totalitarian nations that act increasingly in concert to complete the destruction of the economic and military hegemony of the hated West, are responsible for the relentless indoctrination and the ruthless silencing of free speech that have led so many to believe without doubting that global warming is a net threat, when on every legitimate measure it is not. It is a net benefit, of which other nations are taking full advantage while we destroy ourselves.


NATO Secretary General: “NATO must combat climate change”

4 years ago  

Eric Worrall

By metmike - July 13, 2024, 7:34 a.m.
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Ukraine gets new $225 million US military aid after Biden meets Zelenskiy


"We will stay with you, period," U.S. President Joe Biden told Zelenskiy ahead of a bilateral meeting at the NATO summit in Washington.


This quote just made me realize a potential huge part of Biden's refusing to withdraw from the race. As long as he stays in office, he has power to continue the relationship in Ukraine (which, as our corrupt VP was entrusted with fighting corruption in Ukraine-that he and Hunter EXPLOITED to enrich the Biden family by millions).

By metmike - July 13, 2024, 8:07 a.m.
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After embrace at NATO summit, Zelenskyy takes his case for US military aid to governors

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is seeking to broaden support outside Washington, D


Zelensky continues to demonstrate exactly who I've insisted he is. A NATO puppet salesman that uses his charisma and communication skills from his career in acting to travel around to NATO countries in order to generate funding for NATO's war with Russia in his country. 

When was the last time we had a person from another country visiting here repeatedly, making presentations to OUR Congress and our Governors and our politicians to convince them to buy a product they are selling?

To convince them to spend even more than the $200,000,000,000 of AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS we already flushed down the toilet  on something that has yielded nothing but counterproductive results. 


Instead of doing what he was elected to do by the Ukrainians, negotiate for peace with Russia, which is what they have always wanted.........he travels around the Western Countries and does what NATO WANTS. 

Generate funding and weapons for NATO's war. What will be interesting here, since Ukraine has already lost the war with  over half their army dead or permanently disabled, is how NATO justifies sending troops in to start THE NEW WAR WITH RUSSIA BUT THIS TIME, FEATURING UKRAINE AS A NATO COUNTRY AND NATO SENDING IN TROOPS to replace the brave but dead Ukrainian soldiers that were sent on suicide missions for NATOs war with Russia. 

If Trump loses, NATO WILL BE admitting Ukraine and sending in large numbers of troops to ignite the NEW WAR...........which will be, by EVERYBODY's definition WW3!!!!!!

China and several NON NATO countries will continue to side with Russia.

Note: NATOs week of meetings and heightened lies and propaganda saw plenty of cheer leading for its war with Russia and attacking China for not cooperating but did you notice what was missing..........again??

No serious discussions about seeking peace. 2+ years of war obliterating Ukraine and they call that "supporting Ukraine"

Agreeing with Russia to keep NATO out of Ukraine would have prevented every single death and injury. No attacks. No bombs. No damage...........just peace and Ukraine remaining a democracy.

Just think, this was all preventable if Biden hadn't done this:

Now, 2.5 years later, with Ukraine decimated and Zelensky turning Ukraine into a dictatorship and Ukraine being even more corrupt than it was before and Ukrainians still wanting peace with Russia..............NATO continues to force the exact opposite on them and calls it "supporting Ukraine"