A.I. Predicts an American Civil War 11 MINUTES (POSTED 3 WEEKS AGO)
Thanks, Jean!
Though many of the extreme scenario's are clearly exaggerated and not likely, one can make the case that we are currently, already in a cold civil war!
Ever year, our country gets more divided.
Year after year going in the WRONG direction.
Whatever party wins in November, it seems clear that the losing party will be extremely upset and make it a top priority to discredit the winners and stop the agenda.
I don't necessarily agree with everything in this article.
What can be done about polarization in the United States? Reviewing a decade of research reveals unexpected findings.
This factor below is greatly underestimated and some sources deny the impacts, many because they EXPLOIT this dynamic themselves and can't view/acknowledge it with objectivity.
In news media and social media, an echo chamber is an environment or ecosystem in which participants encounter beliefs that amplify or reinforce their preexisting beliefs by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal.[2][3][4] An echo chamber circulates existing views without encountering opposing views, potentially resulting in confirmation bias. Echo chambers may increase social and political polarization and extremism.[5] On social media, it is thought that echo chambers limit exposure to diverse perspectives, and favor and reinforce presupposed narratives and ideologies.[4][6]
The term is a metaphor based on an acoustic echo chamber, in which sounds reverberate in a hollow enclosure. Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect within social-media communities on the Internet is neotribalism.
The Internet has expanded the variety and amount of accessible political information. On the positive side, this may create a more pluralistic form of public debate; on the negative side, greater access to information may lead to selective exposure to ideologically supportive channels.[5] In an extreme "echo chamber", one purveyor of information will make a claim, which many like-minded people then repeat, overhear, and repeat again (often in an exaggerated or otherwise distorted form)[9] until most people assume that some extreme variation of the story is true.[10]
The echo chamber effect occurs online when a harmonious group of people amalgamate and develop tunnel vision. Participants in online discussions may find their opinions constantly echoed back to them, which reinforces their individual belief systems due to the declining exposure to other's opinions.[11] Their individual belief systems are what culminate into a confirmation bias regarding a variety of subjects. When an individual wants something to be true, they often will only gather the information that supports their existing beliefs and disregard any statements they find that are contradictory or speak negatively upon their beliefs.[12] Individuals who participate in echo chambers often do so because they feel more confident that their opinions will be more readily accepted by others in the echo chamber.[13] This happens because the Internet has provided access to a wide range of readily available information. People are receiving their news online more rapidly through less traditional sources, such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. These and many other social platforms and online media outlets have established personalized algorithms intended to cater specific information to individuals’ online feeds. This method of curating content has replaced the function of the traditional news editor.[14] The mediated spread of information through online networks causes a risk of an algorithmic filter bubble, leading to concern regarding how the effects of echo chambers on the internet promote the division of online interaction.[15]
Members of an echo chamber are not fully responsible for their convictions. Once part of an echo chamber, an individual might adhere to seemingly acceptable epistemic practices and still be further misled. Many individuals may be stuck in echo chambers due to factors existing outside of their control, such as being raised in one
Jim Rickards: We're Probably Already In A Civil War
World On Fire: The Root Causes of Populism, Authoritarianism and The Whole Global Mess
A cold civil war is going on in this country right now.
The hate and division between both political parties continues to build to an unsustainable, dysfunctional level.
Messages for unity are being crushed and drown out by vicious, one sided tribalism.
Twisted interpretations of everything so that objective, authentic truths no longer exist.
Replaced with manufactured realities that have subjective truths used to define belief systems and agendas.
No better example than climate science being hijacked for a political agenda.
CO2 is no longer a beneficial gas, at only 50% of the optimal level for most life….the objective, authentic scientific truth.
The planet isn’t really greening up from the beneficial increase of CO2 from burning fossil fuels…..based on the indisputable scientific law of photosynthesis.
This isn’t really a climate OPTIMUM for the vast majority of life on this greening planet which would prefer it to still be a little warmer than this And has featured the best weather, climate and CO2 conditions for life since humans have existed.
Instead, it’s a manufactured climate crisis, turning a beneficial gas into a deadly pollutant that’s killing the planet and causing an existential threat to humans and life on the planet…..using twisted interpretations, cherry picking extremes from natural variation, disinformation/junk science to accomplish political agendas, crony capitalism, dishonest media ratings/activism and misinformed but sincere environmentalists.
These same fraudulent principles are being applied to many other realms by elitist gatekeepers in government and media that use convincing sounding schemes and the extreme power of the internet to accomplish their objectives by appealing to people with propaganda messaging and collusion of sources.
similar strategies and messaging techniques are being applied in many other realms……especially in politics, with the current, presidential election being another quintessential example of modern age fraud, sold as subjective, polarizing truths.
Reading and listening to conversations and media reporting this year reveals a human race that has evolved to condition out objective, critical thinking.
increasingly depressed and decreasingly hopeful for the future.
increasingly tribalistic and drawn to sourcing their information from echo chambers with like minded people all reinforcing what they think they know and using it to battle with/crush people from tribes with different views that get all their information from their echo chambers.
Here in July, 2024 we are watching this dynamic play out between the Ds and the Rs ahead of the November elections.
Some very ugly stuff on both sides.
Hating people that disagree with us is becoming one of several defining traits taking us down the wrong path.
Just over a week after a shocking, almost assassination of Trump………now being used for political agenda more than it is to learn a profound lesson about the consequences of hate messaging in our country.
Each side insists it’s the other side causing it and all the other problems in our world as they demonstrate behavior which IS EXACTLY the real problem!
While we’re still one country, we’re no longer one nation. We’re basically two nations and have been for a good number of years.