Who will Harris pick as VP?
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Started by metmike - July 24, 2024, 10:08 a.m.

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Who could Kamala Harris pick as her VP? Here are 10 potential running mates


By metmike - July 24, 2024, 10:27 a.m.
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Who will be the D-VP?



Latest from this site on bets for presidents chances.

As soon as the market quickly dialed in Harris, Trump's lead eroded.


We can see clearly how retarded it was of the idea of running Biden after the debate.

This is the same contest from BEFORE Biden announced he's withdrawing. Biden is blue. He was ahead in April but  already in a decline that gave up his lead in May.

This turned into a "death knell, downward drop" with near 0% chance of recovering after the debate debacle. 

By mcfarm - July 24, 2024, 11:47 a.m.
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what is the hurry with putting the cart in front of the horse. You must of realized by now that the corrupt dems have disenfranchised some 14 million voters and selected who THEY want, not who the voters picked. Does fit that on going scenario of whatever the dems accuse others of doing they are doing in spades. Trump this. Trump that. Trump and democracy. Trump Trump. An now look again who has stolen what?  Next we will sit thru months of the left, the left media, the left coast all somehow forget to vet Kamala just another free rider for the most liberal senator in the nation when she was not vetted last time. Damn does the left ever get tired of all the bull shit they pull.

Good bye Cheadle. You misplaced poor excuse of another big gov dei hire. She resigned and took the big gov pay off for being the most piss poor {right next to Buta Judge} employee Jill ever picked.

By 7475 - July 25, 2024, 6:48 a.m.
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Hear Ye

Hear Ye!

By metmike - July 25, 2024, 12:12 p.m.
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You make a great case for why all Ds should be outraged at what Joe Biden and their party just did to them.

It was 100% obvious to everybody with eyes and ears that Joe Biden had a near 0 chance of being capable of being president for another 4 years.........LONG before the debate.

Despite that, the D party and obstinate Joe Biden that didn't want to give up power gave their party 1 choice in the primaries........JOE BIDEN, despite knowing he couldn't actually do that job for the entire term that they were running him for.

There thoughts were that if they could drag Joe Biden across the finish line, then Harris could take over early in the first term...........without her ever getting any actual D votes to be the first woman president in history. 

Part of that fraudulent strategy was to try to discredit sources pointing out Biden's worsening cognitive functioning with constant real world examples. According the Ds and the media, Biden's decline was a far right conspiracy theory based on cherry picking and exaggerating isolated gaffes. Joe was still sharper and had more energy than everybody else around him, according to their propaganda.

There is no way, no how that Joe Biden should have EVER contemplated running for another 4 years at any time in this current presidency. 

Even before the debate, Biden's chances of winning were fading fast BECAUSE OF THE TRUTH, which the D party and Biden continually, blatantly lied about to people in their party. Rs already knew but so what. 

This fraudulent scheme was intended to fool enough Ds and NOT Donald Trump people to drag Joe over the finish line and let Kamala take over as president BY DEFAULT!!!!

The debate busted the fraudulent scheme wide open for EVERYBODY TO SEE.

And the denial, delusional audacity of Joe Biden and many of his supporters after that took the disbelief in their scam to a NEW level (Joe Biden insisted he would only step down if God Almighty gave him the message).

So here were are.

The Ds continuing to insist that Trump will destroy our democracy forever if he gets elected.

What in the heck would you call what the democrats just did above?

They just, intentionally ripped off the D voters of the democratic process for nominating their presidential candidate using a devious scheme and a well known, severely damaged candidate of THEIR choosing that they FORCED on Ds.

Would Kamala have been able to get the nomination using the democratic process which is supposed to define the selection process?


Will electing Donald Trump threaten our democracy?

Actually, electing Donald Trump will help to STRENGTHEN our democracy by sending a clear message, rejecting the Ds abuse of the D process, that includes weaponizing the justice system to try to destroy political enemies as in the corrupt, Mueller witch hunt and 3, complete nonsense trials in NY. 

Yes, it's still true that Trump tried to overturn the results of the proven secure 2020 election with his diabolical schemes. I would never vote for such a person...........unless the other choice is even WORSE!

It is, for me! MUCH worse!

So Americans have a choice in November.

For me, I don't see any chance for Trump to try to do what he tried to do before. There's a near 0% chance that if he did become president, that he could even run for another term(give me a break on the nonsense to try to scare us into thinking that he will try to do it).......so that threat is non existent. If he loses, he has no power to do anything.

The Ds and justice department?

You bet they will continue to act this way........it defines them. It's not just 1 person, it's what they do as a party/organization and what they just did which deserves using the democratic process to give them accountability for their corrupt behavior related to Trump and the 2024 presidential election.........which is the one we are discussing.

The Rs are really not any better in using dishonest tactics to get power and enrich themselves.

Politicians from both parties are the most dishonest, corrupt, self serving group in society!

By mcfarm - July 25, 2024, 6:25 p.m.
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some more great info MM but you failed to mention another major travesty. What about the guy {do not remember his name but was from out west} and he got near 500,000 votes and god old hands and knees Kamala did what again in the primaries? not one vote and out of the race before the Iowa deal......what a mess to add to this ever growing Secret service disaster with more disturbing info released today. If anyone wanted to say conspiracy they have every right to blame Obama, Biden, Clintons, Rice, Sullivan, Garland, Mayorkis, Cheadle etc and could blame them. I do not think it was a conspiracy but that was just because the shooter was an idiot. The other people listed are pure 100% evil

Found more explosives and video of him targeting more civilians when he was finally shot. Of course about an hour before he should of been shot.

By metmike - July 26, 2024, 9:22 a.m.
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                Re: Gaza: 8 months is much too long!            

                          By WxFollower - July 25, 2024, 9:41 p.m.            

            This evening Harris made 6 minutes of remarks after meeting with Netanyahu: any opinions?



               Re: Re: Gaza: 8 months is much too long!                    

                By joj - July 26, 2024, 12:04 a.m.            


She hit all the right notes and she looked presidential doing it.

Well done Madam President!!


                                                                     Re: Re: Re: Gaza: 8 months is much too long!            

                          By metmike - July 26, 2024, 8:55 a.m.                                 


She said some great things.........to get elected.

I had to chuckle at the use of this very sensitive and important issue for obvious political posturing ahead of the November election.

As we know, the pro Palestinian element of the D party is very upset with the US support for Israel. Trust me, I know. I'm in Dearborn Michigan right now with my 98+ year old Dad. Only town in the United States with an Arab mayor ~40% of the population is Arab. It's nicknamed "The Middle East of North America".

I grew up with adversarial thoughts about their religious views and them because of the contrast with the Catholic faith that I was indoctrinated into. As an adult, I can appreciate them as good human beings and Americans, even despite the personal sadness of going back to the old neighborhood and seeing all the businesses and my Catholic school being gone. Replaced by businesses with outside signage in Arabic which people like me can't even understand. 

Anyway, less than a week ago, President Joe Biden continued to be the main guy providing Americans with statements that represent the position of this Administration......because he was the one running for president then as well as BEING the president.

Since he withdrew from the race just 5 days ago and Harris is the one that will be running, SUDDENLY she is the one. So they manufactured a reality of Kamala Harris being the key contact and perception that she is running the show...........like a president in order to create the illusion that she is the one in charge, not Biden, entirely for political posturing ahead of the election.

Obviously, Netanyahu did NOT like them using the Israel relationship and dynamic for public political posturing to help Harris get elected.

Netanyahu irked by "critical" Harris comments



Since the Harris position is closer to mine, I liked the verbiage of the staged presentation that suddenly elevated her messaging environment to one with a  presidential look for clear political posturing to the left voters upset with Biden's position. 

But I don't center my opinions based on what I want to believe. They come from objective observations that dial in ALL the realities, to the extent possible for me. 

By metmike - July 26, 2024, 9:37 a.m.
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As expected, the Ds got a huge bump up IMMEDIATELY after Biden withdrew from the race, after months of absurdly trying to fraudulently  sell Americans on a person NOT CAPABLE by any standards of being the leader of the United States for an additional 4 years. 

Now the Ds are united and can focus on manufacturing the realities FOR HARRIS to be elected instead of FOR BIDEN to get elected.  At least Harris will be closer to the same Harris that we knew in 2020 and the last 3 years because she doesn't have a rapidly advancing condition caused by  an aging brain which has seriously compromised cognitive functions. 


Now, the Ds can flip the age lemons to age lemonade with Trump being the OLD guy.

And they can focus mostly on the NOT for the other person vote which has won the previous 2 presidential elections, with Trump likely to say many hundreds of unpresidential and offensive things between now and November.........like he did 4 years ago to DIRECTLY CAUSE DONALD J. TRUMP TO GENERATE NOT DONALD TRUMP VOTES WHICH WERE THE BIGGEST REASON FOR NOT DONALD TRUMP TO BE ELECTED ..........OTHERWISE KNOWN AS JOE BIDEN.

By metmike - July 26, 2024, 10:01 a.m.
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Sadly for the Ds, they are stuck with a very weak candidate but maybe their manufactured realities can do what they often do........create the illusion of her being a strong candidate. However, that is NOT needed for her to be elected.

At least strong enough to generate the MOST IMPORTANT determinant for the outcome in the race for president.

Donald Trump vs NOT Donald Trump with Kamala likely having many less NOT Kamala Harris votes than NOT Joe Biden votes....... giving the D party the POTENTIAL of millions  more NOT Donald trump votes.

Ds stayed home in 2016 because of the NOT Hillary Clinton mentality and lack of enthusiasm for their candidate.

Ds came out with incredible enthusiasm in 2020 to vote NOT Donald Trump into office. LOOK AT THE VOTES FOR NOT DONALD TRUMP/ BIDEN IN 2020 BELOW! 15+ MILLION MORE THAN POPULAR/STRONG CANDIDATE OBAMA GOT IN 2012!

In 2024, the key to who wins is tied to how many Ds come out to vote NOT Donald Trump. 

United States Presidential Election Results



1960              John F. Kennedy            Democratic         
        34,227,096              49.7      
        Richard M. Nixon              Republican           
        34,107,646              49.5      
        Harry F. Byrd
        not a candidate              15      

       1964              Lyndon B. Johnson              Democratic         
        42,825,463            61.1      
    Barry M. Goldwater     

        Republican          52              27,146,969  

       1968              Richard M. Nixon              Republican           
        31,710,470              43.4      
        Hubert H. Humphrey              Democratic         
        30,898,055              42.7      
        George C. Wallace     

        American Independent      

        46              9,906,473      


       1972              Richard M. Nixon              Republican             
        46,740,323             60.7      
        George S. McGovern     
        Democratic              17              28,901,598  


       1976              Jimmy Carter              Democratic              297              40,825,839              50.0      
        Gerald R. Ford   
        Republican              240              39,147,770

       1980              Ronald W. Reagan              Republican              489              43,642,639              50.4      
        Jimmy Carter              Democratic              49              35,480,948  

        John B. Anderson      


       1984              Ronald W. Reagan              Republican              525              54,455,075             58.8      
        Walter F. Mondale
        Democratic              13              37,577,185  

       1988              George H.W. Bush              Republican         
        48,886,097              53.4      
        Michael S. Dukakis     
        Democratic              111              41,809,074  

       1992              Bill Clinton              Democratic           
        44,909,889             43.0      
        George Bush              Republican             
        Ross Perot


       1996              Bill Clinton              Democratic       
        47,402,357           49.2      
        Bob Dole              Republican         
        Ross Perot     


    2000              George W. Bush              Republican              271              50,992,335              48.4      
        Al Gore              Democratic              26610              50,455,156              47.9      
        Ralph Nader   


       2004              George W. Bush              Republican              286              62,040,610              50.7      
        John Kerry              Democratic              251              59,028,444   



       2008              Barack Obama              Democratic             
        69,498,516             52.9      
        John McCain   
        Republican              173              59,948,323  

       2012              Barack Obama              Democratic           
        65,915,795             51.1      
        Mitt Romney     
        Republican              206              60,933,504  

       2016              Donald Trump              Republican           
        Hillary Clinton 
        Democratic              227              65,853,514

       2020              Joe Biden              Democratic         
        81,283,501             51.3      
        Donald Trump      ----------------        Republican              232              74,223,975              46.8      


I put the D votes for the last 60 years in bold. Look at the mind boggling increase in 2020!

This is why many Rs buy into the conspiracy theory that the election was rigged to generate such a large, impossible number.  They greatly UNDERestimated the power of Donald Trump to generate NOT Donald Trump votes!!!!

Make no mistake, NOT Donald Trump won the election in 2020 and again, holds the key in 2024!

By metmike - July 26, 2024, 10:45 a.m.
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“This Is A COUP!” Was Kamala Harris vs Trump Always The Plan?


By metmike - July 28, 2024, 1:03 p.m.
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As expected the dems have United behind 1 NOT Trump  person and  in just 1 week, have eroded most of Trumps lead.

more evidence  of how bad Biden has been!

All  the dems need is somebody not really, really  bad to be their NOT trump pperson.

really bad might just do it!

after almost being assassinated for his hate inspiring  divisive messages, what has trump learned.

not 1 thing.
the election is his to lose……just like last time.

a scary thought just hit me.

if he loses, will trump run again in 2028??.

Especially after  Harris flops.

hernfake green fake green energy policies have a  near 0 chance of not greatly harming our economy.

cheap, reliable energy is the life blood of every advanced countries economy.

fake green wnergy with fairy tale  promises will  NEVER defy rhe laws of science, physics, exomonis and energy.

manufacueing a fake climate crisis to scare,people into thinking we need them is running into the brick wall  of the promises becoming very disappointing results in the real world.

if Kamala wins, the real world will expose her!

By WxFollower - July 28, 2024, 1:20 p.m.
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Hey Mike,

 I had thought about him running in 2028 if he loses. I think he may actually enjoy running for POTUS more than actually being POTUS.

 However, unlike 2020, if he loses this time he’ll have to worry more about the federal investigations especially.

By metmike - July 28, 2024, 1:34 p.m.
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i still cant believe he hasn’t been convicted of his crimes trying to overturn the last election. This would disqualify him!

Agree too that what he loves most by a wide margin, because of his mental illness that I posted on the trump thread……are the huge rally’s with thousands  of adoring fans  cheering loudly and hanging on every word like he’s a god…….a cult leader type status.

Here's that link: 

                Trump  7-26-24                      

                Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.   https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/106215/


Despite this, as mentioned recently, I plan to vote for Trump. However, if I watch him enough, it could cause me to be so turned off that I just don't vote for president this year.

This is especially sad because since I took over here 6 years ago, I have spent more time becoming politically informed about both parties with an open mind......than I did the previous 62 years of my life combined.

I'm a huge optimist about most things in life but in this realm, being enlightened with the truth about our political leaders makes it impossible to be optimistic......ABOUT THEM. 

Regardless, we still live in a wonderful world in a wonderful country that offers so many opportunities to be successful, educated, entertained, informed and do things that humans before our generation couldn't imagine.........at our fingertips.  

Most of us can control  our own happiness via the right attitude. Most of us can make the world a better place just by having positive encounters/interactions with people around us or doing things we enjoy doing.

Our ancestors, for thousands of years were most concerned with obtaining basic necessities  just to survive and feed their families. 

I wouldn't trade our life in this country, despicable politicians with it for their lives. 

By WxFollower - July 28, 2024, 7:21 p.m.
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 Kelly (AZ Senator) and Shapiro (PA Gov) have switched since 7/24 with Shapiro up to 40 (highest yet) vs Kelly at 29.  Kelly is very well liked even by many Pubs due largely to tough border stance, having been an astronaut (4 STS missions), and having been a Navy Captain in the early 90s Gulf War. But he’d have to give up his seat if he were to win and could be replaced by a Pub in 2026.

 Shapiro is also moderate overall and being a Gov. means he wouldn’t have to give up a Senate seat.

By metmike - July 28, 2024, 9:28 p.m.
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By metmike - July 28, 2024, 9:46 p.m.
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Larry, you and joj might especially enjoy this article:

An astronaut, kosher Jew and Southern gentleman walk into the VP race: Ranking the Jewishness of Harris’ VP prospects

Our intrepid reporter ponders the kishka connections of the top five contenders: Josh Shapiro, Mark Kelly, Roy Cooper, J.B. Pritzker and Andy Bashear 


By WxFollower - July 29, 2024, 1:50 a.m.
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 Thanks, Mike. Interesting stuff! 

 Not the best writer though. Example: asks if everyone is related to Gwyneth Paltrow. Why? That wasn’t funny to me. Just because Kelly’s wife (Gabby Giffords, former AZ US Rep.) is a 2nd cousin, they have to ask if others are also related?? Whaaaaat? Dumb filler. End of story.

 Also, the Kishka thing was wasted filler imo. He could have written the most interesting stuff in half the space.

By metmike - July 29, 2024, 9:11 a.m.
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Glad you said that, Larry!

I thought that maybe I was missing some things because I'm not Jewish that you might get.

By metmike - July 29, 2024, 10:06 a.m.
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By WxFollower - July 29, 2024, 7:33 p.m.
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Cooper has taken himself out of consideration for the VP slot: 


By metmike - July 29, 2024, 9:39 p.m.
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By metmike - July 30, 2024, 2:02 p.m.
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By metmike - July 31, 2024, 9:13 p.m.
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By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 11:24 a.m.
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And the winner is...............

                Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                        

                By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 11:19 a.m.            

            And you were right, Larry!

John King explains why Kamala Harris picked Walz as her running mate


By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 9:23 p.m.
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Tim Walz Has Been a Disaster for Minnesotans | Opinion


To Combat Veterans Like Me, Tim Walz's Abandonment of His Unit Is Unforgivable | Opinion


55 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump’s VP Pick

Donald Trump’s pick for vice president made a 180-degree turn from fierce critic to bulldog surrogate for the former president.


Experts say Trump campaign is 'doomed' if Vance doesn’t fix his 'extremely off-putting' tone


Vance needs to ‘take back control’ of media narrative, GOP and independent women voters say


By metmike - Aug. 7, 2024, 12:29 p.m.
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What is Tim Walz's position on Israel? Where Kamala Harris' VP stands on war in Gaza


By mcfarm - Aug. 7, 2024, 1:13 p.m.
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ok did some research on this Walz guy, Already knew what he pulled during the riots but hell even our rural state of Indiana our governor and mayor of the capitol pulled the same lame crap so dems get a pass for that disaster, On to his very troubling military service. Seem he was reserve. Worked his way just like Kammala up to a fake sargent major who then chose not to deploy with his unit. Totally and historically that is big time never happens. A guy in that position goes. If you serve you serve you do not have to win the medal of honor but to do what this clown did shows all you should need to know about his character. Add this to what damage he has done to Minnesota what the hell are we as voters even thinking about and what the hell was she thinking when she picked him.

So this guy may even creepier than I thought. He got his nick name because he wanted to put tampons in boy;s restrooms????? WTF. This is just too damn nuts to even talk about and he is supposed to be President ready on day one. What a crock.

By WxFollower - Aug. 7, 2024, 3:58 p.m.
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 Based on his Israel/Gaza feelings, you should like Tim Walz at least based on that. His background should be appealing to many, especially Republicans with his having been in the military, a teacher, a coach, and a gun owner. He’s also a pretty funny guy with a lot of personality showing. From my perspective, his biggest negative is that he’s become more lib over the years, which doesn’t seem like a net benefit for the election. That reminds me of Vance not being a good pick for a similar reason.

By metmike - Aug. 7, 2024, 4:20 p.m.
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I do like this view from him, Larry. You are right. Just like with Kamala.

How much do I consider that in my reason to vote?

Probably less than 10%.

Ukraine is actually a higher priority for me, maybe 15%? Reason? We caused this war in Ukraine and we can end this war pronto. In the Middle East, Netanyahu caused the current situation to be so bad. Biden played no role. Trump being president will end the war in Ukraine but, if anything COULD make it worse in the Middle East. 

The border might be 20%.

The economy, energy, fake climate crisis is maybe 25%.

The demeanor of the candidates is maybe 30%?

Superimposed on that is the corruption in our government/media and justice system, including weaponizing it to target political opponents. 

That's just a wild assessment, not anything I actually would adhere to. Adjustments are constantly being made.

For instance, I would vote for Harris over Biden without considering any of the above because Joe has lost the physical and cognitive ability to do the job of president well. Regardless of his views/policies. 

The fact that the Ds and media were trying to get him over the finish line, until the debate exposed their blatant fraud  and the only reason they replaced him with somebody that got 0 votes in the primary is because he was going to lose.

And now they're making Biden into a hero that stepped down for the good of his country and gave up his spot because he's an unselfish, patriotic man who only cares about America.  

What total bunk.

He fought and denied and was arrogant and delusional and insisted that God Almighty would have to tell him to step down.  Despite being hopelessly behind in ALL THE POLLS and embarrassing himself and his party for weeks. 

Until almost everybody in the party with power,  behind closed doors FORCED HIM OUT!!!!

By mcfarm - Aug. 7, 2024, 9:37 p.m.
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This is just PERFECT!   “WHO AM I VOTING FOR - AND WHY?!!”

That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”

I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street. 

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made. 

I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country.                                

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens. 

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns. 

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.

What are you voting for? Trump/Vance2024

By metmike - Aug. 8, 2024, 11:19 a.m.
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Thanks much, mcfarm!

There are some extremely good reasons From that list. Too bad Trump is the candidate selling them.

After Trump seemed to have the election in the bag (Biden is about the only D he can beat-which is what caused the Ds to think that they could get extremely damaged/weak Biden over the finish line by just focusing on Trump) it stinks to be a Trump supporter right now.

This was very predictable/expected.

Ds, that outnumber Rs are experiencing a massive celebration and united party to have anybody but Biden.

Kamala is NOT going to give the Rs the ammo that cognitively impaired Biden gave, seems like almost every time he spoke in public. 

Her new VP has become the new devil for the R party, similar to JD Vance being the new devil for the D party.

However, her new VP is loaded with too much Obama type charisma and that likeability means the bashing will just bounce off for people that haven't already decided to vote Trump.

Alot can still happen but this is still Donald Trump. People that hate him will NEVER change their minds.

With Harris, there are/were many millions of undecided on her and the MSM/Ds effectively promoting her to being more than she is will work. 

The key is that she is an ALTERNATIVE TO DONALD TRUMP. That's all they need to sell.

It worked big time in 2020 for the Ds. 

Biden in 2024, however  was a really, REALLY crappy alternative.  Harris? Not so.


Trump purple

Biden red

Harris blue

It's definitely NOT over, yet.

However, I personally think that Trump will LOSE the debate because he will be Donald Trump and Harris is a pretty good debater and in her prime. The mute button helps Trump by preventing him from being a disliked bully that talks over people. …as much as he prefers.

The exception would be if Trump stayed on message and made 0 personal attacks. Asking that he not greatly embellish over past accomplishments is too much to ask because he WILL get carried away as always, wandering into the land of make believe when siting his past accomplishments. 

After his complete knock out of Basket Case Biden, I think Rs will go into the debate with expectations MUCH TOO HIGH!  95% chance that Harris wins the debate and it will  be an even worse blow because of the high expectations.

Trump won in 2016 because millions of Ds stayed home, not liking Clinton either. It's crystal clear that this enthusiastic embrace for Harris, means that will NOT be the case in 2024.

If/when Trump loses the debate, there doesn't seem to be anything that can turn things around for him/the Rs.

Honestly, I think that there are half a dozen Rs that could beat Harris. The only person that Trump could have beat en was Biden............but the Rs made their choice. They wanted Trump and this is the price they will pay. Just like the mid-terms which cost Rs because of Trump's personality.

Trump has cast a powerful spell on the R party and has been the best thing to ever happen to the Ds.

When Trump runs, the Ds can win with really weak candidates. I'm sure the Ds are hoping that Trump runs again in 2028!

Lest I remind everybody of the reality with Trump:

                Trump  7-26-24                        

                8 responses |         

                Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.            


By mcfarm - Aug. 8, 2024, 1:06 p.m.
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MM< you really think Walz's record on burning down Minneapolis and his unforgiveable military record.......which more comes out daily....is not going to damage { for what  reason I do not see} his "like ability? Then later comes the ripping off the sex organs of 10 year olds without the consent or knowledge of the parents. Yes , America will see that like ability just shining thru.

On the Harris Trump thing. Trump has to get Harris out in public and trying to speak. Left to our lib media no vetting is going to happen. As usual its left to Trump. So he has to debate not once or twice but often and hard. We both know she will not come out, just like her boss did. And then the daily lies can begin about her wondrous ability, again just like her boss. Only avenue the libs have besides more cheating. Who knows maybe a Muell like do over, not that they were trying to destroy Trump or anything.

On the list of reasons. You guys keep yearning for Harris/Walz will see how fast those precious things on that will disappear.

By metmike - Aug. 8, 2024, 4:18 p.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm,

Just to make a few corrections to your comments.

1. The libs didn't cheat in 2020. In fact, I'm extremely confident that if Trump had just acknowledged that he lost fair and square in 2020 (the truth) that, all things being equal here in August 2024, he would have the support of at least several million MORE people. Even if he stopped claiming it (he still mentions it constantly as one of the important positions that he takes in his platform to be elected again), almost 4 years after his big lie, he would be able to gain a great deal of ADDITIONAL SUPPORT.

However, he won't. This is such an incredibly obvious, massively damaging and losing position that is going to cost him the 2024 election.  

The inability to see this comes entirely from his mental illness:


It may play well with the far right, who he has convinced to believe in an entirely manufactured reality about the last presidential election and his role in trying to overturn it using diabolical schemes and on January 6th......WHICH REALLY HAPPENED. 

Some people that know the truth about this are petrified of him and many would VOTE FOR HIM, probably millions if he didn't do that and continue to defend it. 

This is what gives the Ds their favorite, EFFECTIVE marketing strategy/false narrative about losing our democracy if Trump is elected. Personally, I know that he's no threat to democracy and the Ds and justice department have done much more to overide our democracy in recent years but, regardless...... his BIG FAT LIE about the 2020 election and his actions following that  is KILLING HIS CHANCES TO BE PRESIDENT AGAIN.

Biden was probably the only D he could have beaten because Biden had so many cognitive issues. 

mcfarm, this post  of yours from above was an excellent post and I think it deserves another post of the week:


But the one thing it fails to mention is Trump's position and actions after the last election that he uses as part of his election platform, along with those good things.

2. It's interesting that the R strategy seems to be like the Biden strategy, that worked against him because of his obvious stratospheric cognitive losses. Get Harris out there more to expose her weaknesses communicating.  The Ds, actually are doing that but under their terms and man, they are making her look real good. Of course any party would do this. It's part of politics. And Harris is a pretty good debater. The R sources are giving their followers what they wish were true about her but Harris is a pretty good debater and she added a VP with Obama type charisma. What the Rs WANT TO BELIEVE about them as a weakpoint, is in reality a strong point. 

3. You stated:  You guys keep yearning for Harris/Walz will see how fast those precious things on that will disappear. Please don't include me about this, mcfarm. I've made it clear that I was NOT Biden, no matter what and can NEVER vote for Harris. I am finding it extremely difficult, however, while being for the majority of Trump's agenda's that you listed, that will help our country, when he also has agenda's dividing it and tearing it apart the most, like what happened after the 2020 election. HE AND YOU HAVE TO OWN THAT and the majority of Americans are very turned off by it............enough to vote Harris.

I generalized, most of what's most important to me here:


Trump/the 2020 election mentioned above falls under "corruption and lies by government and politicians"  It's not like the Ds aren't doing their fair share. There is so many appalling, unacceptable, self serving actions by both sides, that for me........what Trump did is really bad and in a league of its own but HE DIDN'T GET AWAY WITH IT.  He is being punished for it by losing millions of votes in 2024!!!! What could be a more severe punishment???

I consider what Biden has done to, first enrich the Biden family, selling/influence peddling for millions using Ukraine, then STOPPING THE NEGOTIATIONS with Russia in order to provoke Russia to a war with NATO, using Ukraine and Ukrainians........leaving 600,000 brave but now dead or disabled soldiers ON BOTH SIDES, millions in family members, 200,000,000,000 stolen from US tax payers, causing our enemies to unite, doing diabolical things like blowing up the Russian natural gas pipeline to cause the worst ecoterrorist act,  greatest greenhouse gas release incident in history(while claiming to be fighting against greenhouse gases)


But there will be no punishment for Biden.

That is NOT the reason he's not running in 2024. After withdrawing, in fact the Ds went into elevating Biden to be the polar opposite of what he REALLY WAS as our president and especially what his galactically corrupt foreign policy did to THE WORLD!!! 

Their twisted descriptions of Biden being a great president make me want to puke (in a figurative sense) because it leaves out the really bad stuff, especially his playing THE MOST IMPORTANT ROLE OF ALL in causing the Ukraine war and making the world a much, MUCH worse place because of it.