Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit
51 responses | 1 like
Started by metmike - July 24, 2024, 11:29 a.m.

Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit from race, as Russia war rages

Biden’s unflinching support has been central to Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia. Now with him out, and Trump the frontrunner, Kyiv faces an uncertain future.

By Mansur Mirovalev

Published On 24 Jul 202424 Jul 2024

Kyiv, Ukraine – No US president has known Ukraine better than Joe Biden.

While serving as Barack Obama’s vice president, he visited Kyiv six times – and joked that he had spent more time on the phone with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko than with his own wife Jill.


Your dang right about that!

The Ukrainian people are hopeful that Trump can finally bring peace to their country! They have been pleading for this NOT NATO!

 The corrupt Ukrainian government that the Biden family milked for millions while he was VP and has benefited greatly from this war, along with their dictator/double crossing, NATO puppet, Zelensky are justifiably concerned, now that Biden, "the Big Guy" abusing his corrupt power from the most powerful country in the world to exploit Ukraine for his self serving agenda..........WILL BE GONE!

FINALLY! But not until has has  already reeked so much damage to Ukraine, Russia, the world and the US for his self serving agenda in cahoots with diabolical well as enriched the Biden family!


By metmike - July 24, 2024, 11:31 a.m.
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Previous threads:

                China/Taiwan/NATO July 2024            

                            11 responses |             

                Started by metmike - July 12, 2024, 11:01 a.m.    

                JEFFEREY SACHS ON UKRAINE, ETC.            

                            4 responses |           

                Started by 12345 - July 12, 2024, 9:25 p.m.    

                A 10 YEAR DEAL WITH UKRAINE????!!!!!!!            

                            77 responses |              

                Started by 12345 - May 1, 2024, 10:15 a.m.    


   Re: Re: WWBW Contest            

                            By metmike - July 21, 2024, 7:46 p.m.            


YW, Larry!

Biden at least salvaged his legacy, at least what the biased historians want to write about him……there’s plenty of good stuff. 

I’ll have to check to see what the longest lasting careers have been in politics to see where he compares. 

Whether you agree with them or not, Biden did have an extremely long list of achievements during his career, many were legit.

He and Hunter(the smartest man he knows) were clever enough to rake in millions from Ukraine and others by extorting money by selling Joe's influence and making threats to generate Biden family money or else lose United States tax payer funded support……..and they got away with it as Hunter, illegally acting as an unregistered  foreign lobbyist and using money laundering schemes with fake/shell  companies and numerous bank accounts with an end point of Biden family members.

I’m not an R and don’t buy into conspiracy theories.

When the facts/evidence support it, it’s not a conspiracy theory.
It’s called “the truth”

corruption in politics is rampant but the Bidens were especially creative, using Hunters 10 year career as a powerful US lobbyist because of his powerful daddy……and joe being put in charge of fighting Ukraine corruption by using our funding to incentivize, one of the most corrupt counties/governments in the world to get rid of the dishonest politicians …..which is also what Zelensky promised his people to get elected, as well as to negotiate for peace with Russia.

How ironic, that the 2 most important players, elected and appointed in the last decade+  to help  Ukraine to fight corruption and seek peace with Russia, completely did a 180 and EXPLOITED the corruption for their self serving interests.

Making the corruption worse. Cancelling democratic elections to make Zelensky a dictator, so that he can sacrifice/send brave Ukrainian soldiers on suicide missions for his more important ……NATO puppet/salesman job……with impunity!

History will NOT note Joe Biden’s key role in this.

regardless, there is a near 0 chance that Russia would ever have invaded Ukraine with trump as president.

Trump would have told Putin and NATO……ok, we agree with Putins demand that NATOs relentless expansion to surround and provoke Russia will NOT happen if NATO wants the US to keep doling out most of its support.

No war.

Ukraine saved, losing no more land.

600,000 less dead people with family members in the millions.

No 1 trillion in losses In ukraine.

the US would have $200,000,000,000 to use for something GOOD!
that’s the Biden that I’ll remember.

By metmike - July 29, 2024, 10:34 p.m.
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Pentagon reveals contents of new US$200 million and US$1.5 billion defence packages for Ukraine


The West and it's war propaganda has convinced us to accept this war instead of negotiating for peace.


As NATO leaders gather, Putin has been making peace proposals – why?


If Trump is elected the chance for peace increases 10+ fold. That's why we are seeing Zelensky suddenly changing his tune.

Peace means that Ukraine won't be joining NATO. Ukrainians don't want to join NATO, THEY WANT PEACE WITH RUSSIA!


Facing difficult frontline reality and the prospect of Trump in the White House, Zelensky hints at negotiations with Russia

While the progress Russian troops are making in eastern Ukraine has slowed significantly since US weapons started arriving in the country in May, it has not stopped entirely. Russia is still gaining territory, albeit at a much slower pace.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, Zelensky said Ukraine was not receiving enough Western assistance to win the war, pointing out that its outcome will be determined way beyond Ukraine’s borders.


That was always going to be the case.


So give Ukrainians what they want......peace with Russia and NATO, give up on your war to expand into Ukraine.

And restore elections and the democracy, so that dictator Zelensky can be voted out.

By metmike - July 30, 2024, 2:33 p.m.
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The war has cost Ukraine everything. (all they wanted was PEACE with Russia and to stop this corruption). Russia has lost even more. The US has lost $200,000,000,000. The world has been destabilized. Our enemies have increased. The demise of the US Dollar as a global currency has been accelerated. Global, supply side inflation has gone up.

But we keep getting fed more propaganda about Ukraine winning the war.

Here were are, almost 2.5 years later after Zelensky shut down negotiations with Putin, who only wanted Ukraine to agree to NOT join NATO.  Look at the map below. Where on this reality map, does it look like Ukraine is winning anything or has the chance to win anything? Keep in mind, over half their original army is either dead or permanently disabled. How can anybody believe they are going to win this war?

And Zelensky claims that he's not winning because the West isn't sending him enough weapons. 

For Pete's sake, this delusional, psycopath/NATO puppet killed off much of his army already by sending his brave soldiers on suicide missions. Now, he wants to fight until the last blood of brave Ukrainian soldier's blood has been shed and he hopes, NATO will send in their troops to bail him out.


Look at this map below.  It's 99.9% Russian controlled, man! And Ukraine doesn't even have much of an army left to fight. Diabolical NATO/Zelensky/Biden are well aware of this but they have political agenda's to weaken Russia, using Ukrainians and our dispicable military-industrial-POLITICAL-MEDIA complex are the ones benefitting with weapons manufacturing and lobby bribe money to our bought and paid for government/politicians with self serving interests. Along with the dishonest/corrupt media propaganda spinning lies to support what was always a lost cause.

Stop calling this supporting Ukraine.


Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia

Look at this map. Who thinks the purple, with less than half the original army left to fight is going to somehow spread and defeat the red???????

The red is spreading NOT the purple. It only gets worse and worse. Ukraine's position to negotiate.......weaker and weaker. 

Stop believing the lies!

By metmike - July 30, 2024, 2:43 p.m.
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                Re: Re: A 10 YEAR DEAL WITH UKRAINE????!!!!!!!            


                By metmike - May 26, 2024, 3:59 p.m.            

                            Re: Re:  War in Ukraine drags on 9-3-23                        

                By metmike - Oct. 26, 2023, 3:56 p.m.            

September 2021 Biden and Zelensky discussing the dynamics of  expected war with Russia. Provoke him by cutting off negotiations with Putin and telling him that Ukraine was joining NATO whether he liked it or not. Despite Putin's insistence that he would keep NATO from expanding into Ukraine, even if he had to invade Ukraine to do it.





By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 3:01 p.m.
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Zelensky Names One Condition for Ukraine to Give Up Territory


3 years ago, Russia wanted only 1 condition.............Ukraine agreeing to not becoming part of NATO but Biden/NATO turned Zelensky into a puppet for their war against Russia, with Zelensky offering up and sending his brave Ukrainian soldiers on suicide missions FOR NOTHING, except benefits for the military-industrial-political-media complex that has been bamboozling Americans with ludicrous propaganda for 2.5 years.

Anybody reading here during that period knows that I have not wavered from that position and predicted, either this endpoint or WW3 with NATO troops in Ukraine.

Ukraine hasn't had much of an army left for the past year.  Zelensky/NATO/Biden  got them obliterated.

By joj - Aug. 2, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
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Your views and "facts" about Ukraine are false, warped, and grotesque.  

By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 7:39 p.m.
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Thanks much, joj!

That's what makes this place an ANTI echo chamber. 

People that come here,  get the inconvenient truths based on authentic facts that are usually offensive to what one side  or the other side wants to believe.

I'll bet you loved this thread below that offended the Rs here, who probably feel it's "false, warped, and grotesque"...........even though that thread is also based on an authentic reality just as rooted in truth as this thread.

                Trump  7-26-24                        

                Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.  


By metmike - Aug. 3, 2024, 10:07 a.m.
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These are useful, recent posts to help others understand my mindset here, which applies to BOTH political sides using neutrality and ALL topics based on the scientific method...........which compels the scientist to give great weighting to opposing views in order to maximize objectivity while searching for authentic truth.

        Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: we must be crazy                       

                By metmike - July 22, 2024, 2:03 p.m.    


Applying the scientific method:

                Re: Re: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim            

                            By metmike - March 12, 2024, 11:58 p.m.


By WxFollower - Aug. 3, 2024, 9:07 p.m.
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joj said this about MM: 

Your views and "facts" about Ukraine are false, warped, and grotesque.


Hey joj,

 Would you please elaborate? I’m not saying you’re right or saying you’re wrong. I don’t know what to think because you’d need to give details for me to see why you said the above. Then perhaps this could turn into a discussion. Regardless, to his credit Mike has done his homework and has been following this very closely for a long time. But anyone spouting a view, especially as strongly as MM has done, is still open to potential criticism. Mike knows this and may welcome it to get a good robust debate going. I think he likes reactions indicating disagreement more than others from what he’s said before. The anti-echo chamber political site!

By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 11:08 a.m.
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It's Time to Fix the Foreign Service to Give Diplomacy a Chance


This is a wonderful article but the reason that it has failed is that in most cases, the political objective is NOT PEACE. NATO and Biden's objective was to have this war with Russia, using Ukraine and Ukrainians and they BLOCKED NEGOTIATIONS between Ukraine and Russia to have it.

It wasn't a matter of fine tuning diplomacy skills. Ukraine just needed to agree that it wouldn't be part of NATO. It didn't require a diplomacy expert to negotiate that. It required NATO to stop provoking and surrounding Russia and stop trying to destroy Russia. And to live up to their original promises of the NATO pact. And to stop all the lies/propaganda bamboozling the West with complete bunk about this war in Ukraine.

Telling us that Ukraine was winning many times. Not telling us that they lost a long time ago and half of Ukraine's brave soldiers/army were killed or permanently disabled(and families suffered their losses) but instead, dwelling on isolated incident and celebrating Russians being killed as if all these people are just numbers and pawns for us to read about and not real human beings. Just as long as they aren't Americans.

Other wars, like Bush's war in Iraq would never be solved by better diplomacy. You have to rid our diabolical politicians of their incentive AND PERSONAL SELF ENRICHING MOTIVATION TO HAVE THE WARS.

They sell these wars to bamboozled Americans that get fed the propaganda by a dishonest media.

At the expense of millions of real human beings around the world, because the high and mighty United States has corrupt politicians that get enriched by the millitary-industrial-political-media complex and they have control of the military might to unleash wherever on the planet, that they decide it best suits their agenda's.

By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 3:50 p.m.
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Ukraine War Tide Turns: Humiliated Putin Suffers Major Defeat as Russian Forces Retreat from Crimea                                            


      Putin 'is done' as losses in Ukraine degrade Kremlin's force projection | Peter Zeihan


How the Tide Has Turned in Ukraine

The End of the Russian Empire

Until now, Ukraine has been fighting a bloody war against a numerically superior enemy with one hand tied behind its back. Despite the odds, it has done better than anyone (including me) expected.



Nobody ever expected Ukraine to do this well???

Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia

Look at this map. Who thinks the purple is doing better than expected when LOOKING AT THE TRUTH?



However, at least this last guy is completely honest about the REAL REASON for this NATO war as he stated:

The End of the Russian Empire

With that being the case, there's a good chance that NATO is starting a new war, that features NATO troops in Ukraine. Instead of NATO just sending hundreds of billions in weapons to the brave Ukrainian soldiers that were sent on suicide missions for NATO TO WEAKEN RUSSIA, now NATO can step in and start a new war against a weakened Russia with their troops and additional weapons.

Ironically, this is why Putin insisted Ukraine NOT become part of NATO because  its crystal clear what NATO's objective is:

The End of the Russian Empire

The people of Ukraine?

They have always wanted peace with Russia so we should stop insisting that we are supporting Ukraine by getting all their brave soldiers killed off and country obliterated for NATO.

None of this has been to benefit Ukraine(100% the opposite-stop believing the propaganda)!

All of this has been for NATO!

By metmike - Aug. 7, 2024, 10:33 a.m.
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This article is exactly right on every point!

A Trump Presidency Is the Best Chance for Peace in Ukraine

The prospect of peace under a second Trump administration is an increasingly realistic one. The international community is recognizing that the Biden administration's policy of careless escalation has only resulted in more bloodshed.

But the past is the past. With Biden exiting the world stage, America and Ukraine, for better or worse, have an opportunity to end the conflict without further bloodshed or further unifying America's foreign adversaries.

Former president Trump has made clear that he would pursue a negotiated settlement to end the war—something the Biden administration has actively opposed. Indeed, President Biden sought escalation for its own sake, failing to articulate any clear objectives, with a reckless disregard for the threat of a nuclear exchange. Outright Ukrainian military victory has never been a realistic outcome, yet the Biden policy has been to deceive the Ukrainian people and American voters into believing total victory is just over the horizon. This message has resulted in increasing tensions between the United States and Russia, to the point that Russian nuclear-capable submarines were deployed in close proximity to America's shores in June

Billions of dollars should not be given away without a clearly defined American interest and proper oversight of how those taxpayer funds are spent. But what is America's clearly defined interest in this conflict? To "bleed" Russia without regard for the parallel "bleeding" in Ukraine? To completely sever Europe from Russia and drive Russia economically and militarily into the arms of the communist Chinese?

This context, coupled with inflammatory anti-Russian rhetoric in the West, has made Russian leaders believe they could be subject to a "regime change" like the ones they have seen next door. We should not act surprised if Russia behaves like a cornered animal, especially as NATO continues to expand. Russian aggression against their neighbors is wrong, but it is not evidence of any grand design to conquer Europe or reestablish the U.S.S.R.


Post of the week!

By WxFollower - Aug. 7, 2024, 3:36 p.m.
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Hey joj,

 Would you please followup on your last post? You had a very strong negative reaction to MM’s position on this but without any specifics. That leaves those reading this thread with nothing new to go on. Yours was one of the strongest negative reactions I’ve ever seen in any thread. But it is all for naught if you don’t go any further. Thanks.

By metmike - Aug. 7, 2024, 3:52 p.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit            

                            By joj - Aug. 2, 2024, 6:57 p.m.            

            Your views and "facts" about Ukraine are false, warped, and grotesque.  



I'm not trying to pick a fight, in fact I respect however you want to communicate and it's fine if that means hit and run comments. You don't need to respond but I'm copying your post again to remind others why Larry would like to read your reasoning.

Me too, since you're a very intelligent person that usually provides very thoughtful explanations based on solid reasoning. 

By metmike - Aug. 12, 2024, 10:53 p.m.
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Zelenskyy: We will end this war on Ukraine’s terms



When countries lose wars, the defeated country(s) always dictates the terms to the victorious country(s).



Has Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk changed dynamics of the war?

The foray into Russia’s borders has surprised Moscow, with analysts saying the attack will change the course of the war.


More war propaganda to make us think that Ukraine is doing something..........other than sending more brave Ukrainian soldiers on suicide missions for NATO. 

Fight to the last drop of brave Ukrainian soldiers blood.

The main impact of this is that it will get more people killed FOR NOTHING.

Ukraine lost the war a very long time ago. Over half their army is dead or permanently disabled. 

Please, please, please stop doing this to the poor Ukrainians and give them the peace they need. Most of the media in the West is colluding with the same nonsense propaganda.

Every additional day just adds more deaths and damage.

NATO views that as good and worth it because Russians are dying and suffering other losses. 

And they continue to call it "supporting Ukraine".


They've already suffered losses that are a million times worse than the benefits of being in NATO. 

The saddest thing is that, since Russia won this war a long time ago, having  and losing the war is keeping them out of NATO AND causing a million times more damage. They lose everything and gain NOTHING!

A rational person not brainwashed by the propaganda would ask:

1. What is Ukraine going to gain from this?

2. When will this war end? Why does NATO have no plan for ending the war........other than to just keep fighting forever in order to weaken Russia.

3. Why is the West refusing to negotiate?

4. Why did the US flush 200 billion down the toilet to make things, MUCH, MUCH worse for Ukraine than if Biden/NATO had not stopped the negotiations so they could have this war.

By metmike - Aug. 14, 2024, 10:51 p.m.
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We are hearing/reading dozen of stories about Ukraine making this great effort to surprise Russia by attacking inside of Russia.

And it being spun into something 1,000 times greater than the reality........AGAIN!

All the MSM is colluding AGAIN, with the same absurd propaganda. Complete nonsense........AGAIN!

The only thing that jumping into a small spot in Russia,  with no hope of advancing (even while getting whopped worse and worse in Ukraine) is to temporarily increase the areas fighting with this new hot spot and invariably just get more  brave Ukrainian soldiers killed.

But while sending all these brave soldiers on suicide missions.....they will hurt Russia a bit........which is the objective of NATO and the real objective of the war.

Ukraine already lost the war by every reasonable standard a long time ago with half their army killed or permanently disabled.

But instead of negotiating, NATO wants this to continue UNTIL THE LAST DROP OF BRAVE UKRAINIAN SOLDIERS BLOOD IS USED UP because the entire objective  is to weaken Russia/Putin NOT TO SAVE UKRAINIAN LIVES!


Wake  up America!!!


OUR TAX DOLLARS VIA MORALLY BANKRUPT, BOUGHT AND PAID FOR (by the military-industrial complex) POLITICIANS in cahoots with ratings seeking, sensationaling activists, pretending  to be objective journalists is the biggest source of this 100% counterproductive endeavor.

Do we want our money to continue to be flushed down the toilet For this never ending war that NATO wants to go on as long as


2. There are still some brave  Ukrainians left to fight

3. NATO troops can replace the dead Ukrainians

4. The gullible, bamboozled American people continue to believe  all the propaganda And fund the war.

5. Dictator  Zelensky remains in power, with elections suspended  by him….until the war is

over….which never happens because he and NATO won’t seriously negotiate. Instead, they send out propaganda to make it appear as if Ukraine still has a fighting chance. NOT!!

$200,000,000,000 is a lot of money that could do a lot of good.

500,000+ is a lot of dead and permanently disabled brave soldiers From both sides. That’s right……Russian soldiers are brave human beings with no choice, because of where they were born.

With many millions of family members suffering their losses.


By metmike - Aug. 14, 2024, 11:25 p.m.
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Here's the proof:

On the wider scales of these just updated maps below, if somebody didn't tell us  there was purple on the images/define it as "held or regained by Ukraine".....we would completely miss it.

Areas shaded in  purple are more than ~500 times smaller than red(Russia controlled).

It would be like playing a basketball game and losing 100-2 when time runs out......but insisting on playing 200-2, then 300-2, 400-2.

Then at 500-2, the losing team gets a 3 pointer to make it 500-5 and all the fans of the losing team get fired up and twist the 3 pointer to mean..........they didn't really get blown out.

The team with 500 points  is shocked because they just gave up a 3 pointer.  OMG, the losing team might go on a scoring streak of hundreds of unanswered points because they just make 1 single 3 pointer.

And of course, it always means justification to continue the game/war.

The war in Ukraine is NOT a game, however. NATO, with the US/Biden leading the way and corrupt dictator Zelensky, betraying his people are using it for their self serving agenda's. 

The MSM is constantly manufacturing fake scenarios and fake interpretations that make it look like Ukraine is doing 100 times better than they really are.

Scenarios that always justify continuing the war and NOT NEGOTIATING. Russia can never matter how many Ukrainians must die before, even these people have to concede to the truth. 

Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia


I didn't make these maps up. These images of reality are worth far more than a thousand words. Maybe more than millions of words that the MSM has used to sell their snake oil propaganda to bamboozle Americans to support NATO's war on Russia, using (abusing) the Ukrainians to fight it. 

This brings to mind an expression made by the most bombastic politician in history..............that has told more lies than the next 5 on the lie list combined.........but gets a few things right.

Trump ramps up rhetoric on media, calls press ‘the enemy of the people’

Trump was mainly referring to the blatantly corrupt Mueller Witch Hunt at the time of this article above.

I can confidently state that this expression about the press is profoundly applicable about the press's nonstop propaganda when it comes to the  war in Ukraine. 

By mcfarm - Aug. 15, 2024, 6:51 a.m.
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yes it always is fun to clean up others big mess. You think kissing a terrorist's ass will calm him, hell even make the ME a friendly  tourist attraction? Well what happened for example after Obama dropped about 6 billion cash on Iran and Biden dumped 85 B in arms in the desert of the ME and left? Not to mention losing 7 embassys around the world. By the way that was sovereign American territory. Boy all that really made friends, right? Maybe this entire scenario could of been avoided with a major back bone and peace thru strength. Who knows it could well be too late now.  Just wait for that Harris/ Walz team. That will be the ticket. When will the left ever figure out what the radical muslims are after? Yes the same thing China is after.

By metmike - Aug. 15, 2024, 7:47 a.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm,

Fox and others always start their story about radical Muslims AFTER we created them with our womderful peace thru strength policies that have all failed miserably for 7 decades.

But the story from most, NEVER includes what caused them in the first place because they are a reaction to our failed policies.

You blame it on Biden and Obama but left out all the wars we started for oil and revenge….like the Iraq war Based on a completely manufactured justification by somebody from the R party using this peace from strength assumption. . Boy, that showed em. Now look how much they respect us.

Or Afghanistan. How long did that last for? Regardless of how we withdrew, after the withdrawing mess, we get to see the lasting impact of a decades long war.

How many trillions did those wars cost?

How many brave but DEAD American soldiers resulted?
there’s much more to it than just peace from strength.

McCain lost in 2008, partly because his platform included "we stay in Iraq until the job is done". Too many Americans knew that meant.........FOREVER, until Americans became upset again and demanded we stop throwing tax dollars and brave soldier lives down another bottomless pit.

Trump was smart to recognize this in Afghanistan and was the one that started the actions to withdraw. Squawk all you want about how Biden did it badly, Trump recognized the counterproductive presence to our country and our people wanting OUT!

We have to exercise that strength, only at the right times, using wisdom……..not every time we want to manipulate the politics and energy dynamics which is greatly ABUSING our strength.

what about  numerous successful attempts to overthrow their leaders and regimes with people we want running their countries.

just imagine how we would feel if a foreign country did that to us?

Then, we obliterate them in a war that we can win because of military might and say SEE IT WORKS!

completely ignoring the massive blowback left. Many millions of people that hate us and many thousands greatly incentivized to become terrorists to hold us accountable for the 7 decades of using the same failed strategies.

In every single story/explanation from your side about radical terrorism, they  pop up for every reason BUT THE REAL ONE!

The US, abusing its military might, attempting to impose its will on Middle East politics and energy policies for 7 decades never has anything to do with it.

Thats why we will continue to fail in the Middle East. 

Politicians in love with wars because it enriches them via the military-industrial bribing complex.

Media controlled by partisan coalitions and biased activists as well as driven by the almighty ratings which ALWAYS go up from wars. 

Professional, completely objective and honest journalism is almost dead in this country.

I sighted the MSMs blatant journalistic violations earlier but Fox in the evening stands alone, at the top for stating the most galactically ludicrous things because they are in the business of saying things people want to hear to generate blockbuster ratings.

And its working extremely well!

By mcfarm - Aug. 15, 2024, 5:58 p.m.
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Yes the ME has been a mess for a thousand years. And yet you do agree that weakness invites the wolves. Yes the ME is many times worse when the US does not show strength. And finally yes, just look at Obama and biden and ask....did they leave a mess for some one else and the weaker we got {biden] THE WORSE THE MESS GOT.

Now we look at China and Russia and Iran. China is on the move for Indochina, Africa and South America. Russia is on the move for Europe and Iran for the ME. Are we in any position to stop any of that with a President hiding in his basement?

By metmike - Aug. 15, 2024, 7:19 p.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm!

The US can't afford to be the global police anymore and inevitably, when you give that power to US politicians they often ABUSE it, because they are driven by self serving political agenda's  and self enrichment.

Sadly, influence of the decisions get made based on groups outside of politicians that have skin in the game too:

                Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex                      

                Started by metmike - Jan. 31, 2024, 2:33 p.m.    

                Politicians love wars and the U.S. is vulnerable            

                            12 responses |          

                Started by metmike - Oct. 29, 2023, 10:36 p.m.    


Rand Paul has the foreign policy that makes the most sense for American prosperity, in my opinion:

Senator Rand Paul Critiques America's History of Military Intervention

My favorite politician on this position is Rand Paul. I liked Ron Paul too.

Rand Paul just gave one of the most important foreign policy speeches in decades

by  Zack Beauchamp

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2024, 6:58 a.m.
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Has Zelensky Walked Into Putin's Trap?


The actual trap is constantly being set for our minds BY THE MSM AND GOVERNMENT with non stop propaganda/lies manufactured for us to believe that supporting the war in Ukraine is the right thing to do.


Vyacheslav Volodin: by canceling the presidential elections, Zelensky usurped power


This is what happens in a TRUE democracy:

Fact: The presidential election cannot be canceled — the Constitution requires that presidential elections take place this year.

No one, not even the president, can cancel the presidential election. Congress set the current date for presidential elections in 1845 and it has been held on this date every four years — even through the Civil War and two world wars – for over 175 years.

Furthermore, the Constitution requires the president’s term to end on January 20. There are no exceptions that would allow the president to stay in office after that date unless the president is reelected.


When is it democratic to postpone an election?
Elections during natural disasters, COVID-19 and emergency


Is it possible and necessary to hold elections during war? We explain using the examples of the USA, Great Britain, Canada and Israel

Since the beginning of 2024, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense and the National Security and Defense Council have repeatedly warned that in the spring, the Russians will direct all their efforts in the information war to the topic of the illegitimacy of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy due to the end of his term of office. We have already explained that this is delusional and why it is now impossible to hold another presidential elections in Ukraine.


This tells us clearly what the REAL reason is for them to cancel elections. THEY ARE WORRIED ZELENSKY WILL LOSE! THAT'S WHAT DICTATORS DO TO RETAIN POWER. This isn't any country. It's Ukraine, where we are told the main reason to support this war is that it's a fight for democracy against a dictator from Russia.

Cancelling democratic elections is the absolute WORST example of a true democracy. Spin it and justify it however they want...........THEY CANCELLED DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS IN UKRAINE TO KEEP ZELENSKY IN POWER!

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2024, 8:31 a.m.
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Ukraine Approves $20 Billion Green Energy Plan Despite Ongoing War

Daily Caller@DailyCaller

Trump Weighing Plan To Cut Off Ukraine Aid Unless Kyiv Agrees To Negotiate Peace Deal With Moscow


Nord Stream leaks likely single largest methane release ever: UN

At least two massive underwater blasts caused this week’s damage to the Baltic Sea gas pipelines and methane leaks.


Methane: A crucial opportunity in the climate fight

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere.

metmike: And methane IS NOT a beneficial gas like CO2 is!


Tracking unaccounted greenhouse gas emissions due to the war in Ukraine since 2022


  • During a war GHG emissions due to military actions can increase significantly.
    The GHG emissions impact of conflict extends well beyond the time and place of physical conflict.
    The IPCC guidelines do not explicitly consider wartime GHG emission reporting.
    War-related GHG emissions for the first 18 months of the war in Ukraine were 77 MtCO2-eq.
    The relative uncertainty of war-related emissions in Ukraine is estimated to be 22 % (95 % CI).


More fake green hypocrisy. Promote the waste of billions on inferior fake green energy sources to supposedly save the planet..........while justifying the gushing out of massive amounts of greenhouse gases from a war costing hundreds of billions...........and justifying blowing up a pipeline that released an historic amount of a greenhouse gas that's 80X more powerful than the one greening up the planet which you claim is killing the planet.


More on Biden blowing up the Russian natural gas pipeline. Only complete denial of the authentic facts and wanting to believe in misleading nonsense leads elsewhere.

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2024, 4:56 p.m.
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The only thing that explains Ukraine's intrusion into Russia IS NATO.

Let's use common sense:

Ukraine has been getting totally decimated by every legit account, for months and months not even able to defend itself, with Russia GAINING territory. Half of its military dead or permanently disabled...... then SUDDENLY, OUT OF NOWHERE they attack in Russia.

Of course we know that these are NATO weapons but these are also NATO trained troops under NATO's leadership, with the likelihood of fighters from NATO countries.

Absolutely no other way to explain it and NATO has been lying about every part of this war, even before it happened.

Momentum 'Clearly' Building for NATO Troops in Ukraine

Russia has consistently warned its Western adversaries against providing any kind of aid to Ukraine while simultaneously framing its war on Kyiv as a direct confrontation with the U.S.-led "collective West."

This month, in response to a Ukrainian petition urging NATO to deploy forces, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said: "We have repeatedly said that direct intervention on the ground in this conflict by the military of NATO countries potentially carries enormous danger, so we consider this an extremely challenging provocation, nothing less, and, of course, we are watching this very carefully."

Russian forces are now pushing all along the front, forcing Ukrainian troops back in key locations and opening new fronts in the northeastern regions of Kharkiv and Sumy.


We should note that NATO continues to refuse to engage in peace negotiations. That's NOT what they want. THEY WANT UKRAINE AS PART OF NATO AND TO DESTROY RUSSIA!

As NATO leaders gather, Putin has been making peace proposals – why?

By metmike - Aug. 17, 2024, 7:08 p.m.
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So we have a new escalation and potential for MUCH WORSE.

1. Ukraine was completely obliterated in the war. Half it's army is dead or permanently disabled, so it lost the war by every objective standard a very long time ago. Russia is in control of  ~99%+ of the area that it invaded(illegally).

 2. Despite the war being lost a LONG time ago, NATO refuses to have any sort of peace negotiations with Russia. NATO wants Ukraine. Putin is not giving it to them. 

3. Now, NATO is ramping up its efforts to start a NEW WAR with Russia.  This new war, features NATO weapons firing inside of Russia and NATO trained troops and leadership invading Russia. 

4. What will Putin do?

5. What we read  on this topic is 99%+ propaganda coming from NATO aligned sources. 

6. Is this just a ploy to use with negotiations?


Putin Infuriated, Warns Of ‘Harsh Retaliation If…’: Stunning Report Exposes Ukraine’s Kursk Plans


By metmike - Aug. 19, 2024, 5:08 p.m.
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Europe is about to help Putin seize victory from the jaws of defeat.


Putin facing the jaws of defeat?

Just a reminder of what the latest battlefield looks like:

                Re:  Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit            

                            By metmike - Aug. 14, 2024, 11:25 p.m.            

Why isn't the media screaming bloody murder over the lack of negotiations for peace, all the dead/injured people, Ukraine being obliterated(a trillion dollars) and hundreds of billions of dollars being flushed down the toilet and calling for negotiations for peace? 

Instead, they keep pretending that Ukraine can/will win THEIR war. Cheering for escalations that ALWAYS cause many more dead Ukrainians and call it "supporting Ukraine!" Doing everything possible to mislead readers about the realities.

NATO and Western gatekeepers, especially those in the media that serve as the brainwashers, colluding with their galactically absurd nonsense propaganda are hellbent on continuing the war.

1. The majority are acting as political activists NOT professional journalists.

2. War is one of the best things for ratings, traffic and newspaper circulation..........meaning more profits.

3. Their ability to spin this requires a massive amount of unconscionable denying of the massive suffering and how it can end. Truly an indication of being morally bankrupt ON THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. They've sold their souls to the devil because there is nothing more important to them than NATO getting Ukraine and destroying Russia. They hate Putin's guts so much that that there is no price not worth paying to hurt him. 

morally bankrupt


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       *having or acting as if having no morals       

*a morally bankrupt politician(or person in the media)


                Why Most News is False                                                    

                Started by metmike - Aug. 3, 2024, 12:37 p.m.   


Hate(and love)                        

                            Started by metmike - Oct. 17, 2023, 4:15 p.m.

By metmike - Aug. 19, 2024, 6:29 p.m.
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Russia accuses US and west of helping plan devastating Ukrainian surprise attack

Russian officials have accused the West and NATO in helping Ukraine plan the surprise attack on Kursk last week. The US has denied this.


1. Is the Pope Catholic?

2. Does a bear shist in the woods?

3. Were these NATO weapons and NATO trained/led troops?

By metmike - Aug. 21, 2024, 1:07 p.m.
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Ukraine’s gamble in Kursk restores belief it can beat Russia – it requires a Western response

The surprise raid has put talk of concessions to Moscow on hold. Kyiv hopes it will also defuse fears of Russian escalation.

While the Kursk operation is still underway, and with its final outcome yet unclear, it has already changed some western perceptions of the war in favour of Ukraine. Ukraine again has initiative on the battlefield and has already achieved four objectives.

There  is little appetite for [negotiations] inside Ukraine, and even less  trust that Russia would not use an eventual ceasefire to rearm, regroup  and re-attack. 


Riiight. Ukrainians don't want peace, they want to win this war and become part of NATO. BULL!!! This is what NATO wants!


Ukrainians say it's time for peace negotiations with Russia

Ukraine election: Comedian Zelensky wins presidency by landslide(on a promise of peace with Russia)


NATO exploited the opportunity to hijack the inexperienced Zelensky to turn him into their puppet in order to expand NATO into Ukraine and ultimately destroy Russia!


Now that it looks like Trump will lose, they don't have to worry about the war ending and can go back to pretending that Ukraine is winning so the targets of the propaganda(us) will continue to support the never ending war.

People won't support a lost cause or extremely 1 sided obliteration to their the MSM and NATO have always hidden that from us with distorted realities/propaganda.

Anything to stop Ukraine from negotiating peace with Russia.


Here's another "never negotiate", NATO-centric source with maps that bust their words and common sense.

How the Ukraine-Russia war is playing out differently on 3 separate fronts

How much impact will NATO weapons and NATO trained/led troops in the tiny blue spot (compared to the key areas that Russia is in control of and advancing) have, other than to increase deaths and serve as a propaganda tool?

By metmike - Aug. 21, 2024, 3:38 p.m.
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Disaster for Russia as Ukraine set to encircle 3,000 of Putin's soldiers


What these dishonest cruds continue to ignore is the fact that, even if Ukraine somehow managed to win the war...........their losses in the last 2.5 years are already a million times worse than anything that they could gain.

NATO, on the other hand wants Ukraine. They don't give a shist about what happens to it or their people.......they just want Ukraine as part of their expansion to surround and destroy Russia.

If NATO gets Ukraine, it's worth any cost Ukrainians paid FOR NATO!

Ukraine already LOST THIS WAR A LONG TIME AGO!!!!

This is NATO stepping in to start/escalate a NEW WAR with Russia because at least half of Ukraine's army of very brave soldiers is dead or permanently disabled .....and they already lost badly to Russia when they were at full strength!!

Secret NATO Invasion Of Russia Via Kursk Confirmed? US Fighters Already Inside… - Report | Ukraine


Can NATO beat Russia in a war?

Anybody that understands what that would mean, would realize that any winner of a war like that could suffer several orders of magnitude worse losses than any potential gains of being the winner.

Which, apparently NATO thinks is worth it by their current actions.

For NATO, this is a war GAME using human beings like they are disposable, plastic pieces on a board that can be replaced with more plastic pieces when they die. Human causalities are accepted as the ends justifies the means. TO GET UKRAINE IN NATO and surround/destroy Russia.

The propaganda keeps telling us that NATO is a defensive pact and would never act this way. The real world proves conclusively that  they ARE this way with absolute certainty.

By metmike - Aug. 21, 2024, 4:56 p.m.
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Russia may be ready to attack NATO in 5-8 years, German official says

See, this is what I've been saying. THIS IS HOW NATO THINKS!!

NATO bases everything it does on the assumption that Russia is their arch enemy and Russia is going to attack NATO (when the evidence is the opposite-unless Putin is provoked with direct attacks INSIDE Russia by NATO LED TROOPS AND NATO WEAPONS-LIKE WE SEE NOW).

This means that NATO MUST surround and destroy Russia before that happens, instead of trying to live in peace with Russia.

NATO needs to get Ukraine for its advancing strategic position. Ukrainian human beings have meant nothing to NATO. Expendable for THEIR cause. 

None of this would have been possible if they hadn't hijacked their leader, President  Zelensky and turned him into a NATO puppet, who sacrificed his brave soldiers lives for NATO. 

By metmike - Aug. 21, 2024, 5:17 p.m.
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Symbol on Which to Build Ukraine’s Future                

Thoughts on the symbolic and psychological significance of the Kursk Incursion that Ukraine and the West can use to their advantage in defeating Russia.


Delusional Journalists like this are dangerous and unable to acknowledge a future world that has anything but Russia matter what the cost is to the REAL human beings in Ukraine and elsewhere.   

Seriously, I can probably make better use of my time than posting this stuff here.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 9:39 a.m.
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Russia-Ukraine war latest: Putin’s forces suffering 1,000 daily casualties as Zelensky praises Kursk attack

Russian attacks towards the city of Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine have proved successful in terms of territory gained but costly in terms of personnel losses


Instead of practicing honest, ethical journalism and humanity, which would be compelling sources of reporting like this to push  the gatekeepers towards negotiating for peace(what Ukrainians want)., we get twisted versions that give us reason to celebrate Russian deaths and a desire to continue to SUPPORT THE WAR AND KILLING, because Ukraine is killing more Russians than Russians are killing Ukrainians.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 9:50 a.m.
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Russia’s ‘dangerous advance’ in Ukraine’s east stokes fear, divisions

While the world’s attention is on Kyiv’s surprise cross-border assault, Moscow’s troops are bearing down on Ukraine’s war-ravaged east.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 10:05 a.m.
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      Scott Ritter : Will Russia Attack NATO?


NATO and our media want us to think that Russians aren’t human beings.They are evil units to destroy, at the expense of Ukrainian units, which are pawwns manipulated to accomplish the objective of destroying Putin …by killing off the Russian units.

many folks are speculating on why there was this incursion into russia and what it will mean.

part of the answer is an increase in overall deaths with 100% certainty.



The value of these people dying on the other side of the planet is not great enough in our minds to connect them with humanity, so we just keep believing the massive propaganda/lies that DEHUMANIZES THEM!

By metmike - Aug. 25, 2024, 1:35 p.m.
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Meanwhile, time for another break from the world of Ukraine is kicking Russia's/Putin butt fairy tale.

On the map below, there is 10 times more blue from lakes and rivers than from Ukraine's counteroffensives.

It's still all 1 sided, despite NATO's attack in Russia, using NATO weapons and NATO trained troops/strategies  designed to kill more Russians and get more Ukrainians killed..........and reject peace negotiations. 

If this is such a great strategy, why didn't Ukraine use it 2 years ago, before half their army was killed or permanently disabled?

Answer: Because it's an act of desperation. Fight on to the last drop of brave Ukrainian soldiers blood for the NATO cause, trying to hurt Russia in a war that was lost long ago. It could also be a strategy designed to get Putin to attack NATO back. NATO soooo wants a war to destroy Russia that they will do anything to provoke it.

Regardless, DO NOT NEGOTIATE FOR PEACE, even though that's what Ukrainians actually want.

By metmike - Aug. 25, 2024, 3:55 p.m.
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Zelensky: Diplomacy 'not at the expense of 30% of our territory'


This guy has 0 credibility other than the fake persona the media's propaganda bestows on him as NATO's charismatic/actor puppet. As he gets his country obliterated and offers up his brave soldiers for NATO's cause, betraying his promise to the people to get elected, in 2019 that he would negotiate peace with Russia.

Zelensky had every opportunity to make an agreement with Putin BEFORE the invasion that did not give up all the terrain Russia captured with the war. Putin, mainly wanted an assurance that NATO would not expand into Ukraine and continue to surround Russia with their long term strategy to destroy Russia.

Instead, NATO/BIDEN told Zelensky to abruptly stop the negotiations and they would help him to win the inevitable war which would result from him doing this.

At every point as the war progressed, Zelensky had the option to stop the war by swearing off NATO. Instead, he became more strongly aligned with NATO and defiant about it.

After 1 year, Russia gained alot of new territory..........but Zelensky clung to his NATO aspirations told Putin to shove it.

After 2 years, Russia continued to gain MORE new territory but Zelensky held firm that Ukraine would be part of NATO and he would NOT negotiate.

After more than 2.5 years. Russia continues to gain MORE new territory, almost daily and suddenly, Zelensky claims he will negotiate for peace but he wants the deals offered to him a very long time ago, before he lost the war.

1. I don't hear/read Zelensky agreeing to not being part of NATO which is an absolute given with any peace between Russia and Ukraine. The less of Ukraine that he claims for NATO, the more of Ukraine he will get!!! Take that one to the bank!

2. You can't set the clock back 2.5 years and get the deal Putin offered then. When a country has tremendous losses to win a war, they don't pretend the other side won when negotiating. Ukraine MUST GIVE UP SOME THINGS NOW THAT IT DIDN'T NEED TO GIVE UP  2.5 years ago, before Biden/NATO used their diabolical influence to cause the lost war by hijacking corrupt Zelensky, to make him a western world hero, that required him betraying his Ukrainian people.

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 11:54 a.m.
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Russia launches ‘one of the largest’ aerial attacks on cities and power grids across Ukraine, Zelensky says

Mon August 26, 2024

          Kyiv, Ukraine      CNN         —        

            Russia launched a “massive” missile and drone attack aimed at energy infrastructure across Ukraine overnight into Monday, Ukrainian officials said, killing at least five people and causing power outages in several cities.        

            The nationwide strikes used “more than 100 missiles of various types and around 100 Shahed drones,” Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky said, calling it “one of the largest attacks” in more than two-and-a-half years of war.    


Russia’s deadly overnight barrage of missiles and drones hits over half of Ukraine, officials say

August 26, 2024


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia battered much of Ukraine on Monday, firing scores of missiles and drones that killed four people, injured more than a dozen and damaged energy facilities in attacks that President Volodymyr Zelensky described as “vile.”

The barrage of over 100 missiles and a similar number of drones began around midnight and continued through daybreak in what appeared to be Russia’s biggest onslaught in weeks.

Ukraine’s air force said swarms of Russian drones fired at eastern, northern, southern, and central regions were followed by volleys of cruise and ballistic missiles.

“Like most previous Russian strikes, this one was just as vile, targeting critical civilian infrastructure,” Zelenskyy said, adding that most of the country was targeted — from the Kharkiv region and Kyiv to Odesa and the west.

Explosions were heard in the capital of Kyiv. Power and water supplies in the city were disrupted by the attack, Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.


metmike: DUGH!!!! What in the heck did you think would happen when you lose the war but instead of negotiating, you escalate with an attack inside Russia????

These brain dead, NATO propaganda journalists are proving to be complete idiots making things MUCH WORSE!

Even today, they continue to spew out complete delusional nonsense with the objective of bamboozling people into supporting a never ending war, as if Ukraine is somehow winning.

Ukraine's daring strike on Kursk boosts Kyiv's morale, may put Putin in a box

Ukraine counts on new long-range weapon to bypass Western restrictions and hit deep into Russia

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 12:11 p.m.
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Why is Belarus amassing troops along its border with Ukraine?

Ukraine has called on Belarus to pull back its forces from the border amid new regional tensions after Kursk incursion in Russia.

The latest warning from Ukraine follows two weeks of sharpening rhetoric, accusations and countercharges levelled by Kyiv and Minsk at each other. This, at a time when Russia — which counts Belarus as its most steadfast ally — has threatened a firm response to Ukraine’s Kursk offensive.


Gee, I wonder what will happen next? NOT!

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 4:40 p.m.
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It Is Time to Shut Ukraine’s Door to NATO



Shutting the Ukrainian Door to NATO over 2.5 years ago would have completely avoided this war!

By metmike - Aug. 27, 2024, 5:26 a.m.
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By metmike - Aug. 27, 2024, 5:38 a.m.
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Russia pounds Ukraine with missiles, drones for second day in row, Kyiv says

Russia's 'Massive Attack' on Ukraine Cost Moscow $1.3 Billion: Report

By metmike - Aug. 28, 2024, 7:45 a.m.
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Ukraine’s Zelensky says Russia incursion is part of victory plan he intends to show Biden


This is complete rubbish. Zelensky, a comedian and actor his entire life didn't suddenly become a great military strategist overnight.........what happened is he was recruited by NATO and has been NATO's puppet since Biden became president and TOLD HIM to stop negotiating with Russia in late 2021 because NATO would help him defeat Russia. If he would sacrifice his brave soldiers for NATO's cause......betray his promise to his people,  to get elected in 2019, that he would negotiate peace with Russia, NATO would elevate him to a great leader and they would defeat Putin and Russia together.

That's exactly what happened and since then, we only read propaganda that supporting Ukraine means getting their country and brave soldiers obliterated AT THE EXPENSE OF PEACE because NATO wants to expand into Ukraine as part of their plan to destroy Russia and does NOT WANT PEACE. Putin is refusing to let NATO expand anymore and has drawn his line in the sand with Ukraine.

This war could have ended any time if NATO/Zelensky/Biden told Putin that NATO wasn't going to expand into Ukraine(what he has always been demanding from BEFORE he invaded),  like NATO has done with the 20 additional countries they have expanded into (from the original 12) after promising Russia they would never do this.

Chance of this being true?

Near 100%!!!!!


The main impact of the incursion by Ukraine into Russia will be and is the slaughtering of more  brave soldiers fighting for Ukraine sent on yet another suicide mission FOR NATO!

In the 2.5 years of the war and constant propaganda/lies, name just 1 time that did not end up being the case? They are 0 for 30 on predicting Ukraine winning the past 30 months. Their odds are slightly higher now that NATO is getting more and more involved (to start a new war if possible after Ukraine already lost)  but that just brings us closer to WW3 because this is what NATO/Biden/Zelensky want.

This is NOT supporting Ukraine as we continue to get them obliterated and NATO refuses to negotiate for peace or give Zelensky permission to do it. Dictator Zelensky canceled elections to stay in office, so this isn't even a country with democratic elections anymore! The excuse is the war but if NATO/Zelensky thought he would be re elected, you bet he wouldn't have cancelled elections because this is actually what they falsely claim the war is all about.........democracy in Ukraine.

That's a massive lie!!!

It's all about NATO getting Ukraine.


By metmike - Aug. 29, 2024, 8:29 p.m.
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Nothing new.

More escalation. More propaganda. More dead people. No closer to peace, with the gatekeepers convincing us to support war not peace.

Russia lashes out against ‘terrorist’ incursion in Kursk, pulls back planes

Russia redeploys air assets as Ukraine unveils its own long-range weapons and ballistic missiles.

Look how big they can make the blue look which is the suicide mission into Russia.

“The impression is that our colleagues [in Washington] have discarded the remnants of common sense and believe that they can do anything,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova said unleashing long-range missiles, such as the Storm Shadow provided by Britain and France or the ATACMS provided by the US, on Russia would be about “turning the Kyiv regime into a terrorist organisation”. She called Ukraine’s offensive in Kursk an “insane and suicidal escapade”.

Zelenskyy doesn’t want permission just to strike Russia with Western weapons. He also wants to bind EU allies closer in a joint air defence


What country's leader, especially MILITARY LEADER has to ask permission from those above him, in authority telling him what to do???? This is a NATO PUPPET!

By metmike - Aug. 30, 2024, 7:26 a.m.
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"Millions at risk from Russian attacks"


1. Wait a second, we've been told that Ukraine attacking INSIDE RUSSIA (using NATO weapons and NATO led technology and troops) means that Ukraine can still win. What did they think, Russia would cry for it's Mommy and give up?




'There's no point in talking peace with Putin': Four key reasons


It's people with this pathological mentality that advocate endless war with Putin to destroy him and Russia with no other option or plan B......... THAT ARE THE DANG PROBLEM!


Zelenskiy’s Kursk incursion gamble starts to unravel as a barrage of criticism mounts


As we get ready to finish the 31st month of this war that could have been avoided from the get go and can end anytime that NATO decides to negotiate, the lying media propaganda continues to have a perfect record.

Going from 0 for 30 in predicting outcomes (always lying about Ukraine's chances and successes) to 0 for 31.

Yet they keep using the same propaganda and saying the same things and being wrong and people keep wanting to believe it.

While thousands more brave soldiers and people get killed and Ukraine NEVER gets the PEACE that they want.

But the US Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex gets rich, powerful and sees record ratings (by selling/marketing wars), using real human beings and their families as pawns for their diabolical schemes.


Street Thug’ Putin and His Allies Considering Invasion of 3 More Countries

“People talk about Russia’s threat but everybody also understands that Russia has never experienced NATO’s power and its newest battlefield technologies.


Journalism 2024............the enemy of the people, selling lies for profits!

By metmike - Aug. 30, 2024, 4:20 p.m.
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Trump Claims Ukraine War Has Killed 'A Million'—Here Are the Facts

In an interview with Dr. Phil, Trump returned to an oft-used line that the war between Ukraine and Russia would never have happened if he had been elected.


If it isn't the "enemy of the people" up to their usual tricks again!!

Twisting a potentially, slightly inflated death count but pretty solid statements otherwise by Trump against him because it CONTRADICTS THEIR PROPAGANDA THAT HAS CAUSED THIS HORRIFIC WAR  TO HAPPEN AND CONTINUE WITH NO PLAN TO END IT, LIKE TRUMP HAS!!!

With regards to the war never happening. There is a near 0 chance that Trump would have done what Biden did.

Bring Zelensky to the White House and into the NATO-centric sphere which told him to stop negotiating with Russia for peace (as he promised his people in 2019 to get elected) and instead, cut off negotiations and swear allegiance to NATO.........and let NATO  equip him with what he needed to DEFEAT RUSSIA, while elevating him to a great hero.

0.0000% chance that Trump would have turned Zelensky into a NATO puppet, like Biden did.

Negotiations would likely have continued, between Ukraine and Russia like they were before Biden jumped in,  instead of the war which NATO WANTS in order to destroy Russia/Putin, USING Ukraine and Ukraine's brave soldiers and people to do it.

Ukrainians WANT PEACE. Trump is the guy to bring it to them the quickest!

No question about it!!!

By metmike - Aug. 31, 2024, 4:48 p.m.
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Though MarketForum has evolved into a blog site, up to several thousand+ may read here daily. 

This is extremely small potatoes compared to the vast majority of places with a footprint that's at least several orders of magnitude greater.

However, there is a small chance we could be taken out by our government or other entities that want to silence me because of the information  provided at threads like this.

I mention this because if the link to MarketForum suddenly stops working one day and doesn't come back........that's the most likely reason.

From Iraq to Russia: Scott Ritter’s Battle Against US Foreign Policy Sparks FBI Raid


                : JD Vance defends Trump                       

                By metmike - Aug. 31, 2024, 4:55 p.m.     

By metmike - Sept. 1, 2024, 10:07 p.m.
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Ukraine drones target refinery, power plants near Moscow, Russia says

Ukraine’s drone offensive comes after a week of massive missile and drone attacks by Russia.


EU is shocked by strikes on Kharkiv: Borrell reacts to Russian attack

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy began his address today with the Kharkiv tragedy. In his speech, he called on the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to permit Ukraine to perform long-range attacks and long-range shells and missiles. The President emphasized that the above decisions should not be postponed, because these decisions are exactly what can most properly influence events.


What did they think Russia would do???????

Restore democratic elections to the citizens have an opportunity to replace NATO puppet Zelensky that got their country obliterated for NATO.

Give Ukrainians the peace they want NOT NATO!

By metmike - Sept. 2, 2024, 7:24 a.m.
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Russia-Ukraine war live: Russia pounds Kyiv in overnight missile attack

Russian forces, which control 18% of Ukraine, have been advancing in eastern Ukraine since the failure of Kyiv’s 2023 counter-offensive to achieve a major breakthrough.

Despite a major Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Kursk region began on 6 August, the numerically stronger Russian army has in recent weeks been pushing relatively swiftly though settlements on the approach to the strategically important city of Pokrovsk.


Ukraine's Kursk incursion 'demonstrates that Russia is at the limit of its capabilities,' says former US NATO ambassador


Actually, what it really demonstrates is that there is NO LIMIT to how delusional the NATO/US/Media propaganda can get!!!!!!

Stop this escalation, getting more Ukrainians killed for NATO and demand NATO negotiate for peace.......which they won't because NATO MUST HAVE UKRAINE with no plan B right now,  other than continuous war with Russia until they get it.


War propaganda:

                Re: New war with Israel            

                           By metmike - Sept. 2, 2024, 7:49 a.m.     


For those that have been bamboozled to think NATO puppet and professional actor, Zelensky suddenly became a great military leader and 1 smart military decision that he's made which helped save the  lives of his people or brought his country closer to peace?

It's been 2.5 years,  30 months!

Zelensky has always been about escalating to defeat Russia on the battlefield…….which mirrors NATOs position exactly.

The position for most Ukrainians has always been about peace with Russia …..which is what Zelenskyy promised to get elected in 2019, BEFORE NATO used corruption to recruit him(thanks a lot Joe Biden).

Even if Ukraine would have won this war, their losses are a million times WORSE than what it is that NATO has them fighting for..........which is for NATO to get Ukraine as part of their plan to destroy Russia.

By metmike - Sept. 2, 2024, 8:12 a.m.
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A REAL risk here is that NATO, essentially the United States will start transporting nuclear weapons to the vicinity of Ukraine(NATO countries) or to Ukraine and Russia (which has the ability to detect this)  will be provoked further and, because they have had the far, FAR superior strategies from the get go in this war, will make pre preemptive nuclear strikes first, BEFORE we get the chance.

Those could include attempts to take out our sites threatening him with nuclear weapons.

Im only saying this is possible NOT likely. Until NATO finally agrees to  stop their advances to get Ukraine, a lot of really bad things can happen.

bad things  will keep happening for sure……almost daily in fact And those will continue to increase losses, more and more.

but NATO is unpredictable. Who could have imagined that they would be so diabolical as to blow up the Russian natural gas pipeline to Europe/Germany 2 years ago, ahead of Winter and with record low natural gas in storage??

these are some dangerous dudes with little regards/respect  for human lives……..other than chewing them up and spitting them out for their self serving political agendas.


The potential is there for something catastrophically bad to happen. This war isn't with Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan or any of the other many dozens of countries in the past that could only fight back with terrorism, like what happened on 9-11-01.

We are fighting a war with another SUPER power that has MORE nuclear weapons. NOT doing anything to try to seek peace but doing the complete opposite. Attacking INSIDE RUSSIA, using OUR weapons, our(NATO) led troops, technology from space and leadership, after hijacking Zelensky to get him to donate his brave soldiers for the suicide missions to do it.

All so that NATO can have Ukraine. One of the most corrupt countries in the world-but strategically located in the best spot to weaken and destroy Russia.

Russia has several NON NATO allies too, including China that see what's really going on, the opposite of the nonsense propaganda that we are told.

Up until 3 years ago, I would have said there is a near 0 chance that we would ever do all the retarded things we've done to put us in this galactically stupid position........but the Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex is making decisions based on  continuing their self enriching dynamic that violates humanity and common sense.

By metmike - Sept. 2, 2024, 3:57 p.m.
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First NATO Ally Seeks to Join Putin-Xi's BRICS Union

Citing unnamed sources, Bloomberg said that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's administration believed that "the geopolitical center of gravity" is moving away from the most developed economies.

The move also shows Ankara's aims "to cultivate ties with all sides in a multipolar world" while still fulfilling its obligations as a key NATO member, the report added.

By metmike - Sept. 4, 2024, 5:29 a.m.
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Ukraine's Foreign Minister Quits Amid Wave of Government Resignations

Other top officials who have submitted their resignations include arms chief Oleksandr Kamyshin, justice minister Denys Maliuska, deputy prime minister Olha Stefanishyna, ecology minister Ruslan Strilets and deputy prime minister and reintegration minister Iryna Vereshchuk.

I continue to vehemently insist that professional actor, 0 political experience, 0 military leader experience, Zelensky was elected in 2019 to president of one of the most corrupt countries in the world with promises to negotiate peace with Russia and fight corruption.

He has done the polar opposite because NATO and Joe Biden(with his corrupt Ukraine connections and understanding) saw an opportunity to use him to expand into Ukraine. This is part  of their clear but unstated mission of surrounding and destroying Russia(based on ALL actions the past 3 decades).

Chance of this being true?

99.99% and based on hundreds of posts here proving it with evidence. 

While our government and media completely manufacture fake reality after another after another and use it as propaganda and sell it to us so that we'll support Ukraine getting completely annihilated instead of having peace or fighting corruption(that we made MUCH WORSE) and now, they've even turned Zelensky into a dictator(with no elections) with cancelled democratic elections...........and compel us to support this lie as a "fight for democracy"

Please stop this insanity and demand the peace that Ukrainians have been pleading for (NOT NATO) and fight the corruption of their government that the people want but NATO used to exploit them for NATO's agenda and made WORSE. And obviously, get rid of their corrupt NATO puppet Zelensky ASAP.