Down but not Out !!!
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Started by mikempt - Aug. 4, 2024, 8:03 a.m.

Hi Fourmites , 2024 has not been too kind to me but I am pulling through !  I lost my sister suddenly on March 15th, 

March 18th I had to have my jaw operated on,not pleasant, while recovering from my jaw ans shock of my sisters passing, I had an acute gout attack. While the jaw and gout were healing, I came down with shingles. I started feeling good by the end of April and May. I got back into my routine and then my Dear mother passed away June 19th at 95 years young !

  I am feeling good,I have peace in my life at the moment. I'm getting back into trading, I will posting charts once again!!

 I hope all is well with everybody, wishing everybody peace and good health $$$  

By WxFollower - Aug. 4, 2024, 8:51 a.m.
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Hey Mikempt,

 Ouch, a loss of two loved ones within such a short period. I’m sorry to hear about this, but am glad you’re at peace and may they rest in peace. Time should continue the healing. And your mom was blessed to live to 95!

  I lost my much too young older bro in December, who I was extremely close to (I was his caregiver for years), but I do feel he’s in a better place considering his chronic conditions.

 Three heath issues almost all at once is a lot to handle but hopefully your jaw is ok now. My bro had very painful shingles on top of his chronic conditions just a couple of years ago. So though I never had it, I know how painful it was. That inspired me to get the Shingrix vaccines. I encourage anyone who had chickenpox to get these! It could help even for those who’ve already had shingles because shingles sometimes comes back. I had no side effects.

By metmike - Aug. 4, 2024, 11:35 a.m.
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Great to read you, Mike!

I'm very sorry to read about your losses. 

I also appreciate Larry sharing his huge loss here too. We are social creatures by nature and its a positive thing for everybody to share traumatic events/losses with people that care about us and send sincere empathy our way.

There's usually a strong causation to how much pain we feel from the loss of somebody special and how much love we experienced from having them in our lives.

So try to keep that in mind thru the suffering and be grateful for all those wonderful years, during which they contributed to the relationships that you/we miss so much because of their absence.

Regardless of that, when my almost 99 year Dad passes away and I struggle with his loss, the emotional pain of the loss will be overwhelming.

After they are gone, every time we wake up from a wonderful dream with our loved one in it........we have to suddenly accept the real world without them again.  It makes us miss them even more. 

This is a powerful testament  to their positive legacy and sharing it here and elsewhere strengthens that!

Ernest Hemingway > Quotes >

                      Ernest Hemingway    

     “Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his(her) name. In some ways men(women) can be immortal.”    

  ―      Ernest Hemingway  

By 7475 - Aug. 4, 2024, 7:06 p.m.
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I acknowledge what you have said .

My comments are simply "So sorry".

Glad you felt like sharing
