anyone even check the markets anymore?
4 responses | 0 likes
Started by mcfarm - Aug. 5, 2024, 4:07 p.m.

If that fake jobs report was the trigger it worked well. Crashing markets around the world. Do not ever look at your once proud iRA that you needed for retirement. Seems someone said 3 years ago. " If Biden/Harris are elected the markets will crash. Damn, but who would listen? We just could not vote for a man who knows business because he has a bad habit of spending too much time on the internet. Wow How much did they miss that jobs report? What 80 or 90,000 and  not a peep from the Biden backers. Now look at the world you have created, From one end of the globe to the other peace and prosperity was not good enough for ya.

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 5:58 p.m.
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Been following the stock market the closest ever in my life this Summer, mcfarm!      

Sp 500 diamonds for ever--            

                            52 responses |            

                Started by fays - June 7, 2024, 2:27 p.m.    

Same with gold.  

In addition to the usual grains and natural gas posts, often updated daily:

                Grains July 15, 2024            

                            26 responses |             

                Started by metmike - July 15, 2024, 4:59 p.m.    

                Natural Gas 6-2-24+          

                            69 responses|                                     

                Started by metmike - June 2, 2024, 6:57 a.m.    

Crude too:

                oil charts             

                            20 responses |               

                Started by fays - June 17, 2024, 10:08 a.m.    

And market impacting  weather updated constantly(some graphics updated every few minutes):

                 Weather-UPDATED LINKS             

                            66 responses |            

                Started by metmike - April 30, 2022, 8:01 p.m.    

                Eric's awesome weather July 3, 2024+            

                            18 responses |                                     

                Started by metmike - July 3, 2024, 1:23 p.m.   



You're encouraged to contribute something to our market discussions.

However, if you want to vent instead...........that's on you but seriously, I can't possibly do any better than that..............even if I was being paid and I do it FOR FREE because I love generously sharing this stuff. 

By mcfarm - Aug. 5, 2024, 6:20 p.m.
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I did just contribute as no one else even noticed or posted either one. This mess was man made- period- as old Joe likes to put it. Right now we need a President and if you look around ours is and has been missing in action. My contribution is to advise voters when they walk into a place to vote be sure act like a grown ups and vote for the success of this country not some silly emotion or feeling.

PS I see your constant rant about the poor Palestinians continues. Gee if this is not a prime example of the false debate of the oppressed and the oppressor I have never seen one. Man once you identify the oppressed its down hill skiing all the way home.

Pss. One positive note. After months of waiting for a grain rally one may of started today. The weather has turned finally after a wet July. There has been some new export business. Tar spot and dry weather will hurt some corn. Dry for beans in August is always bullish. The areas affected by too much rain are really starting to show. We will see.  latest from those poor oppressed in the ME.

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 7:56 p.m.
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Your definition of a positive contribution and mine are much different mcfarm!

I know what a big part of the problem is.

You spend too much time listening to far right news sources, that are intentionally designed to create outrage in viewers/listeners(targeting people that go there to be told things they wish were true), so they will hate and oppose people who have a different political affiliation. 

I actually watch Fox news alot, I'm not judging something I don't actually see for several hours each week. 

                Why Most News is False                        

                10 responses |                

                Started by metmike - Aug. 3, 2024, 12:37 p.m.    

You will reject this OBJECTIVE authentic observation but that's how it is at this ANTI echo chamber.

I use and show authentic FACTS not emotions. 

I'm well aware that people in 2024 don't want this. 

Everything shows that they are all tuning into echo chambers that tell them what they want to hear/read because that's how you make money in 2024. That's how you increase traffic and followers. 

Appealing to one side, while attacking people from the other side is how you become successful in politics, the media, forums and elsewhere in the year 2024.


I'll continue to stick with the objective, authentic truths from both sides and debunk the fraud, junk science, fake news and charlatans selling it. 

I wouldn't have it any other way, even if somebody offered me a million dollars to sell snake oil here from one political side. 

And everybody's opinions are welcome, especially to challenge anything I state, so that I can learn new things and immediately make adjustments to dial that in to my views. 

 Your opinion in this thread is part of that too . However, it would greatly help your case, if that opinion came with something more substantive but, that's on you, mcfarm. 

The more people we listen to, the more opinions we consider, the more facts that we have from BOTH sides..... the more authentic our discernment will be!

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 8:24 p.m.
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We should just change the subject to something you can tell us about that I'm very curious about and you're an expert on.

How is your crop doing this year, mcfarm?

The crops around here couldn't look much better even though we got hit with some dry spells.

I tried to best capture the dry spells with a weekly rainfall map this year.