We have SO much in common as human beings!
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Started by metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 8:28 p.m.

Human Universals: Traits All Humans Share



          The 10 Universal Human Traits        

                    We're overlooking what we have in common and unites us as human beings.


Our Shared Humanity: What Is It and How Can We See It?


By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 8:44 p.m.
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Would you hate somebody.............because they don't like the same music as you?

Would you hate somebody.........because they don't like the same food as you?

Should you hate somebody.........because they don't have the same interests as you?

Watch the same tv shows?  Read the same types of books?

Unfortunately, in recent years, hating people that disagree with your politics has created the current COLD CIVIL WAR in our country.

Hating because of religious differences AND RACE/NATIONALITY has been around for a long time but the escalation in hate because of politics has reached a level to cause the COLD CIVIL WAR in the United States today.

We aren't out in the streets killing each other (yet), even though an assassination attempt on Donald Trump was caused by this COLD CIVIL WAR but its painfully obvious that many millions from both parties have become more and more extreme and really do hate people from the other party BECAUSE OF THEIR POLITICAL VIEWS.

Our politicians, media, celebrities, social media are all playing a role. Exploiting this hate for their personal agenda's. Providing positive reinforcing echo chambers that tell people that one side, their side has it all right and the other side is all wrong and evil.

Telling people what they want to hear/read and what they wish was true. 

Attracting like minded, increasingly extreme people to get similar messages which reinforce what they all THINK that they know.  Convinced they know. Decided they know it forever and make it a part of what defines who they are.

While the other side does the exact same thing.........targeting those that disagree with them as evil and trying to hurt them. Wreck the country. Steal our democracy. Destroy the planet. Create incentive to hate them and stop them. Unite and collude for the best interest of country or to save the planet from imaginary threats...........when the biggest threat is these groups brainwashing critical thinking out of people. Brainwashing out open mindedness and the ability to see other points of view. Brainwashing out loving our neighbors and instead brainwashing in that our neighbors will destroy us and our world if we don't do everything possible to stop them. 

Dividing us. Causing the COLD CIVIL WAR!

                Why Most News is False                        

                          Started by metmike - Aug. 3, 2024, 12:37 p.m. 


Hate(and love)             

                Started by metmike - Oct. 17, 2023, 4:15 p.m. 


It doesn't have to be this way.


Most of us were either taught this way or evolved this way from a combination of that and the sources we intentionally expose ourselves to!

4 Ways to Not Let Politics Ruin Our Friendships | HuffPost null


If you were  born in a different family or different race or different religion or different country or even a different gender, your views would likely be much different and possibly the polar opposite of how you think.

If people are the products of this and limit themselves to ONLY WHAT THEY KNOW AND HOW THEY THINK............it's a pretty limited methodology for exploring, discovering and knowing the OBJECTIVE, UNIVERSAL, AUTHENTIC TRUTHS. 

It would be like having 10 different books, loaded with different information about the world but none of them having all the information by itself for the reader to truly know and understand the world.

Reading  And being taught from the first 2 books and deciding to base everything you want to know and live by using those 2 books............never opening the other 8.

And people from other places that never read your 2 books, deciding your ways are full of donkey dung. 


This sounds more like I'm discussing religion, which is nothing new for humans going back thousands of years.

What is new is the catastrophic escalation of hate  because of political differences  and DISinformation/propaganda/fake news,  which is being greatly amplified by the profound advancement in communications, especially  in the last 2 decades. 

People continually getting almost all their information from the same biased sources on one side vs people continually getting almost all their information from the same sources that tell them the exact opposite on the other side. 

This didn't exist on such a massive scale before the internet. News sources couldn't make a living selling extreme stuff, like they can today. 

And OF COURSE people will want to go there. OF COURSE they would.

How many people that have a strong affiliation with 1 party, decide to give an equal amount of listening to sources from the other party?

We have busy lives and no time for that and it would be PAINFUL to most people.

People give NEAR 0 amount of time to sources that disagree with them. They find out what to think about those sources by listening to THEIR sources........describing them as evil or a threat to our democracy or fraudulent. That's how they find out. 

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 10:21 p.m.
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Please don't construe this to be about religion.

I greatly respect whatever religion a person believes in and their right to believe in ONLY that religion, rejecting all others.

Religion is about faith is something that can't be proven. 

This is about our current COLD CIVIL WAR over politics.

Politics is MUCH MORE than just a BLIND FAITH in things that can't be proven.

There are 2 sides in politics and both sides often have compelling reasons, based on facts for aligning with their side. 

Even if you took the time to try to understand those facts and still disagreed........is that a reason to hate a very sincere person that has their set of facts that are compelling to them? And them to hate you for your compelling facts?

We've always had political disagreements in this country but the strategy in recent years is to attack and vilify the other side. 

The last 2 presidential elections are evidence of this effectively working.

In 2016, NOT Hillary Clinton won.

In 2020, NOT Donald Trump won.

The tactic is to maximize how many people hate the opposition for your side to win. 

The winning strategy used to be selling us on your party's objective to do X, Y and Z and your candidates qualifications. 

It sure doesn't help to have such crappy candidates running for the most important job(which is another example of how the political system IS BADLY BROKEN) but this goes far beyond just that one job.

It's the relationships between our elected officials from different parties and constant disrespect and hateful language, especially from certain ones. This would never have been tolerated 30 years ago. NO WAY! NOT LIKE THIS!

And the media, especially the social media. OMG!

People treat other people like donkey dung because, to them they are just words on a computer screen, not other human beings with feelings and they have been conditioned TO HATE because they are surrounded by it by the sources they surround themselves with who teach that HATE is ok, when the other person disagrees with you on a key issue. 

The Psychology Behind Social Media Hate


The article below is a wonderful read that discusses the history and many comprehensive aspects of social media including the positives. I would absolutely consider MarketForum to be one of the most positive aspects.......or I wouldn't be here. Instead of complaining about the problem, I would prefer to be part of the SOLUTION! With a big thanks to the posters here that help us to do that.

      Social Media Impact: How Social Media Sites Affect Society                Business and Management Blog | American Public University


Social Media Use Shines a Light on Basic Human Nature

Like everything else in life, social media use is a choice. According to researchers Jenna L. Clark, Sara B. Algoe, and Melanie C. Green, the key to social media’s contribution to the positive impact on mental health and social welfare is where it fosters real human connection. The way to make the best of social media is for users to choose credible providers and to be aware of social media’s pitfalls.

Hawra Hashem, marketing manager and communication strategist, emphasizes that social media use can be “more beneficial than not” if users "keep a healthy perspective about social media's role in [their] lives ... [and] use it to inspire, educate, show empathy, and become better communicators." In other words, use social media with the same respect and demeanor as with in-person relationships.

Considering its positive aspects and its negative risks, social media's growth seems a given. Statista notes that “Social media consistently expands, advances, and grows around the world. The total number of social media users is expected to hit over 5.85 billion individuals by 2027, which would be over half of the world population.” Considering social media's unlimited exponential capacity, this prediction could well be underestimated.

The social media revolution is well under way. The massive changes social media use has wrought in how people connect and communicate are largely positive and have improved other people's lives. It is driven by humans’ very nature to communicate, collaborate, and share information.

But social media shows the dark side of human nature. It is not social media that casts darkness, but its users. Social media exposes the problems humanity needs to solve as well as the pleasures to enjoy


Amen, Amen to that!


Amen (Hebrew: אָמֵן, ʾāmēn; Ancient Greek: ἀμήν, amḗn; Classical Syriac: ܐܡܝܢ, 'amīn;[1] Arabic: آمين, ʾāmīn) is an Abrahamic declaration of affirmation[2] which is first found in the Hebrew Bible, and subsequently found in the New Testament.[3] It is used in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim practices as a concluding word, or as a response to a prayer.[2] Common English translations of the word amen include "verily", "truly", "it is true", and "let it be so".[4][5] It is also used colloquially, to express strong agreement

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2024, 11:06 p.m.
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Is the US Headed Towards Another Civil War? | Barbara F. Walter | TED    



This lady is exactly what's wrong with our sources.

She blames everything on one side.........the right and Trump's not accepting the results of the 2020 election. This is only HALF of the story!

She ignores the 2.5 years of a completely fraudulent Mueller investigation to discredit Trump's presidency and blaming Russia for the Ds loss. She claims in her speech that Russia's interference impacted the election results as if it was a proven fact and that was the actual problem (Russian interference) WRONG!!!!

And since then, the nonsense trials against Trump in NY,  weaponizing the justice system to target a political opponent. 

She also blames climate change for the immigration  problem in the US because the climate crisis that we caused is wrecking the weather/climate in other countries, which means millions of people need to come here.

She insists that we accept this as inevitable. 

Horse manure! The world has been experiencing the best weather/climate and beneficial CO2 levels for life and growing crops since humans have existed.

It's exactly people like this, telling a one sided versions, vilifying people because they represent different politics than her and claiming that the other side is causing everything bad that are what's ESCALATING the hate from her side, directed towards the other side.

Almost all her solutions are to make changes........to the way that Ds want them to be and ignore every LEGIT concern from Rs and the bad behavior of Ds. 

And pretending to be the exact opposite.............somebody objectively trying to fix the problem. 

Just another charismatic charlatan selling, one sided political snake oil that sounds like an actual solution. With fork tongued people like this around,  with nonsense solutions that can't work because it's so one sided..........I honestly don't know how it will get better.