does anyone remember the John Kerry roll out and just laughable that "reporting for duty" line was. And now libs want to re-write history once again with another horrible human who went awol while his battalion went to war. But you are right this new guy is ten times worse than Kerry. If that is even possible.
The election is over if you guys are hanging your hat on his desire to avoid the Iraq war, when it was already very unpopular and became much MORE unpopular because it was a BS war and after serving 20 years in the National Guard.........long enough to retire.
this has nothing to do with the Iraq war. It is about character, As I said in another thread just the other day. You sign up you serve, period. If your unit goes you go period, You do not have to win the medal of honor, you do your duty with your men, If you bail like these 2 losers you deserve the heat you will get.
And by the way who remembers Dan Rather and his lies about Bush and that was a ok until he finally was called on it. Very few people on earth could land a jet on a carrier.
As I said in another thread just the other day. You sign up you serve, period.
For the rest of your life???? No retirement allowed?
After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th.
You probably won't be thinking about retirement for many years, but think about this: The Guard can continue to pay you every month if you have 20 years service while serving in the Guard by age 60 (including service in other branches). And considering that retirement will probably mean time to travel, play, or even start a second business, financial security would be a nice part of your plan.
And it's a pretty simple plan. If you complete a standard part-time term in the Guard by age 60, you could be eligible to receive monthly payments* based on serving one weekend per month plus an additional 15 days per year, for 20 years.
You guys act like he was worse than a draft dodger.
You're wasting ammo attacking somebody for serving 24 years in the National Guard because you don't like when he retired.
Did he do it so as to not be deployed to Iraq?
But he put in 24 good years. Many more than most of the people attacking him and 4 more than he needed to retire.
How many years in the National Guard did you serve, mcfarm?
How many years combined for the Fox in the evening hosts condemning the guy did they serve?
This is going after the WRONG thing by hypocrites.
Finding other more serious things related to his agenda would serve the Rs better if they want to attack something about Walz.
please with all the progressive double talk and rationalizations. If, when, could have maybe if it had not of rained that day on and on bs. He left his unit on notice to be deployed. Bet a few dead and injured would of like to leave also. Thank God for those brave who sign up and serve and do not ditch their unit.
Next we will hear Bill Clinton could of been a war hero had he not been vacationing in
Thanks, mcfarm!
This is why the Rs will lose in November.
What does this have to do with policy or agenda?
Your post of the week, that you copied from elsewhere nails it and its the strong point of the Rs:
Instead of focusing on this, Rs are using personal attacks that have 0 to do with their advantage and is, in fact THEIR BIGGEST WEAK POINT.
Their extremely flawed messenger is disliked, partly BECAUSE OF HIS loony tunes PERSONAL ATTACKS on everybody that he sees as an adversary...........which has generated the most enemies of a person in politics in my lifetime.
But it goes beyond that.
Its a huge turn off for people like me. Turning mole hills into Mt. Everest. Turning lemonade into lemons.
It's counter productive.
The Ds are using an effective strategy to promote their team.
The Rs are using a backfiring, counterproductive strategy to HELP THE Ds with their strategy.
Let me spell it out for you again.
1. Trumps MOUTH, personality/demeanor, delusional lies and personal attacks are killing him and rapidly sinking the R ship.
2. The Rs agenda is the only thing that could provide life boats to have a chance to save them!
3. Attacking this guy, after he did 24 years in the National Guard, serving honorably for his country, then retired because he didn't do more than 24 years is a completely retarded personal attack..........which is HELPING the Ds because it's the type of attack that defines Trump and takes the focus AWAY FROM #2.
4. Attacking this way, gets Trumps base all fired up. The same people that will vote for him no matter what and they all think its wonderful.........while it TURNS OFF AND TURNS AWAY the voters he needs to win in November.
5. Don't believe me. Don't believe the polls. Don't believe every authentic measure of the momentum shift after Biden withdrew and just keep repeating what's causing this disaster. Welcome to the recipe for "how to lose an election". The Ds forced their cognitively damaged and unpopular albatross out (with no chance to win) and replaced him with a fresh face and an extraordinarily effective campaign to reinvent a crappy, unpopular candidate and quickly turned them into a person that UNITED THE PARTY. Especially somebody that can be the NEW NOT Donald Trump in 2024, which is how they won in providing a person that could be NOT Donald Trump.
6. The Rs have been caught flat footed and stunned. Trump's response is to call a press conference to try to recapture attention and momentum, using............TRUMPS MOUTH!!!!. Insane, rambling screeds with lies and things that don't make sense..........and HE HELPED THE Ds!!! This would be like trying to save your crops in a flood............BY TURNING ON THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM!!!
7. As long as Trump is the one controlling the strategy and communicates like this........the Rs can't possibly win in November.
8. The only person that Trump could have beaten for sure was Biden. Using strategies that would have beaten Biden will cause the Rs to lose against Harris. Trump is now the old, delusional, cognitively impaired candidate!!! A new personal attack on a new candidate is NOT a new or better strategy.
9. There is one specific item/event that has been especially costly to the tune of many millions of voters. The fake 2020 election steal and Trump's diabolical attempts to overturn the results, including HIS FAILED INSURRECTION(he is 1,000% responsible for it). Yet, Trump and the Rs continually use this, in a galactically ludicrous and delusional constantly referring to it as if they can convince other people that know the authentic believe in the completely insane lies about what really happened. This, by itself is capable of keeping Trump from being elected AND THE Rs are using it as part of THEIR platform! It's become part of what defines Trump and MAGA which is sabotaging any effort to recruit people outside of MAGA.
Again, this is like having a flooded field that's killing your soybean crop, with pouring rain............and responding by........... turning on the irrigation system. Taking the element KILLING YOUR CROP and adding MORE OF IT, TO KILL THE CROP EVEN FASTER!!!
10. This is not an assessment that WANTS the Ds to win. It's just the authentic, objective, independent facts.
Just a reminder of my personal mindset here:
![]() ![]() |
And here is a complete explanation fro your new favorite news source CNN right til the slanted lib host got real nervous and cut the guy off who had first hand info
I've been thinking about this more the past couple of days in trying to capture the mindset of both sides as close as possible.
One thing that I'm convinced is real is the strong, positive reaction for Harris because the Ds are comparing her to BIDEN as well as Trump.
There are 2 reasons why the Biden comparison is so powerful.
1. Biden's cognitive losses are so profound and obvious that anybody with eyes and ears can see that he can't possibly be the president another 4 years.
Our reaction to everything in our lives is based on what we compare it too. A poor, homeless person, just getting a house and food would see this as heaven. A multi millionaire would view it as hell compared to their extravagant lifestyle.
However, people living in Gaza right now, might even consider a US homeless person's life to be not so bad and preferable!
As time goes on, the Harris-Biden comparison will fade away and it will exclusively be a Harris-Trump comparison.
2. This was not just ANY comparison between any 2 people. The Ds were being asked to support Biden. They had no other choice. It was being forced on them, even though the majority wanted a YOUNGER person. Suddenly, they got somebody OTHER THAN BIDEN. Not only is there a much more favorable comparison as described above but it's also amplified by the fact that they now have a person that they can enthusiastically stand behind vs a person that would make millions stay home. Harris crossed a certain threshold for millions of Ds. Going from.... considering staying home or voting for the least disliked person on the ballet to being able to JUSTIFY VOTING AGAINST DONALD TRUMP and seeing Harris in the brightest light because she's not Donald Trump.
Seeing Biden as not Donald Trump worked well in 2020 but was impossible in 2024 because we know Joe Biden from being our president.
They have reinvented Harris to be somebody she really is not........but manufactured realities that people believe work in this age.
After watching more and reading more about the D pick for VP, I would vote for him BEFORE I would Harris.
He was a teacher and coach for numerous years. That was his profession.
The mentality of a person like that is MUCH DIFFERENT than the mentality of a typical politician.
By all accounts he was a wonderful teacher and coach that gave his students unique opportunities and provided them with great mentoring and examples. He made them better people, which makes the world a better place by touching lives, dedicated to educating our young people.
He did this, while not getting wealthy on a teacher's salary and not gaining power.
He did this effectively for so many years that we know with certainty what his AUTHENTIC mentality was. His actions as a teacher and coach speak loudly to who he is.
The Rs want to spin his service in the National Guard differently than what his actual 24 years in the National Guard tell us about THOSE YEARS.
Serving in the National Guard for 24 years IS AN EXTREMELY HONORABLE THING TO DO.
I can rattle off half a dozen reasons for why I dislike the fake Harris as our next president, that includes who she is. I also don't like much of the agenda of Tim Walz.
However, I personally, really like and admire Tim Walz, the patriotic American who served 24 years in the National Guard and dedicated so much of his life to teaching/coaching young people to be successful, positively contributing human beings to our world.
This also helps our country to be stronger.
Let me start a new post to try to emphasize this point MUCH more.
When your party has the person with the worst character of anybody running for president in my life time, it's galactically retarded to attack the character of the opponent, somebody with a long history of displaying and proving his outstanding character. The attackers in this case are the ones that hurt their own credibility.
It may play well to the MAGA base and Fox viewers that are telling their people what they want to hear to boost ratings but it DOES NOT play well to the voters who will decide the election in November.
Stick to the agenda and policies. Stay on messages that matter to Americans!
Speaking of VPs, who remembers in 2022 and 2023, many discussions by the Ds to replace Harris as Biden's VP?
Some of it was tied to the fact that people knew Biden would never finish 4 more years and his VP would take over.
Some of it was tied to her lack of competence and likeability.
But make no mistake, VP Harris has been transformed into something SHE IS NOT, the past 3 weeks.
Fox and Trump supporters are hurting their own credibility by going after the character of Tim Walz...........while they strongly support his opponent, Donald Trump. The man that indisputably has the worse character of any person running for president in the last 100 years.
Harris, Newsweek and the entire lib media can lie all they want about Walz, It will not matter, he is what he is and it ain't good. Teacher? Coach? Give me a break and research what he really was doing with his indoctrination program in China. Cutting off the balls of ten year olds without the parents involved? Really? Mainstream? Not weird? Right you guys keep trying to pass this crap around and hopefully our ignorant electorate will start paying real attention to their policies and beliefs and it should scare the crap out of everyone.
Thanks, mcfarm!
Every one of your opinions mirrors Fox in the evening, all the time.
We should note that people like Hannity and Ingram are MUCH farther right than Fox News.
metmike watches these shows at Fox on a regular basis to get all views and agrees with this assessment below.
They rate Hannity: Selective, Incomplete, Unfair Persuasion, Propaganda or Other Issues.
who mirrors what? Beg your pardon. I am rural and mirror what most any rural person would have to say about the weirdos Harrris and Walz. Now if I lived in CA and could afford a 250,000 dollar set of pictures of myself {what Newsome just paid with the peoples money] then yes Harris and Walz would be so damn great and their policies even better.
Thanks, mcfarm!
I don't want to turn this into a perceived attack on rural Americans or you.
As you must know, I greatly respect this part of America!
Speaking of which:
metmike: This interview of Trump was LEGAL!
Although dozens of MSM sources are telling us differently
If any licensee shall permit any person who is a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use a broadcasting station, he shall afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates for that office in the use of such broadcasting station: Provided, That such licensee shall have no power of censorship over the material broadcast under the provisions of this section. No obligation is imposed under this subsection upon any licensee to allow the use of its station by any such candidate. Appearance by a legally qualified candidate on any-
(1) bona fide newscast,
(2) bona fide news interview,
(3) bona fide news documentary (if the appearance of the candidate is incidental to the presentation of the subject or subjects covered by the news documentary), or
(4) on-the-spot coverage of bona fide news events (including but not limited to political conventions and activities incidental thereto),
shall not be deemed to be use of a broadcasting station within the meaning of this subsection. Nothing in the foregoing sentence shall be construed as relieving broadcasters, in connection with the presentation of newscasts, news interviews, news documentaries, and on-the-spot coverage of news events, from the obligation imposed upon them under this chapter to operate in the public interest and to afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance.
This law requires an entity to provide an equal amount of time for other candidates UNLESS 1 of the 4 stipulations/conditions above apply.
The Elon Musk interview, clearly falls under this;
(2) bona fide news interview
The MSM can squawk all they want but they give blatantly favorable coverage for Harris every day, much of the day............and its legal for this reason:
(4) on-the-spot coverage of bona fide news events (including but not limited to political conventions and activities incidental thereto),
And in fact, their one sided coverage(blatant political attacks) on the Elon Musk interview of Donald Trump is legal for that reason too!
If what Musk/X did was illegal, what they are doing every day is illegal too!!!
I had 2 DUI's almost 50 years ago during a period of youth that featured using extremely bad judgment.
I will say though, that the majority of people that acted like me back then, probably aren't still around and certainly, almost none of them were able to turn things completely around after those incidents. So using me or Walz as examples to represent most people in this situation is misleading.
There was a period, when the Walz spokespeople claimed the DUI incident was just a misunderstanding related to his bad hearing. With regards to lying about the real politics, a lie of that sort doesn't even register on the political lies measuring scale (-:
These comments are comments defending Tim Walz’s personal life.
They contrast with what I’ll use in deciding how to vote…..based on policies!
This is a message I just sent to an online liberal friend on another board:
Does this bother you about Walz? He praised Imam Zaman as a “master teacher”:
Zaman appears to be anti-Semitic. The pro-Hitler film Zaman supposedly promoted was this propaganda:
Besides this I thought Walz with his liberal record (he seems to have moved significantly left of where he was in the past) was the worst choice for VP of the leading contenders from my perspective being that I’m a right of center independent. From a political standpoint, I thought it made little sense being that Harris is a liberal (same way I thought of Trump picking Vance).
I’ll still vote for Harris only because I’m “never Trump”, but it has little to do with Harris’ performance as VP (unimpressive imho to say the least) or her stated stances on the issues and nothing to do with her choice of Walz. I do like her wanting “no tax on tips”. However, she got that from Trump. I had said to you I liked that Trump said that in his RNC convention speech, the first I had ever heard of it.
By the way, I had wanted the moderate Kelly to be picked the most of the leading contenders. He was the leading contender early on.
The Dems better be careful or they’ll give Trump the election. Whereas I’m not changing, that doesn’t mean that many other independents won’t change from Harris to either neither or even Trump.
Thanks, Larry!
I was unaware of this.
The question is whether Walz has a history of sharing these views or was he just interacting politely with one of thousands of people that is required in his role, some with unacceptable views like this guy?
in the current political environment, both sides will make mountains out of mole hills and both sides will spin and lie if it helps them.
most of the media is lined up as cheerleaders for Harris, with Fox, the NY post and Washington Examiner on the other side.
If you line up with either side……you just go to the source that tells you what you want to hear/read.
Not you, Larry!
Hey Mike,
In case it gets missed from the linked article and to be fair, I need to point out that this was referring to when Walz was running for Gov in 2018. OTOH, I believe he’s had other associations with him though apparently they’re not friends. yes they appear much closer than anyone will now admit but why vet him we never vetted Harris the first time
Thanks guys!
I strongly condemn this radical person that Walz elevated several times in their professional encounters.
I've not read of Walz, specifically parroting this person's offensive views, though he must have been aware of them.
This is 1 contact of Walz's.
To be fair and balanced and put this into perspective, we should ask, how many antisemitic contacts has Trump had in the last decade?
Praised Jew hating groups that love him(not their philosophy but praised them as good people because they adore him).
And we know with absolute certainty that Trump is MUCH MORE PRO ISRAEL than the Harris Team and in fact, displayed islamaphobic policies during his presidency.
We know with certainty that Netanyahu wants Trump to be president again. They bonded well during Trumps presidency and recently, unlike the Biden/Harris-Netanyahu relationship.
Despite that, there's widespread hatred for Trump in the Jewish community because of the blatantly antisemitic groups that adore him (and he won't condemn anybody that adores him).
And Trump says the most retarded things that come from his pathological thinking......intended to get black or Jewish people to vote for him for instance.............that are extremely offensive and have the complete opposite impact on the groups that hate him.......causing those groups to hate him even more.
By Kate Sullivan, CNN
Updated 8:05 AM EDT, Tue March 19, 2024
It's an interesting, complicated dynamic because the far left has its antisemitism (pro Hamas) and the far right, that supports Trump has its antisemitism (Neo Nazi's, White Supremacists). Fascinating but very sad at the same time.
Trump embraces all the far right groups because they are part of his adoring base, yet Trump himself, is crystal clearly PRO ISRAEL. Trump is completely baffled that America's Jewish people are not flocking to him. Fox news parrots and cheerleads for Trumps philosophies and they are blindly Pro Israel, anti Muslim in every way, shape and form. They've managed to get an uptick in Jewish viewers since October 7th because of this.
Antisemitic Attitudes Across the
Ideological Spectrum
I will add that the vast majority of scientists and people that do studies like this are democrats and NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING OBJECTIVE and that seems very obvious to me in this study. Regardless, its a discussion about the far right and far left BOTH displaying antisemitism.
Here's another discussion.
To be completely fair and balanced, we should note that, while there is rampant Antisemitism in this country, there is an extremely powerful rejection and push back from pro Israel sources that are a couple orders of magnitude more powerful than the entities that push back against Islamophobia.
We should note that discussions here, for instance on this topic are almost all about Antisemitism and rarely about Islamophobia.
The fact that we have 2 Jewish men that post here (with wonderful, valuable insights) has something to do with it and no Muslims. This is not a knock or unexpected.
But it defines our country too.
A 2020 survey conducted by the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley showed that almost all Muslim respondents (nearly 94%) said that Islamophobia affects their mental and emotional well-being.[43]
Islamophobia through the Eyes of Muslims
Assessing Perceptions, Experiences, and Impacts
We should also note, that the event triggering the escalation in hate this year is one that features an horrific, state sponsored genocide by Israel on 2 million innocent Muslims, mostly children and it's basic common sense to EXPECT Israel to be targeted. Again, this NEVER, EVER justifies antisemitism against a race/religion, just because those people share the same ethnicity of the criminals. Or even if they support the criminals. People have the right to an opinion without being persecuted for it.
The graph below is not predicting anything, other than what normally happens in societies when the population demographics change. This is likely already being seen with the large, pro Palestinian protesting, especially on college campuses.
A handful of groups, led by Aipac, have been a powerful force in American politics – but has Israel’s war in Gaza changed the equation?
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz served in the National Guard for 24 years, rising through the enlisted ranks and receiving an honorable discharge
If an R had the same 2+ decades long record serving his country honorably in the national guard, he would be seen as a devoted patriot.
instead, they bash him….because 24 years wasn’t enough, while the president they worship, uses his rich family’s influence to pay a doctor to lie and claim young Donald Trump had “bone spurs” to excuse him from the draft.
Dear Rs:
This is a counter productive twisting of facts to turn a man’s 24 years of service to our country into dirt because he didn’t do 25+ and because he’s a D.
making this about personal attacks, like their leader does instead of policy is why the Rs I’ll lose.
If an R had the same 2+ decades long record serving his country honorably in the national guard, he would be seen as a devoted patriot.
instead, they bash him….because 24 years wasn’t enough, while the president they worship, used his rich family’s influence to pay a doctor to lie and claim young Donald Trump had “bone spurs” to excuse him from the draft.
Dear Rs:
This is a counter productive twisting of facts to turn a man’s 24 years of service to our country into dirt because he didn’t do 25+ and because he’s a D.
making this about personal attacks, like your leader does instead of policy is why the Rs will lose.
You all can spin this very odd duck any way you want. You cam never ask or harris adman question or examine their past. Go right ahead and then be surprise when you open up your present. You are going to the most extreme to candidates in history and ou will deserve them. And when they come for you or even when they come for your 10 year son and cut his nuts off and push abortion issue even further than killing full developed babies who you gonna call
Thanks mcfarm,
Im your friend, trying to help you.
This is NOT the way to get others to see your points.
It plays well with fellow, really angry, far right MAGA people, which is what you get when you hang out with and use sources that are really angry, far right MAGA people.
I totally get why people want to surround themselves with messages they want to believe in.
We all do that, including me at times.
And I welcome EVERY OPINION that you have here.
But make no mistake, there are just not enough MAGA people to win a general election.
The economy, inflation, the southern border, our energy delivery system, wars…….stuff like that.
You will NOT generate non MAGA votes by attacking a persons 24 years of service to our country in the National Guard. It’s more likely that you will LOSE VOTES WITH THIS TACTIC.
Im not discouraging you from venting on this here. This is potentially good, when reasoned thinking is allowed to enter the discussion because of it!
Again, I am providing good advice as a friend NOT a foe.
well look, Tim Walz finally admitted he lied about carrying guns in war. Not only about not showing up, he even lied about what he did not do. "I will not be swift boated" he gloated. I did not lie he said. They are trying to take my valor. His superiors all testified to this mans character and yet some come running here to defend this behavior about his service and try to blame those evil R's for trying to get the truth out to the voting public. And what did they get for that. Well just every so called member of the main stream jumping to cover this fraud of a person. You know who you are and what you tried to do with the truth. Lord knows you will never apologize and call Walz out like he should of been on day 1 , just like you rarely call Harris out. Its shame, a total shame.
But even with his admission he just had to lie even more stating it was "in artful English" and he did not really mean what he clearly said, repeated many times, and then had the audacity to blame others for calling him out.