Victor Davis Hanson
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Started by mcfarm - Aug. 9, 2024, 6:41 p.m.

on this mess the libs have caused with their unprecedented cheating

By metmike - Aug. 10, 2024, 12:35 p.m.
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Mike Rowe Takes Up CLASS WARFARE with Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It.

By metmike - Aug. 10, 2024, 12:37 p.m.
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"HE ASKED FOR IT" Victor Davis Hanson on Tim Walz' Meltdown

By metmike - Aug. 10, 2024, 12:49 p.m.
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I've said this before and will again, constantly bringing up "unprecedented cheating" or "stealing the election" or whatever verbiage the Rs and Trump want to use has cost them millions of votes.

More than any other specific issue.

Likely the difference between winning and losing this November.

But you guys can just keep doing it, over and over and over.

After you lose another election because of can claim there was cheating again to blame the loss on and you will be wrong again. 

And there will be nobody but the Rs and Trump to blame for it. 

I say this as YOUR FRIEND and somebody analyzing the authentic facts. I know that people in general love to hear reasons for why they lost that blame somebody other than themselves.

But people have the ability to learn lessons and make adjustments to thinking and behavior...........if they want to.

In religion and politics..........people prefer to base their belief systems ON FAITH.

By mcfarm - Aug. 10, 2024, 4:09 p.m.
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MM, as I have said a thousand times why do you jump right over the Russian hoax, the fisa hoax, the laptop hoax the hundred other tricks they pulled on Trump. If you think this entire mess was not cheating I feel for you. They all, everyone, cost Trump votes. And yet you continue to ignore the hoax fest they pulled when it comes to the election.

And now we have a candidate who received not a single vote in the primaries and the guy who got 14 million cannot be found. Presumed to still be in the WH with others running the office. This may be the hoax of all hoaxes.