Hurricane Ernesto coming this week
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Started by metmike - Aug. 12, 2024, 8:07 a.m.

No threat to the US,

By metmike - Aug. 13, 2024, 11:40 a.m.
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By WxFollower - Aug. 14, 2024, 12:56 p.m.
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Now a hurricane, which will threaten Bermuda as possibly a major H.

 After that, it could threaten Canada, especially Newfoundland.

 This will be a solid ACE (accumulated cyclone energy) producer when all is said and done. Current ATL ACE is in low 40s, a whopping 3 times the avg for the date!

By metmike - Aug. 14, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
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Thanks, Larry!

Surf and rip currents possible along the East Coast in a few days.

By metmike - Aug. 15, 2024, 10:01 p.m.
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This week marks the 55th anniversary of Hurricane Camille…a category 5 storm at landfall and one of the most devastating in US history

Rainfall amounts of more than 26 inches occurred in the mountain slopes between Charlottesville and Lynchburg, Virginia in a 12-hour period.  Nelson County, Virginia recorded 27 inches of rain with reports that the rain was so heavy there were birds drowning in trees.  [A post-storm “reanalysis” by NOAA suggests over 30 inches of rain fell in as little as eight hours in some spots].  Survivors recall a night between the 19th and 20th of August that was filled with thunderstorm after thunderstorm and lightning so fierce “it was like daylight and the lightning didn’t flash, the sky just literally stayed lit”.  A total of nearly 3800 landslides were calculated within Nelson County, Virginia alone using LiDAR scans and 123 of the 153 fatalities in the state during this storm took place in this particular county. After Camille, the landscape had changed so much that topographical maps were obsolete.  To this day, hillsides still remain bare with exposed rock where mudslides ravaged and stripped the forest away.  The rainfall tripled the state of Virginia’s record and has not been broken since. (Credit to Jason Elliott (NWS, Sterling, VA) for much of the information on Camille and its impact on Nelson County, Virginia).


Final Notes

 Hurricane Camille will always be remembered as one of the most devastating storms in US history and one of only four category 5 hurricanes to strike the US. In addition to Hurricane Camille and the 1935 Labor Day hurricane, there have been two other category 5 hurricanes to make landfall in the US and both took place after 1969.  Hurricane Andrew struck the southeastern part of Florida in August of 1992 and Hurricane Michael made landfall in October of 2018 across the panhandle region of Florida. In the case of Hurricane Michael, category 5 status did not come until months later when a “reanalysis” by NOAA increased its winds by 5 mph at landfall near Mexico Beach and Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida compared to the original operational estimate and this increase pushed the storm into category 5 territory. Similarly, the 1935 Labor Day hurricane was not actually classified as a category 5 until many years later as official classifications did not even begin until the early 1970’s.


Meteorologist Paul Dorian