US Fighting 'Four Cold Wars' at the Same Time
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Started by metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 2:54 p.m.

US Fighting 'Four Cold Wars' at the Same Time—Iran Expert


The NATO war in Ukraine was caused by Joe Biden's decision to stop negotiations with Russia BEFORE the war. It was 100% avoidable.

The extent of the one in the Middle East is Netanyahu's fault, with our politicians at home not just being enablers but  making the massive bombs/jets and giving a standing ovation to this war criminal when he spoke to Congress last month.

By metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 4:31 p.m.
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China got 'very dramatic' after the US military flew a new missile system out to the Western Pacific, ally says


Counterproductive to our relationship!

How would we react if China did this off of our West Coast?

People making these really bad decisions live in their own military-industrial-political- media complex worlds that can't dial in common sense, wise decision making.

Peace thru strength is a bs expression when it's abused with inflammatory displays like this. 

Sadly, many of our decision makers are NOT trained in peace making diplomacy or having amicable relationships with adversaries. Instead, they come from the school of strategies to win wars............sending out inflammatory vibes in order to try to intimidate adversaries and prepare for war (instead of preparing for peace).

There's many times and places for that.

This is NOT one of them!