If she keeps Merritt Garland on as A.G..
do not know about worse but certainly shown himself to be incompetent, political, ignorant of the constitution or even what its about. Just think he was a libs dream for the supreme court a couple years back.
By metmike - Feb. 17, 2024, 4:43 p.m.
Just in case you think we could go to Net-Zero oil any time soon:
Life without petroleum based products: 6,000 products made with petroleum. Killing Coal. Fossil fuels and fertilizer. Biden praises high gasoline prices.
https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/84689/ 2022
National Climate Emergency?????????!!!!!!!!!!!
By metmike - Aug. 12, 2024, 10:09 p.m.
Abundant Energy Makes The World Better | Bjorn Lomborg
National Climate Emergency??????????!!!!!!!!!!!
By metmike - Aug. 1, 2024, 9:45 a.m.
40 responses |
Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.
Climate science has been hijacked for a political agenda, crony capitalism, media sensationalism/activism/ratings and misinformed but sincere environmentalists.
Just a reminder, metmike is a practicing environmentalist(and objective/independent atmospheric scientist).
Most life on earth is experiencing the best weather/climate and CO2 conditions since humans existed. Yes, it's a bit warmer, there is slightly more water vapor in the air that causes heavy rains to be +.07/inch compared to 100 years ago.
Oceans are rising at just over an inch per decade and some hurricanes can see faster strengthening.
However, the authentic science couldn't be more clear. The warming has been mostly beneficial and the increase in the beneficial gas, CO2 from fossil fuels has been MASSIVELY beneficial.
We should be giving fossil fuel companies, that have allowed billions of humanity to escape poverty by supplying cheap, reliable energy and the production of many thousands of products that make our lives so productive and enjoyable......a special award recognizing their profound, unique, irreplaceable contribution. A bigger positive contribution overall to humanity/society than ANY OTHER ITEM or industry IN HISTORY By an extremely wide margin!
Instead we have a large faction of corrupt, scientifically ignorant, politically possessed people DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!
These people are exactly what's wrong with society. Taking something REALLY, REALLY GOOD AND TRASHING IT. TRYING TO PERSONALLY BENEFIT FROM DESTROYING IT FOR THEIR POLITICAL AGENDA And self serving interests.
We call on the Department of Justice to investigate the crimes of the fossil fuel industry. Victims and survivors of the industry-caused climate crisis deserve justice.
Over 10,000 members of Public Citizen and Chesapeake Climate Action Network including over 1,000 survivors of climate disasters.
This reads/sounds exactly like an article from the satirical Babylon Bee. BUT IT'S REAL!
Liberal In Private Jet Upset As He Looks Down And Sees All The Cows Causing Climate Change
Climate · Jul 1, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
The saddest part is that dishonest, biased liberal scientists (that are the vast majority of scientists) who the world should be able to trust for objective, authentic science…..have betrayed us and the scientific method.
This is most clear by noting their 1 sided cherry picking, using extreme scenarios, speculative models and almost never providing authentic scientific balance.
just political advocacy masked as science.
I strongly Contend, with evidence that the benefits are greater than the harm.
For example, the increase in CO2, by itself is increasing global food production for humans and many other creatures by 27%.
If we went back to the old climate and CO2 from a century ago, around 2 billion humans would starve within 3 years based on the science of photosynthesis.
Cold still kills 10 times more people than heat on this planet and cold kills 200+ times more life than heat.
most people on the left would have their heads explode if they found out the truth.
much of the western world has been indoctrinated into a fake climate crisis cult.
when a person like me, an atmospheric scientist for 42 years PROVES all these things with data and authentic science, we get attacked, vilified as evil, anti environmentalists and shunned as deniers……an offensive term to equate our position with the mindset of Holocaust deniers.
And you’re not even an AGW “denier”, regardless.
Thanks, Larry!
Glad you mentioned that.
Actually, what makes it especially bad is that there are millions of REAL deniers that don't believe that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that heats up the planet.
Like with everything else, it seems people gravitate to extremes.
The majority of people don't understand the climate enough to figure it out themselves, so they go to sources that tell them what they want to believe.
One side wants to believe we are destroying the planet from burning fossil fuels and they go to sources that tell them that.
The other UNEDUCATED side wants to believe CO2 isn't doing anything bad, so they go to places that tell them the warming is all natural and not from the increase in CO2 from ~290 ppm to ~423 ppm up around 4 ppm from 1 year ago.
Sort of like how people are shifting to more extremes in politics and becoming more divided. In fact climate science IS MORE POLITICS THAN SCIENCE the way that its being practiced.
This is loony. We are learning more and more and have much more to learn about the climate but the majority of people only accept information that confirms what they think they know and reject everything else.......SO THERE IS NO LEARNING.
You only learn when you run into something authentic that you didn't know..........and store that as knowledge in your brain.
You totally get this, Larry!
You're one of the the most analytical, scientifically(and otherwise) open minded people that I know.