Kennedy is a complete nut job but his fatal flaw is the permanent damage to his voice box.
Do you think that if Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan with their gifted charisma and speaking skills would have ever become president if they sounded like him?
Even if he was not a nut job, unfortunately, listening to him speak is not an appealing endeavor.
Regardless, he deserves a tremendous amount of credit and respect for refusing to let this extreme speaking handicap stop him from competing in a field where voice quality is everything!
Hat's off to him for that!
A handful of studies have documented psychosocial factors and quality of life impairments in those with spasmodic dysphonia. Many individuals with SD feel that their voices don’t accurately portray emotions, personality, and competence. Individuals experience physical, emotional, and functional losses including emotional distress, loss of job or salary, forced career change, reduced social participation, and negative changes in personal relationships due to spasmodic dysphonia.
These findings highlight the importance of education, counseling, and expansion of treatment options for the SD population, in addition to the need for further research
one rumor has him as AG and another has him as another has him CIA director both working for Trump.
Aside from being an anti-vaxer nutjob, he has now shown himself to be a whore. (pardon my French)
First, he approaches Harris about dropping out and endorsing her in return for a cabinet post in her administration. Harris, wisely doesn't even meet with him to discuss it. Then, he reaches out to Trump to endorse him in exchange for a position.
So basically, RFK jr is for sale.
Most likely due to RFK dropping out and likely endorsing Trump, Harris’ lead of ~13 for most of 8/18-19 has dropped to only ~4.
Thanks Larry!
Harris was dropping even before this:
However, I think Kennedy's appeal lines up much more with Rs on several issues.
There is just no way that Harris could ever embrace an anti vax nut case in the D party.
While an anti COVID vax position actually defines the far right Rs!!
Also, Kennedy has shifted right on climate change which would never work for the Harris administration.
So it's more than what you stated. I think that Kennedy, sincerely wants to have a positive impact in our country, representing something he feels strongly about. God help us if its related to vaccines!
There is NO WAY he could fit in with Harris. Too many of his key positions contrast. It actually makes much better sense for him to do something with Trump. Again, God help us if its related to vaccines.
Maybe he can take Anthony Fauci's job
The scary thing is that the far right Rs would be celebrating!
Mike said:
“Thanks Larry!
Harris was dropping even before this:”
Hey Mike,
What about the possibility that RFK info leaked out early allowing many bettors to sell Harris and/or buy Trump shares? Also, the sharpest part of the change seemed to start just when it was hitting the airwaves.
That's possible.
The wonderful speech that Harris gave last night reversed that Trend.
I disagree. There was a couple of % of non Ds, NOT Kamala Harris voters deciding between Trump and RFK that will go with Trump now.
An advocacy group founded by former vice president Mike Pence has warned Donald Trump against giving Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a potential new administration job because of his "looney" left-wing views.
Interesting that the Pence group agrees with the left on RFK being loony but their reasoning is the exact opposite.... that RFK lines up too much with "loony left-wing views!!
Another example of how extreme the political divide is in this country right now...........and GETTING WORSE!
The question is no longer "will it take a toll on our country?" but now, "how will we prevent the political divide crisis from destroying our country?"
Make no mistake. The worse it continues to get, the more severe the consequences. We already have a COLD Civil War taking place with most people aligning more and more to THEIR side by going only to sources that tell them what they want to be true........THEIR side is always right and all the news is twisted like a pretzel so the interpretation comes out pro left or pro right.
Why would somebody be motivated to go to sources from both sides, if they align with 1 side in today's world of echo chambers?
I watch Fox AND CNN AND listen to NPR. When watching them on tv, I can't help but verbalize and correct bs to my poor wife FROM BOTH SIDES. Her comment (because she thinks like a normal person) is always "Then why do you watch them if you disagree so much???"
And my comment every time is: "That's exactly WHY I watch them. To know what they are saying and why so that I understand both sides as much as possible because sometimes, 1 side has it right and other's the other side.
How can you know, if you only go to 1 side???
It's actually just practicing the scientific method and applying it to politics, then posting/sharing the results of the objective investigations here at MarketForum.
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Re: Re: Quoteoftheday October 2022
By metmike - Oct. 7, 2022, 12:05 p.m.
Neither political party has a franchise on the truth.
If you believe one party all the will believe in lies some ofthe time.
"The trick is being able to tell the difference between the truth and the lies, then picking the truth from BOTH parties and rejecting their lies.
This has never happened before!!! We certainly live in interesting times!
Both Kennedy and Gabert would help Trump on the campaign tour........but please just keep them out of policy decisions and administration jobs that relate to policy
The same day, at a rally in Henderson, Nevada, Trump said that RFK Jr. would "work on health, and women's health" in his administration.
"I told Bobby, 'Bobby, I want you to take care of health, I want you to look at the food and the food supply and all sorts,'" the former President said.
Just great, an anti vaccine(ALL vaccines, not just COVID) conspiracy theory nut job in charge of health.