Southern border CRISIS
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Started by metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:33 a.m.

On Thursday,  Harris announced her border agenda for the 4 years of  her presidency.

She  will continue the southern border crisis as part of her agenda. Pushing a horrible border bill that locks in a crisis and tries to trick us because  its slightly less bad compared to the current crisis.

Twisting the interpretation like a pretzel to claim that TRUMP is the one obstructing her and the Ds from fixing the border and that their bill is the one that will fix it............NOT TRUMP.

This topic deserves it's own thread, as opposed to just comments under another thread so that MarketForum readers will be informed with facts.

To repeat: metmike is for GREATLY increasing LEGAL immigration, with a path to citizenship for ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and greatly reducing the ILLEGAL immigration that's causing this major crisis.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:35 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: DNC ‘24                       

                By metmike - Aug. 23, 2024, 12:13 p.m.                       


Now for a reality check and THE TRUTH about this really, REALLY bad border policy that has been falsely framed as a good solution, bipartisan and only blocked because of Trump. NOT!

Senate Republicans block border security bill as they campaign on border chaos

Nearly every GOP senator, along with six Democrats, voted to filibuster a bipartisan bill designed to crack down on migration and reduce border crossings.


The first obvious question that people using critical thinking would ask:

1. How did Donald Trump control 6 Ds that voted against the bill?

2. The 2nd one is, did people actually read and understand the bill?  if so then they wouldn't need to believe the lies about this being an effective way to control illegal immigration. THIS IS NO FIX!

3. I covered this previously but am extremely glad that you brought this up again, Larry so we can elaborate more on the actual bill.

An Analysis of the Senate Border Bill                                    

The Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act (H. R. 815)

What We Really Need at the Border 

The changes proposed to border and asylum policy in this bill can be over-simplified into two principles:

  • Making it harder for people to be allowed to start the asylum process upon entering the U.S.; and
  • Making that process itself faster.  

Notably, this bill would not stop anyone from being allowed to set foot on U.S. soil. It would not, therefore, do anything to bring down “the numbers” on its own. The bill’s proponents hope instead that it will reduce the number of people who are allowed to stay in the U.S. outside of immigration custody, and therefore, through word of mouth, reduce the number of people trying to come to begin with.

What we have seen, time and time again, is that adding additional penalties or complications to the process for asylum seekers once they arrive in the U.S. immiserates those asylum seekers without having a lasting impact on overall border arrivals. This is especially true when the process is made longer and less certain, contributing to bottlenecks throughout the system including dangerous border overcrowding.

What is instead needed is a way to resolve these cases quickly and certainly—taking months, not years—without railroading claimants. This bill takes steps in that direction, but overwhelms them with the imposition of an opaque emergency authority, which would undermine any deterrent effect by providing inconsistent outcomes to people attempting to enter the U.S. without warning or rationale.

Efficiency also can’t go so far as to fully sacrifice any meaningful, independent review of decisions. Making a process quicker does not require cutting corners on due process.

The U.S. can’t solve a global displacement crisis just by deporting people to other parts of the world. Cooperation with other countries on migration management to support people in their home countries and in countries they settle in is not a nice-to-have or a long-term goal, it is an essential part of any plan—especially one that expects Mexico and other countries to shoulder the responsibility for taking deportees from other countries.


The Good — and a Lot of Bad — in the Senate Border ‘Deal’

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:38 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Re: DNC ‘24                       

                By metmike - Aug. 23, 2024, 12:40 p.m.            


The bill is something like 400 pages long and probably confusing to many people but let me use an analogy for understanding one of the BAD elements in it.

This does NOT fix the broken system at all, it basically REDEFINES what broken is. Making some things better, some tings even worse.

One aspect of it is like this: It would be like a major city, experiencing all time record crime rates across the board coming up with this plan to "fix" it.

1. Law enforcement, will no longer enforce laws until crime reaches a certain, EXCESSIVE level each day. Only after that  excessive level threshold has been exceeded will cops be sent out to enforce laws and arrest the criminals.

Crime is no longer a crime based on an ABSOLUTE definition of crime. The NEW DEFINITION of a crime is based on a set of thresholds. When exceeded, a crime is committed. Before then, the same crimes are NOT crimes and will be tolerated as acceptable. So the bottom line is for criminals, to commit crimes early in the day, BEFORE the threshold is reached because the new law makes those crimes NOT crimes.

So criminals committing crime BEFORE the threshold is reached are treated differently than criminals AFTER the crime threshold is exceeded. 

This is an extremely bad policy. There are numerous other bad parts (a few good) to this NON fix. If Donald Trump was never born, it wouldn't make it any better.

The Ds and MSM have colluded for damage control and the blame for the current border crisis.......which is mostly the result of the current Biden/Harris administration.

They've take a complete border disaster policy from people causing it and FALSELY reframed it as people(Ds)  that actually are trying to fix it but being blocked by President Trump.

Complete donkey dung!

I am for increasing legal immigration and greatly despise President Trump but would NEVER vote for this bill and absurdly blame the lack of passage on Trump. 

These lies actually make me WANT TO vote for Trump to make sure that extremely deceptive Harris, who yesterday made it clear that passing THIS EXACT bill is part of her agenda.


Thanks again for bringing this up. There are many tens of millions of Americans that have been led to believe that this bill would fix the border crisis.

Other comments encouraged here!



                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: DNC ‘24                        

                By cutworm - Aug. 23, 2024, 4:29 p.m.            


"This does NOT fix the broken system at all, it basically REDEFINES what broken is."

Exactly right

If they really wanted to fix the problem, they already have the tools. it was getting better with the Trump policies. Especially the remain in Mexico and getting the Mexicans to guard the boarder.                                   


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:38 a.m.
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                 DNC ‘24                        

                By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 7:55 a.m.            


A week ago, Harris announced her plans for the economy that included price fixing. Maybe this is nothing but a political marketing scheme to generate votes with no intentions of implementing such a disastrous policy but she announced that as part of her platform. Just the fact that she's using advisors telling her this is a good idea is EXTREMELY concerning to me when it comes to her economic advisors. 

On Thursday, she revealed that, if elected she will actually try to push this HORRIBLE border bill thru. This is even MORE scary than price fixing. MUCH, MUCH more scary.

Her administration owns 3.5 years of the most catastrophically bad border policies in our nations history, and the D party, trying to escape the accountability they rightfully deserve, have instead, manufactured a FAKE REALITY to Americans that, unbelievably features THEM trying to fix the border and Rs trying to stop them because they were ordered by Trump to keep the border broken, so that he can fix it!

Lies in politics are accepted as part of politicians scheming to trick people into voting for them but this one belongs in the Hall of Fame for galactic lies. And it's obviously working to the point of Harris, making it part of her platform on Thursday!!

This needs to be exposed ASAP.  It would result in codifying a broken border policy into law and NOT fixing it. No wonder Harris was a complete failure to our country in her key role as Biden's key person managing the southern border because, as she made crystal clear on Thursday, the border crisis is actually part of her INTENTIONAL agenda. Pretending that Trump caused it and the Ds are all about fixing it ranks right at the top for biggest lies in political history. 

Analysis of the Senate Border Bill

(An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 815)

By CISon May 28, 2024

Download a PDF of this fact sheet

  • Proponents of the Senate border bill contends “it would have overhauled our asylum laws ... and given the President new authorities to close the border”.
  • In reality, it would codify into law the very Biden administration border-migrant release policies that have been driving the migrant catastrophe at the Southwest border for the last 39 months, and make it much more difficult for a future administration to secure the border.
  • Border Patrol apprehensions at the Southwest border soared from just over 400,000 in FY 2020 to more than 2.2 million in FY 2022, a 450 percent increase in two years. The number of known “got-aways” — aliens who evaded apprehension to enter the United States illegally — rose from an average of less than 150,000 in the 11-year period between FY 2010 and FY 2020 to more than 670,000 in FY 2023.
  • In a March 2023 order, federal district court Judge T. Kent Wetherell II rejected DHS’s argument that “geopolitical factors” like “climate change” and poverty are driving this border surge, concluding instead that this “crisis” is occurring now because administration officials have:

    effectively incentivized what they call “irregular migration” ... by establishing policies and practices that all-but-guaranteed that the vast majority of aliens arriving at the Southwest Border who were not excluded under the Title 42 Order would not be detained and would instead be quickly released into the country where they would be allowed to stay ... while their asylum claims were processed or their removal proceedings ran their course.

  • Rather than reversing those “policies and practices”, the bill instead reverses existing statutory mandates requiring DHS to detain inadmissible “applicants for admission” (including illegal migrants) and rewrites the immigration laws to give DHS unfettered authority to release any alien who “indicates an intention to apply for” asylum — based solely on purely subjective “operational circumstances” — and actually mandates their release.
  • That provision of the bill (section 3141) would create a purely one-sided process allowing USCIS asylum officers (AOs) to adjudicate those aliens’ asylum claims following non-adversarial interviews that lack the protections current procedures (overseen by immigration judges — “IJs” — in removal proceedings) include to ensure that aliens are not improperly granted asylum, a status that places the asylee on a path to citizenship.
  • Proponents contend this process would speed asylum adjudications, but such improvements are likely illusory. Current law already requires IJs to adjudicate those claims within 180 days, but Biden’s migrant releases have so overwhelmed the courts that this goal is unattainable — except in cases in which aliens are detained.
  • That provision would, however, speed the issuance of employment authorizations to those aliens, creating a “jobs magnet” drawing more aliens to enter illegally.
  • Separately, the bill rewrites DHS’s general alien arrest and release authority in section 236(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to allow the department to release any alien stopped at the border on the alien’s own recognizance.
  • The Center has long argued — and Judge Wetherell specifically found — that the current section 236(a) language does not permit such releases, but that has not stopped the administration from releasing nearly 313,000 illegal migrants apprehended at the Southwest border using that purported power in the first seven months of FY 2024 alone. This amendment simply codifies and blesses the administration’s present improper use of this release authority.
  • The bill also makes cosmetic changes to the low “credible fear” bar millions of migrants and smugglers have exploited to enter the United States illegally, but as the Center has explained, that amendment fails to raise, let alone fix, that screening standard. In fact, it arguably lowers the standard, which will itself allow for millions of new abuses of our humanitarian protections.
  • The bill would facilitate the hiring of additional Border Patrol agents, but also imposes new “training” requirements on current agents, requiring them to receive “relevant cultural, societal, racial, and religious training, including cross-cultural communication skills”. Agents are already overworked, and it’s questionable whether they need such instruction.
  • The bill would create “emergency” authority allowing the president to expel illegal migrants once CBP Southwest border encounters reach 4,000 per day, and mandate expulsions when encounters reach 8,500 per day or there is a seven-day average of 5,000 encounters. This “5,000 per-day” limit, however, is riddled with loopholes and sunsets that undermine any effectiveness the concept may have had.
  • More saliently, however, this proposal signals a concession that 5,000 apprehensions per day (1.825 million per year) is an acceptable level of illegal immigration. In the 13-year period between FY 2007 and FY 2019, agents apprehended on average 1,354 illegal migrants per day — just 27 percent of what this “emergency authority” would allow. This proposal far exceeds historical averages.
  • Most critically, however, this bill would make it much more difficult for a future administration to gain “operational control” of the Southwest border, because as noted, the amendments erase detention mandates the Supreme Court has recognized currently bar migrant releases, opening the door to thousands of frivolous “habeas” suits filed by border aliens seeking release into the United States.

Topics: Biden Border Crisis

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:40 a.m.
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                Re:  DNC ‘24            

                            By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:14 a.m.                       

Kamala Harris won’t fix Biden’s open border — she doesn’t even think illegal immigration is a crime


This was discussed in detail previously here but it needs to remain, actively discussed before the election because:

1. It's a serious LEGIT CRISIS

2. A key personal responsible for the CRISIS, is running for president.

3. Harris is not only pretending she played no role in causing the crisis(looking the other way to intentionally allow it), she now has the audacity to propose 4 more years of the crisis with a horrible bill  that actually solidifies a border crisis as an accepted US policy moving forward.

4. She/Ds are actually blaming Trump, of all people for the crisis!!! There is no topic that showcases the difference between Harris and Trump than the southern border crisis. The facts show indisputably that Trumps policies were much more effective and were working. When Biden/Harris reversed those policies to intentionally CAUSE THE CRISIS, they made it clear who they are on this topic. Now, Harris is promoting another version of those miserably failed  border crisis policies (because THEY WANT THIS) that would lock in another 4 years of a border crisis.........and pretending like it's a fix!!!


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:44 a.m.
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                Re: Re:  Immaculate Kamala          

                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 6:27 a.m.            


The current administration has the audacity to try to bamboozle Americans into believing their border policies were a success.

Give me a break on the twisted interpretation of the Rs rejecting a (greatly flawed) bill that would have supposedly fixed the border.

Border data shows how Biden-Harris admin stacks up against Trump on immigration

President Biden's first year in office saw border crossings rise over 400% after succeeding Trump


But this is Fox News, they must be distorting the facts to target Biden/Harris, right?


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:46 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re:  Immaculate Kamala            


                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 6:42 a.m.            


Ten Graphics That Explain the U.S. Struggle With Migrant Flows in 2022


Spurred on by worsening economic and political crises across Latin America, migration to the United States reached record levels in 2022. Here’s a look at the year’s major immigration stories.


Migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border hit a record high at the end of 2023

There has also been a sharp increase in encounters with citizens of China, despite its distance from the U.S.-Mexico border. The Border Patrol reported nearly 6,000 encounters with Chinese citizens at the southwestern border in December 2023, up from around 900 a year earlier.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:47 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Re:  Immaculate Kamala                        

                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 6:58 a.m.            


STARTLING STATS FACTSHEET: Biden Administration on Track to Reach 10 Million Encounters Nationwide Before End of Fiscal Year


Not to worry, folks!

Biden just fixed the problem, ahead of the election and now Harris is claiming to be part of the fix, instead of the worst  in history and not really the cause of the crisis(the truth).

How Biden’s new order to halt asylum at the US border is supposed to work

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:48 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Immaculate Kamala                       

                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 7:23 a.m.                        

Listen to Kamala lie her arse off about the border and her role!              

Up is down and down is up with her manufactured reality!

According to her, she is an aggressive, effective leader in controlling illegal immigration with experience and a track record and Donald Trump is just words. 

Anybody with a few objective brain cells, along with the authentic data knows that she is blatantly lying. 

I'll prove it on the next page!


      Kamala Harris addresses immigration, border control at Atlanta rally | FOX 5 News


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:50 a.m.
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                  Immaculate Kamala       

                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 7:36 a.m.                        

The Ds insist that Kamala was never in charge of the border.

Wanna bet???  Here's the TRUTH:

Mar 24, 2021 - Politics & Policy

Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis

President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday.


Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on southern border

The vice president is expected to focus on both curbing the current flow of migrants and coordinating with countries in the region to address the root causes of migration.


Biden taps VP Harris to lead response to border challenges

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.

Biden made the announcement as he and Harris met at the White House on Wednesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandra Mayorkas and other immigration advisers to discuss the increase in migrants, including many unaccompanied minors, arriving at the border in recent weeks.


Kamala Harris Utterly Failed To Address The Border Crisis Her Administration Created


The Southern Border was probably THE biggest crisis in the United States during this current administration. If she is a catastrophic failure, being in charge of this 1 area, how can she possibly do an effective job being in charge of EVERYTHING?


Now, her blind cheerleaders are blatantly lying about the fact proven above:

The View’s Whoopi Goldberg reads from notecard claiming ‘Kamala Harris was never the ‘border czar”



White House doubles down on claims VP Harris was never 'border czar'

Fox News' Peter Doocy grilled White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over recent claims that Vice President Kamala Harris never served as "border czar" on Thursday.

Politics Executive Branch White House


Harris was never 'border czar,' experts say, despite Republican claims

Op-ed: Yes, Kamala Harris Ran Biden’s Utterly Disastrous Efforts To Increase Mass Migration

The president of the United States assigned Kamala Harris to ‘lead the effort’ of the administration’s signature border security strategy.

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kay, fine: Vice President Kamala Harris never held an official government title called “border czar.” But the media fact checkers and partisan fans who have zeroed in on separating her from that euphemistic title — as though this silly contest over rhetoric absolves her of responsibility for the worst mass migration crisis in American history — does not cut the anchor line.  

The president of the United States assigned Harris to “lead the effort” of the administration’s signature border security strategy, the main one he chose above all others, for ending mass illegal immigration over the southern border. That strategy was to alleviate the so-called “root causes” spurring outmigration from its most common sources — Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, also known as the Northern Triangle.

The president and his top lieutenants regarded the root-causes doctrine — which calls for nation-building to induce aspiring emigrants to stay home instead — as central to his entire border-management strategy and found Harris a highly willing, eager root causes chief.

. . .

So whether you can call her “border czar” or just the person in charge of the administration’s main policy approach to the border, Harris must still answer for her contribution to the worst border crisis in American history that she aided and abetted in office.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:51 a.m.
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                Re: Immaculate Kamala                        

                By WxFollower - Aug. 2, 2024, 8:35 a.m.            


 I’ve said several times that one of the biggest weaknesses, if not THE biggest weakness, of the Biden-Harris team is ineffective border policy. No question about it in my mind. However, that wouldn’t even come close to getting me to vote for Trump. I still don’t see anything that will get me to vote for him, especially after how he handled the 2020 election results and 1/6/21. Not that I considered voting for him before since he has always been way too divisive for my liking, but that pretty much sealed the deal for good. Furthermore, he had a chance to turn a new leaf with his convention speech after the shooting. But after a good start, he fumbled the ball to the other team, who took it in for a TD.

 I’ll go a step further and say that I could never see myself supporting anybody else after doing a similar thing with election results.

 A vote from me for Harris would have virtually nothing to do with how good I think she did as VP as nothing stands out as being good. The main thing that stands out is that she’s the main “not Trump” candidate.


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:52 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                        

                By mcfarm - Aug. 2, 2024, 9:58 a.m.           

yes Larry I am right there with ya. To think you hate 1 person so much as to actually vote for the complete and utter demise of the last great hope for this place we call earth makes perfect common sense. If you really think KH is qualified to do anything a President should be doing well, good luck with that. Mean while if our pretend media would just do their jobs and simply put KH thru an elementary vetting process this debate would of been over before it started,


By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:54 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                        

                By metmike - Aug. 2, 2024, 11:57 a.m.            


Thanks much Larry,

I read you extremely loud and clear and completely respect that position for the very justified reasons that you mention.

I was already getting fed up with Trump near the end of his last term. After what Trump did following the 2020 election, I spent forever on MarketForum exposing the truth about it to people who are still convinced the election was stolen and denouncing him. I was 99% sure that I could never vote for him and almost as sure that people would never support him after that.

He is everything that you stated and so much worse:

                Trump  7-26-24            

                            Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.    


Boy, was I ever wrong about him being supported by the R party. I wish it were almost anybody but him. 

But it is him and Biden/Harris just happened.

So for me, at least it's almost a toss up for who is not just the worst between them but who is the worst in the history of presidential elections and who is the 2nd worst in presidential elections. 

I greatly disliked Hillary and McCain(stay in Iraq until the job is done=forever) but they actually don't look quite as bad as these 2.


If it were not intentional, Biden/the Ds would not have had policies to encourage it for 3+ years, then suddenly do something, that he could have done anytime ahead of the election to claim he fixed it.  

That's what scares me the most. THIS WAS CLEARLY INTENTIONAL! NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. In order to permanently boost the power of the future D party, which it will do with 100% certainty.

I explain here, exactly why they are doing it:

                                                            By metmike - April 20, 2024, 9:51 a.m.            


In 2030, when the new census comes out and COUNTS ILLEGAL CITIZENS for redistributing the apportionment of representation, the Ds will increase their representation in Congress via the US Constitution. Even though illegals will not have the right to vote, they live in D strongholds and the census will apportion those strong holds with additional representatives because of the higher population.  This is a huge reason that Ds have been gushing in illegal immigrants during the Biden administration. YES IT IS!

This is NOT speculation. It will happen in 2030!

Census in the Constitution

Importance of Apportionment    

Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that an apportionment of representatives among the states must be carried out every 10 years. Therefore, apportionment is the original legal purpose of the decennial census, as intended by our Nation's Founders. Apportionment is the process of dividing the 435 memberships, or seats, in the U.S. House of Representatives among the 50 states, based on the state population counts that result from each decennial census.  The apportionment results will be the first data published from the 2020 Census, and those results will determine the amount of political representation each state will have in Congress for the next 10 years.



                Southern Border         

                            34 responses |               

                Started by metmike - Jan. 26, 2024, 11:57 p.m.    


So just this fact by itself makes me wonder what is worse between what Trump tried to do and failed at (to try to maintain power for another 4 years) and what Biden/Harris did AND WERE VERY SUCCESSFUL AT to maintain D power in our country.........forever. Read the facts above. Starting in 2030, when we do the next census and ALL THESE ILLEGALS GET COUNTED, the benefits for Ds will be PERMANENTLY REALIZED! There is no going back.

By metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:58 p.m.
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The MSM is completely covering for the Biden/Harris administration that INTENTIONALLY caused the border crisis during their entire administration. 

At first, they lied by insisting there was ono crisis.

Then, after admitting to the obvious crisis, they lied about what was causing it (them) and lied by telling us they were doing everything possible to manage it.

Then, they proposed a FAKE border fixing security bill which SHOULD NEVER PASS......EVER!

Lying to us again about it being a fix, then lying to us about Donald Trump ordering the Rs to reject this so called wonderful bill  so that he could fix the border, not the Ds and insanely, blame Donald Trump for the border crisis not being fixed!

I can't remember a crisis this bad, with massive negative impacts on our country that has been so covered up by message gatekeepers that know the truth. 

Maybe somebody can remind me of another one that is being overlooked.

I decided to compare this to Trump's diabolical attemps to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election that he lost, that peaked with his failed insurrection attempt on January 6, 2021.

No doubt this is comparing apples to oranges but the reality is that I want to compare REAL corruption by Trump/Rs with REAL corruption by Biden/Harris/Ds. 

We've had over 100 threads and 1,000+ posts here on the 2020 election big lie. 

No need to bring all those up, other than to mention that every challenge Trump made and every attempt to overturn the election failed extremely miserably. Never had a snowballs chance in hell to go anywhere as democracy easily prevailed. None of it got within the vicinity of the ballpark of the neighborhood close to succeeding. It was all dead in the water, despite his extraordinary, diabolical efforts to succeed and his ability to get millions of Americans to believe in it, including R politicians and Fox that colluded with his efforts.

We can see how well that went for Fox:

Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims


The border crisis has featured Ds INTENTIONALLY using policies/lack of enforcement to let in many millions of illegal immigrants. Biden/HARRIS was at the top using lies, corruption and abuse of power to create and sustain the crisis.

Unlike  what Trump did and failed miserably at, the Biden/Harris administration was very successful at perpetrating their diabolical scheme to flood the United States with millions of  illegal immigrants and what blows the mind, is that now they are convincing the country that THEY are the ones trying to fix it and Trump is stopping them. Harris just doubled down on that BIG LIE on Thursday by promising to bring back and pass the Fake border fixing bill.

So who did more damage to our country?

Trump's failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election that he lost or Biden/Harris, who are responsible for millions of illegal, unvetted people, some here to hurt the United States?



Biden/Harris have done an order of magnitude MORE damage with their immigration crisis.

Craziest of all is that instead of acknowledging it the Ds and MSM are covering it up. Claiming that Harris was not really a key person, with border security duties. SHE WAS A KEY PERSON, ALL THE FACTS SHOW!

Now, after 3.5 years of complete failure, Harris is insisting she's the person who will fix what her administration caused and outer limits crazy is that she says she'll bring back the Fake border fix bill that failed because IT'S NOT A FIX..........and claiming Trump is the one to blame for the border not getting fixed because he blocked the FAKE fix bill. 

Trump didn't stop that bill, even though he came out against it for solid reasoning. politicians with critical thinking and  an understanding of how horrible it was stopped it!

To blame Trump because he had an extremely legit opinion, against a horrible bill then and the same horrible bill Harris just told us, will define her southern border policy as president is delusional and extraordinarily dangerous to the future of this country.

We absolutely cannot go another 4 years with a Harris border crisis without suffering  increasing problems that right now are already doing great harm to the United States.

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 10:26 a.m.
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Oregon Plan Offers $30,000 to Help Migrants Buy Homes


I'm not against migrants or immigration and certainly not against helping less fortunate, good people..... just vehemently against  a continuing Biden/Harris BORDER CRISIS for another 4 years.


Kamala Harris Trails by 22 Points on Battleground's Big Issue: New Poll

Donald Trump has a 22-point lead over Kamala Harris in the key swing state of Michigan when registered voters were asked which candidate would be best at securing the border"according to a recent survey. On this subject 56 percent said they preferred Trump, against 34 percent for Harris.

The poll found that in a straight race between Harris and Trump in the Great Lake State the Democratic candidate led by 48 percent of the vote to 46 percent with likely voters, though a plurality said the Republican nominee would be better for "growing the economy" and "securing the border."


Biden Admin Sued by 16 GOP-Led States Over Immigrant Parole Program

In order to qualify for the program, immigrants must have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years continuously, have no disqualifying criminal record, pose no security threat and have been married to a U.S. citizen by June 17—the day before the program's announcement.


I like this plan a great deal! It creates LEGAL citizens that are vetted and with a very legit reason to live here!

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 11:01 a.m.
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DNC Platform Bill Aims to 'Permanently Increase' Immigration

As immigration is a key issue this election cycle, former President Donald Trumphas been hitting back at his Democratic opponent, taking a hard line on immigration.

Trump, who vowed before he took office in 2016 to build a "big, beautiful wall" at the U.S.-Mexico border, has promised a mass deportation of those who have no legal permission to be in the U.S. if he wins the 2024 election.


There are some good things in this bill that provide a path to citizenship for those in our country that deserve it.

With regards to Trump doing a mass deportation of illegal immigrants. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!


Migrants Go On Hunger Strike At U.S.-Mexico Border Detention Centers


This is actually one of the huge problems with our broken immigration disaster policies. These people deserve to be treated with basic rights as human beings...........but what gives them the right to come here illegally and get free stuff from tax paying CITIZENS of the United States?

There has to be strict limits and a functional process because the United States does not have room for the 100s of millions of poor people on this planet that would greatly prefer living here compared to their country.

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 3:58 p.m.
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The Cost of the Border Crisis
Testimony before the House Budget Committee

May 8, 2024
Chairman Arrington, Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to speak today on the
impact the border crisis is having on our nation.
My name is Julie Kirchner, and I am the Executive Director of FAIR, the Federation for American
Immigration Reform. With 45 years of experience and expertise, FAIR is a national nonprofit that seeks
to educate Americans on the impact of mass immigration and advocate for policies that serve our
national interests, not special interests.
For over three years now, Americans have been watching a

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 4:07 p.m.
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On the other side. We have this group saying almost the opposite. They make a few good points but are in denial of countless serious problems and twist EVERYTHING related to immigration, including illegal immigration into being a good thing.

Of course this came out BEFORE the border crisis was exposed and when you could still bamboozle more Americans with stuff like this.

15 Myths About Immigration Debunked

Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute offers nonpartisan facts in response to common myths about immigration

                By                                                       Carnegie Corporation of New York                                                September 27, 2021

By metmike - Aug. 26, 2024, 8:48 p.m.
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Why There's No Free Market for Labor in America | Opinion

The Employment Situation of Immigrants and the U.S.-Born in the Fourth Quarter of 2022

Immigrant workers up two million since 2019; U.S.-born workers down 1.9 million


By metmike - Aug. 28, 2024, 3:09 p.m.
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Harris imitates Trump with border wall ad, but backs softer bipartisan immigration bill: ‘Preposterous and false claim’


Oh my!

Watch the ad. This is one of the most insane distortions in political history.

We live in a world of manufactured realities. Just make up what you want people to think, despite it being the complete opposite of the real world or how a person has been their entire lives.

It would be like MLB, making a case for a player with a .175 batting average, no home runs, 9 RBIs, no stolen bases and the most errors on defense this year in the be on the All Star team because they made up their own stats about him. 

That would never happen because MLB players must EARN a spot on the team or in the hall of fame based on their performance and contributions.

Politicians don't need to earn anything via their positive contributions to this county.

Just devise the best marketing schemes. Generate the best political ads that make up traits and a history that doesn't need to exist in the real world. Make wonderful  promises that are worth used toilet paper. 

Get the MSM (or Fox) or celebrities or message gatekeepers that people follow to serve as your mouth piece/cheerleaders who elevate you and exploit peoples desire to be told things they want to hear/read.

Politics in the United States here in 2024!