Finally-a legit case against Trump!
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Started by metmike - Aug. 27, 2024, 8:02 p.m.

I have been insisting since the Supreme Court ruled a president can't be held liable for anything he does in an official capacity, that this case would go forward because he WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT acting in an official capacity.

                Re: Re: Re: SCOTUS: 6-3 POTUS immunity but only for official acts            

                            By metmike - July 2, 2024, 10:04 p.m.    

The saddest thing, is that after the Witch Hunt, 2.5 year, corrupt Mueller investigation of a completely innocent man and the 3 absurd,  totally manufactured cases against him in NY recently, clearly the justice system is being weaponized against Trump.

99% of people can't tell the difference. They EITHER want to believe the hogwash and  think that he is guilty of all these things or, the other side sees the hogwash and believes that he is  innocent of all these things.....INCLUDING TRYING TO OVERTURN THE 2020 ELECTION!

He is soooo guilty of this particular crime(s).

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