countries that require voter id...where is the US, Russia,China
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Started by mcfarm - Sept. 3, 2024, 7 a.m.

even some commy hell holes on the list but not the US.....,,,no that would just make too much common sense....ya now with the safest and most fair election we do around here

could of just as easy put this under the "what dems do not want you to know", hell it may even top this list in reality

By metmike - Sept. 3, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
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Voting and election fraud only happens  to the side that loses.

In 2016, for instance Clinton lost because of Russian interference and Trump colluding with Russia… they weaponized the justice system with a completely bogus Mueller investigation for 2.5 years that found……nothing.

So they went after trumps associates for crimes unrelated to the election and many of the crimes were actually committed from Muellers people getting them to lie under oath, pretending that it justified the Witch Hunt. 

No need to review what Trump and his people did after they lost in 2020 AFTER EVERY CHALLENGE, EVERY RECOUNT AND EVERY EVERYTHING RELATED TO THE OUTCOME CONFIRMED IT 100%.

Election fraud does happen of course with numerous cases prosecuted every year but they NEVER involve systemic or election impacting outcomes.

Voter ID is a great idea, I think as it makes it even harder to commit fraud.

considering that BOTH SIDES question the results of elections they lose…….it makes no brainer sense to apply another level of election security and confidence in the results.

Does it make it harder for some people to vote?

Of course it does!

Just like it makes it harder to drive legally by requiring a drivers license. 

A drivers license verifies that you have the right to drive. Does it make it   harder for poor people to drive a car? Yes it does. Poor people have less opportunities to do many things compared to not poor people, much of it related to their choices.

Voter ID verifies that you have the right to vote.
Yes, it’s  a tiny burden for people that don’t drive Or need to get an ID, making it less likely for them to vote.

however, in the current environment of people’s LACK OF trust in the election results ……for various reasons, depending on the losing party……it’s retarded to not take this very simple step to help restore our confidence in elections.

By mcfarm - Sept. 3, 2024, 9:01 p.m.
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sorry but I have little no sympathy for anyone to lazy to get a free photo id. Its not hard as you say, Its not harder for the poor. Its not harder for the illegals as they often vote, guess what, illegally. The dems just yesterday filed suit in North Carolina to keep some 200,000 illegal voters on the rolls because what? Yes it was too close to the election to remove them. They get the correct judge and they win. It goes on and on. You do know why libs are pushing for all these illegals, right, they are called future D voters

By metmike - Sept. 3, 2024, 11 p.m.
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thanks, mcfarm!

it’s mainly people that don’t have a drivers license that need to obtain another form of ID and some people just won’t do it.

minorities, poor and elderly are more likely to not have a drivers license.

do you have any evidence of illegals voting in federal elections Other than isolated incidents?

I looked very hard for it and can’t find it.

we passed a law in 1995 that made this punishable by up to 1 year in prison and deportation if convicted.

regardless of it being a non problem, I still support picture ID to try to offset some of the bs about widespread election fraud And to keep it from potentially becoming a future problem…….which is possible.