big liz cheney news
25 responses | 0 likes
Started by mcfarm - Sept. 5, 2024, 6:41 a.m.

wow, run to cnn quick. Big news for Harris. Another failed war monger has now decided that Harris is worthy of her endorsement. Very strange how these failed war mongers are all lining up with the crazys. Maybe some correlation there. Crazy's attract crazys.

By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 8:02 a.m.
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Liz Cheney crazy?

Not based on the authentic sanity chart. 

The Rs that rejected her sanity because she dared speak out against their almighty, mentally ill, pathological personality,  cult leader are the REAL crazy ones in the books of everybody not in the Trump cult.

By mcfarm - Sept. 5, 2024, 10:04 a.m.
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ok 1/2 crazy. Because she should of been sane enough to know the crap she help pull during that sham on J 6th would be outed. And what do you know slowly but surely its all coming out

By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 12:42 p.m.
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Because she should of been sane enough to know the crap she help pull during that sham on J 6th would be outed. And what do you know slowly but surely its all coming out


thanks much, mcfarm!

It's been coming out in 2 ways:

1. Authentic sources and evidence, all solidly confirming everything that she and other authentic sources have stated about J 6th, from the get go, including hundreds of posts by me here that show the indisputable facts/evidence. 

2. Sources like Fox, blatantly lying and twisting the truth  to give their viewers/readers news that they wish were true and want to hear..........which is generating blockbuster ratings and creating tens of million of grossly MISinformed and profoundly angry far right Rs that believe in a completely manufactured reality about the truth: 2020 was the  most secure presidential election in history via the record tests that it passed afterwards and President Trump used diabolical schemes to try to overturn the results of his huge loss for 2 months afterwards, including being almost 100% responsible for almost everything bad that happened on January 6th. 


By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 12:55 p.m.
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joj and I have recent very strong disagreements(this one is between you and me, mcfarm)

but we do strongly agree on this:

                The Cult                       

                Started by joj - July 19, 2024, 8:43 a.m.  

                Re: Re: Re: TRUE UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS           

                                                       By metmike - July 7, 2024, 10:40 a.m.      



                Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim            

                            18 responses |          

                Started by cutworm - March 11, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

Because I can just copy the authentic facts again from the previous times:

                Steven Sund Capitol police, Jan 6 was preventable            

                            17 responses |               

                Started by cutworm - Sept. 20, 2023, 11:39 p.m.    


By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 12:58 p.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Biden is a good commodity trader.            

                            By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 12:18 p.m.            

Thanks, joj!

These are the facts that matter to objective, honest people.

I'm only trying to persuade you to join me as one of those people.


Same thing here with you, mcfarm. Please join me as an objective, honest person!

By mcfarm - Sept. 5, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
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think must of skipped right over the Pelosi videos and even more troubling our most dishonest and unlawful AG trying to answer a simple question. How many FBI agents were in the crowd instigating? Well he says first this is an on going investigation....haha, sure just like the Trump shooting is being investigated. Number 2 he says under oath again..."there were none" and finally under oath he says "I do not know how many"....seems that ass might have either perjured himself or is a big a liar as his boss is.

And there are many other strange edits to the 6th truth committee not explained. Not to mention why did you {unless I missed it} never explain why Epps was indicted but only for a misdemeanor v some grandma still in jail after all those posts defending ray epps . I thought you might notice his indictment and wonder why after all the video where he was clearly instigating.

By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 3:10 p.m.
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Geez, mcfarm! Still caught up on the ray epps nonsense that you get from Fox/Tucker and others that I busted over a  dozen times here

I've searched extremely hard to find any evidence that these wild conspiracy theories about him being a plant for the FBI that intentionally incited the riot to frame Trump.


However, the evidence clearly shows that:

1. Ray Epps was not part of the FBI

2. Ray Epps was a far right guy, just like everybody else there, bamboozled by Trump to come out there for the Insurrection and fired up for the cause outside of the building.

3. Ray Epps did NOT GO IN THE BUILDING. 

4. Ray Epps has since found reasoning from his original bogus position that the 2020 election was rigged and needed to be overturned.

5. How ironic is this!!! The far right because of some diabolical gatekeepers, like Tucker Carlson, exploiting opportunities to lie about things IN ORDER TO PRETEND THAT THEY KNOW SECRETS THAT NOBODY ELSE DOES AND YOU MUST TUNE INTO THEM TO GET THOSE SECRETS has betrayed one of their own, Ray Epps. 

6. Ray Epps filed a lawsuit against Fox News a year ago. Almost for sure this will be settled OUT OF COURT and very likely has already. Part of the settlement includes or will include Ray Epps NOT being allowed to disclose the terms......which may be why we haven't heard anything about it. Fox tried to get it thrown out but it DIDN'T get thrown out.

Ray Epps: Target of Capitol riot conspiracies sentenced to probation

Pro-Trump protester Ray Epps files defamation suit against Fox News

Lawyers for Epps accused Fox News of telling a "fantastical story" that he fueled the violence that erupted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 3:21 p.m.
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                Ray Epps sues Fox            

                            11 responses |          

                Started by metmike - July 14, 2023, 11:38 a.m.    


I predict that Ray Epps will win his lawsuit against Fox,  just like Fox was obliterated in court by Dominion for lying and misrepresenting. 

       Fox / Dominion Settle Case            

                            7 responses |      

                Started by joj - April 18, 2023, 5:27 p.m.    

Fox News Pays $787.5M in Largest Ever Defamation Settlement with Dominion Voting Systems

By mcfarm - Sept. 5, 2024, 3:26 p.m.
Like Reply Now do you remember,  this makes as much sense as the Trump shooting....none at all. A misdemeanor and probation mean while grand mothers have felony charges. You investigate very thoroughly and no doubt saw the footage of this man actually trying to instigate a riot over and over and over again. 'Into the capitol" he yells, "we must go into the capitol" tear down those barriers.....this smell to high heaven and has smelled like a botched assassination. As bad as now finding we had homeland security guards at Butler Pa who were trained with a 1 hour video...same shit different day. Incompetence from top to bottom with Obama, Biden and Harris leadership

By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 8:25 p.m.
Like Reply Now do you remember,


Of course I remember, mcfarm!

I JUST POSTED THIS EXACT SAME STORY, RIGHT HERE, 16 minutes BEFORE you did and explained how 2+2=4, regarding the authentic facts on the Ray Epps case. How things REALLY happened. Why this makes complete sense to people that can use critical thinking. 

                big liz cheney news          

                            By metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 3:10 p.m.


Ray Epps: Target of Capitol riot conspiracies sentenced to probation


Then 16 minutes later, you posted the same story (its become clear today that you are not even actually reading my posts).  and used it to tell us again about the 2+ 2 =20, delusional, far right, completely manufactured conspiracy theory about Ray Epps.

For those not following it closely, the far right/MAGA supporters insist that Ray Epps wasn't really who 100% of the evidence showed he was/is repeatedly. 

Instead, they believe that Ray Epps was a plant, working for the FBI that incited the riot in order to frame innocent Donald Trump for the Insurrection.

Their evidence so far?

ZERO! Nothing! Just made up stories and crazy, unfounded speculation spewed out by far right message gate keepers, like Tucker Carlson. ..........and wanting to believe that  sources other than Donald Trump were the ones that caused the Insurrection.

Let me know if I got any of that wrong mcfarm.

By WxFollower - Sept. 6, 2024, 3:32 a.m.
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Hey mc,

 What’s the news about “big Liz Cheney”? Did she put on a lot of weight or something?

 I wanted to do a funny to lighten things up a little. I couldn’t resist when I saw “big liz”. Hope I made mc and other folks smile. Ok, back to regularly scheduled shut-eye. 

By cutworm - Sept. 6, 2024, 5:04 a.m.
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Similar to your weight comment.

Santana had a song, "Black Magic Woman". I often wonder is the magic black, the woman black, or both?

By mcfarm - Sept. 6, 2024, 6:51 a.m.
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I get it weather man and mm I believe she was just a "witchy women". race don't matter

By metmike - Sept. 6, 2024, 11:26 a.m.
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Thanks much for lightening things up, Larry.

I do get way carried away in OVER analyzing and beating up positions that don't line up with the facts. 

Those were some awesome songs:

"Black Magic Woman" is a song written by British musician Peter Green, which first appeared as a single for his band Fleetwood Mac in 1968. Subsequently, the song appeared on the 1969 Fleetwood Mac compilation albums English Rose (US) and The Pious Bird of Good Omen (UK), as well as the later Greatest Hits and Vintage Years[2] compilations. 

In 1970, the song was released as the first single from Santana's album Abraxas. The song, as sung by Gregg Rolie, reached number four on the US and Canadian charts, and its chart success made Santana's recording the better-known version of the song.


Santana - Black Magic Woman (Official Audio)


This came out first:                                                

                                 Fleetwood Mac - Black Magic Woman (with lyrics)


Eagles - Witchy Woman (BBC Session, 1973)

By metmike - Sept. 6, 2024, 11:32 a.m.
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30 Insanely Popular Songs About Witches You Should Know

I love Radio Head but never heard this one. They could play this it at the start of all of Donald Trump's trials (-:


      Radiohead - Burn The Witch


Donovan was Awesome! They should play this one during ELECTION season (-:

Donovan - Season of the Witch (Official Audio)


                DOJ-more Russia election interference             

                            Started by metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 9:20 p.m.    

By cutworm - Sept. 6, 2024, 3:16 p.m.
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there is no doubt in my mind that the Cheney's were and are war mongers. 

By metmike - Sept. 6, 2024, 4:29 p.m.
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For sure that's true and the main thing that I did NOT like about Liz Cheney!

Her dad was the worst!

By joj - Sept. 7, 2024, 10:23 a.m.
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I agree that Dick Cheney was a warmonger of the worst kind.  My question for Cutworm and MM is, were you as vocal against Gulf War II as I was?

I can't recall the documentary I watched about the decision to invade Iraq but what I do remember was that Collin Powell was advising caution to President Bush ("If you break it you bought it") and Cheney was egging him on ("Are you going to take this guy out or what?")

We had Saddam in a box (no-fly zones with Kurds in the north and Shia in the south) and he kept Iran at bay.  Now, Iran is ascendant and Iraq is a puppet client of Iran. 

If only the Supreme Court had allowed the hand recount of Florida to proceed to its conclusion, Al Gore would have won and history would have altered greatly.

By mcfarm - Sept. 7, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
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"only the Supreme Court had allowed the hand recount of Florida to proceed to its conclusion, Al Gore would have won and history would have altered greatly." joj

I have seen many a revisionist history post all over media for years and years. By this one is one of the best.

By metmike - Sept. 7, 2024, 12:18 p.m.
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Some excellent points in there.

1. With regards to the 2000 election.  Good point. The Supreme Court decision was pretty important but there was a factor that was a several  orders of magnitude greater.                       


The Nader Effect

                             In the 2000 presidential election in Florida, Nader won 97,488 votes, while Al Gore lost the state (and, therefore, the presidency) by 537 votes to Mr. Bush. In five other states this was also true. And it still haunts Democrats – from bar rants to national discourse.


2. I've been pretty outspoken and consistent on the BS Iraq war. This is just the last 6 months below:  I was NEVER John McCain in 2008, because his position was "We stay in Iraq until the job is done"  Which meant...........forever to guys like him.

                Re: Re: Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit                      

                By metmike - Aug. 6, 2024, 11:08 a.m.            

 Other wars, like Bush's war in Iraq would never be solved by better diplomacy. You have to rid our diabolical politicians of their incentive AND PERSONAL SELF ENRICHING MOTIVATION TO HAVE THE WARS.


                  Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit         

                                                       By metmike - Aug. 15, 2024, 7:47 a.m.                        

Thanks, mcfarm,

Fox and others always start their story about radical Muslims AFTER we created them with our womderful peace thru strength policies that have all failed miserably for 7 decades.

But the story from most, NEVER includes what caused them in the first place because they are a reaction to our failed policies.

You blame it on Biden and Obama but left out all the wars we started for oil and revenge….like the Iraq war Based on a completely manufactured justification by somebody from the R party using this peace from strength assumption. . Boy, that showed em. Now look how much they respect us.

Or Afghanistan. How long did that last for? Regardless of how we withdrew, after the withdrawing mess, we get to see the lasting impact of a decades long war.

How many trillions did those wars cost?

How many brave but DEAD American soldiers resulted?
there’s much more to it than just peace from strength.

McCain lost in 2008, partly because his platform included "we stay in Iraq until the job is done". Too many Americans knew that meant.........FOREVER, until Americans became upset again and demanded we stop throwing tax dollars and brave soldier lives down another bottomless pit.


                Re: Re: : Congress should be ashamed                   

                By metmike - April 24, 2024, 10:49 p.m.            


Copied from this post below:       

        Re: Re:  War in Ukraine drags on 9-3-23                    

                                            By metmike - Oct. 26, 2023, 3:56 p.m.         

We all remember this, when the R party faked information to get us into the Iraq war!

The Iraq Invasion 20 Years Later: It Was Indeed a Big Lie that Launched  the Catastrophic War

Bush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they were promoting false information.

March 20, 2023

Remember this expression:


3. Man, do we ever agree on Dick Cheney the war monger!

Please forgive me for using a biased site because it expresses the truth about him so well in this case (-:

War Criminal of the Week: Dick Cheney


Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney

As the former vice-president releases his memoir, it's useful to recall the many reasons Americans disapproved of his tenure.

Dick Cheney Should Be in Jail, Not Praised as a Hero by Democrats


This is the most ironic thing about that situation. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality.

Ds hated Dick Cheney more than anybody........until he backed his daughter, speaking out against Trump. Now, Dick Cheney is a great man. 

There are many dozens of MSM news organizations/articles in the past day with this as their top story......elevating an evil man and long lived enemy to a man with integrity and good judgment.

      Dick Cheney says he’s voting for Harris in November and Trump ‘can never be trusted with power again’                                                       

By Veronica Stracqualursi and Piper Hudspeth Blackburn, CNN          

  Updated        9:09 PM EDT, Fri September 6, 2024


I agree with most their position about Trump but at the same time, acknowledge that the Cheney's are still anti D in their politics and the only reason that the Ds are suddenly backing them is that they are having a feud with Trump.

I couldn’t disagree more with the Cheneys on their war mongering foreign policies.

By cutworm - Sept. 7, 2024, 10:36 p.m.
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My question for Cutworm .... is, were you as vocal against Gulf War II as I was?

First, I don't know how vocal you were.

In my case it was before I realized that the media and my government lies. Now I realize it takes much more investigation and time to arrive at the truth.

By metmike - Sept. 8, 2024, 12:02 a.m.
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Great answer, cutworm!

We've all learned a great deal about this and many other things the past 2 decades!

By joj - Sept. 8, 2024, 6:24 a.m.
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I'm not claiming to be always right.

I too believed our government as a teenager during Vietnam.

"The domino effect."  (wrong)

"We have to fight the communists over there or we will be fighting them on our shores in 10 years."  (wrong)

By mcfarm - Sept. 8, 2024, 10:56 a.m.
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We have to fight the communists over there or we will be fighting them on our shores in 10 years."  (wrong)  by joj

Would not be so sure about that. How else would you account for so many progressives or out socialists who are leaning toward the ultimate goal of outright communism now in so many positions of power in America

By metmike - Sept. 8, 2024, 10:56 a.m.
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Yes, great example. The Vietnam war was the quintessential example of this.

Some of us lived thru it (many of us-brave soldiers died because of it).

What our government did to these wonderful young men (and their families) for a non achievable political agenda is mind boggling IN RETROSPECT. 

Then, when they came back(some didn't) after suffering tremendous adversity, instead of being embraced for their tremendous sacrifices, (many had no choice because of the draft)........they were vilified by anti war groups and abandoned by the government that should have stepped in to support their psychological and physical needs.

                the war on truth in Ukraine                     

                Started by metmike - Sept. 14, 2022, 5:41 p.m.    


                 the war on truth in Ukraine                      

                By metmike - Oct. 11, 2022, 1:02 p.m.            


                           " joj,

It's always nice when we can have some agreement. 

Related to that, thanks for reminding me about something I  wasn't thinking about.

The difference between the free press and ability to express ourselves in the US compared to Russia which makes it even worse for them.

I agree that this could have kept us out of other dumb wars because it provides a level of accountability for government decisions.

In spite of that, the Vietnam War went on for 2 decades. Hard to believe:

Vietnam War Timeline

Our use of Agent Orange for a decade was one of the worst war crimes using chemical weapons in history.

And all that happened with the free press in the US!

The internet and global connections in 2022, do allow Russians to have more contact with the world outside of Russia than US citizens had in the 60s and 70s. I can't imagine that all of it is blocked in Russia but don't know. Do you?

We can go back IN 2022, to these horrible wars and see the truth but at the time, (and with Iraq) we didn't see the truth.  Yes, there were many protesters and brave people like Ali, speaking out(that were vilified by the government and others) and we have those in Russia today but the truth is often very elusive while events like this are taking place and its only until you do an autopsy of them years later........when objective facts, absent propaganda/DISinformation, extremely biased political agenda and emotions. And the OUTCOME IS KNOWN!!!

Nobody knows the outcome here. 

Both sides must be pretty convinced that they will win because both sides are taking enormous losses. In the end the total losses to both sides will be several orders of magnitude greater than any gains by either side.

I say that, assuming that Putin won't die or some other miracle happen that suddenly causes Russia to withdraw and give back all of Ukraine to the Ukrainians........which is the only way this is worth it.

Hundreds of millions died in WW2 but it was absolutely worth it.  At least 6 millions Jews died in the Holocaust alone which tells us that the level of evil for Hitler was even greater than Putin. I have no doubt that you have a great understanding of that history, joj.

This gets back to my original point on the truth.

1. Clearly, people in Russia are mostly good people without the chance to know the truth. Even less than we have had with our horrific wars, that were also supported by good people misled by propaganda. Since WE were wrong in Vietnam, would it have been justice when our soldiers in that war died because they were fighting for a bad war?

 Putin is running the show but he has to have millions of good people brainwashed to believe in this cause in order to fight his war. We celebrate when bad things happen to the Russians because that's how you win wars. But it's sad that this means killing misled, otherwise good people who are fight  for this wrong cause. 

2. There has never been a big political or big global theater event that featured 2 diametrically opposed sides that didn't feature massive propaganda from both sides. The gate keepers of messages collude with each other and speak with 1 voice that drowns out and vilifies people that disagree. Telling the truth is not the objective. In fact, discarding the truth is done FOR the objective. Once you get somebody to believe in takes 20 times more information that contradicts it for some of them to change their minds. Some will never change because this causes them to process all new information that supports what they think that they know and reject all information that contradicts it. That's what makes propaganda so effective. It works on people that already WANT to believe it."